Stabilization of A Double Inverted Rotary Pendulum

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Research Article

International Journal of Advanced

Robotic Systems
July-August 2019: 1–9
Stabilization of a double inverted rotary ª The Author(s) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/1729881419846741
pendulum through fractional order

integral control scheme

Ibrahim Mustafa Mehedi1,2, Ubaid M Al-Saggaf1,2,

Rachid Mansouri3 and Maamar Bettayeb1,4

Rotary double inverted pendulum is a highly nonlinear complex system and requires a high performance controller for its
control. Using gain matrix which is obtained through state feedback technique may create complexity while removing the
steady-state error for all states. Incorporating an integral action can be an alternative for these errors. Therefore, a state
space–based fractional order controller with fractional integral action is designed and tested on a rotary double inverted
pendulum in this article. The fractional integral controller is designed based on Bode’s ideal transfer function. Two degree
of freedom is considered for tuning purpose as well. The integer order controller based on the state space approach is
also shown for comparison. Simulation and experimental results are presented for both controllers of this rotary double
inverted pendulum system.

State space control, fractional order controller, two degree of freedom, Bode’s ideal transfer function, rotary double
inverted pendulum

Date received: 24 March 2018; accepted: 29 March 2019

Topic: Robot Manipulation and Control

Topic Editor: Andrey V Savkin
Associate Editor: Steven Su

Introduction the double inverted pendulum becomes an attractive tool to

test the performance of different modern control tech-
A link rotating above its pivot point is called an inverted
niques. Moreover, the double inverted pendulum has sev-
pendulum. Controlling issues of this type of inherently eral critical applications in spacecraft and aircraft control.
unstable systems are considered as a classic problem in
dynamics and control theory. This nonlinear system can
be implemented to justify the effectiveness and to proof 1
Center of Excellence in Intelligent Engineering Systems (CEIES), King
the enhanced performance of new control algorithms. The Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz
double inverted pendulum is the next level complication of
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
classic single inverted pendulum problem. The double 3
L2CSP Laboratory, Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi Ouzou, Algeria
inverted pendulum can move either linearly on a cart or 4
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Sharjah,
in a circular way mounted on a rotary arm while this arm Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
experiences torque produced by a servo motor. The rotary
Corresponding author:
double inverted pendulum is considered as an extremely Ibrahim Mustafa Mehedi, Center of Excellence in Intelligent Engineering
nonlinear unstable system and consequently to design its Systems (CEIES), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.
controller is a challenging problem. Due to its complexity, Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Specially, the control concept of double inverted pendulum

