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Scientific Thinking

and Reports Writing

(201 AAP)
Effective Communication

Mohamed Naguib El Helaly

Animal Science Department
Syllabus of Scientific Thinking and Reports
Writing (201 AAP) Spring 2021

Objective of the course:

To help and support student with understanding scientific papers, poster
and presentation, in addition encourage and inform them with important
sections and methods of preparing most adequate ones . Plus give hands
one practice of preparing reports that are being useful for their future
studies and carrier path.

Online sessions :
Monday 10 – 1 pm

Excellent : 100 – 90 %
Very good : 89 – % 80
Good : 79 – % 70
Fair : 69 – % 60
 Practical assignments : 20 points (CV, Report, Poster and
 Mid-term exam: 10 points
 Oral Test: 10 points
 Final Exam : 60 points
 Total of 100 points

Practical Sessions:
 Introduction to Communication
 Research & Review papers VS Thesis Dissertation
 Scientific and Business Report Writing
 How to Write Successful Resume
 How to Prepare Scientific Poster
 Tips and Tricks for Presentation
Communication Theory

Why Communicate?

To Improve Your Organization’s

Are We Really Communicating?
Communication Principles
• Have an agenda

• Anticipate questions

• Stay within your boundaries

• Take control

• Keep your cool

It’s Not So Much What You Say

•Our behavior affects the perceptions and

attitudes people have about us.
•Communication impact:
• What you say 30%
•Content, Words
• What they see 40%
•Pictures, Graphs
• Engage, touch 70%
•Models, Products, Tools
It’s How You Say It – What Matters?
What We Say
• The words we choose
• How we put our words together to create
• Appropriateness of our words
How We Sound
• Sounds, tones, volume, pitch, articulation
• Resonance – richness, fullness, quality
• Variation – emphasis
How We Appear
Visual ________%
Language • Gestures and movement
• Facial expressions and eye contact
• Presence - body stance and posture
What We Say - Content
• Less is best
The words
we choose • Use colorful language
• Use pauses effectively
• Eliminate paralanguage

• Know your audience

of our words • Run a sensitivity check
• Avoid jargon

How we • Vertical and horizontal communication

organize • Message mapping
our words
Delivery Channels
•What we say
• Verbal
•How we say it
• Vocal, visual
•Delivery must be effective and professional
•Material presented must be solid and
Understanding the Audience

•Hostile, friendly or neutral?

•How favorable towards my point of


•How willing to accept new ideas?

Body Language
•Eye Contact
•Look at audience individually
•“Thank you for listening to me”
•Rotate audience attention
• make each person in audience of 20 believe
presentation involves them personally
• 2-3 seconds of sincere, natural and sustained eye
• with a large audience, pick several people in different
parts of the room
Body Language

•Descriptive and specific visual pictures of
• Illustrate key points
•55% of impact comes from what people see
•Avoid random hand movements
• Emphasis
•Use when describing:
• numbers, location, size
•Get out of your body space
Body Language

•Facial Expressions
•A simple smile - Best way to comfortably
•Part of “how” we say things
•Automatic response to help illustrate
words, feelings
•Carry yourself as a success--express it with
your face
• pride for topic, happy to be here, etc.
Body Language

•Posture and Movement

•Convey conversational attitude to put
people at ease
•Posture should be professional and
• Stand up straight
• Keep head up
• Move with purpose, then STOP--don’t pace (feet and
• Sit?
• Relax – (If you can’t, go to next bullet)
• Breathe (don’t gasp)
• Project
• Your voice
• Your self
• Quality
• Rate of speaking
• Volume
• Inflection
• Articulation
Hearing Vs Listening
Non- % 35
% 65
What If It’s Not a Crisis/Presentation?

• Performance appraisal

• Job interview

• Communicating with children/parents

• School Board meeting

• Community volunteer activity

• REMEMBER -----------------------------------
Communication Principles Apply

•Have an agenda

•Anticipate questions

•Take control

•Keep your cool

•Stay within the boundaries

Each group will select a topic to be presented as a
powerpoint presentation.

Each group should determine the individual role of each

person in the group.

To be submitted:
1- Title or the topic of the presentation.
2- Role of each member in preparations of presentation.

Submission deadline: 26/02/2018

Submit by email with your Group number and groups
members names to:

Each one has to search for a research paper (Library,

internet) and briefly extract the following information:

1- Title
2- Purpose or objective
3- Research question or problem
4- Main idea of the work
5- Conclusion
6- Implications
Submission deadline: 26/02 /2018
Submit by email with your name and ID number to:
Thank You!

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