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18.0(Sanitary Installation)

18.1 Proviciing anxd fixing waler clset sJtting an drciian type W.C. pan)
with 100 mm sand cast Ion Par S trap. 10 liter low level white P.V.C.
fshing cistem, inclxling fush pipe (of approed make) with manally
conuoled device (herile lever) confoming to IS: 7231, with all fittings
and fixures complete, inchxting cutting ad making good the walls arnd
1loars wherever required.
18.1.1 DELETED
181.2 White vitreos chira Orissa pxitiem W.C. pen of size 580x440
n with iniegral type foot rests. each 553485
181.3 Stainles Steel AISI- 304 (18/8) Orissa pattem W.C. pan of size
585x480nTm with fhash pipead integrated type foot rests each 9689.10
182 PrOviding andd fixing wite vineous chira pedesal type water closet
CEopean type W.c. pn) with seat and lid, 10 liter low level white
P-V.C. thsthing cistem, inchxding flush pipe with maually controllecd
cdevice (harle lever), confomring to IS:7231, ith all fittings and
Ixnnes corplete, inchxing cutting and making good the wals andd
floors wheever eqird:

18.2.1 W.C. pan with ISImuked white solid pastic seat ancd lici. each 5326.10
182.2 W.C. pan with ISImukeri black solid plastic seatarxi licd eacn

18.3 Provicting and fixing white vitreous chirva pedestal type water close
CEuopean type) with seat ani lid, 10 liter low level wtite vitreous china
Thishing Cistem ard CP fhsh benxi with fittings ancd C.L brackets, 401m
fhsh bend, overflow anangenent with specials of stadkatd make and
TmOsuito proof coupling of appoved mnicieal dlesign complete,
inchxiing painting of fitings and brackets, cuting anci making good the
walls ard iloors wherevar rerquirec:
18.3.1 W.c. pan with ISI markerd white solicd plastic seat and licd. each 7516.40
18.3.2 W.C. pan with IsImarkeci blacksolid plastic seatand id.
18.4Proviciing and fixing wtüte vireous china flat back or wall comer type

lipped front uinal basin of 430x26Ox350mun arxl 340x410x265 mm sizes

Tespectively with automatic fiushing cistem with starkard fhsh pipe and
CP. hras sreaders with hrass unions and G.l. clyps coplete,
inchxiing painting of fittings anxl hrackets, Cuting and making good the
walls aaxd 10ors wherever require
18.4.1 One urinal basin with 5 liter white P.V.C atomatic fhrshing
cistem each 4816.80
184.2 Range of two uriral basins with 5 liter wite P.V.C autoratic
ishing cistem. each 7867.95
184.3 Range of three trinal basins with 10 liter wtite P.V.C automatic
fhshing cistem. each 10651.10
18.4.4 Range of four uninal basins with 10 liter white P:.V.C automatic
fushingcistem. each 14871.25
18.5 Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat backhalf stalil urinal of
size580x380x350nn with White P.V.C atomatic fhishng cistem, With
fitings, stanardsize C.P. ass fhrh pipe, spreaxiers with unians and
cnps (all in C.P. hass) with waste fiting as per 1S:2556, C.I. urap with
outlet grating and oter couplngs in C.P, ass, nchling painting of
fiftings and cutting ani making good the wals and floaS wherever
18.5.1 Single lalf stall urinal with 5 liter P.V.C aloITatic fhsting
CIstem. each
18.5.2 Range of two half stall uinals with 5 liter P.V.C autamatic 9209.95
fishing cistem.
Range of three half stallurinals with 10 liter P.v.cautanatic

CoDE DESCRIPTION 18.0(SanitaryInstallation) UNIT RATE
thishing cisten Cach 17368.60
18.54 Range of four half stall urinals with 10 liter P.V.C automaic
fhishing cistem each 20659.40
18,6 Provicding ad fixing one piece construction white vieos
Jatting plate with an integral longitrlnal fhshing pipe, white P.V.C
atoratic fhishing cisten, with fittings, starciard size G.L/ PVC fhsh
pipe for back and font fhsh with starclard spreader pipes with fittings,
G.I clanps ad in C.P bass coupling conplete, inchxing pang ot
Iittings andt cutting ad making good the walls and floors etc. wheeer
Single squatting plate with 5 liter P.V.C. autorratic fhshing
cistem each 7621.50
18.62 Range of twD sqatiing plates with 5 liter P.V.C. automatic
hshing cistem. each 11531.05
18.5.5 Range of three squatting plates with 10 liter P.V.C. autormatic
Thshing cistemn. each 15460.70
18.64 Range of for squting plates with 10 liter P.V.C. autornatic
shing cistem. 18808.65
18.7 Providing and ixing wash basin with C.l.hradkets, 15tm C.P. rass
llar taps, 32 mm C.P. Iass wiste of stanlad pattem, inchrding
painting of fithngs anci brackets, cutting and making good the walls
wherever required:
18.7.1 White Vitreous China Wash bsin size 630%450 m with a puir
of 15 n n CP. ass illar taps. each 3592.20
18.7.2 White Vireous China Wash basin size 630x450 n with a
Single 15 m C.P. rasS pilar taps. each 1.10
18.7.3 White Vitreoaus China Wash basin size 55Ox40O nm with a pair
of 15 mm C.P, hrass pillar taps. each 3415.55
18.7.4 White Vitreous China Flat Iack wash basin size 550x400 mm
with single 15 n CP. bass pillar tapp ench 2944.45
18.7.5 Whute Vitreous Chira Angle back wasih bæsin size 600x480 nm
with single 15 mm CP. ass piliar tapP each 2944.45
18.7.6 White Vitreous China Angle back ash basin size 400xAO0 un
with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap each 2828.05
18.7.7 White Vitreous China Flat back wash basin size 450x300 nm
with single 15 mm C.P. rass pilliar ap cach 2769.20
18.7.8 White Vitreous China Strgeon type wash Iesin size 660x460
Im with a pair of 15 mm C.P. hass pillar taps with ellbow inchrling
operated levers. each 4914.05
18.7.9 White Vitreos China Sugeon type asth basin size 660x460
m with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps with elow operated levers
1SI marked each 4202.15
18.7.10 Sainless steel AlISI:304 (18/8) Round basin 405x355 mm with
single 15mm C.P. brass pillar trap each 3895.75
18.7.11 Stainless steel AISI-304 (18/8) Wash basin 530x345 nm with
Single15 n CP. brasS pillar tap each 4564.70
18.7A Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. Irackets, 15 mm dia CP Brass
single hole basin mixer of approved quality ad mke, incucding painting
of tittings ad hrackets, cuting ancl making good the walls wherever
(a) White Vitreous China Wash basin size 550xi00 mun with a 15 mn
CP Brass single hole aSin mixr each 4655.70
18.7B Pruviding and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mn PTMT
pillaur cock, 32m PTMTwastecougaling ofstanxlard pattern,
18.0 (Sanitary Installation)
NO. inchuding painting of fittings and brackats, cutting and making good
the walls wherevr ryquirel. Whute Vitreoas China Flat back wash

