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The Vedic Anatolians

The Vedic Anatolians

Ancient Anatolia -The Original Home

of the Vedic Aryans.

Is ancient Anatolia the home of the vedic Aryans? Is the Steppes

their original home? Are they related to the Harappans? Did
Bhaarata varsha encompass areas from the Caucasus to the Bay
of Bengal and the Indian Ocean at one time?As we go deeper
and deeper into
the details, more and more supporting evidences are
popping up strengthening this line of thought. The identification of
the practice of the Soma sacrifice by the vedic Aryans and the
Ancient Anatolians is a very important turning point in the
understanding of ancient history.
Evidence Of Soma Sacrifice In Ancient Anatolia.
Soma yaaga(soma sacrifice) and asvamedha (asva sacrifice )
were two important vedic sacrifices.In the somayaaga the deities
beginning with Agni and ending with Vishnu are offered
11 purodaasa kapaalas(oblation ekaadasa rudras and
the ekaadasa-eleven rudhira/rudra/red kara-hands,hara-fire,arka-
sun,linga- from Chatalhoyuk).Agni is the chief god who
encompasses all other gods.Agni is the Sun god and the
sacrificial fire on the earth .It is also the Brahmans(“tvamagne-you
are agni” “somayaste- you are soma/tvam ” cf. , , , )
themselves.In the ancient times the devas(vedic
Bharats;bharat→deva→veda) used to sacrifice
humans(“Purusham vai deva pasumaaladanta” Aitareya
Brahmana.2.8.1).Manusha(purusha,soma,tvam ) →
mahisha(asva-agna-buffalo ) → the headless
gaatra(body , , , , ;the headless body shows
the buried head,the penis in sexual union,the sun/head that has
set in the west.The blackened head of Anu-bis or aayu-life,aNu-
soul;visa-man is the close of the day;VaruNa/Yama/Kaala has the
same role;the year was noted against the fixed stars which
become visible at sunset) → kaasara(buffalo ).
Mushka(linga/penis; mushka-linga/scrotum→moksha-soma-sky →
mahisha-buffalo). krishNa(vrishNa-testicle ; kaala-
son-sun-soma→patra-leaf ,bird ;syena-GaruDa-
, H166a , L069 , , ,
,eagle).Pakshi(bird)/akshi(eye) is agni(fire,sun).Khaga is bird and
the sun.Ra(Egyptian sun god,fire) has bird’s head . Ravi is
ra(na/ma-agni)-vi(bird,horse,arrow)/ sa(bird,snake, god).
M308 Shad(six)-teja(light)-jaTa(matted hair;six locks
is shad/paNameTa of kuntala-barley/lead)-jaDa(corpse,fool,lead)-
jaata(born,child cf.JaDabharata-a sage;jaatavetas-agni)-
Pancaagni(fire on four sides+ sun in the sky
-pancaagni-viira-bhadra) is
sinha(tiger,kausika)-agni(fire cf. M309a Kausika,note
the up turned head of the tiger)/sinha(tiger)+agni(man M-306
)/sanga(sex, )-agni(fire,kaamaagni-lust).
mukha(face;lion/tiger/king)→pancagni→ makha(sacrifice).
six(shad-sex;dasa-ten,sata-100)→jaata Vedas(5+1=1
hand;Shanmukha/SubramaNya-six faced)
sapta(seven) svar(sound,note)→sapta(seven)
potRi/hotRi(priest cf. M1186 note the seven priests at
the bottom with uni-horns to indicate agnishToma.The severed
head of the king is kept on a vedika in front of the deity.The dity
with sikha is srii-fire/rati-sex.Sunga-the Fig tree is fire,linga and
sex.Vaara paatra-viira bhadra-the jar is the yoni-vulva.It is hansa-
swan-of Anatolia and panca of Harappa.The severed
head is the set sun,the penis buried in the vulva,the head of the
headless body on the stone linga in Anatolia,the black head of
Anubis,the severed head of John the Baptist etc.).The lingua
emits vaaja(sacrifice)/vaaca/asva(speech).The linga(erect
phallus,kara-hand,makara-nakra-croc,madana-kaama deva-
sun-mahira-sun.Makara-Capricorn is the Winter Solstice.Yama is
the lord of the south direction.Kaala is born here as the New
Year/varsha-year/vrisha-bull /saarpa-snake/paasa-
rope/patra-biird /praja- putra-sun-son-soma/Christ as the Infant
Jesus .)
emits biija(semen makara swallos fish,linga emits
)/soma(soNa-fire,rudra,sun)/retas(semen) into the pasu(vadhu-
wife/madhu-soma-wine,spring season)tied to the yuupa(sacrificial
post-linga ;yoga/bhoga-sex).Agni(linga-the sun) emits tejas
which is the retas(semen) of siva(sun,diva-daya,sky,dvi-ravi-
ashTa(eight-8) → ishTi(sacrifice)→ ishTivac(sacrificial
hymn)→ ashTavasu(gold)→ashTadik(eight directions,hence-8)
→ashTaRik(hymns for the agnishToma cf.dik/disa-direction→Rik-
hymn→gira-speech,hill→guru-teacher;hence Moses,Jesus of ten
went up the hills to meet god and to deliver
addresses)→ashTanaaga(ashTadiggaja-eight snakes or elephants
guarding the diks)→VasishTa(visishTa-great;Va-sishTa-noble

Somayaaga –fire sacrifice performed by the

Kerala vedic priests , Harappan vedic
agnishToma/soma yaaga. Varaaha-suukara-vahni-
agni-Anatolian unicorn. The other side is not shown.It is kaala-
black,time.The all consuming vahni-pig is the all consuming agni-
fire like the all covering asva-Fig tree
M296A . Vaara-aha-ahas is roof,
paada,bhaara,viira,aksha etc.Ahas is sacrifice.It is aksha-
snake,five and dvaya-two-light and night,plus 5 parts of day-
The unicorn is the vedic chief god agni. is
ekasringa(having agna-aga-eka-one-1; sringa- horn/peak,rhino
B015 , H088a ,M304 ; aga-sun,srii-
fire,naga-sun).It is
rudra/mitra/varuNa/Yama/marut/asvins/svar all names of the
same sun god(RV.1.164.46,2.1.3-7). Vaara , ,
(jar,tail,roof,hair,antaryaama-soma filter,line, arrow,weekday,week)
is viira(ravi/agni/soma/sun).
M296A Agna(Soma)-
paNameTa(balipiiTha/altar).Druma is
god),surata(sex),dasra(ass,asvins),darsa(New Moon),
sprinkling ,bharsana-scolding/reviling,VrishNa-mushka -linga-
moksha-heaven,vardhana-rise,go-vardhana-sunrise being
prabhaata-dawn is parvata-mountain like Sinai ,Tabor,Horeb etc.-
varshaNa-sprinkling /vRishaNa-scrotum ,narta -
marda(suppression)-damana(conquest)-dahana(fire), KrishNa-
linga;go-vardhana-go-KrishNa) etc.VaTa is
iisa/suuya→asvidvaya(two asvins,the two
,druma-tree , , , ) →bharata(king)-
dvaya(suuya/saya-sex)→ ghar/kratu(sacrifice,Christ)→
sex;boar/pig/varaaha/vahni/agni- - ,
(Anatolian lingas) (siva linga of Harappa
fist,matsu-praise,shToma-sacrifice,kaasi-sun,fist;note the
danshTra-danta-tusk of the boar,which is an image of the
penis/uni-horn danta-tusk→sisna-linga-arka-
sun,phallus,copper,in the mouth signifying the vulva.It is also the
tongue indicating speech.Asva/agna/vaca /vacana/lingua indicate
speech and linga)
A/Sa-svara→catvara(catur vaara-catur bhuja-
quadrangle;vaara-kara-bhuja ;sa-god,svar-sun-hence
Vishnu)/satvara(speedy)→adhvara(sacrifice,adhvaana of the
priest)→suuya (sacrifice)→suurya(sun)→dvaya(twin) +
ghar-catvara for placing the soma +
Winter solstice,maagha , , ) /adhavra(sacrifice)-
dasam- praasa(spear)/
paatra(jar )/patra(writ,bird,leaf)/putra(praja-
son,soma,sun)varsha(year)/ vrata(saasana-
linga)/vaara(jar,roof,water,soma,arrow,tail , viira
bhadra,Vrishan asva,Mena,soma, B0010
vaara-the tail is a paatra/bhaara/viira/bhadra/metal)
/bhaara(weight,cf.paNameTa-6 barley grains) / viira(agni,suura-
hero , tiger )/meTa(tower, /medha(suuya-
vadha-sacrifice,killing )/
mada(sex , , M-489 b )
/dama(conquering , cf.Asvathaama,Sarva
Tiger,hero)/Yama(god of death).
paNa(sun,praise,money,bet)→ ahna(aha-
Agnesa-asvidvaya-marut asvin-suula(suura/soma)-
Brihadasva- samvaada(speech)/soma vaaja(agnishToma)-
patra(writ). Dharma Raajasya-Brihadsva- yajna-soma
patra.Brihadasva was the teacher of Dharmaraaja/YudhishTira as
per the Mahaabhaarata.
soma vaaja patra/putra/praja/vrata/bhadra.


Agna(fire)→ahna(day)→ahas→aksha(5,snake,day was divided
into 5 parts like the soma fire pit)→panca(naaga
H182b H182a

Catur-Rik/raaja suuya might also be indicated.

Sahasra-dasa/sata-viira bhadra→lakshaarcana(a sacrifice;srii-ra-
la,ra-aksha-five is raksha-laksha-daksha-akshara-alphabet
.Pancaakshara is aum nama
sivaaya-hail siva!;pancama is 5-ma/srii/fire-surata-sex,
srii-ma-sa-ha-fire,happiness, -ma-na-not,do not.Hence
vaapa/bhava/jan-birth is paapa-sin!).This shows probably a token
indicating a lakshaarcana/akshaarcana.The priests instead of
chanting the mantra a lakh times,made a seal with the term
“lakshaarcana/akshaarcana” and the worshipper purchased it.
mukha/PaNa/vac/vaaja-praise is bali/archana. Viira
objective of the devotee was achieved and the priest got the
necessary money whether he chanted the mantra as many times
or not.
Kapaala(begging bowl,skull) bhrit(carrying,a monk,siva) as
vRisha→vrata→varsha , , →antar yama → “T” in box
→tongue in the mouth / / /l / / / / / / /
/ / / agna/vacana/agna/panca/ samudra / linga in
yoni/adhvara/fire in hearth/pit/pot as three
Makha(sacrifice,ma-fire,kha-sun)→ medha(kha/khaga→
sha,kha→dha/T→X→(yashti ishTI→yajna→adana/asana-
food→aatma-soul,self→food of self→food of soul→sol-eternal life-
by giving life of pasus/animals and eating them.What you give you
get,what you sow you reap,by giving life you get life. By going into
the grave/yoni and lying/dying you get a soul,as the son as your
life after death as
speech,copper)/sukha/loha(metal)/soma(sun) is
rati/srii/strii/lady.By going into agni/patni your agni generates
soma/semen/son/sun/ekajaata/ ,
semen in womb/dead body in dolmen/three
Hence the prayer “he saviTri,take away all evil from us, give us

Hence Aitareya Brahmana uses terms like dasam-satam-

sahasram –koTi-etc as number of mantras/gifts in Aitareya

“Prapada”: : is vrishabha /pravaTa(wheat,barley

vri-vaTa-covering or towering vaTa-pravaTa-
prabhaata(dawn)/gira-hill-bull-word,pada-foot-word,sira-head ,
, H180a -prapada-sirapada-praapti-laabha-
gain,udaya-vijaya-vishaya-saya-sex.Note a vana-tree in place of
the paNa-phaNa-linga-sisna-penis.Prapada is viirabhadra/
bha as in , , ,

H-3305 , , , viirabhadra/ha-va-na-
oblation/panca-five/hansa-swan/sinha-tiger/sanga-sex /sankha-
conch/saNka-bull/sunga-Fig tree/linga-penis/lingua-
tongue,speech etc.
Lakshaarcana(koTistuti )→dakshaarcana→raktaarcana→
lakshaarcana→kumkuma/saffron giving by the priest to the
In Biblical times blood had to sprinkled cf.Exodus.Leviticus.
Rakta is raksha , laksha and moksha.
shat/dasa-mukha aha/vaara
suura →suurya→suuya→svana→svaana ,
The dogs of Yama(Dharma/Sarama/carama/mrita-
dead)/bhairava(Rudra,jackal) are their jvaala/flame.The sacrificial
flame or cremation flame is indicated.
Kapaala→Ka+bera/viira/vaara/pramukha(noble,great) has
jvaala/sira/srii/kapaala/ka-vaala-tail of head,flame of fire as in
M305 ,K-50ac = . Jvaala→
svaana→ svar→ dvaar→ svarga→surata→Dvaaraka→
hvaana→havana- burnig flame of Horeb/bharga/bhrigu/
suulapaaNi .
anga/go(body;sariira;srii-ra-agna)→bera(body) →viira
→sariira→srii-ra.It is agni/viira/suviira-the corpse/soma/semen.
anga/agna→ agna/vahni/palli/godhika(lizard)→ godhika(liz
ard)→ godhika(croc/makara/nakra/arka/ linga/agni)→

saasanaabhisheka(rite of soma yaaga,use of
saasana/mlecca/nishaada/unrefined,vulgar terms,srii-speech fire
is rati-sex,sex is vulgar!)→saadhana/penis abhisheka→bathing the
penis in the water of the yoni.