is effectively applicable for attitude control with a double
gimbaled momentum wheel called gyropendulum.1 More-
over, the double inverted pendulum represents the building
block of humanoid robots and in the modeling of rockets in
There are several robust controllers proposed in recent
years such as fuzzy controller,4 neural network controller,5 Figure 1. Fractional compensator–based state space control.
genetic algorithm controller,6 adaptive controller,7 and slid-
ing mode controller.8 These are all considered as integer order Bode’s ideal transfer function is explained briefly in the
controllers. However, recently, noninteger order calculus second section. The integral control–based state feedback
became an attractive tool to apply in different disciplines of control is also explained in the same section. The third sec-
science and technology. For the automation field, design and tion describes the mathematical modeling of the rotary dou-
implementation of fractional order controllers represent a ble inverted pendulum. Simulation results are shown in the
highly promising area of research. It is already proven that fourth section. Experimental results are presented with a
the performance of integer order controllers can be improved brief discussion including the procedure in the fifth section.
using fractional order calculus.9–11 In fact, the fractional order Finally, the sixth section concludes this article.
controllers are more flexible than the integer order controllers
because of the availability of higher number of tuning para-
meters, although the tuning procedure increases the complex- Fractional integral control combined with
ity. Effective tuning techniques are investigated and can be state feedback
seen in published papers (see e.g. Das et al.12). A state feedback control with an integral action is a very
The challenge in this article is to use fractional order linear useful method for the purpose of tracking a specific set
controllers to control the rotary double inverted pendulum point and rejecting a load disturbance.22 In the integer case,
system. Although, currently the fractional order controllers the state space expression of linear time invariant (LTI)
are often implemented experimentally, very few implementa- system model is given by
tions are addressed using the state space approach. The 
designed controller using state space method–based augmen- x_ ðtÞ ¼ A xðtÞ þ B uðtÞ þ E qðtÞ xð0Þ ¼ x 0
ted system approach can be represented using fractional order yðtÞ ¼ C xðtÞ
dynamics.13,14 The pseudo-state feedback–based fractional
order system is also investigated with the help of system where xðtÞ 2 Rn and yðtÞ 2 R are the state vector and the
augmentation.15,16 Recently, proportional–integral (PI)- output. uðtÞ 2 R and qðtÞ 2 R are denoted for control input
based state feedback approach was introduced using frac- and disturbance input, respectively. A 2 Rnn is the system
tional calculus.17–20 The control gains for the proportional matrix. B 2 Rn1 and C 2 R1n are the control and the out-
and integral compensator of the state feedback controller are put gain vectors, respectively. While the integral action is
designed using the pole placement technique using the incorporated with this state space model, the augmented state
closed-loop characteristic polynomial. The experiment was vector X ðtÞ ¼ ½xðtÞ xr ðtÞ0 is introduced, xr ðtÞ being the
also performed using the PI-state feedback approach for a output of the integral operator. The control law is written as
linear single inverted pendulum-cart system. uðtÞ ¼ ½ K p K r X ðtÞ ð2Þ
The state space–based fractional order controller is
another technique to regulate such a nonlinear scheme in There are some suitable methods to compute the state
which the integral control–based state feedback is used but feedback vector ½K p K r . Ackermann’s formula is used for
a fractional integrator is introduced in the place of integer these gain computations.
integrator. In this case, the gain associated with this integra- It is known that the purpose of state feedback control is
tor is substituted by a fractional integrator which must be to suitably change the poles position but to minimize the
designed. This method is introduced in Al-Saggaf et al.21 and influence of its zeros in the transient response, we can use a
implemented on a single inverted linear cart pendulum. But a fractional integrator 1=sa instead of the integer order inte-
multiple inverted pendulum is more complicated and highly grator 1=s. The static gain K r can also be replaced by a
nonlinear system. There are many uses of double or triple compensator KðsÞ. Again, to stabilize the system, the state
rotary inverted pendulum in robotic arm and in space appli- feedback gain K s is used and to impose the transient
cations. In this article, the proposed method is implemented response of the closed-loop system, the compensator KðsÞ
to control a double inverted rotary pendulum. The illustra- is cascaded after the fractional order integrator (1=sa ). Fig-
tion on a double inverted rotary pendulum system empha- ure 1 demonstrates the architecture fractional integrator–
sizes the viability of the anticipated method to the control of based state feedback cascaded with a compensator. To
linear systems that can be stable or unstable. The remaining design KðsÞ, the Bode’s ideal transfer function23 is used
portion of the article is organized as stated below. The as an open-loop reference system model. Therefore, it
Mehedi et al. 3

