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Digital Citizenship  
Liseury Bautista 

For the final presentation, I decided to propose a conversatory between the class 
and the teacher about digital citizenship. It will consist in 4 main topics: 

1. Privacy Matters. Doesn't It? Critically, start a discussion around 

some of the privacy challenges we're all facing in the digital age.  
2. Dealing with Negativity Online. As teens, we have lots to say about 
seeing negative and hateful things online.  
3. Who Are You on Social Media? The main idea of this topic is to 
discuss about how we present ourselves on social media. 
4. Digital Lives, Digital Friendships. This one consists on how 
technology and social media affect our lives and friendships. 

To make this in a more creative way, given that we are in a virtual modality, 
It’s all about explainin the main things about the topic and then, playing 
around with a digital tool called Kahoot, were we’re having a small game 
about what we discussed at first, and then a poll, were everyone will 
choose their opinions about some questions related to these topics. 



There are not correct or incorrect choices at the poll, since these are 
topics were everyone have their own perspective, and I think that It will be 
interesting to critically disscuss about it. 

We can make groups and choose one of these topics, make some 
research, but as I said, this is not an exposition but a conversatory. As 
young people, we all have our opinions or something to say about these 
critical topics, because we see that everyday in our lives. 

See below the digital tools that we can use to make this more creative and 
interactive between all the class. These are the links for the small quiz and 
poll for every topic. 

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