Iesinsize 550x400 mnwith single 15mn PIMT pilar cock each

18,8 Acd for:
18.8.1 Providing 32 mm cdia. C.P.Iass trap. each 430.80
18.9 Providing ani fixing tite vitreous chia perestal for wash basin
CoTpletely recessed at the backfor the reception of pipesani fitings. each 1449.35
18.10 Provicing a i fixing kitchen sink With C.I. hackets, C.P. trass chain
with nubber plug, 40 mm C.P. hrasS aste complete, inchxing painting
the fittings ad brackets, cutting and making goocd the walls wherever

18.10.1 White glazed fire clay kitchen sink of size 600x150x250 mm each 4374.95
18.11 Providing axi fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per
L.S. 13983 With CL backets ancd stainless steel phug 40 mm nehxing
pamting of fittings ad brackets, cuting ad aking good the walls
18.11.1 Kitchen sink with drain board S10x1040mmbowi deph 250nm each S829.40 510x1040Tm bowi depth 2251num each 6519.75 510x1040nunbowt depth 2001m each 582940 510x1040unmbowi depth 178nm each 5414.60
18.11.2 Kitchen sink without drain boatd
1811.2.1 610x510mmmbowl depah 200Tun each
610x160mm 200mm each 3607.90 bowidepth each 470x420nmbowlcdexh178mn 3193.15
18.12 Providing and fixing white vitreous china laboratoy sink with C.l.
xackets, C.P. xass chim ith ruhbr plug, 4 0 n C.P. bxasS waste ad
40 nn C.P, ass tap with necessary CP. ass inians conplete,
including pninting of fitings ard brackets, cuting and making good the

walls wheever requnei:

18.12.1 Size 450x300x150 mmn 4199.65
18.12.2 Size 600x4SOx2001mm each 5537.60
18.13 Povicding and fixing craining boati with G.I. brackets incbding peinting
of brackets, cutting andaking gooi the walls herever rerquired.
18.13.1 White glazed fire clay cdraining boartd of size 600x450x2.5TTm each 127730
18.14 Provicding ad fixing wute vireous chira water closet scauatting parn
(ncdian type)
18.14.1 Long pattem W.C. pan ofsize 580 mn each 1765.25
18.14.2 0rissa pattem W.C. pan ofsize 580x14011un each 2733.95
18.15 Extra for ising coloured W.C. pan nstead of white W.C. pan
18.15.1 Orissa pattem W.c. pan 580x440 cach 889.75
18.16 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pelestal type (European
type/wasth down type) iter closet pan. each 2217.50
18.17 Extra for using colourecd pecdestal type W.C Pan (Erupean type) with
low level cistem of same color im'stead of wtite vitreois china W.C. pan

andcistem. each 259.55

18.17A Proviling antl fixing 8 mum tlia C.P. /S.S. Jet with fexible tube upto
1 mere long with S.S. triangular plate to Europeam type W.C. of

guality ancdmnkeas upauvel by Engimer-in-charge.
Poviciing and fixing a pair of white vitreous china foot rests of starciard
pattem for scqvatting pan water closet:
18.18.1 250x130x30 rm par NA
18.18.2 250x125x25 Tm Palt 70

18,19 |Proviing auxifixing P.V.Clowlevel fhsting cistemwith mataly

CODE DESCRIPTION 18.0(Sanitary Installation)
controlled device Cvnile lever) confoming to IS: 7231, with all hitngs
and fixures corplete:
18.19.1 10 liter capecity -White eacit 976.05
18.19.2 10 liter capacity-coloured cactt 1036.25
Providing acl fixing controlled lush, low level cistem mede of vitreos
china withall fittings complete:
18.20.1 10 liter (fiull fhsh)
capacity-white each 2208.95
18.20.2 10 liter (full fhsh)
18.21 capacity-colored each 236545
Provicling anct ixing solid plastic
seat with lid
for podestal tyype W.c.
pan conplete:
18.21.1 White solid plastic sent with licd. ech TI6.55
18.21.2 Black solicd plastic seat with lid. each 455.4
18.21.3 Colored (other thn black and white) solid plastic seat with lid. each 642.75
18.22 Proviiing and fixing G.I. inlet cornection for fhish pipe cormecting with
W.c.p each 120.95
1822A Pruviding and fixing CP Brass 32mm size Bottle Trap of appruwed
quality &make andd aS per the direction of Engneer-in-chiirge each 863.50
Pruviding and fixing CP Brass Single lever telephonic wall miser of
quality & make as appruvel by Engineer in chrge
(a) 15 mm nominal dia
Providing and fixing wtite vitreous china flat
back or wall cormer type
lippxexd front uinal basin of 430x260x350 mm andd 340x410x265mm sízes
Iespectively. each 1243.85
18.24 Providing and fixing white vitreous china sequatting plate urinal with
integral rim longinxiinval fhish pipe. each 3760.25
18.25 Providiing ard fixing wfite vitreouIS china wash basin inchiding malking |
all carnections iut exclixing the cost of fittings.
18.25.1 Flat back wash basin of size 630x450 mm ench 1395.70
18.25.2 Flat back wash basin of size 550x400mm.
each 1219.10
18.25.3 Angle back ash basin of size 600x180 mn each 1219.10
18.254 Angle back wash basin of size
Flat back wash lxasin of size 450x300 Imm
each 1102.70
each 1043.80

