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Five years ago I was start shooting sport. In the begin i thouth that is so easy kind of sport.

But it's
doesn't true. This kind of sport has some difficultes faced anyone who begin to shooting.
When i start shoot in our shooting range there were few guns and somethimes i needed to give my
pistol to my fried and back. In the last year our shooting range manager with my trainer ordered seven
or nine pistols.
And in this moment our treiner create task for us - if we get over ninety points in every series on
competition we'll get new pistols or we'll continue to shoot from old guns. It was hard exam for
everyone who wanted to get next rank. In our shooting range we should training without mistakes,
every mistake may be critical. And this pressure was heavy for me. But in the last year i understand that
i need to get fun from this, and this make my shooting better.

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