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As with everything first impressions count: Thành công đến từ những ấn tượng đầu tiên


Preparing cross-cultural teams to identify and manage potential conflicts due to

cultural differences is key to achieving outstanding performance

There are some of the important factors, which make Team Building across
Cultures complex and challenging:
1. Differences in Labour Market Characteristics
- The skill levels, the demand and supply conditions and the behaviour characteristics of
labour vary widely between countries
- In the past : developing countries : unskilled labour
Today many developing countries have abundance of skilled and scientific manpower
as well as unskilled and semiskilled labour
- some countries experience human resource shortage in certain sectors, many countries have
abundance ( dư)
 The labour changing labour market characteristics have been causing global restructuring of
business processes and industries.
Eg: India is reported to be emerging as a global R&D hub.
India and several other developing countries are large sources of IT personnel

2. Cultural Differences
- Cultural differences cause a great challenge to Team Building
- The behavioral attitude of workers, the social environment, values, beliefs, outlooks etc.,
are important factors,which affect industrial relations, loyalty, productivity …etc
Eg: Many norms of body language accepted in the West convey the exact opposite of
meaning in the east. Direct eye contact in the West is a sign of honesty whilst in many
Eastern countries it is disrespectful
3. Differences in Regulatory Environment
- The government policies, laws, and regulations in every country are
different  you need to learn to adapt
- Economic policies can be changed  you face with problems
- religion also influences the management
4. Attitude towards Employment
- The attitude of employers and employees towards employment of people
show great variations is different nations
- In some countries hire and fire is the common thing but in the number of
countries it’s very difficult to get rid of inefficient or surplus manpower.
- Seven  attitude  for success:
 Employment Respect
 Hard-working
 Loyalty
 Restraint
 Ambition
 Cooperation
 Enthusiastic

5. Difference in Conditions of Employment

The system of rewards, promotion,incentives and motivation, system of labour welfare
and social security etc., vary significantly between countries. ( developing countries ><
develop countries )

6. Staffing Policy Determinants

- It should be pointed out that given the need to co-ordinate activities world-wide, therefore the
necessary ability of foreign subsidiary executives communicate directly with headquarters
- You are prevailed if you can communicate by language of the parent companies of
7. International Negotiation
- International business plans are always face-to-face negotiations with business partners
and customers from foreign countries
- Successful negotiation demands (require) :
 thorough analysis
 evaluating your party’s ability
 Your impressive presentation and proper understanding ( proper  properly )
 appreciation of the cultural nuances of the negotiating party
 skillfully navigating the negotiation process accordingly.
 negotiation is both an art and a science
 The science of it requires to analyze the relative bargaining strengths of each
party and the different strategic options available to each party and assessing
how the other party might respond
 The art of negotiation incorporate interpersonal skills, the ability to convince
and be convinced, the ability to use bargain tips, and the wisdom to know
when and how to use them
- Cultural Problems In International Negotiations
Important problems in international negotiations caused by cultural differences include:
1. Language and non-verbal behaviours
 Different meanings for the same word in different cultures or because of different
connotations (meaning) when used in different contexts (ngữ cảnh)
 A particular gesture or symbol may have quite different connotations in different
2. Values
There are also significant cross-cultural differences in values. For example, peoples
differ in their adherence( respection) to time, promises etc. Similarly, business ethics
vary substantially ( về thực chất,căn bản)
3. Thinking and making decision processes

Confronting a Problem 

Sense of Self 
How to Express Anger 

Queue when Waiting 

Status of Leader 


Easten Westen
they greet their friends by shaking hands or They will hug or kiss to greet their friend
patting the shoulder
They love to stay together in one roof They like to live freely

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