At catalhoyuk auroch’s horns,boar’s tusks,vulture beaks, and

weasel skulls found.

hansa(swan;ha-siva ,
sky,moon,asva,blood,water,weapon ,fight , ,
;dina-panca-5- -nandi-
sandhi-banda-vanda-praise)- sun-son-soma-panca-hansa- sky;
pancama-sex→ maithuna→
marta(man,mRit-earth,mRita-dead,hence man was taken out of
the earth and to the earth he is to return
Anubis/Phanes /saasana/nishkarsha-abhisheka(avi-
seka,bhishaka→ asvins,Visaakaha-Subramanya,Spring equinox).
isna(linga)→linga(penis ,suula-soma-Tola ) →agna(fire
agna-paNa-rava-svar-sound,sun)→sankha(conch ,
)→sinha(tiger )→hansa(swan )→
dasma(go-lord,arrow , ,dasam-ten,satam-hundred,raajan-
king;Dasaraaja-Dasaratha-Satamakha )-masta(measured-
tola;head )-matsa(fish ,matsu-praise-paNa;mushTi-fist,kaasi-
sun,fist-paNa-sun,praise;praise the lord,praise the
king,hosanna,hallelujah; linga-agni+mushTi-
fist→agnishToma/soma yaaga/soma sacrifice)-hasta(hand,ashTa-
eight,ashTa vaaca-bhadraadabhi-VasishTha-ishTi-suuya-yasa-
sunrise).Hence hasta on penis show the matsa -Pisces-iisaana-
face of iisa-darsa(new moon,sight)-dasra(asvin,ass ,ass of
man )-khara-ass -asvins- -sun-hara-arka-
siva,fire,ass , ).
Kaama(ka-kha-ma-yama-fire ,samaya-kaala-time of prapada
Anatolian linga-hand on penis→ (lion in loin,sinha in
jaghana,linga in sanga-sex,linga in sunga-Fig- )
→setting sun-head under ground-penis in vulva-Anubis with
scales/Penis/Vishnu →Phanes →Varuna→Yama(s
, paNa -sun-sound-praise,suurya- sun,dhuriiya -
bull,turiiya-fourth , : :,tulya-sama-equal-dvaya-two-suuya-
sacrifice-saya-sex-yaja-sacrifice) with scales
as in , , , , .
Sisna , , , ,
, , ,

sasa-na →sansa(paNa-namaha/nama-
praise)→dasam(ten)→dasma(lord)→masta(head)→matsa(fish ,
)→mitra( sakha-firend;mukha- face;makha-
sacrifice→sikha-horn,3, ,siva,subha-
,narta-dance,druma-tree M309a
).Sila(stone,jina-sun) of sisna(linga) indicates sansa-
praise of the soma-sun.Bhadra/bharata/Peter/sira-head /gira-
word,speech is sila-stone . Asma(stone) is
asva/agna/vacana.Hence two stone slabs of ten commandments
handed over to Moses/moza-sunrise on mount Sinai/miina
/miira-sea/niira-water/soma/suura/Thoma.The synonyms of the
sun are names of stone/metal also.Eka danta (unicorn) is
praise)→agnishToma→soma yaaga.

praise of linga)/suula(trident , -sikha-sukha-mukha -
makha-kusa-siva;kusa-soma-water,jar,lemon,darbha-kuTa-jar )
/suura(sun,tiger , -suurapaaNi-
,Va-hand,VaruNa,bhadra-bull -bhairavi
;pa-soma-water,egg, leaf , king,protector)→suka(
green parrot with red beak, a
saint)→soNa(red,fire,blood).Hence kunkuma/saffron
also used with kusa to bring sukha(happiness).
cf.pushpaarcana –offering flowers in temples)→suu(birth,mother)-
ma(mother,fire,water)/na/ra/cross .
→dasam→jhasham→ two hands/elbows- tail,two thumbs-
fins,anjali- paNa-mushTi-fist make ten→ ( -5+ -5=10) whence
also. Dasam(10, ) → sisna→ vrishNa→ linga→
fish→unicorn→sunrise. Two hands of ten + agni(eka-
1)→10+1→11→ekaadasa-ekajaata-ekaraajaetc.The jana-birth of
jina-sun/dina-day from dasa/ten/disa-direction/desa-place is
ekaadasa putra/ekaadasa rudra/ekajaata putra-the one and only
son of the sun or the one and only sun.It is Israel’s escape from
Egypt/ithasi/iigya-pada/house of Jupiter/prabhaata/dawn.
It is the passion,crucifixion,death and resurrection of the Christ
ishTi(sacrifice)→agnishToma→soma yaaga.Linga being agni-
fire,the linga in the mushTi is agnishToma.Kaasi→sun,fist.Ma-
fire/water-da(giving cf.John the Baptist)→
(two)→soNa/soma→matsa , , →mushti→fist→agni-
sunrise→suurya→surata-sex.From the two , a third-ekajaata-is
born .
Soma→soNa(blood).As the neck of the sacrificial pasu is
cut,soNa/soma gushes out,giving rakta/raksha to the
birds/patra(script/writ cf.INRI) on the sacrificial scenes show,ravi-
putra/praja/varsha/ekaadasarudra/ekajaata putra/the rising
sun/soma/unicorn. - -
.Siva’s sons are
Visaakha(Pascha,Isaac,Ganesa,agnesa etc.
SRigaala/jackals present in the graveyards indicate
sun);tri(three)-kaala(time;past,present and future) etc.Hence
Anubis is given head of sRigaala(jackal),Vishnu(Anubis,paNa)
is made hayagriiva(having head of haya-asva-gaja-unicorn-
varaaha-suukara-vahni(Mal.panni-pig,asva-Fig )
Pancama(sex) , , is
Drupada bandhana(Mahaabhaarata) , , is prabhata(dawn)
vandana(praise) or suurya namaskaara(worshipping the
sun).Fetter being six ,it+nara-
6→dvaadasa/tvashTRi/Divodaasa/Drupada vandana(praise).
NaarayaNa(Vishnu) is nara(man)-yama(two)→ →6+6=12.Vishnu
is denoted by Pisces-the twelfth sign.Vishnu’s first incarnation is
the matsya(fish ,martya-man ,matsya vigraha-
Vishnu)followed by varaaha(boar,unicorn),
kuurma(tortoise;puurNa-full,bull;suurya-sun) etc.The prominent
varaaha indicate it is the main/arka/linga/agni avataara.It is
varaaha(arka)-naama(name) or BrahmaNa/agni(fire,sun,
brahmana)/bhuusura(sun of the earth)/Meluhha/
melek(king)/Molek etc.
tra/marut is Yama/Dharma/maya-horse/haya-buffalo/saya-sex
etc.Dharma is mrita(pareta-dead,praata-
dawn)/mitra(sun,bond)/bhadra/rudra/mithuna / maithuna(sex)/
Vidura(Mahaabhaarata)/ YudhishTira(Mahaabhaarata) etc.
Sava is siva/subha/saya(sex).Rati (sex)is srii(sun,fire).Srii is
jaya(sun).Jaya is aga(sun)/aha(day).Aga(sun) is
agna(fire,sun)/ahna(day).Agna/ahna is anga(limb,body,snake,6
Arka the sun is agra(agna-first) and agra(anta-
end).Jani(birth,Yami-sister of Yama)/jina(sun) and
sama(mRiti,anta-end,nisa-night,Sani-Saturn-Yama are
twins).Suurya is suunya(cipher).Bharata(fire) is
bhadra(cipher).Being a cipher/circle he has no beginning and
end.Arka(sun,copper,12,linga) is kara(hand,tax)),
khara(sun,heat,ass,silver),hara(fire,siva,ass) etc.
He is similar to VaruNa
the god of water/ the seas/ soma/madhu(kasya-liquor,hatya-
killing), as well as the god of law of the underwater world.
He is the ruler of the west or Libra.
VaruNa is nripa(king) and Yama is raaja(king) .
A Makara(croc,Capricorn,mahira-sun,madira-) is his mount. He
was the chief god of the Vedic pantheon initially,but later was
replaced by Indra,Shiva,Vishnu etc.Indra/mitra is the East/rising
sun and VaruNa is the west/setting sun.His vehicle makara/nakra
(croc) is naraka(hell or the deep).Nisa/night
is the deep seas over which he rules.
Yama is the modified VaruNa.Hence he is found mainly in the
later mandalas(first and tenth) of the Rig veda.
Yama(ina-the sun) is ya(Y-sex,srii)-ma(loin,fire,water),
cf.Dharma putra-YudhishTira,Marta putra-Christ,Matsa putra-
Vyaasa etc.Putra is Rudra.Water being soma,waterbuffalo is the
sacrificial asva(agna-anga -fish). Mahisha(asva-water buffalo)→
manusha(man )→ kaala(time,black;kaasa-shine,kesa-
hair,kaaca-scale ;gama-going,kaama-sex,gagana-sky
,krisNa-black,vrishNa -mushka-moksha-soma-
sky,water;syaama-black,sayana-sex ; syena-
garuDa , )→ kaama(god of love,the sun going into the
earth is a man going into a wife,to be born as
putra/soma/son/sun,being buried in the night his body is
black)→gaana(song) →kaahala(trumpet,shofar , conch
cf.Dasra/Asvina mahaa-feast/Rosh
Yama(mRit-dharma-death)/ina(sun)/jan-birth means
twin/dvaya/saya/suuya/yaja/aha.The day has two parts-the night
and day.Samaya is time.Tanaya is putra.Yaama is time.Samaya is
sa(god,bird,snake,with)-maya(haya-buffalo).Ravi is
dvi(two).Hence he is said to have twin sister-Yami(jani-
Yama himself is said to be the putra of
Vivasvat(sun)/divasa(day)/tvisha(light)/asta-maya(sunset) and
of SaraNya(carama-death),with the twin sister Yami.
Yama is assisted by Citragupta(citra=mudra=script/record,as in
the Harappan seals) who keeps complete records of
actions(karma cf.makara is the house of karma) of human beings
on the earth, and upon their death deciding to have them rebirths
as superior or inferior beings based on their karma. Yama is
called Dharma and in this sense is the lord of justice.His scale is
the scale of Libra.
Yama is of dark color, and seated either on a lion throne(jaghana-
sinha-lion-loin ) or a buffalo(asva/agna).He is also
shown with caturbhuja-four hands and wearing golden yellow
garments. He holds a paasa(noose,bhaasa-shine,paasa-sarpa-
varsha-year) in one hand and a danda(rod ) /danta(tusk
cf.unicorn AgnishToma(unicorn+trough)
kara/vaara/bhaara/bar/dasa-10 bhadra(go-cow,eye cf. eye +
eyelids ; raaja-king;auspicious,siva, bull,Full
e).PaNa - 10 cows-arka(copper,arca-offering/image).
Hence an agnishToma cost ten cows of copper.
Cow is go(word,gold,sun,eye,hu-sacrifice).
Vaara/kara/bar.Hence Kubera→10 cows/10 paNa-10 cows-
copper.Thus the unicorn was a 10 cows copper )
/sisna(linga)/sansa(praise).Ekadanta(unicorn) is agna(fire)
Yama(Twins)→saha(year,with)-asva(abda-year)/Vrishan asva –
Mena-Yama-Suurya -Dhuriiya -
turiiya , K-050 -tulya , , caturbhuja(having four
hands,Vishnu,quadrangle , , /katirbhuja-having rays as
hands cf.kara-ray,hand,arka-sun,hara-siva,agni .
Unlike VaruNa ,Yama is lord of the DakshiNa/South
direction,making him tama(best) and
dama(ruler).Tanaya(samaya/Yama) /putra(Rudra/son/sun) gods
are born in the South at the Winter Solstice. He is also called
Vidura(mithuna/maithuna-sex) and he is the father
of YudhishTira(Dharmaputra/Dharmaraaja;Marta putra-Christ.
Yama is called Kaala(Time,khala-sun,kala-1/16 of the Moon).
Kaala is kaama.Samaya is sayana ,
.Sayana is sa(god)-yama(ina).Siva is also
called kaala(Time,khala-sun) or Mahaakaala(Great Time;naga-
khala-sun) kaala→kaama→ka-ka-la→gagana(sky,hence the
south).It is blue or black.Kaala(time) was reckoned with the kala
of the moon.The moon becomes full or puurNa when she rises in
the east against the setting suurya(puurNa-sun) in the west. The
Rigvedic hymns (10.14, 10.135, and 10.154) are addressed to
Agni(patni), has close relations with Yama(saya-sex,jaaya-
wife;svarga is south,surata is svarga).
Yama is also called Dharma-raaja,MRityu, Antaka, Vaivasvata,
Kaala, Sarva-praaNahara etc.His wife is Syamala(black,Fig
tree→kaala) .
Siva is called Kaalaantaka(killer of Kaala).Siva being ruler of the
northeast is the killer of kaala(nisa-darkness).
Siva is said to have rescued his devotee Maarkandeya from the
hands of Kaala(cf.Hizekiah’s recovery from illness and the
extension of his life by 15 years in Isaiah.38).
Maarkandeya is arkaantya(sunset) and narakaantya(end of the
deep in the northeast,in Siva’s corner.Vishnu as aaditya of Pisces
is also said to have done the same thing by saving Ajamila(aja-
usha,mila-miina-Pisces) from the hands of Yama.
, , , ,
Siva→dvaya(Yama)→dvija→suuya→saya→ardhanaari/ardha hari
→arka-hari,arka→linga→ hara(fire,head,sira,tra)→
kara→hand on linga.MushTi→ linga→shToma→
soma→sisna→agna→unicorn+man+erect phallus.
Anubis-vishnu/VaruNa;aayu(life)-visa(man)→VaruNa(prayed by
people for life) →varsha→year.
Black head→ buried head→set sun,linga in
rudra/ekajaata putra)→samaya(time).
Jupiter→Jove→siva(mahaakaala)→ white bull.
Sky/night→ black elephant/buffalo.
Asva(bull,avasa-sun-king,vac-vak-speech,vahu-hand )→
aksha(eye )→aakaasa(sky) →svarga(sky)→turaga(gaya-
sky hill)→koil/temple , .
Go-hu-ill→go-bull→nanda-siva’s bull→ananta-sky→bull→hill→
sacrifice on hills by Abraham,Moses,Sinai,Christ-Tabor/Golgotha

Sani/Saturn is the symbol of nisa/nyx and Jupiter of

jiiva/light/bRih.Saturn is kaala.Siva is jove.
Maitraa Varuna→nripa maithuna(sex of king,year of king)→nripa
mudra(seal of king).
old age)→sara(water,arrow,5)→year,rain.
Bhiishma’s sara sayya→kara(hand,rays),sara(water),jara(old age)
Aatma(soul)-sol→next life as tanaya/son/sun→
sayana(sex)→janana(birth)→jnaana(knowledge)→tree of life→tree
of knowledge.
Bhadra/go(cow,eye) →mitra→metal→sun→soma.
svar-Na→dva-Nri/nara→nri-suuya→raaja suuya→gold.
River names of the fertile crescent.

The Euphrates ( Arabic- ‫الفرات‬: al-Furāt, Syriac ̇‫ܦܪܬ‬: Pǝrāt, Armenia
n- Եփրատ: Yeprat, Hebrew-
‫פרת‬: Perat, Turkish- Fırat, Kurdish- Firat) is the longest and one of
the most important rivers of Western Asia. Originating in
easternTurkey, the Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join
the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab, which then empties into the Persian
Gulf.Ancient Anatolia(means sunrise-Bharata-Agni) in Turkey
being the earliest archeologically attested home land of the
Bharatas there should be something in this river that testifies to
their presence there.The Hebrew name Perat is a clear indication
to this.Like the Caucasus(Kausika-Bharata) mountains ,this river
also got their name.
The Ancient Greek form Euphrátēs (Ancient Greek: Εὐφράτης)
was borrowed from Old Persian Ufrātu, itself from Elamite ú-ip-ra-
tu-iš. The Elamite name is derived from the Sumerian Buranuna,
possibly through the Akkadian name,
Purattu(Bhadra/bharata/varsha/vrisha), which has been adopted
in the Semitic languages (cf. Syriac P(ə)rāṯ, Arabic al-Furrāt) and
in other nearby languages of the time
(cf. Hurrian Puranti,Sabarian Uruttu). The Elamite, Akkadian, and
possibly Sumerian forms are suggested to be from an
unrecorded substrate language.Gamkrelidze and Ivanov
suggest the Proto-Sumerian *burudu "copper" (Sumerian urudu)
as an origin, with an explanation that Euphrates was the river by
which the copper ore was transported in rafts, since Mesopotamia
was the centre of copper metallurgy during the period.This
explanation is not fully satisfactory as the river is named after the
water(bhadra) it carries and not after the copper, people carried
through it.
But burudu-copper/bhadra-fire,water,metal/mitra-metal are related
to bharata-fire/sun.The sunonyms of the sun are synonyms of
metal as both are related to light and sound(rava/ravi-
The earliest references to the Euphrates come
from cuneiform texts found in Shuruppak and pre-Sargonic
Nippur in southern Iraq and date to the mid-3rd millennium BCE.
In these texts, written in Sumerian, the Euphrates is
called Buranuna (logographic: UD.KIB.NUN). The name could
also be written KIB.NUN.(NA) ordKIB.NUN, with the prefix "d"
indicating that the river was a divinity(nadi-dina-jina-jala-sara-
soma-water-sun). Nadi(river) is dina(day) and jina(sun).Hence the
Rigveda has a nadiistuti(praise of the sun in river form) also. In
Sumerian, the name of the city of Sippar(bharata-agni-sun) in
modern-day Iraq was also a written UD.KIB.NUN, indicating a
historically strong relationship between the city and the river.