18.25.6 Surgean type Wsh basin ofsize660x460 nm
Providing and fixing kitchen sink incirding raking all comections
each 2235.90
exchring cost of fitting
18.26.1 White glazed fire clay sink of size
Providing and fixing white vitreOUs chira aboratory sink inchxing
excn 3056.90
Taking all cornections exchxling cOst of fittings
18.27.1 Ssize 450X30Ox15onun.
each 2129.70
18.27.2 Sze 600w15OX200 num
ech 3467.65
18.28 Puvikling and fixing P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wRsh basin inchring
P.V.C wste fittings complete:
18.28.1 Semi rigd pipe each 131.15 40mmda each 144.55
18.28.2 Flexible pipe 32 mdia each 108.40 40mndia
18.29 Provicing ard fixäirng 100 ITn sind cast intn gmtng ior guly
18.30 Pruvidiing ad ixäing in position 25 mn diameter moSquito rap 46.10
COuplng of appzoved municipal design. 45.65
18.31 Providling and fixäing 60OxASO ImEn beveled edge minor of
superior gkass
(ol appzovexd qality) coTplete with 6 mn tick hard boartd groucl fixec
to woden Cleats ith C.P, rasS SCTEWS arKi ashers Complee each
18.0(SanitaryInstallation) UNIT RATE
1832 Povikding and fixing minur ol superior gliass (ol appxoverd qquality) anl of
ani size with plastic mukkd frane of approved male
reiid shpe
and stxte vwith 6mm thick fvatl board backing
18.32.1 Citular shipe 450 n dia 1328.20
18.32.2 Rectangilar svape 453x357um each
each 118
18.32.3 Oval shape 4sOX3SOnn (Outer dimreions)
18.32.4 Rectangalar stvipe 1500xASO TTn each 1991.20
18.33 Providing and fixing 00x1 20ximm glass shelf with edges round off
with CP. ass ackets
Spportecd on arnoxdizexi akrniim angle frame
and gat rail conplete fixext with 40 1Tn long SCTews, r a plugs, etc

complete BA1.35
18.34 Providng arci lixing toile Hper holder
each 1256.55
18.34.1 C.P, brass
18.34.2 Vitteous chia
each 539.70
18.35 Provikling anxi fixing soil, wasie anxi vent ppes
18.35.1 100nnda
TTete 930.85 Smd cast
iron S and S ppe as per I5:1729
Centrifngally cast (sam) iron S and S pipe as per IS:3989 eter 1080.85 Hubless omtrifugally cast (span) iron pipes epny CDatext
meter 1041.05
inside &outsicle IS:15905
18.35.2 75m dineter meter 825.5 Sand cast irtn S ad S pipe aspr 1S1729 Centrifingally cast (spam) iron S andd S pipe as per IS:3989 neter 983.6 Hubless ontrifugally cast (spam) irun pipes epaNy coatect

inside & outsice IS:15905 Ete 851.55

1836Providing and
tiling jomts with spun yaum cement shmy ard
mrtar 1:21 cenent :2 time sanr) m s.c.l/Cppes
each 121.0
18.36.1 75Tn cia. ppe
18.36.2 100 mn dia. Pipe each 142.55
18.37 Poviding and fixing M.S. holkler-bat claurps of appruved design to Sardi
Cast iun/Cast Iiun (SRn) pipe embedded m and mchxtng cement
conirete blbcks 10x10x10 an ol 1:2:4 mix (1 Cenenit: 2 cHIse sarxl : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mn nomiral size ), inchxing cOst of cutting
holes anci aking good the walls etc:
18:37.1 For 100 mn dia. pipe exch 275.50
18.37.2 For 75 mn ca. pipe
each 271.50
18.38 Providing and fixing bend of reæqired degree with access dioar, însertion
nubber wsher 3 mm thick, bolts ad ruts canplete:
18.38.1 101ndia. Sand cast irun S and S asS per IS:1729 516.05 Sand cast nUn S and S as per IS:39839 471.90
1838.1.3 Hubles oeitrifugally cast (puun) iron ppes epoxy coater
inside & outside 1S:1505 ecn S58.85
18.38.2 75 n dia
1838.2.1 Sad cast ion S and S as per IS:1729 ch 4034
Sandd cast iron S anrd Sas per 391.35
Hubless ontrifugaly cast (spam) iron pipes epaxy coutel

insile&outsicle IS:15905 eaxch 444.85

18.39 Proviling
ard fixaing plain baxdof rexquireddegree
100mmda. Sand cast ion S and Sas per IS:1729 427.75 Sad cast iron S 395.60
and S per1S:3989
as Hubless ontrifugally cast (spam) irun pipes epay coutexl
insidle e orutsicle IS:159055 ech 348.80