entails a robust closed-loop system with respect to produce and can be computed with the help of Ackermann’s tech-
variable gains and exhibits the property of iso-damping in nique,26 and the integer compensator KðsÞ is calculated by
the step response.
Dd ðsÞ 1
The closed-loop transfer function using Bode’s ideal KðsÞ ¼ ð9Þ
ic s N ðsÞ ð1 þ if sÞr
method is
1 The inner-loop’s characteristic polynomial is denoted by
f ðsÞ ¼ 0<k<1 ð3Þ Dd ðsÞ. The numerator, N ðsÞ, is obtained from the transfer
1 þ ic skþ1
function of the linear integer system shown in equation (1).
Here, ic is responsible for the effectiveness of the The time constant of the Bode’s ideal transfer function is
performance tracking system for transient conditions, expressed by ic (equation (3)). In equation (9), KðsÞ is made
and the overshoot depends on the value of k. As shown realizable in such a way that a low pass filter, ð1þi1f sÞr , is
in Bettayeb and Mansouri,24 ic is related to the gain cascaded with it.
crossover frequency !c and k is related to the phase N ðsÞ is in the form N ðsÞ ¼ N þ ðsÞ N  ðsÞ while system
margin ’m (equation (1)) is non-minimum phase. Here, N  ðsÞ is the
p  ’m 1 part of N ðsÞ inverted by KðsÞ and N þ ðsÞ is the part that
k¼ 1 and ic ¼ ð4Þ KðsÞ does not attempt to inverse, it comprises the right-half
p=2 !kþ1
plane zeros. Moreover, N þ ðsÞ should be such that
The step response of equation (3) shows the behavior of N þ ð0Þ ¼ 1. Therefore, KðsÞ is given by
an underdamped second-order system with damping ratio
Dd ðsÞ 1
between one and zero. Again, the value of k can be com- KðsÞ ¼ ð10Þ
ic s N  ðsÞ ð1 þ if sÞr
puted from its relation with the overshoot of the step
response, M p ð%Þ.25 Equation (5) shows this relation. The details of the proof of this result can be found in Al-
5 Saggaf et al.21
k  6:75 10 M p2 þ 0:016 M p þ 0:066 ð5Þ

Note that, due to the state feedback K s , this structure can

be used for both stable and unstable systems. The design Mathematical modeling of rotary double
procedure of the state feedback gain (K s ) and the integer inverted pendulum
filter (KðsÞ) can be summarized (see Al-Saggaf et al.21 for
more details). It is already mentioned that the integer filter Model description
(KðsÞ) is connected in series with the fractional integrator The schematic diagram of double inverted rotary pendulum
block as shown in Figure 1. is shown in Figure 2.27 Lr is the length of the rotary arm, J r is
Let an integer order linear LTI system be given by equa- its moment of inertia, and the angle, q, changes positively
tion (1). The control law is when the arm rotates in counterclockwise (CCW) direction.
uðtÞ ¼ K s xðtÞ þ KðtÞ  xr ðtÞ ð6Þ The double pendulum system is attached at the end of this
rotary arm. Lp1 and lp1 are the length and center of mass for
where the bottom pendulum, which is comparatively shorter. It has
D ðxr Þ ¼ r  C x ð7Þ a mass of M p1 and J p1 is the moment of inertia around the
center of mass. Similarly, Lp2 , lp2 , M p2 , and J p2 are the total
D is an operator which evaluates the fractional deriva- length, center of mass, mass, and moment of inertia for the
tion. r is the reference parameters and xr is a new state top medium-sized pendulum, respectively. a represents the
produced due to fractional integral operator. The tracking angle of the bottom pendulum and ’ represents the angle of
error is integrated through the fractional integrator, which the top pendulum. Both angles become zero when the double
produces xr . The impulse response of KðsÞ is represented pendulum is clearly straight in the vertical position and they
by KðtÞ. This KðtÞ is added in the control law through the increase positively when rotated CCW. M h is the mass of
convolution product with K s . Here, the gain vector of the hinge between both parts of the pendulum.
state feedback, K s 2 R 1n , is generated to influence the
inner-loop’s characteristic polynomial. Further, a fractional
Nonlinear dynamics
integrator of order  is associated with KðsÞ and used to
acquire in closed-loop the Bode’s ideal transfer function of By applying the Lagrange equation
equation (3)
@ 2L @L
The n characteristic roots of inner-loop are arbitrarily  ¼ Qi ð11Þ
@t@ qi @qi
placed by the vector K s , which has the form
The variables qi are called generalized coordinates. L is
Dd ðsÞ ¼ sn þ a1 sn1 þ       þ an1 s þ an ð8Þ
the Lagrangian of the system. Let
4 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

energy for the top medium-sized pendulum. These para-

meters are derived in the literature.27 The total potential
energy combines both gravitational and elastic potential
energies as shown
V ¼ mp1 cosðaðtÞÞ þ mh gLp1 cosðaðtÞÞ
þ mp2 gðsinðaðtÞÞlp2 sinð’ðtÞÞ
þ cosðaðtÞÞlp2 cosð’ðtÞÞ þ lp1 cosðaðtÞÞÞ ð16Þ