The Ancient Greek form Tigris (Τίγρις) was borrowed from Old

PersianTigrā, which comes from ElamiteTigra, itself
from Sumerian Idigna(swift river cf.siighra-swift,sikhara-branch) or
nadi(river)-gina(jina-sun,jala-sara-water). The Sumerian form was
borrowed into Akkadian as Idiqlat, and from there into the
other Semitic languages (cf. Hebrew Ḥîddeqel, Syriac Deqlaṯ,
Arabic Dijlah).

Tigris is a tiger .It is because bhadra-water/varsha-rain

is pard(tiger).Va/pa indicate water,tiger and VaruNa-god of water
and seas.River Barada has the same indication.Bhadra being
gold Barada was called the Chrysorrhoas, or Gold River by the
Bhadra/pard being sinha(tiger) in South India Tunga bhadra and
Bhaarata rivers are there.
These indicate indicate bharata terms.Barada-water,bhadra-
At Mohenjo-daro a patra(leaf) shaped well coulbe seen as
patra/pa/va is leaf,water and king.Kuupa(well)-gopa/buupa-king.
The oldest language of the world.
The language spoken by the ancient Anatolians was the
Bharata the language of Bharatam janam/the people of
Bhaarata Varsha-the kingdom of Bharata.
Hence we can see substre words of this language in all the
ancient languages of the world. Ironically some scholars with
vested interests have located a substratum of Dravidian in the
Rigveda the oldest attested Bharata literary composition.What a
funny travesty of history this is can be understood by the people
who go into actual history and not hi-stories.
We have seen that the Ancient Greek form of the river
Euphrátēs (Ancient Greek: Εὐφράτης) was borrowed from Old
Persian Ufrātu, itself from Elamite ú-ip-ra-tu-iš. The Elamite name
is derived from the Sumerian Buranuna, possibly through the
Akkadian name, Purattu(Bhadra/bharata/ varsha/vrisha),  which
has been adopted in the Semitic
languages (cf. Syriac P(ə)rāṯ, Arabic al-Furrāt) and in other
nearby languages of the time (cf. Hurrian Puranti,
Sabarian Uruttu). The Elamite, Akkadian, and possibly Sumerian
forms are suggested to be from an unrecorded substrate
This substrate language is Bharata/PIE.
Its words forming a substratum can be seen in the ancient
languages of the Neareast.A short list as given in Bharata the
languge of the Harappans is reproduced here.
Sumerian History

ubaid period - 5300-4100BCE (Pottery Neolithic to Chalcolithic)

Uruk period - 4100-2900BCE (Late chalcolithic to early bronze


Dynastic period - 2900BC – 2004BCE (Bronze Age)

The first settlement in Southern Mesopotamia was established at Eridu, by FARMERS who came from

the NORTH or EAST and who brought with them the Samarran culture. It is not known if they were the

actual Sumerians identified with the later Uruk culture. The Uruk period is characterized by the change

in painted pottery production on slow wheels to production of great varieties of unpainted pottery

produced on fast wheels.

Each walled city of Mesopotamian civilisation was centred upon a temple complex, including the state

granary (similar to the building complex, the great bath and granary at Mohenjo-daro!). As time passed,

the deities multiplied, there being specific gods for aching limbs, goddesses for greenery and pasture.

Every aspect of life thus came to be associated with its own minor deity that required gifts or placation

and the magic spells also multiplied to meet the requirements of the devotees. The Sumerians invented

(or inherited?) the picture hieroglyphs which later developed into the cuneiform writing.

The Sumerian military used chariots (carts) harnessed to four onagers ca. 2600 BCE.

The actual Sumerians are considered to be a non-Semitic, non-Indo –European(?) people who entered

Mesopotamia from the East around the fourth Millenium BCE defeating the Semites who were the

inhabitants there(Wikipedia.Sumerian Mythology:page-6). They were experts in making Mud Bricks and

City Building which led to the development of the Sumerian city civilization. These city states were

ruled by a priest (en), king (lugal) or governor (ensi) who were closely associated with the city’s religious

rites(Wikipedia:Sumer page -1). The Sumerians worshipped An (the sky), Ki(the Earth) etc.

With the coming of the brick making people to Sumer, a civilisational change similar to that of

Mehrgarh or Harappa took place as exhibited by the architectural developments. Let us now ask a simple

question. Did the younger generations of Bharata migrate to Sumer as in the thousand years from 6500

BC to 5500 BC the population may have increased manifold and consequential explorations for new

farming and pastoral areas might have become a necessity? The civilizational as well as language traits

suggest this possibility. The construction of the brick ziggurats, the evolution of the pottery, the existence

of trade relations between Harappa and Sumer<<DTSI pp 9-14>>,identification of Harappa as

Meluhha,the culture of the Kolam<<DTSI Pg 57>>, the location of seals at Sumer with Harappan themes

<<DTSI PP247-250>> etc. indicate this.

Let us now look at a few Sumerian words to find out if they have any relation to words in


Sumerian Bharata

Shumer (KI-EN-GIR)

Land of the Lords of Brightness) suunarii (dawn cf. , ). The name itself

suggests a common descent with Bharata (fire,light;

praata-dawn) and explains the meaning of the name of

Sumer and why it is the land of the lords of


sag (black) Kaala (black), kaca (hair), kesa (hair). kaasa (light) in

reverse is sag (chaaya-shadow)

giga (head) sikha (head), sira (head), siirsha (head);ka(head)

ki(earth) ku (earth), ri (fire, sound). Dhara (earth) is tara (fire) and srii

(word, fire). Sound and fire are equated with the Earth.

Ku is that which sounds (ku=to make sound, to cry etc).

En (Lord, priest) ina (the Sun), nii (to lead)

eme (native) an (to sound), am (to sound, to eat), anii (mother,

protector), vaani (speech)


gir (speech) gira (speech), gii (speech, word)

eme gir

(Sumerian language) angir, angira, angiras (fire, dawn) (anu-with, ina-the Sun,

srii-the Sun)

Eme gir is the equivalent of Bharata (praata) and

suunarii. It is ‘English’now.

lugal (king) raaja (king, shining), luj (to shine, to give strength, to

donate, to kill),raaj(to shine). Lugal is regal.

ensi (governor) ansa (a portion) cf: janmi (lord), netaa(leader)

Enlil (air god) anila (air), Indra

Ninlil (air goddess)

e (house) a (house)

kur (mountain) kuuta (mountain), giri (mountain)

Enki (water god- light is the water) agni (fire, the Sun)

ab (water) ap (water)

zu (far) juu(sky,speed),duura (distance),du(to go)

ur (the city;light-Hebrew) ush (early morning), same as suunarii (Sumer),pur(city).

lu (man) naa (man), sha (man), loka (people),ra(man)

gal (great) guru (great), garv (pride, honour), galbh (bold)

dumu (son, daughter) suunu (son, daughter),tanaya(son)

munus (a woman) manushi (a woman), manuji (a woman), vanita (a


dam (a wife) da (a wife), dam (a house=a wife)

daara(a wife)

an (the sky) vaana (nabha-the sky), ina (the Sun)

dingir (deity) dinakara (the Sun), dinasrii (the day Sun)

Its plural is dingir dingir Note the repeat symbols in Bharata seals.

Ashur (sky god) asura (the Sun), suurya (the Sun),iisvara(god)

Inanna (goddess of love

and war) ina (the Sun, Yama), anna (the Sun)

Marduk (god of light) Marut (wind god),Sarasvati(goddess of

light),Dharma(god of death)

Martu (god of storm) Marut (wind god)

Suen (Moon god) soma(the Moon)

Utu(Sun god) vasu (agni,the Sun), udu (a star), Vaasava (Indra). Refer the

stars on Bharata seals like H-179, M-305 etc.

Taaraka(a star) is Sakra(Indra).

Ninurta (Lord Plough) Nirurti (Mriti-death. It represents the setting Sun of the

day in the south-west angle. Hala is a plough, but kaala

is darkness, the god of death and time).Halaayudha is


si (country) jyaa (the earth,a mother),desa(a place)

gu (a bull) go, gau (a bull)

sar (a period of 3600 years) varsha (a year of 360 days), taara (a star, a lunar or solar

asterism of 130201), kaala (time)

Namma (mother goddess) amba (father), ambaa (mother),

anna (the Sun)

ziggurat (temple) kshetra (a temple), ghara (a house), svarga (the


na (and) na (neither, nor)

Sherida (a mother goddess

and consort of the Sun) saarada(a year, Sarasvati, Durga),sarat(autumn)

cresh (under) adhara (adhas-below)

Ishtar (queen of the heavens) Dasra (asvins), usra (dawn, the Sun. The Asvins signify

the dawn),srii(the Sun),Rudra,Mitra,Indra.

ti (life) ja (life), jyaa (the earth), jiiva (life)

eme-sal (speech, women’s

language) samsaara (speech-Malayalam), nanaa (woman)-srii

(word, speech).
nin (lady-hen) nanaa (mother, daughter, speech),

nari (naari-a woman),pen(a lady-Malayalam)

igi (eye) go (eye), iiksh (to see),aksha(eye)

hal-zi-ki (a vessel) kalasa (a vessel), cashaka (a cup)

isaaru (a husband) ishta (a husband),iisvara(lord,god)

hattaru (a spear) kadara ( a sword)

susur (a leather cap) siirshaka (a cap)

aqaru (be dear) akarsh (to attract)

sibbu (girdle) pas (to bind),paasa(a cord,a rope)

gir-su-si (an animal) carii (an animal), mriga (an animal)

an-kal (form, statue) anga (a limb, body)

shar (a year) varsha (a year)

an-ki (heaven and earth, universe) vana (sky)-ku (jyaa-the earth). Pan-ca (five) is pra-pan-

ca. Hence the pancabhuutas make the universe.

panca pan(vana)-ca(ku-jyaa;sa-like,god).

Tree Worship

Like the Bharats (Ref: seals: DK 1909, H-188, H-178 B, H-179, M-1186 etc.) the Sumarians too worshipped
the tree(dru=srii). The story of the Huluppu tree with which Inanna made a pukku(cf.kakubh-a part of

the Indian lute) and a mikku which she presented to Gilgamesh is an example. ‘Touch wood’ is a

common exclamation of the modern world when we invoke good and forbid evil. Wood is good,food and

god. Touch is tozhu (worship) as in kuliccu tozhu (bathe and worship-Malayalam).A tree (dru) is srii (the

Sun, light) and vriksha (a tree) is prakaasa (light), purusha (a man), praja (a child) and preksha (viewing,

seeing). Hence seeing a tree is seeing god.

huluppu -> pipala (Ficus Religiosa, ha=pa)

huluppu -> bilva(Eagle Marmelos), kuuvala (Malayalam/Tamil)

huluppu -> suuriya (the Sun), udipu (rise)

The huluppu(paadapa-a tree) can be one of these two-pipala or bilva. <<Since the Egyptians have chosen

the bata (pipala-vatavriksha) for their version of the story, it is more probable that hulupu is pipala

(pipala-prabhaa-light). The bata (vata) has the same sense (bata - bhadra-a bull, light, great) >>
An hour holds a thousand years of history . Look at the sunrise at 6 a.m in New Delhi. It rises over

Baghdad (Mesopotamia) 1.5 hours later and over

Cairo (Egypt) 3 hours later approximately. We have seen that the golden age of Sumerian history began

with the arrival of the mud brick making people from the east. According to Bharata belief man is the

spirit of the Sun on the earth. Look at the following terms:

Sun - man

Agni - asmi(aadmi -a man)

Srii - the Sun, a person

Like the sunrise which is 3 hours later, it took the Mehrgarhians (Bharats ca.6500BCE) 3000 years to

reach Egypt. Their arrival is marked by the appearance of the mud brick making people in Egypt ca.

3000 BCE. We can call this the Bharata (sunrise, the Bharats) shift. Historians(AEMH pp 1-56) say a new

wave of BRICKMAKING people arrived in Egypt around 3000 BCE from the East and they were

responsible for the sudden changes in the various facets of Egyptian civilization like the new and

improved methods of agriculture, building of canals for irrigation, building of the pyramids etc. They

were a brick making people and their early tombs at Abydos were constructed of brick and wood

(compare with the simple coffin burial of the Mehrgarhians). Brick continued in use until King Djoser of

the Third Dynasty which began around 2700 BCE had constructed of stone, for his tomb, the earliest

Egyptian pyramid near Memphis (Miina-fish! nabhas-the sky-where the sun king rests!).

Growing communities with Babylonian beliefs settled in the north. .......They were SUN WORSHIPPERS

whose religion ultimately gained ascendancy all over Egypt.Sun worship was imported from Asia and
probably from Babylonia<<AEMHp.31>>. A masterful people also appeared in Upper Egypt who had

ABSORBED a culture from a REMOTE civilization. They were armed with weapons of copper and made

their earliest settlement at Edfu (For Sumer it is Eridu ).Were these people

Abraham(Brahma,pranava),Isaac(Visaakha,Isis),Israel(Indra) and their descendants(the branch of the

Bharats who reached Egypt via Sumer)?

Let us assume for a moment that these people were indeed the descendantsof the Mehrgarhians and

hence their language should contain words from Bharata. We have already seen how the gods were

depicted as birds, humans or animals based on Bharata terms. Now look at the following words:


Egyptian Bharata

awt (length of time) abda (a year)

ara (drive away) ra (to go), ara (speedy), at (to wander), ari (wheel)

asra (roast) sraa (to cook), srii (to cook, the Sun), asira


atf (be crowned) adhipa (lord)

imaht (honour) mahatva (honour)

imw (ship) naava (boat),nau(boat)

ist (palace) vasati (a house), swastika (a rich man’s

house),asta(death,a house)

itrw (seasons) Ritu (seasons)

csa (many) dasa (ten), sata (hundred)

wat (road) paatha (road)

wrt (Great One, crown of Egypt) bhadra (king,a bull, great), bharata (fire), vritta (circle)

cf. see the bhadra (wrt - o) symbol upon the forehead

of the priest king in DK1909.Its equivalent is the

snake(badra->sarpa) symbol on the forehead of the

Egyptian Pharaoh.Purusha(a man is a vrisha(a bull).The

kuri(bindi) or naama worn by a Hindu is a wrt. The

relation of the Egyptians to the Bharats is clearly

indicated here.

wsr (strong, powerful) bhadra (a king,a bull, great), vajra (hard), varada

(granting wishes), praata (morning), sraya (protection),

sreya (fame)

wrrt (crown) bhadra (head, greatking,a bull,a circle or

cipher),vajra(the weapon of Indra),vetra( a

sceptre).Acrozier usually has a bent and a cross inside it

to make it bhadra(a king)and cakra(Sakra,raksha).

wht (Osiris) ahas(day),dahana(fire),deva(god), matsa(fish,Pisces).