CODE DESCRIPTION 18.0(SanitaryInstallation) UNIT RATE
18.39.2 75m dia Sand cast inun S and Sas per IS:1729 each 337.80
1839.2.2 Sand cast iun S anl S asS per IS:39859 each 293.65
Hubless cntrifugally cast iron coutert
inside & outsicde
pam) pipes epary
IS:15905 eacn
18.40 Providing
1840.1.1 Sancd cast iron S andl S as per IS:1729 EC S05.35 Ssand cast onS and S as per IS:3989 ech 437.10
18.40.2 75 nm dia.
1840.2.1 Saxi cast iron S and S as per IS:1729 eEch 399.35
1840.2.2 Sandcast iron Sand Sas perIS:3989 ech 367.25
18.41 Providing ai fixing double exqal junction of reepired degree with
access door, insertion nbber washer 3 mn thick, bolts ancl AIS
1841.1 100x100x1 00x100 nmm
1841.1.1 Sand cast iron S and Sas per IS:1729 1267.55
1841.1.2 Snd cast iron S andd S as per IS:3989 892.95
18.41.2 75X75X75x/5 mm.
1841.2.1 Sand cast ironm S and S as per IS:1729 each 101885
eacn 699.05
1841.2.2 Sand castinon Sand Sas perIS:3989
1842 Providing and fixing double equal plain junnction of rexquired degee.
18.42.1 10X100x100xI00 mm.
1842.1.1 Sancd cast iron S ancd S as per IS:1729 each 1178.30
1842.1.2 Sand cast iron S and S as per 1S:3989 eachh 870.60
1842.1.3 Huhess cntrifugally cast (Spam) iron pipes pony coatet
insice & outsice IS:15905 each 723.40
18.42.2 75X75X75X/5 m Sand cast irvn S and S as per IS:1729 each 947.90
1842.2.2 Sandd cast irom S and S as per each 650.90
iS.s989 Hubless oentrifugally cast pum) irun pipes poy coute
en 400.70
msicle &outsicle 1S:15905
18.43 Provicding arnd fixng sngle eqal plain junction of requied degree with
access dor, inisertion ubber wRsher 3 n tick, bolts arxl uts

1843.1 100x100x100 n
1843.1.1 Sand cast iron Sand S as per IS:1729 each 950.85
1843.1.2 Sand cast iron S anxi Sas per IS:3989 each 732.80
18-432 75xT5XT5 1Tm
1843.2.1 Sand cast iron S and S as per IS:1729 819.50
1843.2.2 Sand cast inUn S and S as per IS:3989 ech S55.90
18.44 Providing ari fixing single equal plain juction of repireri degree
1844.1 100x100x100 nm
1844.1.1 Sad cast iron S and S as per IS:1729 each 827.75
1844.1.2 Sad cast iron S and S as per IS:3989 672.55
1844.1.3 Hubless ontrifugally cast (spam) irum pipes eponxy coutexd
sale & outsirde 1S:1505 cach 576.25
1844.2 75x75x75 nm
1844.2.1 Sandd cast irtn S and S as per IS:1729 Ech 620.15
1844.2.2 Sand cast iron S and S as per IS:3989 474.30 Hulbless cetrifugally cast (spaum) irun pipes epaxy coaterl
insicle & ourtsicle: 1S:15905 each 320.45
1845 Proviling axd fixing double unegual junction ofrequired degree with
accessdoar, insertion nhber wisher 3m thick, botsanxd uus

1845.1 100x100x75x75 mm Sand cast irunS and S as per IS:1729 1032.45

1845.1.2 Sarnd cast iron Sand Sas per 18:3989 Cach
18.46 Provicing anxi fixing douhe uneqal plain junctionof rexquired degee.
18.46.1 100x100X75X75 nm
1846.1.1 Sand cast irun S andd S as per 15:1729 863.90
1846.1.2 Sand cast irtn S and S as per IS:3989 eacn 1111.40 Hubles cntrifugally cast (spum) iran epaxy couitel inside
& outsicle as per IS:15905 ech
18.47 access
Provkling and fixing single neqal jumction of equired degre with
door, insation nibber washer 3 Tm thick, olts and mts conplete
1847.1 100x100x/5 n
Sand cast iron S and 833.10 Sas per IS:1729 cach SandcastiranSand Sas per IS:3989 ech 833.10
18.48 Proving a i fixing single unequnl plain jumction of reqired degree
18.48.1 100x100X75 nm Sand cast irun S andi Sas per IS:1729 ech 702.00
1848.1.2 Sand cast iron S and S as per IS:3989 each
Hubless oentrifiugally cast (au) iron epaxy coaterl insicle
17-48.1.3 542.80
&outsicke as per IS:15905
18.49 Provicing ari fixing couble etqal plain inverthranch of reguired degree
1849.1 100x100x10ox100 nam. Sand cast irun S andd S as per 1S:1729 each T76.95 Sad cast iron S and S as per I5:3989 eacn 750.15
1749.1.3 Hubless centrifugaly cast (spam) irun epoxy coaterd insile
& outsicle as per IS:15905 each 877.25
18.49.2 75X75X/SX75 m Sand cast iron S andd S as per IS:1729 ecn 581.30 Sandcastirun Sand Sas perIS:3989 601.4
18.50 ProViciing andi fixing single eqrnl plain invert hanch of requirerd degree :
18.50.1 10x10x100 n Sand cast irun S and S as perIS:1729 589.60 Sancd cast iron S d Sas per IS:3989 each 609.70 Hublss centrifugally cast (spun) iron epaxy coatel insde
& outsicle asS per 1S:15905 each S62.85
18.50.2 75x75X75 m. Sand cast iron S a l Sas per IS:1729 each 460.90 Sandd cast iron S and Sas per IS:3989 each 464.90 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun irm epaxy coated insile
& outsicde as per IS:15905 each 380.65
18.51 Proviing aurc firing douhle unegual inverthrandhofrequired degree
18.51.1 100x100X75X75 mm Sand cast iron S andd S as per IS:1729 cach 803.70 Sand cast iron S and Sas per IS:3989 cach 1011.0
18.52 Providing ard fixing single unequal plain invet brach of required
18.52.1 100x100x/5 nn. Saud cast irun S and Sas per IS:1729
703.35 Sandd
cast iron S and Sas per IS:3989 each Hubless centrifugally cast (spaun) iron epoasy coated inside
outsice as per 1S;15905 616.40
18.53 Proviiing anrcd fixing sad cast irun S ads off sets as per IS:1729:
18.53.1 76mn off sets.
CODE DESCRIPTION 18.0(SanitaryInstallation) UNIT
NO. RATE With 75 nmdia. pipe eech 324.45 With 100 mn da. pipe each 518.45
18.53.2 114mmoff sets. With 75 nmdia. pipe Cach 442.45 With 100 mmdia. pipe each 553.50
18.53.3 152 mnolf sets. With 75 nmmdin. pipe ench 53345 With 1001mmmdin pipe each
18.53A Pruviding and fising Hubless centrifugally cast irun offsetsepaxy
Coted inscde & outsicle as per IS:15905
17.53A.1 65 mmoffsets
17.53A.1.1 With 100 mm dia pipe each 514.45
17.53A.1.2 With 75 mmdia pipe ench 42745
18.54 PoViding ani fixing sand cast (pam) iron S anl S off sets as per
18.54.1 76mmoff sets. With 75 nunda. pipe 333.80
18.54.2 150
nmoff sets. With 75 mmmda pipe 430.25 With 100 m da. pipe
18.54A Pruviding and fixing Huhles cntrifugally cast iron offsets epany
CORter inside & outside as per IS:15905
17.54A.1 30 mn ofsets
17.54A.1.1 With 100 mmdia eich 629.75
17.54A.1.2 With 75 nm dia 455.80
18.55 Providimg anvl fixing door pliece, insertion nhber washer 3 m thick,
bolts and mts complete
18.55.1 100mm. Sand cast irun S and S aS per IS:1729 each 639.10 Sand cast iron S and Sas per 1S:3989 each 605.65
18.55.2 75 nn Sxd cast ium S ani S as per IS:1729 each 521.10 Sandcast ironSand Sas perIS:3989 each
18.56 Proviing and fixing temminal guard:
18.56.1 100mm. Sand cast iron S and Sas per IS:1729 each 334.05
S Sad cast irun and Sas perIS:3989 each 394.30 Hubess centrifugaly cast (span) irun epuxy coaterd inside
&outside as per IS:15905 ech 402.30
18.56.2 75m
18.562.1 Sandd cast iron S aad Sas per IS:1729 each 266.90 Sand cast iron S and S as per IS:3989 each 313.75
Pruvidiingarcd fixing collar:
1857.1 10mn Sand cast iron S and S as per IS:1729 each 370.20 Sad cast iron Sand S as per IS:3989 each 414.35
18.57.2 75n Sand cast iron S and S as per IS:1729 ect 269.60 Sani cast iron Sand Sas per IS:3989 260.20
18.57A Providing and fixing shiedded coupling for Hubles CEntrifiugally cast
irn ppe
17.57A.1 100 mm dia
17.57A.1.1 SS 301 grade
coupling with EPDM rubber gislet each 409.00
17.57A275 nn dia
18.0(Sanitary Installation)
NO. 17.57A2.1 SS 304 gradle couplinng with EPDM rublr gedot ech 36725
1858 Providing led canulkecd joints to sand cast iron / centrifugally cast (sam)
irm pipes axi fitings of dianter:
eoch 470.85
18.58.1 100man
18.58.2 75mn ech 398.65
18.58.3 50mn ech 321.80
18.59 Providng and tixing M.S. stays ad clanps for sand cast ron
centrifugaly cast (spaan n p p S or e n t e e
ech 131.35
18.59.1 100 mn
each 97.00
18.59.2 75
18.59.3 50nm
ech T5.65
with screwed ckowni or
18.60 Provicding and ixing trapot self cleansirng desig
ninged gatng witn oar witlhout vent ann corplete, ineliiing cost o

