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Scientific Thinking and Reporting

(201 AAP)

Research vs Review papers &

Mohamed Naguib EL Helaly
Animal Science Department
Faculty of Agriculture Cairo University
Assignments and Reports
1. Comparison between Research and
Review papers VS Thesis
2. Business report
3. Resume / CV
4. Scientific Poster
5. Scientific Presentation
Review papers

Summary for previous studies

Research paper parts

1. Title
2. Author (s)
3. Abstract /Summary
4. Introduction
5. Material & methods
6. Results
7. Discussion / Conclusions
8. Acknowledgment
9. References
The aim of writing scientific papers:
A report of an original work that was conducted by the
researcher alone or with others and published in a scientific
journal after being reviewed by specialized reviewers and
available for viewing

• Report of original work

• Performed by you (and others)
• Published in scientific journal
• Reviewed by peers
• Widely available
The aim of writing scientific papers:
Exchange of experiences: papers may be
In order to benefit from the experiences of
and to see new ideas clearly instead of
viewing scientific research in full,
and this is useful when using previous
research in writing new research.
Write the title of the scientific paper
• Often the title of the scientific paper is the same as
the title of the thesis.

• There are some researchers who change the title

from the original scientific thesis, and the goal is to
put a more attractive title; To attract the readers'
attention, however, even if the title is changed, it will
be very similar to the main title.

• Take into account that the title when writing scientific

papers is as brief as possible, without containing any
ambiguous terms or words that are difficult to
Research paper parts

Authors names
‫أﺟﺰاء اﻟﺒﺤﺚ أو اﻟﺘﻘﺮﯾﺮ اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻰ‪:‬‬

‫‪Authors names‬‬ ‫‪title‬‬

Introduction to the scientific paper
• It is accepted that the introduction in scientific research is the
gateway to the initiation of writing the research,

• and the same is the case for writing scientific papers, but that this
should be in a summary of the complete scientific research,

• and it may include the importance of writing the research only.

• Writing down the hypotheses or research questions in the scientific

paper: It is one of the most important elements that should be
taken care of when writing scientific papers.

• Defined terminology in the scientific paper: Every scientific research

has its terms related to it according to the nature of the scientific
research and the body it contains.
Research paper parts
Research paper parts
Summarize the results in the
scientific paper
• Along with hypotheses, results are
also important
• It should be formulated carefully, as
most of the website owners that
publish scientific papers care about
the results related to them.
• It is of interest to those who want to
know, and it is important that they
carry new ideas.
Research paper parts
Method of criticism and discussion
of the scientific paper
• Whoever writes scientific papers should criticize the items
marketed in the scientific paper in an objective manner without
prejudice to his personal ideas.
• The criticism is not necessarily negative in all items, it is possible
that the author of the scientific paper agrees with the author of
the thesis or scientific research in some items.
• Among the criticisms that the author of the scientific paper can
clarify is related to the nature of the scientific method that was
used in the research.
• And would there have been better results if the PI had taken
another approach otherwise?
• There is also a criticism of the final results in the event that there
are some deficiencies in the scientific research tools used, as well
as other aspects of criticism that may be presented by those who
write scientific papers.
Research paper parts
Research paper parts
Research paper parts
Documenting references in the
scientific paper
• It is important when writing scientific papers that the
references used in scientific research are documented.
• In this there is clear evidence of the researcher's
objectivity and scientific integrity, and the non-
attribution of opinions and opinions of others to
• In addition, the references express the extent of the
effort expended to prepare the basic scientific
• Whenever the number of references are increased,
this will be a reason to enrich and support the material
of the scientific paper.
Research paper parts
Thesis parts

1. Title
2. Accreditation
3. Dedication (option)
4. Acknowledgment (option)
5. Contents
6. Table List
7. Figures List
8. Introduction
9. Review of Literature
Thesis parts
10. Results
11. Discussion
12. Conclusion
13. English Summary
14. Arabic Summary
15. References
16. Appendix /Annex
Thank you for your time!

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