Wsir(Osiris) usra(dawn,bull),bhadra(bull,great one,

fire), ajara(fire)

wsr (strong, wealthy) bhadra (strong, great), pajra (strong, wealthy)

bt (run) pada (foot)

pr (house) pura (house, town, palace)

pss (divide) bhaj (divide)

psd (shine) bhasat (Sun),bhaasa(light)

myt (a drink) madya (alcoholic drink)

mwt (mother) maa (mother), maatri(mother), maataa (mother)

mr (pyramid) mri (death),nara(a man). In fact pyramid is pramiida

(dead) and was built to worship praata (prabhaata-

dawn) through the pareta (dead). Sava (corpse) is tava

(sakti-power), japa (prayer),saya(sex)and

Vaasava(Indra). Bhaata (dawn) also is tava and sava.

mh (respect someone) mah (to worship)

n (we, us, our) na (us),naa( man)

nt (crown) naatha (leader), netaa (leader)

ni (drive away) nii (lead)

nw (time) nu(time),nava(worship), vana(tree),mani(time-


nk (copulate) kaama (copulation), jan (birth), naaga (snake), gana

(group), gama (intercourse). Look at the snake

introduced for the sin of origin.

ntr (god) netra (eye); nii (to lead)-traa (to



cf.dingir of Sumerians Indra (the Sun), Mitra (the Sun). Indra is netra (eye) and

ntr (god).

ra (mouth) ra (fire, sound, light, sight, motion),

rava(voice),paa(to drink)

The hieroglyph for ra is the sign of the lips (mouth) which is

speech signified by both fish and vis (bird) in

Bharata.Bhaksh(eat) is bhaash (talk).

Ra (Sun-God) ra-vi( the Sun),ra(agni,man).The priest- king assumed

himself to be the Sun god.

rc (Sun) srii (the Sun), raaja (king), ras (to sound), rasa (tongue)

rmt (man) marta (man),nara(man)

rk (time of kings, ancients etc) ric (praise, verse).The Rig veda is veda (paatha-study) of

rk (ancients and kings). Rk (in these times) also agrees

with itihaasa (iti-like this, katha-story, narration). Ric

being rkh (light, fire) and vrisha (a bull) the bull is shown

to signify the Bharats (bhadra-fire, bull). Also usha

(dawn) is uksha (bull) and ukta (speech) is uksha (bull).

rd (foot) pada(foot;ra-pa=bhadra).Hence racing on a ratha

(chariot) can be walking on foot also.

hw (food) yaaga, hava (sacrifice-food for the fire god), srava (food)

Hr (Horus) Hara (fire, Siva,Rudra), Hari (fire, Indra), srii (fire,the

Sun), kaala (time), hora (hour)

hrt (sky, tomb) svarga (sky). The dead goes to the svarga (heaven) which

is hrt (tomb). Svarga in itself is su(good)-agra (end). RIP

(rest in peace) is smasaana (grave;samaadhaana-

peace).Nirvaana (moksha of Budhists) is niryaana

(death). Naraka (hell) also is agra (end) or harana

(marana-death). Right from Mehrgarh through Sumer to

Egypt the priests preached about after life through such

play on words. The Egyptian priests glorified the dead

bodies and afterlife to worship the Sun.

Hsat (a cow goddess) Daksha (a god with the face of a ram)

Srii (god) being carii (animal), Refer the seal DK13013<<DTIS p

animal forms were given to the 235 Fig13.14>>


hay (altar) yaaga (sacrifice), haya (horse, seven), Aja(ram), ih(bull).

Hence the sacrifice is mainly of haya (horse), ih (bull)

and aja (ram). The number of pillars of the altar is also

haya (seven). The yaaga itself is a sacrificial horse (haya).

In the Bharata seal. M-1186 usha (dawn) is shown by

the haya (seven,horse) yoshaas (women) .The sacrificial

asva(the bull)had to mate with a yoshaa to make udaya

(sunrise) a saya(sex ) in the yaaga.

Hnsw (khons-Moon god) ha (moon), Soma (Moon), hamsa (Sun)

hnt (face) vadana (face), monta (face-Malayalam). Egyptian mnt

(swallow) is montuka (drink) in Malayalam. Egyptian

mntat (pottery vessel) is called monta (a jar) in

Malayalam. Mukha (face) is nauka (a boat). The

Malayalam words (cuntu-lips), mintuka (to speak) are all

related to “sound” and in turn to hnt and mhnt. The

severe droughts in Mesopotamia ca. 2000 BC resulted in

the migration of these people to Bharata and to S. India.

Hence the Dravidian concentration in S. India and their

trade contacts with Egypt and later Rome. The Bharata

symbol for face hence appears as anose, jar , boat

, a bird and a bull.

s (door bolt) sa (snake, bird, god,wall, division). Door bolt is a raksha

(protection) which is called saaksha (=raksha) in

Malayalam (ra-sa). Saaksha is sa (bird)-aksha (yoke-bar).

sa (amulet,protection,phyle of priests) sa (raksha, amuletcf .), sha (heaven), sa (sabha-

group, sena-army)
sdr (spend the night) satra (an inn)

s (lake) ka (water), pa (water), ma (water), ha


st(hundred) sata (hundred)

sa (field) sa (fence), ha (sky), kha (field)

sw(Sun, sunlight) asva (Sun, dawn, bull, horse), sva(tomorrow), sava(Sun),

vasu(Sun), Vasava(Indra)

ka(soul) ka (light)

kchw(sunshine) kaasa (light)

kh (jar) ukha (vessel)

kd (pot) ghata (pot), hasta(hand), kuta (pot – Malayalam).

gy (an offering) yaj (to worship, to give an offering) yaaga (sacrifice,


trp ( a bird) patra (wing),patera(a bird)

da (copulate) da(a wife),saya (copulation)

diwt (five parts, gang of five) divasa (day with its five parts), devata (deity), diipta
(lighted), hasta (hand with five fingers. hasta = panca =

five) cf :seal H-182.

db(horn of animal) dva(two),deva(god), diva (day, sky), rava (the

Sun,sound),pada(feet), (sa) – db (horn)-

sabda(sound).Sabda- db(horn)-ja (born). The sound of the

horn (shofar) or conch (horn) is AUM.

dcm (a sceptre) masta (head) , amsa (power),dasma(lord)

dw (mountain) da (mountain)

Just compare M-1186 with the Sed festival theme and the word hay(altar) given

above.Their chief god Ra – bird is Bharata ra-vi.Their Isis is Bharata aja.

Their Osiris(Serapis) or Apis(hapis-aspa) is Bharata Savitri denoted by the

mahisha(matsa).Seraph(prabhaa) is a six winged angel and note the Harappan

deities with six locks of hair(six Ritus) fighting the bull.Yodana(contest)

shows udaya(rise).It is the fight of Osiris and Seth(usra-teja=shine of the

rising Sun).Their Horus is Bharata vrishaa(Indra = Rudra,varsha).

Osiris(varsha,bhadra = king) was to be killed every

(thirty = trimsat = savitri = srii- matsa) year and his body

was to be eaten.This is because the Ritu(Osiris) cycle ends in Pisces.Osiris

was to be reborn in three days to denote the sunset of the old year and sunrise

of the new year separated by a raatri(night) which is raa(na=naktaa=night)-

tri(three).One(srii) is three(tri).The Egyptian priests used to partially shave of

their hair to make a bhadra(circle = patta) and note the bhadra on the forehead

of the Harappan priest king.The Brahmins shave theit hair to make their

puurvasikha or the pascimasaakha also. They used to wear white(bhadra)

robes(like the robes of the Christian priests) to denote the white Sun and

the pavitra(saavitra) worn by the Bharadvijas.They used to have ritual

bathing in the river Nile.Note the Great Bath of Harappa used for the saavitra

bathing and the Deepaali bathing in the month of Asvina(narakacaturdasi).

The location of Egyptian and Assyrian mummies at Lothal

further establishes the link between the cultures.Along with trade

there was exhange of knowledge in all fields including religion and riuals.

The Christian traditions also have the same roots through Mitraism

(cf.Dr.S.Radhakrishnan:Eastern religion and western thought :5.3 Roman

empire and the cult of Mitraism) .


We have seen the influence of Bharata on the Sumerian and Egyptian languages. Let us now look up for

the Bharata influence on a primitive Dravidian language, namely, the TODA.

‘The Toda language is considered to be a dialect of the development of Turanian speech styled Dravidian,

the language of a group of primitive, illiterate and perhaps war like tribes who, between three thousand

and four thousand years ago migrated from tracts of Western Asia and penetrating India, probably through

Baluchistan and the natural waterlines of the country, filled all its western and southern districts,pushing

before them, in some periodof their advance, the various tribes of the Kol aborigines’<<APATD>>.

This statement though made in the 19th century is only validated further by the latest research

findings. There were severe droughts in Mesopotamia around 2000 BC which led to increase in salinity

of the soil and decrease in agricultural productivity. There was a major depopulaton of Southern

Mesopotamia, leading to the collapse of the Sumerian culture. During the period from 2100 BC to 1700

BC, there was a major shift in population from Southern Mesopotamia towards the north and the

population in the area declined by nearly 3/5(SWP:p.6). Severe starvation caused the migration of

these people into Baluchistan. Their entry into Harappa began around 2000 BC when the Harappan
civilization itself was struggling and waning due to the change in course of the rivers and seismic


Dravidian migration to Bharata began towards the close of the third millennium

B.C.Suunarii=Shinar=Sumer = Tamil. Dra(su)vi(me)da(ru) is derived from Dramila(dra-running,nara –

man cf.2000BCE migration), or sira(head)-niila(black). This is black – headed . The Sumerians called

themselves sag-giga ( the black- headed people) .That Tamil(Sumer) by itself is a Sanskrit term points

to the migration of the Sumerians through Bharata and subordination to the Bharats with

consequential loss of identity. This explains the existence of Dravidian Brahui in the

north,concentration of Dravidians in South India , the similarity of several Rigvedic terms to Tamil

terms ,the existence of Dravidian terms in Brahmana compositions etc.One of the reasons for the

down fall of Sumer was the rise of the Akkadian empire under the leadership of Sargon(2334-

2279BC).He may have annexed Meluhha also as it is said “ships from Meluhha, ships from Magan and

ships from Dilmun, he (ie., Sargon) made lay anchor at the harbour of Akkad”<<DTIS Page14>> It is also

stated that towards the end of the rule of Naram –Sin (2254-2218 BC), the grandson of Sargon, a

Meluhha king was among the many kings rebelled against him.Now

Meluhha - Velicca (light – Dravidian),melukaah(royalty,king-Hebrew),Baluch(who migrated to Sindh?)

Velicca – bharatha (light),bhadra(king)

Hence Meluhha can be Bharata (Meluhha is not the Sanskrit ‘mleccha’ a word of later origin and

probably unknown to the Akkadians. Naturally with the conquest the Semitic people,the Sumerians

and even Egyptians began to travel more and more to Bharata. This is borne by the mummified remains

of an Assyrian and an Egyptian corpse at Lothal. <>

In the Kurukshetra war the Paandavas (baandhava – relative)- relatives of the Kauravas defeated them

under the leadership of Krishna (the black man or black- headed man). We have seen that both Dravida

and sag-giga has the same sense as ‘Krishna’.

Now look at the name of the Akkadian conqueror Sargon.

Sargon --- Krsna, Sakra(Indra,Arjuna),Sagara( a Bharata king).

The cultural changes that took place in the Harappan civilization around this time also points to such a

possibility.Krishna belonged to the Yaadava community.

Look at the words:

Yadu, Yaadava --- Akkad

They are also similar like the Sargon – Krsna pair.

Does this mean that Vyaasa had in mind the exploits of Sargon when he narrated the Kurukshetra war?

Of course, the king being the Sun God, the exploits of the king were the exploits of the Sun God. If we

take 2327 BC as the period of Sargon’s conquest of Harappa(Bhaarata), just add 2000 years and we

come to 327 BC, the year when another great conqueror from the West, Alexander the Great,

conquered Bharata. Add another 2000 years and we come to another era of western conquest, namely

the beginning of the British conquest of India. Will history repeat in AD 3673? We will not be there to


Their sojourn in Harappa was not long and peaceful as there would have been frequent fights between

them and the Bharats who were much advanced in civilization. However this explains the presence of

Dravidian Brahui in the Harappan region and the similarity of several Rigvedic terms to Tamil terms.

Unable to withstand the pressure of the vedic people the Dravidians migrated to the south in search of

fertile lands and green pastures for their cattle and sheep. The Bharata (vedic) civilization continued in the

north into the historical period without any break. However as a result of the sojourn of the Dravidian

tribes, their blood mixed with that of the Bharata groups and the present day north India has a large

Dravidian substratum.
The advancement to the South was also not exclusively on Dravidian lines. Probably there were Bharata

leaders for them as the Dravidians adopted for themselves the superior religious and social practices of the

Bharats leading to cultural subordination. The Raamaayana story where Raama(Deva) leads an army of

vaanaras (monkeys) to Lanka (Ganga-gagana-the sky and the South) in search of his wife Siita (desa-land),

though a solar(king was god) story, has a historical parallel here.

Marshall had further pointed out that “In the case of the Dravidians… that a possible early contact with the

Aryas… rendered Sanskrit, especially in regard to all pious notions and reverent observances, influential

amongst them…difficult to determine at what early period this Dravidian branch of the Turanian tree had

first been biased through the superior religious instinct of the Arya”. Now it is clear that this contact began

around 2000BC when they entered Baluchistan and sojourned among the Bharats.

