Teks Bussines Telephone

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Group 3 – S1 Accounting A

Anisa Yuniawati as ... (1706621064)

Arina Luthfiana as ... (1706621058)

Aqilah Hanifah as ... (1706621089)

Teks 1 Bussines Telephone

Resepsionis : Hello, Good Morning, this is A from Excelent Production, can i help you?

Costumer : Yes Good Morning, This is Miss B. I actually wanted to speak to Miss C.

Resepsionis : I am sorry, but i am afraid that Miss C unavaible, because Miss C in a metting with

another customer, we will call you back later.

Costumer : it is okay no problem.

After A Moment

Resepsionis : Halo miss B, It Excelent Production.

Costumer : halo, how about now? can i speak to Miss C, please.

Resepsionis : Yes miss, just hang on a moment while i make the connection.

Owner : halo, Miss Aqilah, this is miss c, can i help you?

Costumer : I want to order 400 jackets for October 30, but I also want to request the model.

Owner : ok, what kaind of addition, miss?

Costumer : I want to add a name to each jeukeut, I will send the data later. can it be done?

Owner : Of course. Is there anything else you want, miss?

Costumer : can i get a discount?

Owner : yes, you get a ten persen discount from the total price if you order over three
hundrend fivety jackets.

Costumer : can i get a 15% discount and how much in total?

Owner : I am sorry i can not provide it. The price from one jacket is one hundred thousand

rupiah, and you get ten persen discount so the total is thirty six mililion rupiah. Do
you still order miss ?

Costumer : yes i ordered, how to pay for this?

Owner : you can transfer to my account bank and i will send the receipt after that.

Costumer : ok miss
Owner : I will repeat your order, four hundred jackets with the name of each jacket, for
October threety with a ten persen discount, is that right miss?

Costumer : Yes, it is true.

Owner : Ok miss, thank you for the order. I hope you are always happy and healthy.

Costumer : Your welcome, miss C.

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