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1 onion chopped
Ginger chopped
3 tomatoes chopped
2 spring onion chopped
20 grams of fresh fish (fish head)
Kamote tops
1 liter water
1/4 of a medium sized Green papaya chopped
Fish sauce (patis)

1. On high heat fill a pot with 1 liter of water and put in the onion and ginger Bring it to a boil.

2. Once the water is boiling put the heat down and bring it to a simmer. Add the green papaya
and let it soften.

3. When the green papaya has already softened, add the spring onions, tomatoes, and fish.
Season with fish sauce, cover the pot, and bring to a boil. Wait for the fish to cook. The fish will
be ready when it turns slightly opaque.

4. Once the fish is done bring the heat down and add the kamote tops. Cover for another 1

5. After 1 minute turn the stove off and season with salt to taste.

6. Serve the dish hot with white rice on the side.

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