The Todas were the least cultivated of the Dravidian(Turanian) races and the Toda language had no

compositions, written or unwritten. Hence a study of their language will reveal how Bharata has influenced

them for the past 4000 years.


atham (he) ada (that, this), sa (he).Adam is the first

. man according to the Bible.

om (we) vayam (we)

naad (wet) naara (water)

pui (strike) bhuja (hand)

boath (a conical temple) vaasa (a house)

bhuut (a demon) bhuut (a demon)

asvom (Sunday) asva (Sun, sunshine, dawn)

utsh (five) uksha (bhuja, hasta, panca, bhadra-five)

aal (man) anu (man), aanava (man)

et-ud (big) udaatta (great)

birsh (hot) bharatha (fire)

vonag (dry) agna (fire)

tekan (male) deha (body), deva (deity)

tokh (female) yosha (female)

belthi, belp (white) bhadra (white)

ver (other) dra (split apart), apara (other),para (other)

perud (great) bhadra (great)

en (father, priest)

cf: Sumerian-en (priest) nii (to lead), ina (the Sun)

karth (laugh) has (laugh)

nar (walk) ra (to go),at(to go)

tash (give) da (give)

gei (do, make) kri (to do, make)

il (not) na (not)

pok (go) ga ( go)

adi (a foot) pada (foot)

kuutasaaram (family) kuutaagaaram (kuuta-a house)

varsh (a young man) purusha (a man), bhadra (a man), vrisha (a bull)

mokh (son, boy) sakhaa (a friend), suunu (son)

appn (father) amba(father),

avv(mother) ambaa(mother),maa(mother).Havvaa is the first woman –the wife of

Adam- according to the Bible.

it (spear) aayudha(weapon),sara(arrow),koti(spear)

virzh (bow) vajra (weapon of Indra), vakra (curve), vritta (circle),

varsha (shower)

aabu (arrow) ishu (arrow), bhuva (sky-bow), baana (arrow)

balle (net) bhadra (net), na (net) ,va(net)

nai (dog) svaana (dog)

puursh (tiger) purusha (man), suura (tiger)

bilti (bird) patrii (bird)

miin (fish) niir (water), srii (light, Sun) cf: in Egyptian hieroglyph fish

is shown with water to denote ‘n’

aarsh (house) aalaya (house)

vorsh (fire place) bharatha (fire)

paal ( milk) bhadra (white),rava(the Sun),pa(water)

paalaal (milk man, ruler) paal (milk, to rule)

nei (ghee) srii (fire),na(fire)

madd (head) masta (head)

konmun (face) mukha (face)

kannu (eye) kan (to shine), pas (to see),mukha(face)

mituf (nose) nasta (nose), naasa (nose)

bai (mouth) paa (to drink)

kevi (ear) srava (ear), rava (sound)

parsh (tooth) bhadra (white, rock)

kei (hand) kara (hand),paani(hand)

kaal (foot) pada (foot)

belh (finger) bhadra(finger),kara (hand),paani(hand)

baakh (blood) raaga (red), rakta (blood)

der, swaami, usuru (God, Lord) srii (the Sun), suurya (the Sun)

amnor (heaven) nabha(the sky),vaana(heavens), vyoma (the sky)

sari (right) srii (the Sun, auspiciousness)

paapam (sin) paapa (sin)

dsivl (life) jiiva (life)

div (breath) svaas (breath)

tirieri (Toda sanctum) srii (the Sun) – vedi (place,altar)

ture (sacred shrub) dru (tree),darbha(kusa)

paalaal (head- priest, milkman) paal (to rule)-anu (man)

vorshal (sacrificing priest) hotri(a priest),adhvaryu( a priest), ritvik (a priest)

shaastra (religious custom) saastra (science),sruti(veda)

aadhaarm (place of final obsequies) aadhaaram(base),mrita(dead),Dharma (god of death)

nirrzh (human ashes) srii (fire)

buudi (ashes) bhuuti (ashes)

naal (day) srii (Sun), naara (water)

vaar (a year) varsha (a year), vaara (day)

belkaashk (dawn) prakaasa (light), prabhaata (dawn)

biirshabaat (sunrise) prabhaata (dawn) cf.Beersheba(Genesis:21.14)

pachal (day time, noon) bhaga (Sun), ahas (day)

ekar vaashk (sunset) agra(end),paksha(part),astagamana (sunset)

madujaama (midnight) madhya (mid)-yaamaa (night)

biirsh (Sun) srii (Sun), bhadra (bull), purusha ( a man), vrisha (a

bull,Indra), vrishaa(Indra).The Harappans worshipped the

Sun as Indra and this indicates the contact of the Todas

with them during the Vedic Period.

baan (sky) nabha(sky),vaana (sky)

belak, belk (light) prabhaa (light),prakaasa(light)

irzh (darkness) raatri (night)

mlaa (rain) varsha (rain)

kaattu (wind) vaayu (wind)

pall, ebball (bracelet) bhadra (bracelet)

nebbu, ditth (fire) srii (fire) ,ravi(the Sun)

kavich (necklace) kavaca(shield).Many of the Harappan inscriptions portray


belth (finger ring) bhadra (a ring)

ditu (hill) da (hill)

kli (valley) giri (hill)

par (river) sara (water) cf.Sarasvati ,vaari(water), pa(water)-ra(going)

men (forest, tree) vana (tree)

tuure (bush) dru (tree)

pullu (grass) ulapa (a plant), patra (leaf)

puu (flower) pushpa (flower),suuna(flower)

pom (fruit) phala (fruit)

niir (juice) niira (water)

vom (weekday) vaaram (weekday)

The Dravidians adopted the Bharata terms into their vocabulary as a result of their sojourn in

Harappa along with the Bharatas .

Tamil was proposed as a candidate for the Harappan language mainly(1) from the absence of horse
bones in Harappa whereas Rigvedic culture was linked to the horse.This arose from the

misunderstanding of the term asva by scholars. The vedic asva is not the modern horse.It is

avasa(king,food,sun,sabda) and mahisha(water buffalo).(2) The presence of so called Dravidian terms in

the Rigveda etc.Here also the scholars went the wrong way.

Even the term Tamil is a Sanskrit term. Many basic Tamil words have their root

in Bharata. Eg. Tala(head)-saras(head), kai(hand)- kara(kri),muka(face)-mukha(face),ilai(leaf)-sira(patra-


ja(birth,father),arici(rice)-srii(to cook,srava –food),kotumai(wheat)-godhuuma(ku,su-soma ->bhojana–

poshana-bhakshana=adana=eat=wheat),hala(plough)-siira(dri-to split), langala(ploughshare)-

sangama(union,mangala-fire,naama-hala) ,miina(fish) –niira(water), aatu(goat)-aja(ram,eda-

goat),vaayu(air)-vaayu(air) ,manuja(man) manushya(man) etc.

We can also see that many of the sripts emloy the rebus principle in Bharata terms and refers literally

to bharata. Hence decipherments based on Tamil can lead to a

partial success only.


Bharata enjoyed the status of an international language right from the beginning of civilization . This is

proved further by the following comparison of Hebrew (ivrit) and Bharata words.

Hebrew Bharata

aab (father) av (to save), pa (to protect, to rule), appa


ebus (manger) pasu (cattle)

yaah (Yahweh) yahva (lord)

aabel (mourning, meadow) vilaapa (mourning), aalaapa (speech), lap (to


mayim (waters) ma (water), niir (water)

Abraahaam (father of many) Brahmaa (the creator),vipra(wise,Brahmin)

pranava, griha(house),graama (a village)

iggeret (letter,document) akshara (letter, alphabet)

aadar (to prove one self aadara (respect, honour)


aharon (Aaron) aruna (the Sun at early dawn)

ud (burning stick) ush (to burn), usha (dawn, day)

uzay (yahweh has given ear) udaya (sunrise)

or (to shine, light,day) ra (the Sun,fire), usha (dawn,day)

ah (fire pot) aga (the Sun)

ittiym (spirits of the dead) aatmaa (soul)

iys (man) sha (man)

el (god cf. Allah) La (Indra),el(light-Malayalam), Ina (the

Sun) ,anna (the Sun),alla(god)

aalap (to teach, to instruct) aalap (decribe, speak,sing) cf.alpha

em (mother, grand mother) maa(mother),amma (mother-Malayalam),

ambaa (mother)

emer (word) varna (alphabet)

anu (we) na (we), anu (man)

enos (man, mankind) anu (man), manusha(man)

oniy (ships) nau (ship)

orah (road) ra (to go)

ariy ,aryeh (lion) hari (lion)

eres (world, earth) dhara (the earth)

es (fire, flame) teja (light), iisa (god),sa(god)

issaah (woman, wife) yoshaa (woman)

isseh (offering made by fire) yaj(to sacrifice),yajna (sacrifice),

havis (oblation by fire)

beer seba (seventh well) prabhaata (dawn)

Bel (lord) paala (lord)

baal (master) paala (lord)

baar (to light a fire) rava (the Sun), hara (fire), bharata (fire)

baasar (fortify) bhadra (fortified, safe custody)

bosraah (pen, sheep-fold) bhadra (enclosure), vraja (a cow-

pen), vrisha (a bull)

baaqa (to divide) bhaaga (division)

daab ( sorrow) taapa (sorrow)

daabar (to say, speak) vada (to speak), bharata (speech), vacana


haa (she) saa (she) cf Hawwaah(Eve)

zaabah (to offer a sacrifice, dava (fire), taapa (cheat), sava (dead body),

to slaughter) zava(yaaga), yaaga (sacrifice)

zemaan (time) samaya (time)

heres (the Sun), Sakra (Indra)

harsaah (the Sun)

yaah (LORD), yhwh (LORD) yahva (Lord)

yehudaah (Jew, praised) udaya (sunrise),dvija(a Brahmin)

yehosep (Joseph-he will add), ushapa (the Sun), ushas (dawn)

yosep (Joseph)
yom (day, today) samaya (time), ina (the Sun), dina


yizre el (god will sow) Indra (the Sun) -ina (the Sun);

usra(srii) – la(Indra)

yaasor (instructor) aacaarya (a teacher), vetra (a stick)

karsena (black) krishna (black)

keter (crown, crest) kiriita (crest, trader)

lo (no, not) na (not, nill)

lewiy (Levite) ravi (the Sun)

muul (to undergo sona (blood), suura (the Sun), soma

circumcision), muulaah (the Moon),suna

(circumcision cf: Moses) ( auspicious,Indra =Israel)

It is also called

brit milah .

mosaa (going out, sunrise) mocana (liberation), muc (to liberate),

moksha (emancipation)

Hence Israel - Indra - was

liberated under the

leadership of Moses -
mosaa -

mosaa aah (origin, coming out)

mosiya (saviour, deliverer) Vasava (Indra)

mosaa aah (act of salvation) muc (to liberate), moksha


matbeha (place of slaughter) medha (sacrifice), vedha (killing),

mith (to kill)

melukaah (kingship, royalty bharata (bhadra-king)

cf: Meluhha)

melek (king) paalaka (ruler),naayaka(lord)

Molek (Molech – a god, a shameful bharana (rule), nripa (a king), Muruka

king) (a god), suurya (the Sun), Durga (the


maa seyaah (Maaseiah – Yahweh Vaasava (Indra)

is a refuge), maaseyaahu (Yahweh

is a refuge)

massebaah (sacred stone pillar, Vaasava (Indra),

cf. the hero stones), massebet bhaasana (light),

(sacred upright stone) paashaana (stone)

maa saah (to squeeze out) sava (to squeeze out), dama (oppress)

massaah (unleavened bread) medha (sacrifice), mesha (Aries), quarrel)

Vaasavamedhaa (Asvamedha) is feast

of massaah (unleavened bread) for the

Jews. Udaya as yuddha( quarrel or

strife) and vijaya is also implied.

moseh (Moses – cf. muulaah – usha (dawn), moksha (the sky), mula

circumcision, mosaa – sunrise) (sprout – Malayalam)

maasiyha (anointed one, the medha (a yaaga, sacrifice), Vasava

Anointed one – Christ) (Indra)

misqol (weight), misqaal (weight) masa (weight), nishk (to weigh),

nishka (a kind of weight)

nebo (Mount of Nabu, height) nabha (the sky)

naagah (to shine), naga (the Sun), raaj (to shine)

nehaaraah (beaming light) mihira (the Sun), neram (the

Sun – Malayalam), njaayar (the Sun –


nun (fish) miina (fish), niira (water), miin (fish –


nimrod (an arrow, the mighty Drona (the archer), taruna (a youth)
warrior and hunter as per Genesis:10)

naar (young man) nara (a man cf.raama,lama)

naabiy (prophet) ravi (the Sun), vaani (word, speech)

naasaah (to be laid waste) naasa (ruin)

nesah (juice = blood) medha (juice of meat, cf:


naasiy (ruler, chief) naatha (leader), raaja (a king)

sahar (roundness) cakra (a wheel)

sus (male horse) asva (horse), aspa (horse)

sela (rock) sila (rock)

saargon(firm,faithful king) Krishna (the Sun),Sakra(the Sun)

saarap (to burn) bharata (fire)

seter(shelter) satra(a house)

aab (clouds) ap (water),abda(clouds)

erek (estimated value) argha (price)

peh (mouth) paa (to drink, to rule), pii (to drink)

peter (first born), bhadra (fire, a rock, a king),

paasah (to passover), vesa (entry), Vaisaakha (Aries),

pesah (Passover) bhaata(dawn)

paasak(pasach – to divide) Vishu (division into two (vi – two, a horse, a

bird) - shu (birth)

qorbaan (sacrifice) kurbaana (sacrifice - Malayalam)

ros (head, leader) sira (head), raaja (a king)

sibaah (abundance, plenty) siva (auspiciousness, happiness, prosperity)

sok (branch) saakhaa (branch)

sokaah (branch)

saapaah (speech, saapa (curse), bhaasha (language), vaca

language) (speech), vada (speak), vaada (debate)

Saaraah (lady of royal Taara (wife of Brihaspati), kalya

birth, queen) (kaalai – dawn), Strii (a woman), srii (the

Sun), raaja (a king)

seba (seven) sapta (seven) ,apta(yagna),abda(year)

seba (seven, seventy), sapta (seven),divasa(day,seven days)

sibaanaah (seven)

seber (grain) , srava (food, wealth, ear, hearing

sopaar (trumpet, svara (sound), sara

ram’s horn) (horn)

sor (bull, ox ) suurya (the Sun)

taaw (mark on the taya(protection,dava=fire),naama

(mark on the forehead)

forehead) = = = =


Petroglyphs ,10000 years old. Perhaps Moses met

god here.There are ten gos-human/sun/hill/sky forms,words,ten
commandments.Udayagiri(mountain of sunrise) is udayasrii(the
rising sun) itself.Giri(adri/bhadra-mountain) is
srii(sun,fire,speech).Bharata(fire,king) is
glyphs,KrishNa(vrishNa-mushka-linga/moksha-sky)-black deer is
srii-jina,the sun;kaala-time,black;heli-sun;hala-plough;vrishNa-
linga-agni-fire , ;two fulls-suns-adults meet/mate to give birth
to a third full/son/soma/sun).

Miina(northeast,Pisces ) is Sinai.It is

water)/giri(hill)/srii(sun,fire,speech) etc.Hence the Exodus of

Israel(Indra-sun) from Egypt(igya-Jupiter,pada-foot;Ithasi-Pisces-
Itali;sunrise from Pisces) here,the meeting of Moses(moza-
sunrise,soma) with dasma(god) here, and getting his dasam(ten)
commandments here.