cuting ani making goxd the walls ancd tloors

18.60.1 100 mm inlet and 100 1mmoulet
eich 1470.00 Sand cast ion S and Sas per 1S:3989 Sand cast iron S and S as per 1S:1729 1230.50 Huhless cntrifugally cast (qum) iron epoxy coitexl insule

each 763.55
& outsidle as per IS:15905
18.60.2 100 nun nlet axl 75 nanOtlet cast inun S ad Sas per 1S3989 each 1536.90 Sand cast iron S and S asS per IS:1729 eacth 1159.60 Hubless centrifugally cast (spaun) iron epoaxy coaterl inside
each S56.15
& outside as per IS:15905
not be used exxept for
Note: Sand Cast Iron S andd S pipes shall
cast (Spaum) Irun
minor worlks due to non availability of Centrifugally

pipes. in brick ciarmeter sandd cast
18.61 Cutting masoruy walls for following
irn/centrifiugally cast (spun) iran pipes and aking good the same with
Cement cancrete 1:3:5 (1 cement 3 coarse sarx: 6 gaed store aggregate
12.5 mm nominal size) mchxing necessary paster ard pointing m|
Cenent morar 1:4 (1 cenent :4 coarse sandd):
meter 5.95
18.61.1 100 m dia.
Imeter 355.50
18.61.2 75n dia.
18.61.3 50mmdia
18.62 Painting C.L. Cistem With bilimastic ar
any otrer antl comosive paint
over a coat of zinc cramate yellow primer (of
inside an white paint other
sutace of the cistem, fhish pipe,
approved qguality) on the outsirle
fittingsetc. complete fornew work each T73.70
18.63 Re-painting C.I. Cistem with iimastic or any other anti-camosive paint

irnside ard white paint on of the cistem, fhish pipe,

the outside suriace
ancd lid
other fittings, etc. complete incluxiing polisting of wooden seat
and cleaning of W.C. pan with acid wherever necessary. each 525.10
18.64 Re-painting CI. cisten with synthetic aael paint of approvexd colour,
rad and marnitacture on the outsicde suface of cistem, fhish pipe, other|
fitngsetc. corplete
each | 227.65
ion soll waste, vent
18.65 Painting sarcd cast ion/centrifgally cast (span
ppes and with two coats of syrnietic emel paint
ittings any colour of
sich as chocolate grey, or hult etc. over a coat ol prnmer (ol approw
quality) for newwork:
meter 65.65
18.65.1 100 mm dianeter pipe.
18,65.2 75 mdiareter pipe. 50.05
18.66 Repainting sand cast ioncentrifugally cast iron (span) iron, soll, waste,

vetpipes and itngs ith one coat of synithetic enunel pant ol any

CODE DESCRIPTION 18.0 (Sanitary Installation) UNIT RATE
colour sachas chocolate, grey or hiif ec:

18.66.1 100 nn diaeter pipe meter 31.45

18.662 75 mn dieter pipe. met 23.50
18.67 Remnting beith nbof size 1700K730N4301mwith ervmel paint. eaxch 624.70

