Design and Professional Skills Maciej Kaczorek

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Design and Professional Skills

Maciej Kaczorek
Trap Assisted Tunnelling model
J Current density !=
E Electric field across junction %=
q Charge Known
k Boltzmann constant Known
h Planck’s constant Known
() Energy barrier Un-known
Effective mass of the charge
m* Un-known
I Current through device Variable
V Voltage across device Variable
A Area Known

I am using the Trap Assisted Tunnelling model (C). To allow a straight line fit to be obtained I have
to rearrange the equation for this model.

I am going to plot ln(I) on the y-axis and 1/V on the x-axis. I expect to find , which will
be equivalent to a gradient of a straight line. I also expect to find , which will be
equivalent to the y-intercept. From those equations I will be able to find the energy barrier value and
the effective mass of the charge carrier.

Voltage range for the first graph 0.02V – 6,26V. This is the voltage range for the Pristine state in the
Electroforming process.

Figure 1

As we can see, it it impossible to fit a straight line to this plot. I’ve created another graph, this time for
a limited range of data (2.25-6.26 V), half of the data used for the first graph.

Figure 2

This graph allows me to fit more accurate trend line. The *+ is close to 1 so the trend line fits the data
very well.
Voltage range for the HRS graph 0.005V – 1,7V.

Figure 3

Once again we cannot fit an accurate straight line to this graph. Thus, I’ve selected limited range of
data: 0.465V-1.7V and plotted a graph for this limited range.

Figure 4

Voltage range for the HRS graph 0.02V – 1,7V.

Figure 5

I’ve once more limited voltage range to obtain a straight line fit. The voltage range for Figure 6: 0.74V
– 1.7V. It is worth noting that the R2 value in the Figure 6 is closer to 1 than in the Figures 2 and 4.

Figure 6

Fitted Values

There are two un-knowns in the above equations (except a), therefore it is impossible to calculate
their exact values.
Let’s introduce - (gradient) and . (y-intercept).

ℎ =6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s
' = 35 ∗ 10AB C
$ =100µm x 100µm
D =1.60217662 × 10-19

For the pristine state:
- = −27.802
. = −4.6263
( H ) ∗ C* = 1.2335 ∗ 10AH+
ln L = 13.794
L = 9.79 ∗ 10M

For the HRS state:
- = −1.758
. = −10.048
( H ) ∗ C* = 0.0744
ln L = 8.37
L = 4315.636

For the LRS state:
- = −2.8059
. = −4.2949
( H ) ∗ C* = 0.1896
ln L = 14.1238
L = 13.6379 ∗ 10M


As shown above the Trap Assisted Tunnelling model is not an accurate model to explain the
conduction mechanism. I am unable to fit a precise straight line to given data. To obtain a straight line
fit I have severely limited the data range thus a values calculated above are not valid. Moreover, as
one of the above equation includes two un-knowns I am unable to calculate their exact values.

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