Sanliurfa museum, God of Reproduction, a human statue of 2

meters high carved out of  limestone rock  and eyes of obsedian
was discovered in the Balikligol in 1993, Sanliurfa excavations.
This is believed to be the oldest human figure ever to be
discovered to date and it describes a male looking down to his
genital organ seized by his both hands. Sisna(linga-penis →paNa
and saasana-gift,Mal.paN-to have sex).Saya (sex ) is hand
indicating paNa(sun)/udaya(sunrisecfbharata,Anatolia-
sunrise).The hands/vaaha/kara/va-hand,va-na-two hands,nabha-
sky,paNa-praise,sun) form a circle with the head(masta/matsa) at
the upper end and the linga/sisna/masta/head at the other
end.This is the droNa-scorpion also whose head is not
prominent,but the tail is prominent with visha-poison in place of
biija/retas emitted by the linga . Abraham is seen to make
his servant grasp his penis(Genesis 24.9) as a mark of
pranaama(subordination) to him and obedience to his
name),sancaya(heap,hoard) etc.Harsha(erection of the penis) is
garta(throne),raksha(protection,rakta-red,raaja-king cf.the red
royal scepter is the replica of the penis itself . A palace is a
phallus-penis!).The penis is the symbol of the counting index
finger and the fist(mushti,mushka-scrotum).

T-shaped limestone monoliths are seen here. The T (Tau ,

Ta or Sa-protection,linga,god;bhadra-king,auspicious) symbol is
seen in the Indus inscriptions several times(pada,deva,bhadra,
Bharata, bhadraasana,patra-vi-bird).
There are many mounds located on a crescent surrounding the
antique city of Harran at a distance of 30-40 kms. These are
Göbeklitepe, Goktepe, Gürcütepe, Sefertepe, Karahantepe,
Hamzantepe and Balikligol which is an important settlement of
Neolithic Ages. Nevali Cori located in the vicinity of the town of
Hilvan, Kumartepe near Saskan village(Bozova) and Teleilat
Hoyuk(Birecik) and many more around Harran are among the
many mounds not yet excavated.
According to the archeologist, Klaus Schmidt, the site is 5500
years older than the earliest settlements of Mesopotamia and
7000 years older than the well known Stonehenge in Britain.

etc. carry a common

indication of bhadra(bull,elephant,king,fire,light,gold;garta-
throne,rakta-blood,red;Lat.crus-foot,crux-cross; paNa- tax).
jar,sarpa-snake)-aasana(seat,jaghana-loins) is for puuja(worship)
and bhoga(food,sex) .Bhadraasana is palace(vasana-vaasa-
vaaja-phallus-paasas –sisna- saadhana-linga-simha-hamsa –
etc→throne).The god and the godkingth in it had to be worshipped
and pleased with an amsa(part,cf.1/6 ,1/10th etc,amza-
shoulder,aasana-seat) or paNa(bali-sacrifice,tax;vasna-bhadra-
price) and eaten/enjoyed(eating the bull was eating the king cf.the
Sed,somayaaga,the eucharist etc.) as prasaada(prakaasa-light).
, →savitra-the
petra-Peter-rock;aasana-asna or asma-stone RV.8.2.2
cf.Peter(bhadra)’s seat(aasana) is the garta-crux-cross which is
seat of the god(Christ-garta-the king,kratu-sacrifice;Lat.krista-
crest) and the godking- the pope . Bhadra/bharata being
pareta(dead,cf. royal or ceremonial burying of the
dead),preta(corpse cf worship of the mummies) and
praata(praatar-dawn,the aasana of the rising sun king) were
worshipped.Burial sites were marked with
rakta(blood,red) and raksha(cross-the aasana of bhadra or Peter)
to make it garta (kratu,Christ-the aviour) and give
raksha(protection).Thus the Anatolian tradition is continued even
today .
Wild animals onT-linga-shaped limestone monoliths→
bhadraasana(simhaasana of fire tiger jaatavedas ,bhaarata-
fire,praatar-dawn) .A torch(Mal.tiippantam) of fire has a shape like
this. Sila-rock is jina-the sun.Hence idols of sila(jina) are
worshipped in the temples.
The research carried out by the Norwegian scientists proved that
progeny of many crops: wheat, barley, pea, lentil, chickpea, flax
and of the kind were found in this fertile zone known today as the
golden crescent.  The wild Einkorn wheat found in Karacadag
(largest mountain close to Diyarbakir) region was domesticated at
Gobeklitepe and spread to the world from here.
To date 20 temples were discovered .
Head with a sikha(cuuda-kuuta-tuft), Nevali Cori, Turkey. The
Yadus of Central Asia and Siberia wore the go-sikha
Note the single horn(ekasRinga) of the unicorn and the prominent
sisna(linga-phallus) symbol in the seal.Sisna is
saasana(donation,command,order,sceptre) .Asvattha patra is the
emblem of the Bharata kings.
Pig horn /Asvattha-Fig patra- leaf ) dru(vana-
tree,paNa-srii-sun) worship , , , .
Bhadra(head,king,bull,circle,water ) is
pa(leaf,ruler,water,wind),sara(arrow,head,water,5) and
Bhadra(king,head,circle .Note the circle -bhadra-patta-on
the forehead of the priest king cf.bhattatiri Brahmins of
Kerala).Nripa(Varuna-king) is parNa (patra-leaf,wing).Patra
, , , , , , is pa-tra(tri-three,trefoil ). Hence a
bhadra wore the bhadra(patta)
on his forehead and clad himself in royal attire (nirnija,taarpya)
with the bhadra(trefoil) marks.
He dwel t in a vaasra(house,bull) or
maana(house)called the bhadraasana.H e drank
bhadra(water) from a well marked by a
patra of asvattha( Fig or unicorn-pi g/el ephant).

Bridging those gaps

July, 16 2011


Al Ahram Weekly
Mohamed El-Beyali, the director of Aswan and Nubia monuments,
said that the Naga Al-Hamdulab cycle of images probably dated
from about 3200 BCE, corresponding to the late Naqada period.
This was the time between the Scorpion King (owner of tomb Uj
at Abydos cf.
, , , ,
), the first king of Dynasty Zero, and Narmer(cf.nri-
king,nara-man), the first ruler of the First Dynasty.DroNa-the
scorpion is DroNa(Bharadvaaja) or the unicorn linga
DroNa is also druma(tree,Fig tree)/dharma(Yama).

Archaeological discovery provides evidence of a

celestial procession at Stonehenge
November, 28 2011


Art Daily
→ →
Stonehenge T shaped monoliths
Archaeologists led by the University of Birmingham with the
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection have
discovered evidence of two huge pits positioned on celestial
alignment at Stonehenge. Shedding new light on the significant
association of the monument with the sun, these pits may have
contained tall stones, wooden posts or even fires to mark its
rising and setting and could have defined a processional route
used by agriculturalists to celebrate the passage of the sun
across the sky at the summer solstice.
Positioned within the Cursus pathway, the pits are on alignment
towards midsummer sunrise and sunset when viewed from the
Heel Stone, the enigmatic stone standing just outside the
entrance to Stonehenge.
Stretching from west to east, the Cursus is an immense linear
enclosure, 100 metres wide and two and a half kilometres
across, north of Stonehenge.
The perimeter of the Cursus may well have defined a route
guiding ceremonial processions which took place on the
longest day of the year."
It is possible that processions within the Cursus moved from
the eastern pit at sunrise, continuing eastwards along the
Cursus and, following the path of the sun overhead, and
perhaps back to the west, reaching the western pit at sunset to
mark the longest day of the year. Observers of the ceremony
would have been positioned at the Heel Stone, of which the two
pits are aligned.
Dr Henry Chapman, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology and
Visualisation observes: "If you measure the walking distance
between the two pits, the procession would reach exactly half-
way at midday, when the sun would be directly on top of
Stonehenge. This is more than just a coincidence, indicating
that the exact length of the Cursus and the positioning of the
pits are of significance."
The team has also revealed a new horseshoe arrangement
of large pits north-east of Stonehenge .

A ltyn dep e
http://en.wi ki /A ltyndepe

Altyndepe (Алтын-Депе, the Turkmen for "Golden Hill") is a

Bronze Age(BMAC) site in Turkmenistan, near Asgabat, inhabited
in the 3rd to 2nd millennia BC, abandoned around 1600
BC.Golden bull's head(H7.5cm,bhadra-bull,gold,king) from Altyn-
Depe, horns made of silver wire covered with gold foil. On the
forehead and in the eyes are turquoise inlays (excavation #7,
priest's tomb, room #7). Compare this with the Harappan priest
king’s (bhadra-king,bull) bhadra mark on the forehead and the
upper arm and the bhadra marks on his dress and compare with
the other hadraasana(hoof,hearth,harta-Heres) images.

41. "Priest

Note patra(leaf) on bhadra(bull) to show


(throne,king) or aajnaapatra (Royal order/ writ).

Dasa/viira raaja agna makha(mukha) is the inscription

indicating agnishToma/soma yaaga.

H182a H182b =8=ishTi

is vandana/mantra by sex.

Svastika/cross is surata/suurya/srii/rati-sex. Svastika→dva(rava-

twin-yama-suuya)-sti(seat,position) is paNa/praise.Su-asti (good
luck) happens by this.Saya is jaya/vijaya/vishaya(sex).

molek sivalinga

K-50 ,

ushNiisha(cap)→agnesa→sungod,hence head cap.

The Harappan priestking has an ushniisha patta.


m1224c karsha paNa.m1224e

, (asvattha patra-Fig leaf ),

Pipal-leaf shaped well, Lower Town

This unique well and associated bathing platform was discovered

in the course of building a catchment drain around the site. It was
reconstructed on the ground floor of Mohenjo-daro site museum.

What does the Oxus(bull;vaaha-river,hand,bull) river of

Bactria,Barada(water) river of Western Syria ,the asva
patra(pepul leaf ) well at Harappa,the Tunga bhadra(water) river
in Karnataka(South India) and the Bhaarata(water)-
ppuzha(payas-water) river in Kerala have in common?
Barada→ Sumerian badur –water,pa-water; Heb.berotah-well,
bered-freezing rain;Hittite watar-water;Harappan bhadra-water
from pa-(water)-sara(jala-water) ;Bhaara(load,vaara-water,tail)-
ta(tail,ja-born,sa-god)-varsha(rain,place;vaara-ta) and Bharata
bhadra(king ).

Bhadra River
The Bhadra River (Kannada: ಭದ್ರಾ ನದಿ) is a river in the Karnataka
state in South India.
It meets the Tunga River at Koodli, and the combined river
continues east as the Tungabhadra(Tunga bhadra →simha
bhadra cf.Tigris→ king bhadra,bhadra is king), a major tributary
of the Krishna, which empties into the Bay of Bengal.
Kerala has its counterpart in the Bhaarata-puzha( river) which
flows into the Arabian sea.

Tunga bhadra→sinha(tiger/Tigris) bhadra→king bhadra.Tunga as

tanka(kanaka) is gold (cf.Barada of Syria known as “golden
stream” ).
Bhadra(go-pa;bhuu-pa;paartha) is king,gold and
water(pa,va,sara-water).Bhadra is patra(pa-
leaf,water,king).Hence the Harappan king’s well (kuupa-
well;bhoga-snake,sex cf.Pharaoh’s forehead snake bhaala-
phaala-paala-gopa-bhuupa-bhuja-bhoga cf cob-ra→bhoga-
ra→gopa-ra→king cobra;bhadraasana-: :,hoof ) was made
into the asvattha(avasa-deha→ king’s body) patra(leaf,bhadra-
G a r t a b ei n g g r e a t , t h e g r e a t t r e e , g r e a t b u l l , g r e a t
animals are chosen in the seals.Atiger being greater
in size to the lion,the tiger is preferred to the lion.
Vi i r a b h a d r a ( k i n g ) h a d a b e’ e r a ( b o r
H e b . w el l ) p a t r a ( l e a f ) .
C f . Ganga(the river)→gagana(the
swan)→king (bhadra).Hence Gangaasuta(son of Ganga-
Kaartikeya,Bhiishma in the Mahabharata) is the son of the
king(bhadra) only.
by A. Cihat Kürkçüoğlu
Harran University, Faculty of Science and Letters 
from Basin Yayin ve Enformasyon Genel Mudurlugu Website
Archeological discoveries in Urfa continue to yield exciting
results . Excavations conducted in Çayönü, Diyarbakır have
revealed remains of houses which date back 10,500-11,000
years.Nevale Cori houses are 500 years older.They are the first
people to begin agriculture. 
During excavations conducted in Göbeklitepe in 1995, the
remains of a temple were discovered.

The settlement in the Urfa region began even earlier. Arrows and
spearheads made of flint, cutting tools and interior furnishings
were discovered in the Balıklıgöl region.
Laboratory analysis carried out in Germany proved that these
finds are at least 11,500 years old.
Our fellow human beings built the first houses in history in the
fertile area near Balıklıgöl 13,500 years ago.


World’s Oldest Statue

The two-meter high“Balıklıgöl Statue - of a male was
discovered in Balıklıgöl in 1993. The limestone statue has its
eyes carved out of obsidian.It depicts a man seizing his genital
organ with both hands.
The statue, which was in a Neolithic temple, represents ‘the God
of Eroticism’ or ‘the God of Reproduction.’This denotes the vedic
agnishtoma/soma yaaga.A fire torch resembles the fist or the
erect phallus.
In 1999 and 2000, three other Neolithic age settlements were
discovered in Karahantepe, Sefertepe and Hamzantepe.
In each of these settlements, several T-shaped stelae similar to
those in Nevale Çori and Göbeklitepe were found. The team
also discovered a stele with the figure of a snake carved on it
(cf.Siva ) and a statue surprisingly similar to the
Balıklıgöl Statue.
 The ancients who lived in the Urfa region were skilled in building
structures and gathered together occasionally for religious rituals.
These rituals resulted in a transition to sedentary lifestyle and the
emergence of agriculture. Thus it is believed that the history of
civilization began in Urfa.
T-shaped stelae (cf.Sivalinga) discovered during excavations are
believed to have religious significance.It indicates agni
worship.The tiger is VaruNa/Jaatavedas/ekaadasa
rudra/ekajaata putra/Kartikeya/Ganesa/Christ.
The carvings on these stelae are the earliest examples of
Neolithic art.