18.68 Puviding anvd fixing viteous china dual puupose closet suitable for use as
Saiattirng pun or Europeam type water closet (Anglo intlan w.C. pn
with seat anxd lid with C.P. Iass hinges and nibr iffers, 10 litr low
level hrshing cistem with fittng andl hrackets, 40 m tish bnd, 20Tm
Overfiow pipe with specials of starrkrti make
arci moSgnto rOO
coupling of approved mnicipal design corplete, inchxing painting of
Iitings ani brackets, Ctting arxd making god the walls a l floors

White vireous china dual paupose WC pn with white solird
plastic seat lid with white vitreous china fhrshing cistemn ard
C.P, thsh xenxd each 10745.10
18.69 Providing and fixing PIMT Waste Couplingfor wash Iasin and sink,of
approved Rvality and colour:
18.69.1 Waste coupling 31nm of 79 nm lngh and 62 nmbeadth each 153.90
weighing not less than 45gm.
18.69.2 Waste coupling 38m of 83 mm length and 7T7 mm beadlth
weighing not less thn 60gms. each 182.00

18.70 Prviding
fixingtrapPTMT BOttle Trapfor Wash basin adsinke
31 nm single piece mouldecd with height of 270
n , etfectie length of tail pipe 260 mm fron the centre of the wiste

coupling T7 m breoxlth with 25 mm minimm water seal, waighing not

less thean 260 gms. each 590.10
18.70.2 Bottle trap 38 nm single piece mouldted with height of 270
Tm effective length of tail pipe 260mm fum the oenire of the waste
cOupling T7 mm breadth with 25 m minimm aiter seal, weighing not
each 616.85
less than 263 gms.
Providing anci fixhng PTMT liquicd soap coantainer 109 Tmn wicle, 125 mm

high and 112 mn distance frum wall of stanckrd shape with backets of
the same materials with sap fittings of approved qality and colour,

Welghing not less tham 105 gms. each 285.45

18.72 Providing and fixing PTMT towel ring trapezoidal shape 215 mm long,
200 nm ide with a miniun distance of 37 nm from wall face with
cancealed itings arangements ol aproved quality andi colour, weighing
ech 242.20
notless thean88 gms.
Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to
wooden cleats with CP Imss serews with cacealed fitihng arangement
ol appzoved qality ard coour:
18.73.1 450 nm long towel ail with total length of 495 nm, 78 m
wite ad eflective height of 88 mn, weighingnot less thvun 170 gs each 686.15
18.73.2 600 nm lang towel rail with total lngth ot 645 mm, 78 m
widead efectiveheight of881n, weighing not less than 190gms. each
1874 Providing ari fixing PTMT Shelf 440mm long, 124 nn width anxd 36
mm height of appaovedl quality anxd colour, weighing not less then 300
gTE. 790.50
18.75 Poviding and fixing PTMT 15 mm Urinal spreader size 95x69x100 mn
with BSP thread andshapes, weighing not less thean60 gns each 194.45
18.76 Proviing anxi fixing PTMT urinal cock of apapved quality anv! colour:
18.76.1 15 n aninal bore, 80 num long, 42m high and 30 mm
wide with BSP fmle thrvads weighing not less than 48 gns ecth 178.35

18.0 (Sanitary Installation)
18.77 Providing and fixing M.S. hokr but clanp of apprUwed design to sanl
cast inonýcast inon (Sprim ppes copnsmg ot M.S. lat brackets made of
50xSm flat of specified shpe, projecting 75tm Cutsicdke the wall
utace and fixed oan wall with 4 Nos, Gum din expasion bold fasteners
inchxling drilling necessay holes in brick wal/CC/RCC Surface ard the
cost of lolts etc. The pipes staill be tixed to the already fixecd hrackets
with the help of 301m x 1.em galvanizecd M.S. flats of specified shpe
and of total lngth 420mm ard shall be fixed with M.S. mus, olts and
washers of size 25x6m ane bolt on each sicde of the pipe
18.77.1 Total aacket length 580mm of aproved shupe and design (for
Sngie 100mdia pipe) each 248-45
18.77.2 Total hnacket legth 810n of approved shape and design (for
two 10mnmdia pipes) each 300.70
18.77.3 Total Iracket lengh 1010mm of approvel shepe and desigm
for three 100n dia pipes) each 352.85
18.78 Providing and fixing white vitreous china extenclecd wall mounting water
closet of size 780X370x690 mm of approved shepe inckding provicing
and fixing whnite vitreous china cistem with dhral fush fiting, of ftirshing
capacity 3 liter/6 liter (aijustable to 4 liter/8 liters), inchxing seat cover,
ench 14332.00
and cistemfittings, Tuts, bolts ancd gasket etccoTplete.
18.79 Providing &fixing white vitreous chirna water less iurinal of size 600x
330 x 315 mm having antibacterial /gemrs free ceraric surface, fixed

with cartridge having debis catcherand hygiene seal. each 16801.80

18.80 Providing ad fixing wthite vitreous chira btery basedl infrared sensor
operatecd rinal of approx. size 610 x 390 x 370 m having e & post
fiushing with water (250 ml & 500 ml consnption), having water inlet
firom ack sicde, inclxing fixing to wall with suitable lackets all as per
memiiactrers specification ardd dection of BNgneer-n-charge. each 6847.55
18.81 Providing and fixsing floor mounted, white vitreous chinasingle piece
double traps syphonic water closet of approverl brandmale, shape,
size and pattern incudling integraterl white vitreous china cistern of
capacity 10 litres with dal fhushing system, inchxting all fttings and
fixtures with seit cover, cistern fittings muts, bolts and gasket etc
inchuding maling conection with the existing P/S trap, compkte in
all respect as per clirections of Engineer-in-Charge. ench 21291.95