Now, from equation (16), the Lagrangian is found in

order to get the nonlinear equations of motion (EOMs) and
various derivatives are computed. q is considered as a gen-
eralized coordinate vector q, therefore, it can be globalized
into a matrix form
DðqÞ€q þ Cðq; qÞ
_ q_ þ gðqÞ ¼ i ð17Þ
where, D, C, and gðqÞ are inertial matrix, damping matrix,
and gravitational vector, respectively. i is torque applied at
the base of the rotary arm produced by the servo motor and
it is defined by the equation
hg K g hm k t ðV m  K g k m qÞ
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of double inverted pendulum i¼ ð18Þ
See the literature26 for an explanation for corresponding
parameters of the rotary servo motor (SRV02) parameters
(e.g. constant of back-emf, k m ).
qðtÞT ¼ ½ qðtÞ aðtÞ ’ðtÞ  ð12Þ
The corresponding velocities are
" # Linearized model
@qðtÞ @aðtÞ @’ðtÞ
qðtÞ ¼ @t @t @t ð13Þ The linear state space model is

x_ ¼ A x þ B u
The Lagrangian of the system is described ð19Þ
L¼T V ð14Þ
where x and u are the state and control input. A, B, and C
where T is the total kinetic energy and V is the potential are matrices for the state space representation. For the dou-
energy of the system. One can get T ¼ T r þ T b þ T h þ T t , ble inverted rotary pendulum system, the state vector is
where T r is the kinetic energy for rotary arm which is xT ¼ ½ q a ’ q_ a_ ’_ , the output is y ¼ q. The aim
 2 is to design a controller for stabilizing the servo to a desired
1 d
Tr ¼ Jr qðtÞ ð15Þ position, q, with a minimum deflection angle of the
2 dt
T b is the kinetic energy for the bottom short pendulum, Linearization of the nonlinear system gives following
T h is the kinetic energy for the hinge, and T t is the kinetic state space matrices27

2 3
0 0 0 1 0 0
60 0 0 0 1 07
6 7
6 7
60 0 0 0 0 17
60 a
7 ð20Þ
6 a M þ p1lp1 Lr M p2 gðlp1 þ Lp1 Þ 0 0 07
6 7
4 0 ab M p2 gðLr2 Lp1 ÞM p1 þ Lr2 Lp1 M p1 þ J r Lp1 Þ 0 0 05
0 ac ad 0 0 0
Mehedi et al. 5