Vishnu is said to have taken the varaaha/ boar

avataara(incarnation)The T-linga/cross
/sa(bird,snake,god)/ta(loin,sa)/ma(loin,fire)/meTa(tower , )
/ medha(suuya-homa-yaja-savana-adhvara-sacrifice)/
khala(sun)/ghar(cross)/kratu(sacrifice,Christ).In the soma yaaga
the gods are invoked in the order of Agni ,
(fire,first,Brahmana;note the linga or fist at
the tail of the unicorn and the patra-bhadra-head-bull-bharata-at
the head of the unicorn.Bharata is rudra/putra/patra.Vishnu is
sisna-linga,Va-bird is sa-bird,god-ra-agni itself) to Vishnu(the
sun,aaditya of Pisces) –vahni(agni,vaaNi-word,paaNi-kara-saya-
arka-sun,naaga-snake,hence image of snake is image of the linga
and the sun.Hence Moses-moza-sunrise- erected a bronze
snake-the sun)-panni(Mal.pig)-palli(lizard) -godhi(forehead)-
godhika(palli,croc , ,linga mark on forehead )-
,VasishtabhRigvatrisama-all great sages)-Angiras(agni-siras-
sun,phallus)→bhuusura(sun of the earth,brahmana).
The varaaha(big-pig-fig) among the mriga(animals,manusha-man)
is agni/brahmana.
sun,food,copper,linga)→rati(sex)→sayana(sex)→ samaya(kaala-
time)→ tanaya(son)→soma(agni,madhu-
uspicious)→pasupti(lord of pasu-bhuja-vasu-subha).
cf. M1393a , M304 pasupati-siva
kara(hand) on linga→harihara(vishnu+siva)→dvi(Yama-two-god of
death,birth and death are twins,linga is birth,hara is
death)→ravi(sun)→ra(agni-srii)-vi(bird H166a , ,
,arrow ).In the pitRi tarpaNa
a patri(bird )/droNa(crow ,scorpion,linga) is invited to
eat the oblation.Patri is pitRi(father).Kaaka(crow,droNa) is
khaga(bird,sun).The food eaten up by the bird is the food given
to the dead father or maarthaaNda(mrita-dead,aNda-egg,anta-
end-Yama/VaruNa)-the sun.
Varaaha being vahni/agni/big/pig/Fig/vac/vaaha/varaaha-
naama(BrahmaNa) is shown bold.Agni is said to encompass all
gods.Agni(man,Brahmana) is the creator of all gods.All other gods
merge in the sun god.
note the human head placed separately on the
vedika /maana-measure,altar /naama(forehead mark ).
The seven priests are the seven soma hotRis/potRis/priests.Their
unicorn caps show the ekaadasa rudra/soma.
Varuna is lord of madya(soma,madhu,kasya)/hatya(killing).His
paasa(noose,rope,bhaasa-shine) is
sarpa(snake)/varsha(year,rain) also.
Hatya is nasya(destroying) and madya(soma-spirit,madhu-
life,heat,water/soma).Pasu rakta is asu/vasu/vadhu raksha for the
sacrificer.Hatya being madya,actual madya need not be

used in the sacrifice.Hatya is kasya(whip,spirituous

liquor),gadya(prose),yajna etc.Kasyapa is madyapa(drinking
soma) and hatyapa(sacrifice).

Agna is asana(food) , asma(stone) and sma( , , face, dead

body).Hence siva is sava(dead body,zava-soma-homa-

This same sacrifice can be seen on the linga at Catalhoyuk.

→ Anubis→ vRika/sRigaala→

ankh→ ghar→ kratu(Christ)

This indicates the spread of Bhaarata Varsha/the Bharata empire

from the Caucasus to South India in the period 15000 BCE-6000
BCE.It was similar to the British(Brit/Bharat/western branch of the
Bharatas) empire of modern times.

It is not because the Bharatas were mlecchas/degraded ones as

some authors think,that they were called Meluhhans. Meluhha is
deva/nripa/mriga(nri-ka,king’s head)/Molek/Muruka.

Moloch/ Molech/ Molekh/ Molok/ Molek/ Melek/ Molock/ Moloc/

Melech/ Milcom/ Molcom (representing Semitic ‫ מלך‬m-l-k, a
Semitic root meaning "king") is the name of the sungod/godking.
The Hebrew letters ‫( מלך‬mlk) usually stand for melek "king" (Proto-
Northwest Semitic malku→masta-head ).
"Molech babylon" by From Menant, "Glyptique Orientale" - Jewish
Encyclopedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -

Note the trident-trisuula-trisikha-kausika-horn,the ram’s head of

the baliyaatu(sacrificial victim) and the unicorn/agna/soma

cap indicating the only son/soma/ekajaata/ekaadasarudra /


the king/agna in the agnishtoma.The paada(feet,4, ,

: :)/ bhaara(weight) /bera(body )/
vaara(jar,arrow,roof,tail,water /watermarks
indicate viira(agni)/ravi(the sun). vaasava(Indra
prabhaata(dawn)-pareta(dead cf. headless body with erect
penis)-preta(corpse,evil spirit of the dead)-bhaaravaha(porter
)-pravaaha(flow , )-pravaasa(’s sojourn in
Egypt,Christ’s sojourn in Egypt and in Capernaum)-
prabhaata(dawn)-pravaaca(prophet)-pravesa(entry- cf.the
triumphant entry into Canaan/Jerusalem), , , , ,
dvi(two)-vaara /suviira-soma/semen/son/sun, , make the
king viirabhadra/agni/soma.

Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac/Visaakha/sunrise/equinoctial

sunrise/vishu is the Pascha(Mal.pesaha→Pass-over of
Moses→Passi-on of the Christ).
Pancha Mahayajnas
Hindu tradition has the Pancha Mahayajnas ("Five Great Yajnas",
Taittiriya Aranyaka 2.10 cf. panca-five→pacana-fire-sinha-tiger-
hansa-swan →vasna-money→savana-sacrifice→yajna-
sacrifice→agna-fire .
Agnijvaala(flame) is called as kiila,arcis,heti,sikha(siva-subha-
pasu-vasu) etc.

The red palm/hand marks

11(ekaadasa) red(rudra-rudhira-rakta-raksha) hands

(kara-hara-khara-arka), and the head(bhadra/masta/matsa) of a
bull(bhadra/rudra/bhairava/siva) at this site indicate siva as the
protector god.Fire /fire power is the protector of man to this
date.The king’s head is the mriga/bhairava/vRika.Burial grounds
have sava which is siva and subha/bhuja(red
The bindi/manga/mangala(auspicious) mark worn by a
married Hindu woman usually applies sinduura (vermilion,jina-
suura-sun) to the manga (the line of partition of the hair on the
head;manga-sanga-sex,Mal.manka-woman). The Harappan
ladies did the same,as evidenced by many female terracotta
figurines. In these terracottas, the ornaments are painted yellow
to indicate that these were made of gold, the hair is black, while a
red colour has been applied in the manga, indicating the use of
vermilion. Even the Hindu way of greeting with a namaste is
rooted in the Harappan Culture, as shown by certain other
terracotta figures.
At the Catalhoyuk Research Project, archaeologists are
excavating a 9,000 year old Neolithic village where they came
across a

painting with deep reds and reddish oranges thought to be made

with red ochre and cinnabar(cf. trisuula/naama/phallus marked
on phaala-godhi-firhead in red is two hands on linga )
Rakta(raaga-red,blood,love,king ;Daksha) being
raksha(protection,raaja-king) this shows a protected area or area
of a chieftain/ king or kshetra- altar/temple.PaNa(hand,Daksha) is
the sun god.AruNa(VaruNa) is red and aruNodaya
is dawning in red.It is Iisa(sa-si-Siva-subha-usha-sava or bhadra-
praatar).It is miina( niNa-blood).It is the field of blood-
Akkaldaama(agna/arka-the sun,daama-domos-house)-the
Potter’s field-where king Sudas –ushas won the battle of the ten
kings,the devas won the ten battles against the asuras,Judas-
ushas-committed suicide etc.

Ancient Middle Eastern stone

structures revealed by
Google Earth
October, 30 2011

Popular Archaeology
Archaeologists are about to resolve the mystery behind the
puzzling megalithic concentric ring and
tomb(cf.carama→dolmen) complex called the "Stonehenge of
the Levant".
→ dolmen-three stones,

The National
In the 1920s, Royal Air Force pilots flying airmail routes from
Cairo to Baghdad noticed in the lava fields of Syria, eastern
Jordan and Saudi Arabia noted
→ , , → Is these the
work of the Bharatas?

thousands of elaborate stone wheels, measuring up to 70

metres wide and visible only from the sky.
The structures, classified into sub-categories including wheels,
rings, pendants and cairns, differ slightly across the region but
most share striking similarities.
Wheels(bhadra-praata-preta-pareta-pramiita-pyramid-dead) are
"large circular or sub-circular enclosures, usually with thick walls,
often with one or more internal partitions of equal thickness that
resemble the spokes of a wheel"; while rings are small versions
that can be internally divided or not.
Most numerous are the pendants, consisting of a head(bhadra)
and a tail(bhadra has a vaara to indicateviirabhadra,
bhadraasana and paretaasana).
In the Jeddah sample no kites(patra,pareta, Egyptian ka cf
bhadra-patra-ka-K whence the unicorn bull and winged bulls is
ka-sa,ksha-narasimha,gaja-elephant), which number in the
hundreds in Jordan, were found.
"There are three wheels(cf. ) at Wisad which are really
bizarre.The burials are made at the same time the wheels wheel is the cross of
R.I.P.Aksha/Cakra(wheel) is
raksha(protection,salvation).Rakta(blood) is raksha.Raksha is
moksha(salvation).Bhadra(circle) is patra(bird) and

Compare this with H-182 from Harappa.

Note the three wheels and
the 5 cakras/svastikas/crosses.
The tiger,elephant,lion ,drum etc make svar(garja,sun-paNa-
Heb.Heres,Lat.crus,Gr.Keres-karsha-harta-hearth -cross )
and indicate paNa/karsha.
Bhadra(patra , , , , , , , , , , ,
paatra ) -Gr.petra cf.Hindi pattar is stone.Asma- stone is
sma(sava-corpse) . Sila-stone is jina-the sun. The worship of the
dead bodies or the cross bearing the dead body of the Christ is
the worship of dawn and the rising sun.
Samaadhaana-peace is smasaana(cemetery) marked by the
or RIP which sign the Christian priests show during the Holy
Mass announcing peace be with you. This cross is the Tau or
sava (sva cf. Heb. sua ) or taya or saya or jaya cross(cakra-
Heres-garta-karsha-harsha-hearth) .
Compare these artefacts from Catalhoyuk with similar objects
from IVC,the Oxus etc.

- K-50 tunga-high,sinha-
caturaha → catur-4, (aha-day,aga-tree,vana-
tree,paNa-money,praise,hymn)is famous.

Balidaana(sacrifice,aha ) → prakaasa(light).

Harappan artrfacts (from

Agna(fire ) is arka(sun ,kara-hand)/aksha(snake ,eye ,

, wheel )/ asva(bull cf.aleph ) / kara(hand , )/
khara(ass , heat,sun,silver)/khura

(hoof: :)/gira(word,hill , ) / vaac(word)/hara(ass

,fire,siva).Fire is god.Hence word is god.

marka,rakta-soNa-red,blood-soma)→agna(fire,linga,sisna,1, )
kausika/mitra/mudra- → → go-vaara/vaara


mukha/makha/bhadra makha/sata makha/raaja

suuya/haava/hooma/soma /raja/raaja mukha/raja makha.The
position over the kakud(hump of bull;kha-kuuTa→summit of
sky,sexual bliss)indicate kakudstha(kausika→go-

• agna/ekaha/eka/aha- agnishtoma-
Indra/Visvamitra. drapasa(drop, subhadra-auspicious
) →soma→suma(flower )→su(squeeze)-
ma(water drop,kha-sun,sukha-pleasure) →ma-


• ma- kha(haa;makha/mahaa)- raja/viira/suuya/soma-

soma/saya/yasa/yaja- mukha/Indra/Visvamitra.

Mahaa raaja( eka cakra,eka raaja) suuya soma


This is a shadaha with six ahas /paNas/ /akshas/sarpas/svaras.

aksha/ahas is yaksha(gandharva,sandarbha,sankalpa,
numbers,scripts).Hence VaruNa/VarNa as nripa is considered as
the king of the Yakshas.

H179b , H178b

Anubis(aNu-soul,sacred text;anu-man,with;visa-man,vi-
bird,vaaja-sacrifice,vac-word,vaca-sun;hence aatma-soul of
man,sol/sun is soul of man) is the Greek name of the ancient
Egyptian god associated with mummification and afterlife. In
Egypt's Early Dynastic period (c. 3100 – c. 2686 BC), Anubis was
portrayed in full animal form, with a "jackal" head and body.He is
depicted as an African wolf or a man with a wolf’s head(dvaya-
two→dvija-twice born,Brahman→tvisha-light→suurya-sun-
semen→tejas-light→dasra-ass,asvins→darsa-New Moon→rajata-
cf.elephant,mahisha,nisa-asikni-nyx-night-black) was depicted in
black, to denote the discoloration of the corpse after embalming
and the expected rebirth . Anubis is also associated
with Wepwawet (Upuaut), another Egyptian god with a dog's
head. In those times vRikas(wolves) and sRigaalas(jackals) used
to uncover and eat the buried bodies in grave yards.VRika is a
blood thirsty animal.Is it because of this that the the protector
deity of mummies had the head of a wolf?No.MRiga/vRika is
nri(king)-ka(head).It is the king’s head.It is the severed
head(cf.the headless body + jackal on the Anatolian linga) of
Brahma,Daksha, Hayagriiva, John-(yajna/agna/ahna/soma)- the
Baptist’s head-baptist→abda-daksha-year→ap(water)-
da(giver)→water giver;bapto-to dip in;Mal.mam(water)-daana(gift)-
samaadhaana(peace)-smasaana(grave yard)-svastha(resting)-
tvashta(sun,carpenter cf.Joseph- father of Christ- was a
carpenter)- dvaadasa-12 -matsa-Pisces -masta-head -
-the sun/John sprinkles light here.But his body is not
visible.Visible Sun/Christ appears in the East ,in Aja/Aries only).
Vrika(Rik,guru) is bharga(Siva,Brahma,light,heat)/arka
ka is the second mandala of the Rig veda.Khala is the sun.Kaala
is samaya(time,aatma-soul,self) and tanaya(son/sun).Kaala is
black and kaahala(trumpets/shofar).Hence the sounding of
shofars, sankha the birth of the day,month and
year.Black/kaala is kRishNa/srii-jina/vrishNa/linga
also.Samaya is sayana(sex).Dasra(asvins) is
retas(semen)/tejas(light) of
The black dead head is the dead head of the
king/kaala/night/day/month/year.It is cut off by the retas of the
asvins/agni/ soma/ soNa/ aruNa/aruNima-dawning in the
northeast.The ankha/agna/yajna/makha -cross in the hand of
Anubis is saya/surata/udaya/suuya(sacrifice).SRigaala-jackal is
tri-kaala(three times-past,present and future)/sringa(horn
)/trisuula /soma/moza/sun/son.
Wepwawet ( Upuaut, Wep-wawet, Wepawet) was originally  a
war deity( , , , , from
→vRika ). 
Wepwawet "opens the way" to king Sekhemkhet’s vijaya(victory-
udaya/vijaya/vidya) which is sunrise.
Bhai-rava→bhii(fear)-rava(sound,sun cf.the howls of jackals from
graveyards)→ bhiikara(horrific)→vRika(blood drinker).It is the fear

yajna(sacrifice)→syena(garuDa )→sayana(sex)→

tanaya(aatma-sun,soul,son).By sayana one’s soul gain moksha

as son is soma/moksha.Anu-bis is the soul/sol/kaala/time.