SUB HEAD: 30.0


30.0 (Structural olazing &Aluminium Composite Panel

30.1 Phovicding and syplying a n n exnxled nhmlar anvd other

akminiam sections as per the eitectiml crawings anvd appowed shop
drawings, the ahaninihan gnly as pr gle 6063 T5 a T6a per BS
1474.ichxling sper dhrane powir coating of 60-80 micros
confoming to AAMA 2601 of egired cobour ad shde as approved by
the Engineer-in- charge nichxes cOst of interial sach as

cleats, seeves, srews etc necessary fr falrication of exrxled

akmininm firame work. Notng extra shall be pakl on this accoumt).
The weight of aluminiun extrulezl sæxtion shall be taken for purpe

of pay1nent. 370.45
30.2 Designing, lalricatng, esng pvlection, inrstalling and fixing in
positian seami (gric) unitizel system of stnctural gazing (with open
joints) for liner as well as aurvilier poticns of the bilkting for all
heighes ard all levels, inchxing
(a) Stmuxthal analysis & design and preparaticn of shop rawings for the
specified design loaxds confonäng to IS 875 part Il (the system mst
pRSsed the roof test at 1.5 tmes design wind pressure withoat any
failre), inclxing finctional design of the ahuninnm sections for fixing
glazing panels of variois thickesses, arniniian clents, sleeves a
splice plates etc. gaskets, SCTews, toggles, ms, bolts, c s d
structal and weather silicone sealamts, flashings, fire stop 0arier
am-soke seals, micowave cured EPDM gaskets for water tighiness,
ressure eqalization &craiage acd rutection against fTe huzard
(b) Falricating and syplying seatel M.S. hot dip galvanized
Aluminim alloy of 605 T5 backets of required sizes, sections arl
gofiles etc. to acconnodate 3 Dimesianal novent for achievng
perfect verticality and fixing structural glazing system ngily to the
RCC/ masorry/structural steel framework of huilding surture using
stainless steel anchor fasteners bolis, ylon sepaalor to revent
himetallic cotacts with ruts and wrshens etc. of stzinless seel gale
316, of the r q i d capacity and in reqired numbas
(C)Providing and filing, two pert panp illed, stractuual silicane sealamt
and one pnt weather Silicane sealant conpatihe with the thxtum
silicone senlant of rerquirecd bite size in a clem and controled factory
work shop enviroment, inchxting double sitei spacer tape, setting
blocks and backer rod, all of approverl grade, lrad ad maufacture, a
per the approved senlrt design, within and all avud the perineter for
holding glass
(d) Pruviding ared fixing in position flasthings of solid aluniniuam sheet
1mm thick ard of sizes, shepes ad profiles, as regquired as per the site
conditions, to seal the gap between the uilking snucture and all its
rteraces wih artan gazing to make it Watertight
e) Making povisin for dralnage of moistre/ waiter that enters the
curtain glazing system to make it watetighn, by incorporating prnciples
of ressure cqalization, poviding sifable gutter profiles at bottom (if
recqired), makng necessary holes ot Tequired si7es and at regirexd
umbers ctc. coplete. This item inchxes cost of all inpais of designing
labour for faricating and installation of aluninin g , installation of
gaued units, T&P, scatlolding ancl other incidental ctvrges inchxciing
Wastages etc, erabling tenporay stmuctres anci services, crnes or
Crales etc. as described above cxd as specifiel. The iten inclxkes the
cost ol geiting all the suruciunl ard functianal design nchxing shop
cdrawings cecked iy a stnactual designer, cdiully apaoved by Engineer
in-charge.1Theitem also incluxies the cost ofall mockups at ste,cost of
30.0 (Structural Glazing &Aluminium Composite Pane)

All sanples of the inxdivkknl

componenus lor testingg n an
laboratory, tielkd tests a the assenblel working stuxtural glzng as
Specifiecd, ckeanng anxi prvtection till the hunding our of the bikting for
occpition n the t , he contractor stuall providke a witr ug
all all
stratal gring hiving the perfomnce etc.
conplete as u e d , a Pr he Arehitectual chrawings, as T item
descriptian, as specileu, as per he approve shop drawings and asS
cdinected by the EngineT- in-Chrge
Note:- 1. 1The cost of xovicling exzled akurinitun franes, stxlow
oNs, exnxet anninnm exton capping for fixing in the gooes ot
the aatain glazng axl wmnin proof stainless steel wire mesh shall be
paid tor seprately uner Televant iens unker this sul~iexd. Howeer,
for the papose of paym, cnly the actual aren of structral glazing
Cinchxting wicth of guoes) on the extemal face shell be mesuexd in
Spm tp to two decinal places.
Note-2. he tollowinE PrloneanCe test ae to be cohcted on
stnxtural gazing system if area of stmxtural glazng exceerds 2500 Sqpn
from the certified laboratories accredited by NABL (Natioreal
Acareditatiom Bod for Testing ad Calibxation Taboraitories),
Departnent of Science && Tecimologies, Inlia. Cost of testing iS payahle
separately. The NIT aproving anhority will decide the recessity of
testing on the besis of cost of the wk, cost of the test andd irportance of
the work. Perfomenoe Testing of Stuctuml glazing system Tests to be
Canxhxcted n the NABL accrerlited ab or by any other accreitation
body which operates in accordance with ISO EC 17011 and accrecits
labs as per ISO/ IEC 17025.
1. Perfommance Iaboratory Test for Air Leakage Test -50pa to-300pa)
& (+50pa to +300pe) as per ASTM E-283-04 testing nethioxl for a range
of testing limit 1 to 200 mVr
2. Static Water Peretration Test. (50pa to 150p) as per ASTME 331-09
testing method for a range up to 200mi.