2 3 formula, the static state feedback gain vector, K is

0 s
6 0 7 computed as
6 7
6 7
6 0 7 K s ¼ ½ 0:0142 0:0415 2:5538 0:0369 0:2319 0:2828 
6 7
6 M L 2
þ M L 2 7
B¼6 h p1 p1 p1 7 ð26Þ
6 7
6 L ðM L þ M L Þ 7
6 r h p1 p1 p1 7 Now, the new transfer function is obtained as follows
6 Lr 7
4 2
ðM p1 Lp1 þ M p1 Lp1 Lp2 þ M h Lp1 Lp2 þ M p1 Lp1 Lp1 Þ 5
Lp2 qðsÞ
GIL ðsÞ ¼
479:1375ðs  13:56Þðs  5:948Þðs þ 5:852Þðs þ 11:06Þ
The position of the servo that actuates the pendulum link ðs þ 20:95Þðs þ 10:81Þ 2 ðs þ 5:645Þ 2 ðs þ 0:4562Þ
angles is considered as a measured output. Therefore, the ð27Þ
matrix, C, of the output equation is
where vðsÞ is the control input of KðsÞ and qðsÞ is the output
C ¼ ½1 0 0 0 0 0 ð22Þ need to be controlled. To avoid the complexity, SVD (sin-
The velocities of the servo link and the angles of pen- gular value decomposition)-based method (singular pertur-
dulum can be obtained by computing the derivative and bation approximation) is used to reduce the order of the
passing through a high-pass filter. equation (27). The reduced model thus obtained is given by
3:0502ðs 2  12:12s þ 39:38Þ
Gq ðsÞ ¼ ð28Þ
ðs þ 3:728Þðs þ 0:4583Þ
Simulation results
Now, Gq ðsÞ is decomposed into G þ
q ðsÞG q ðsÞ due to its
The proposed method described in the third section is 
non-minimum phase, where Gq ðsÞ ¼ ðsþ3:728Þðsþ0:4583Þ
implemented to test the stability and check the set point Gq ðsÞ ¼ s  12:12s þ 39:38. In addition, G
þ 2
ðsÞ has the
tracking performance of the rotary double inverted pen-
relative degree of 2. Equation (10) is used to calculate the
dulum system. The Process block of the diagram shown in
filter KðsÞ. To obtain a reasonable value of the control law,
Figure 1 characterizes the linear model of the double
the value of ic is suitably selected. Again, the overshoot is
inverted rotary pendulum. A fractional integral control
minimized by taking noninteger order k for the closed-loop
with state feedback is incorporated in the model. The
step response. Therefore, the suitably selected values are
linearized pendulum model is numerically described as
ic ¼ 100 and k ¼ 0:07. Hence, the obtained transfer func-
follows tion of KðsÞ is given by
2 3
0 0 0 1 0 0
60 7 0:3278ðs þ 3:728Þðs þ 0:4583Þ
6 0 0 0 1 0 7 KðsÞ ¼ ð29Þ
sðs þ 100Þ
0 0 0 0 1
6 368:1561 9:0635 1:1499 1:3285 1:4407 7
7 For the performance evaluation of the designed controller,
6 7
40 477:8131 40:7331 1:3285 1:8262 2:3306 5 a set point tracking is observed between t ¼ 0 s and t ¼ 25 s.
0 518:1773 143:5827 1:4407 2:3306 4:1084 The proposed fractional order control scheme is evalu-
ð23Þ ated by changing the set point at t ¼ 0 s and t ¼ 25 s. The
2 3 simulation results are demonstrated in Figures 3 to 6 of the
0 linearized model described in equations (23) to (25). These
6 1 7 figures entail that, after some transition period, the pendulum
6 7
6 7 angles are stabilized and the rotary position of the arm tracks
6 0 7
B¼6 7 ð24Þ the predefined set point. The fractional order controller per-
6 479:1375 7 forms better than the integer state feedback controller com-
6 7
4 553:5338 5 puted using the LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator) method.
600:2946 Figures 4 and 5 show that, due to the variable set point, the
angles of the bottom and top pendulum are distorted but the
C ¼ ½1 0 0 0 0 0 ð25Þ control law reacts immediately and reactuates to return
toward its stable position a ¼ 0 and q ¼ 0.
The characteristic roots of the open-loop system are
located at 0, 0, 25.3110, 21.1906, 9.8158, 9.0252,
and 0.1263; therefore, the system is unstable. To
stabilize it, K s is used to relocate the poles of the
Experimental results
inner-loop at 20.9506, 10.8062, 10.8062, After simulating the designed control law on the linear
5.6445, 5.6445, and 0.4562. Using Ackermann’s model of a rotary inverted pendulum, it is implemented
6 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

50 2 Statefeedback control
Fractional order control
20 1

10 0.5
θ (deg)

Vm (V)
−20 −0.5
−30 −1
Reference input
−40 Statefeedback controller
Fractional order controller −1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
time (s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
time (s)

Figure 3. Double inverted pendulum rotary arm position

tracking. Figure 6. Control voltage input.