Anubis(PaNa-sun/piNa-corpse/penis) was depicted as a protector of

graves as early as the First Dynasty (c. 3100 – c. 2890 BC.Penis is
buried in the vulva/ grave to give new life like a seed that is sown to
make a new tree).He was also an embalmer. One of his important roles
was as a god who ushered souls into the afterlife. Like
VaruNa/Yama/Dharma Raaja he attended the weighing scale during the
"Weighing of the Heart," to determine whether a soul would be allowed
to enter the realm of the dead or the heavens.
The oldest known textual mention of Anubis is in the Pyramid Texts of
the Old Kingdom (c. 2686 – c. 2181 BC), where he is associated with
the burial of the Pharaoh.
Protector of tombs
In contrast to real wolves, Anubis was a protector of graves
and cemeteries.One of his names is  Khenty-imentiu, which means
"foremost of the westerners" .VaruNa/the setting sun is the lord of the
western direction and the vedic god of death. VaruNa means “one who is
prayed by people for life”.Most ancient tombs had prayers to
Anubis/VaruNa carved on them.
Sunset is the grave. Libra is the west.It is the place of VaruNa/nripa(nri-
king,mri-carma-maraNa-death). It is Tulaa/Libra/the scales.The king was
the controller of weights and measures.Sunset in the west balances the
sunrise in the east.Weighing of the hRit –the heart is weighing of harta-
the sun.

"BD Hunefer cropped 1" by unknown Egyptian artisan (Jon

Bodsworth: photographer) - BD_Hunefer.jpg. Licensed under
Copyrighted free use via Commons -
→sRigaala(jackal ).
Yama→samaya(time0→sayana(sex,cf.bull mating priestess)→
sama(equal)→paNa(trade)→piNa(dead body) →sava(corpse)→
rama(sex,pleasure,srii)→samara(battle,hence god of
t,price,praise,prize,house,sound,hymn)/ahna(day-two parts-light
and night.Night black,day white.).Ahna/ahas→asva, p→h,n→h/s.

PaNa(sun)-paNavi(siva)-vipaNi(market).Libra is the sign of the

vaisya-trader caste.Thus siva/varuNa are market
symbols.Subha(siva,auspicious) laabha(deva,gain) is a traditional
auspicious greeting wishing for victory in all enterprises.


cf.GaruDa.A 16th-century drawing of Phanes

by Francesco de' Rossi
Phanes /Protogonos(first born cf.ekaadasa
Rudra/ekajaata/ekaraaja/ekacakra/agni/unicorn) was the ancient
Greek deity of procreation and creation of new life.His concept
included Ericapaeus(power) and Metis(thought -the symbol of power.The danda/saasti-
royal scepter is a phallic symbol).Phanes/penis is often
equated with Eros and Mithras (cf.MaitraavaruNa ) and has
been depicted as emerging from a cosmic egg(moksha-
sky/mushka-vrishNa-testicles and linga) and entwined with a
serpent(garuDa-naagaasana,Siva with snakes on the neck,sarpa-
He has a helmet and golden wings(suparNa-Garuda) .Dvaya form
is ina(sun)/yama/suurya/suuya/yasa/yaja/saya(sex).
Time/samaya/kaala/ Aion-aayus/suuya/usha, created the silver egg of the
universe-the sun.Out of this egg burst out the first-born,
paNa/Phanes/Penis/linga. Phanes was a uroboric male-
female(cf.ardhanaariisvara-Rudra-Siva-soma) deity of light and
goodness.His name means "to bring light" .Siva/linga retas(semen) is
Phanes was believed to have been born from the Egg of Chronos (cakra
of time is egg of Chronos/Time,samaya-sayana-sex,mushka-aNda-
testicle-egg) and Ananke (ananga-kaamadeva,angana-woman) or Nyx in
the black(kaala-krishNa-time,black;vrishNa-testicle,linga ) bird
form(nisa-nyx,na-like,sa-bird,snake;night is bird and snake,kaala
sarpa/patra) and wind form (marut-wind/mRita-dead/druma-
tree/dharma-god of death/mudra-nRitta-dance cf.mRityu nRitta-dance of
death/surata-sex). He created the method of creation by
coupling/yama/yoga/yuupa/suuya/yaja/saya-sacrifice,sex. According to
Aristophanes, Phanes is Eros(kaamadeva/rati-sex).He mates
with Chaos and creates the birds-patra/patri/bhadra/bharata/ra(agni)-
Anubis/Phanes The bird created by Phanes.Patra(bird)-
putra/Rudra/praja/varsha/New year/sun/son/soma/agni itself.
Similar to the Caucasus petroglyphs petro/bharata glyphs
are seen in Kerala/Tamilnadu in South India.But whereas the
Caucasian glyphs are 10000-15000 years old,the South Indian
glyphs are around 6000-7000 years old.The settlements in
Mehrgarh are 7500-8500 years old. It took the
Anatolian Bharatas(15000 years old) around 7000-8000 years
to reach South India . Note the human bera/body -made of the
vaara-cup as in the jar from Bhirrana also indicating
viira(fire/soma/agni)-bhadra(bharata/raaja/agni/deva/diipa cf.the
diipa in the hand)
same as vaara→ vaara→ bhaara→ viira
bhadra→(king’s weight,Kubera)→
viirabhadra→ viirabhadra→ viirabhadra(ekadasa rudra)
→ →
viira bhadra/soma→ H-3305 → →
→ viira bhadra →somaraaja→ekaraaja→ekajaata
→ekacakra/arka(linga)→ M-303
vrishaNa /krishNa-
Saasana →dasma →masta →dasam →matsa(fish-
guru/Rik/arka/linga;miina - nayana-naaNya/paNa -maana-
measure,altar -naama-forehead mark -suula-soma-linga-
gold,cow of svar-heaven,svar-
cow→Kaamadhenu,surabhi,Menaka,Mena ,Vrishan asva etc.)
Jata bharata
Jata bharata isa vedic sage.Because of his jaTa(foolish) nature
he was called JaTa Bharata.He is bhadra(king,rudra) with a
jaTa(made up locks of hair).JaTa is jaata(born) and raja(king).It is
the flames of fire.Bharata is fire.Jaata bharata is jaatavedas,the
sacrificial fire tiger.Hence he is shown with the tigers.He is
ekaadasa rudra,ekajaata putra(the only son of the
sun),ekaraaja,eka cakra etc.He is
suunaari(dawn)/pulari(sun,dawn)/ puli(tiger)/kumaara(young
boy)/kumaari(young girl cf.Kanyaakumaari/Cape Comorin)/dawn.
The identification of the AgnishToma/somayaaga in
The Asvina mahaa in the Dholavira sign board
the Maagha makha(winter Solstice festival) in
and the paNa/makha in simple seals like H088a
offer unequivocal evidence linking the Harappan Bharats to the
Anatolian Bharats.


A samavritta is a metre with four equal paadaas (lines). A metre

can be formed with even a single alphabet and can extend to
several alphabets in a line. The names of some of the metres
probably had their origin during the Harappan times itself. This
may be the reason for seals with single/multiple scripts.

Name of the metre Number of alphabets in

1 uktaa (srii) 1

2 atyukta (strii) 2

3 madhya (naari) 3

4 pratishtha (kanya) 4

5 supratishtha 5

6 gaayatri 6

7 ushnik (madalekha) 7

8 anushthup 8
9 brihati 9

10 pankti 10

11 trishtup 11

12 jagati 12

13 atijagati 13

14 sakvari 14

15 atisakvari 15

16 ashti 16

17 atyashti 17

18 dhriti 18

19 atidhriti 19

20 kriti 20

21 prakriti 21

22 aakriti 22

23 vikriti 23

24 sankriti 24

25 abhikriti 25

26 Utkriti 26
27 dandaka 27

1.Indus Script Decipherment Breakthrough-Vijayabhaarati-2015
2.Vijayabhaarati papers/
64. Monkey figurine; 63. Elephant head; 62. Turtle figurine;
27. Bull seal, Harappa; 154. Unicorn seal;
42. "Priest King."; 41. "Priest King."; Libation vessels.;M-18A; 135.
Inscribed storage jar,M-1196;
126. Inscribed mold fragment; Ravi Phase Pot ; 102.Ravi Phase
Motifs ; 101. Hand-built Pot ; 124. Inscribed Ravi sherd; Textile
Evidence; 90. Molded tablet; 15. "Granary," Harappa; 2. Ox- or
water buffalo-drawn cart with driver from Harappa; 133. Unicorn
seal; 22. Toy carts, Nausharo.; 149. Three groups of tablets; 150.
Stroke direction; 151. Two inscribed tablets; 156. Long
rectangular seal with no animal motif; 60. Seal Fragment; 36.
Silver seal, Mohenjo-daro.; 25. Unicorn Seal, Mohenjo-daro;
145. Unicorn seal; 8. "Great Bath," Mohenjo-daro.

Oldest modern human found in England; DNA study deals blow to

theory of European origins; Into the Stone Age With a Scalpel: A
Dig With Clues on Early Urban Life; Ancient Middle Eastern stone
structures revealed by Google Earth; Solving the Mystery of a
Megalithic Monument in the Land of Giant; More on Family ties
doubted in Stone Age farmers; No Family Plots, Just Communal
Burials In Ancient Settlement; Digging up Turkeys past. Totally
stone age: James Mellaart at Catalhoyuk; Archaeologist argues
worlds oldest temples were not temples at all; 9,000-year-old
ancient figurines were toys not mother goddess statues are
discovered; The earth mother of all neolithic discoveries; Pyramid
Exploring Robot Reveals Hidden Hieroglyphs; Big Question for
2012: The Great Pyramids Secret Doors; Solving the Mystery of a
35,000 Year Old Statue; Udupi: Ancient Unicorn Idol Found at
Kalya; Site hints at Asian roots for human genus; Ancient Egypt
was destroyed by drought, discover Scottish experts; Company
digging mine in Afghanistan unearths 2,600 year old Buddhist
monastery; Ancient City Mysteriously Survived Mideast
Civilization Collapse; Tamil Brahmi script found at Pattanam in
Kerala ; Worlds Oldest Erotic Picture ; Worlds oldest Copper
Age settlement found at Plocnik

5.Dr.Asko parpola for his works

• a) Asko Parpola . 1994. Deciphering the Indus script/DTIS.

1994. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge
DTISpage21; DTIS-page32.Sumerian tablet from Uruk indicating 54
oxen and cows.; DTIS page 55 Indus script on a late Harappan seal
Dmd-1.; DTIS page 55; DTISpage55; DTIS page 82; DTIS page 83. M-
314; DTIS page 91. H-3305; DTISpage92.H102;
DTIS page92.M-318; DTIS page92.
M-1203; DTIS page 108.DK-7535; DTISpage108.DK2119; DTIS
page109 H-3458 ;
DTIS page 109 H-247; DTIS page 109.M- 478.; DTIS page 111 B12B6;
DTIS page 111 C2B7; DTIS page111 A7B10; DTIS page 65.; DTIS
page 132 M-228; DTISpage 132.BM120228; DTIS page181 IM87798;
DTIS page 183; DTISpage183.Monochrome goblet painted with three
star symbols from Mehrgarh.3000-2600 B.C; DTIS page 185.
M-305.; DTIS page 188.M-304. ; DTIS page192.Shahr-i Sokhta,; DTIS
page 194 .H-302; DTIS page194.H-3452; DTIS page 195 H-9.; DTIS
page 213.Bull statuette with trefoil inlays from Uruk(w.16017).; DTIS
page219. BM-123059; DTIS page 219.M-489B;
DTIS page 227.H-182; DTISpage226.M-453; DTIS page 226.H-306 ;
DTIS page228.H-147.Signs of fireplace and intersecting circles.; DTIS
page 231 M-172.The sign sequence Fig tree+ fish.; DTIS page 231 .H-
6.Fig tree+two long vertical strokes.
DTIS page 234.Two sets of copper tablets from Mohenjo-daro ;DTIS
page 243.M-414
; DTIS page 247.M-308;
b) Sanskrit has also contributed to Indus civilization –Dr.Asko
C) The Indus script and the wild ass

6 .B. B. Lal, Director General (Retd.), Archaeological Survey of

India Lecture given at the National Council of Educational
Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi ).
Why Perpetuate Myths? A Fresh Look at Ancient Indian History .
7. Roger D.Woodard
The Ancient languages of Asia minor- H i t t i t e , The Lycian
8. Copyright © 2006 The Royal Society
Carob bean seeds

9. James Prinsep

Coins, Weights, and Measures of British India

10 Lionel D. Barnett
Antiquities of of
India: An Account of the History
and Culture Ancient Hindustan
11. Ancient

12. Jonathan Slocum and Sara E. Kimball

Manusmriti: The Laws of Manu
The Oxus river Civilization: the Bronze Age of
central Asia.
15. P Gopakumar

In his Hindu article The Viiraraaya FaNam


Accounting existed in Vedic India

‘Earliest writing’ found
18. © Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1996 & 1999
A Comparative Chronology of Money
19. Colin Narbeth

The cowry shell as money

20 Marvin A. Powell
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 39, No.
3 (1996)
Money in Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Indian coins
The History of Coins: How We Got From Shekels to Sela'im

Rice grain
25. Jimmy Dunn  
The Sed-festival
26. T.S. Subramanian
Bull-baiting of yore
The Bhirrana potsherd
Harappan link

27. Iravatham Mahadevan,

May 6 2006 |
in Note on the Muruku Sign of theStone
the light of the Mayiladuthurai
28. The Australian coin collecting weblog
Proclamation Coin - Indian Rupee
29. Subhash C.Kak
The Indus Script-Its Connection With Brahmi
30. J.M. Kenoyer
Hariyupia and the Rg Veda
31 .Akkadian dictionary © Association Assyrophile de France

Corpus of Indus Inscriptions
33 The Indus script: texts,concordance and
tables(ITCT).Iravatham Mahadevan.1977.ASI,New Delhi.

34.An Introduction to Indus writing (AIIW). Bryan wells. The

University of Calgary . 1998. Canada.

35.Sumer. Wikipedia .

36.Ancient Egypt – Myth and History (AEMH). Geddes and

Grosset Ltd. 1997. New Lanark. Scotland.

37A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (ACDME). Raymond

O Faulkner .1991. Griffith Institute. Oxford.

38The Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible. 1996. AMG

International Inc. U.S.A.
39.Sanskrit - English Dictionary. Sir Monier Monier Williams.
1999. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

40Sanskrit – Malayalam Dictionary. Kanippayyuur Sankaran

Naambootirippaatu. 1996.

Pancaangam Pustaka Saala, Kunnamkulam, Kerala.

41 Sabdataaraavali. Sriikantesvaram G. Padmanaabha Pilla .April

2000. National Book stall , Kottayam, Kerala.

42 Puraanic Encyclopedia (PEP). Vettam Maani. 1991. Current

books, Kottayam. Kerala.

43 The Rigveda (RV). OMC Narayanan Nambotirippatu. 1995. D.

C. Books .Kottayam. Kerala.

44 The Vedic people (VP). Their History and Geography: Rajesh

Kochhar. 2000. Orient Longman. Hyderabad. India.

45 A Phrenologist Amongst The Todas (APATD). William E.

Marshall. 1995. Asian Educational Services. New Delhi.

46 Iythareya Brahmanam(IB) .V.Balakrishnan,Dr.R.Leela Devi .

1992 .The Vidyarthi Mithram Book Depot,Kottayam,Kerala.

47.Life In Ancient India In The Age of The Mantras : P.T.Srinivas

Iyengar .Asian Educational Services-1991

50. Phallic Worship In Ancient Religions-Vijayabhaarati-2015.


I am extremely grateful to the authors of the works I have used
for this work.Without them this paper would not have been

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