3. Dynamic Water Penetration (50pa to 1500pa) as per AAMA S01.01-

05 testing method for a rage upto 2000 m
4. Stuctiral Prfamance Detiection ani defonation by stitic air
pressare test (1.5 times design wid presse without any faihre) as per
ASTME 330-10 testing method far a range upto 50 n
5. Seismic Movement Test (upto 30 m) as per AAMA 5014-09 testing
method for Qunlitative test, Tests to be conrhxted on site
6. Onsite Test for Water Leakage for a ressre range 50 kpa to 240 kpa
(35psi) uptD 2000 Im
30.3 Providing. assmbiling ard supplying visian gass pnels (IGUS)
canrising of hemetically-sealed 6-12- 6 nm nsulated gass (douhle
giazed) visian panel units of size d shape as equired and specified,
cogrising of an outer hent strengthened fioat glass 6m thick, of
aproved colour and shaxle with reflective soft coating an srface # 2 of
approved colour and siede, an inner Heat strengthened clear float glass
Gn thick, spacer tiube12m wile, cdesicarts, inclxling prinery seal
ad secondary seal (stmxtiml silcone sealant) etc. all omplete for the
rexgaired perfomnces, as pr the Arhilectual iawings, as per the
approved shop dravings, as specified and as directed hy the Engineer-in
Charge. The IGUs shall be assemhiled in the factory/ wrkshop of the
ghsS aocessor. (Paynent for fixing of 1GU Panes in the curtain glazing
is inchxied in cost of hem No.30.2) For paynent, only the actal area of
gass an face #1 of the glass nels (xclxing the acas of the gcoves
andweatrsilicone scalint) provickdanl liæd in position,shall be
30.0 (Structural Glazing &Aluminium Composite Panel)
neasred n sn
) Coloued tinted tloat gss
om c k sibstrate with elective solft
coating on face # 2,
12ni Agp * brrm Heat Strengthened cler
Glass of approved ilke
haiving peOpeTties as visihle Light transrittance
(VLT) of 25 to 35 %, Light rellectOn ntemal 10 to 15%,
extenval 10 to 20 %, shacdng light reflection
to 3.3 Wm2
coeCent (0.25- 0.28) and U valie of 3.0
degree K etc. The propeates of perfomance glass shall be
decidecd by technical
sanctionmg athornty as pr the site requiremer.
Exra for openable side /top hing 4077130
VisIon glass anels
poviding and supplyng at site all accessories anci (IGUs) inclxling
hartwares for the
openable pnels specified
as ani o he approved make such as
chuty stainess steel frictionn hinges, min 4 -point creone locking sets
with stainless steel plates, hniles, buffes etc.
stainless steel scaews/ tasteners, TLuts, bolts,
inchxlng necesseary
washers etc. all
complete a as
per the Arhitectaral drawings, as per the apzod shop drawings,
specified ad as directed by the Engineer -in Charge.
30.5 PrOviding, falricating
and supplyng stackow box of rexquired
size an
shape, for hxng m the spindrel portian of the structual glazng, m
linear as well as curvilinear poarticns of the builking by provicing semi -
rigid, inongmic, non-combistihle fibre glass wool irsulation 50 m
thick, contoming to IS: 8183 ard
BS: 3958 Part 5. The insaation lay
shall have facing
(tactory bonxded an surface # 1ot the file gass
nsulation layer), of back norwOven filze gass tissuxe of nomina
thickhess 0.5 mmacd nomial TESS TOt lesS thean 60 gm/ spm, mide of
Tadomly ornented gass fitaes istrilatecl in a bincer y a wet-lay
pocess incuding fixing 1.5 mm thick solid almirum sheet hacking
ISing, 6 m thick caTent boartt nchxing SS nvets, mES, bolts, wishers

etc complete. 2112.10

30.6 Provicding ad upplyrng Spancdrel Ghss Paels comynsing ol 6 mn
thick heat strengthened monolithic loat gass of approved colour and
shade with relective soft coating an surfäce # 2 of approved colour anx
sthace so as to match the colour and shaxle of the IGUs in the vision
panels etc.all conplete for the required perfomences as specified, as
per the Architectural drawings, as per the appod shop cdrawings, as
Speciied, ad as direcied by the Engineer: in-Charge. For payment, only
he actal aea of glass n face # 1 of the glasS panels (it exchxiing the
area of gooves anci weather silicone sealat) provited anxd fied in
position, shell bemeasured in spn.(Pay1nent for fixing of Spumdrel Gass
Panels in the artain glazing is inchxled in cost of relevant Ttem").
Colued tintei foat glass Grrzn thick sulstrate with refective soft
coating on face # 2, having properties as visihle Light trusnittance
(VILT) of 25 to 35%, Light relection intemal 10 to 159%, light reflection
exeal 10 to20%, sharling coefficient (O25-0.28) anlU value of 3.0to
3.3 W/me degree K etc. The properties of perfomance ghss shall be

decidedl by tecturical sactioning auttority as per the site tqunenen. 2927.75

30.8 Design supply & installation of suspended Spider Glazng system
desiged to withstard tte wirnd pessue as per IS 875 (Part-l). The
SSpaded System hed with Spicder Fittings of SS-316 Grxde Steel or
approvi Tailactra wih glasS panel having 12 mn ick cie
toughenedd glass held together with SS-316 Grade Stainless steel Spicer
&bolt asseanbly with larminated glass fins 21 m thick. Tte oRBS
and glass pxel
assembly shall be comected
to Slaby beans bymears ot
S5 316 Grade saniess steel lxackets &Anchor bolts and at the botiom

30.0 (Structural Glazing &Aluminium Composite Panel)
UIsing SS chvanel of 5OX25xX}ATn using fastener & mchor o s , To
staining weather sealants of appxoved
make, bishes art
Tellory Trylon
seprateas to pevat bimetallic contacts, all complete to perfom as per
specification axd opprwd drawings. The complete system to be
designed to accommxlate themnal exgarsion & seismic noweneis etc:
The joints between glass panels (6 to 8 mm) ardd gaps at the perieter &
in U charel of the assenibly to be illed with non staining wather
sealant, so as to make the emtire systern filly water roof &chst root.
The mte shall nclxle all design, Enghering ad shop dravwng
nclxting approval frm stnctural dksignea, labor, T&P, Scatloldng
other incidental charges inckading waistage, ervabiing tenparary services
all fitting fiers mt bolis, washer, Butter plates, fasterer, anchors, ssS
chvrmel laminaterd gass etc. all conplete. Forthe pupose of payent
actual elevation area of Glazing inchxling thickaess of joinis arxi the

portion of Glass pxuelinsidethe SS chmelshallbhe measrec. SCT 8591.90

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