Statefeedback Control
Fractional order control

α (deg)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Sample time (s)
Figure 7. Experiment of rotary double inverted pendulum
Figure 4. Angle of bottom pendulum and a set point change. system.

purposes. A single channel linear voltage amplifier (Volt-

2 State feedback control
PAQ-X1) is used to adjust the supply voltage to the servo
Fractional order control
system in order to produce required torque. Further, a data
acquisition board (DAQ) is used to establish digital con-
nection with personal computer as an interface between
0.5 hardware and software. Matlab software is used to design
φ (deg)

0 the fractional order controller in Simulink environment. A

QUARC Version 2.3.355 software is used as the bridge
connection between Matlab and hardware in real time.
−1 By implementing a controlled voltage to SRV02 unit, both
−1.5 of the pendulums are being balanced keeping them verti-
cally in the upright position. To implement the fractional
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 integral control scheme based on state feedback technique,
Sample time (s) the linearized model of the rotary dual inverted pendulum
(equations (23) to (25)) is considered again.
Figure 5. Angle of top pendulum and a set point change. Experimental results are shown in Figure 8 for fractional
order controller Further, the results of integer order con-
on a similar physical system in a practical experiment. The troller are also produced for comparison as shown in Figure
Quanser27,28 experimental setup is shown in Figure 7. In 9. The closed-loop reference mode parameters are used for
this experimental setup, a double inverted pendulum is the the design of fractional order controller such as, ic ¼ 100
main component. A Rotary Servo unit (SRV02) is used to and k ¼ 0.07. All the results are shown from t ¼ 30 s and
create angular motion of the pendulum for tracking the beginning portion of time is ignored because the double
Mehedi et al. 7

Rotary arm angle (deg)

30 35 40 45
time (s)
Bottom pendulum (deg)

5 5

φ (deg)

−10 −5
30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45
time (s) time (s)

Control voltage (V)

30 35 40 45
time (s)

Figure 8. Experimental results with fractional order controllers.

Rotary arm angle (deg)

30 35 40 45
time (s)
Bottom pendulum (deg)

Top pendulum (deg)

5 4


−5 −2
30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45
time (s) time (s)

Control voltage (V)

30 35 40 45
time (s)

Figure 9. Experimental results with integer order controllers.

inverted pendulum is initially manually erected unlike the Figure 10 shows the performance on disturbance rejec-
self swing up control available for the single inverted pen- tion. To produce these disturbances, the top pendulum is
dulum. The results obviously tell that the integer order tapped lightly arbitrarily. In this investigation, the top pen-
controller is better in terms of rotary arm position and dulum is tapped from t ¼ 32 s to t ¼ 37 s. The results
pendulum angles deflection. However, we can see that the produced by this experiment prove the effectiveness of
control voltage behaves more precise and smoothly for the fractional order controller in terms of external disturbance
fractional order controller over the integer order controller. rejection. Hence, the proposed controller is robust enough
8 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems


Bottom pendulum (deg) Rotary arm angle (deg) 10



30 35 40 45
time (s)

Top pendulum (deg)

10 10
0 5
−15 −5
30 35 40 45 30 35 40 45
time (s) time (s)
Control voltage (V)

30 35 40 45
time (s)

Figure 10. Experimental results with disturbance rejection for fractional order controllers.


θ (deg)

15 20 25 30
time (s)
10 10
α (deg)

φ (deg)

−20 −10
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
time (s) time (s)

Vm (V)

15 20 25 30
time (s)

Figure 11. Complete experimental results for the square reference signal.

for the highly nonlinear double inverted rotary pendulum Conclusion

In this article, the fractional order state feedback with inte-
For further investigation, the experimental results are ana-
gral controller is designed based on the state space repre-
lyzed for the fractional order controller influencing the square
sentation. The designed controller is simulated for the
reference with frequency 0.1 Hz and amplitude gain 5, in
Figure 11. In these results, it is observed that the fractional highly nonlinear rotary double inverted pendulum system.
order control law is following the pattern of the reference Results show better performance than the integer order
signal. Hence the designed controller is robust as well. state feedback controller. Practical implementation is also
Mehedi et al. 9

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