Things To Save in The Event of An Emergency

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In the United States alone, more and more individuals and families alike are starting to

understand the importance of being prepared. Whether this is in the event of an emergency, or
facing various cases of natural disasters, having a disaster plan for you and your family is
absolutely crucial. This may seem obvious to some, but for others, they may have difficulty
realizing which things are worth protecting, stockpiling, and especially saving.
What to save is an area of focus that goes far beyond the family photos and keepsake items. It
is also something that should be considered for a multitude of circumstances and natural
disasters. Even though fires are incredibly common (there were over 1.3 million reported last
year), they are not the only disaster that can strike a family. Floods, tornadoes, loss of power,
earthquakes, and even break-ins can just as easily devastate a home.

In light of National Preparedness Month, here are a handful of tips on what to save and
protect during an emergency, and even how to prepare yourself and your household. The
following categories will take a deeper look into what to include and why. Use this as a guide, or
a preliminary check list when you are ensuring the safety of you and your family.
Legal: Documents such as passports, licenses, social security cards, and birth

 Identification, especially in this day in age, is extremely important. In light of a

catastrophic disaster, your access to transportation, medical aid, and other public services could
be hindered if you fail to provide one of these forms of identification. Also, in the event that one
of these forms are stolen during a break-in, your family is now extremely vulnerable to identity
theft for what can easily be several years. Not only can this lead to feelings of discomfort and
perpetual worry, but it can even have a devastating impact on your family’s financial security.
Other types of documentation to consider are insurance policies, wills, health records, and
financial documents.
Monetary: Bank information as well as a security fund

 Everyone, individuals and families alike, should have an emergency fund that will last a
minimum of six months. Emergency funds are best made up of guaranteed investments such as
savings accounts, as opposed to stock portfolios. Many individuals even elect to establish both
short-term and long-term funds. While the short-term fund can be for less-serious emergencies
like car repairs, the long-term fund is for major emergencies and disasters. The information for
these accounts, and all other financial accounts for that matter, should be stored someplace
safe and secure. If you do not already have them, consider purchasing a fireproof safe or
obtaining a safety deposit box.
Protection: A smart home security system
 It is almost impossible to prepare for all disasters, but what you can do is take a few
preventative measures that are easy, affordable, and protect your home from a wide variety of
disasters. One such measure is investing in a comprehensive, wireless security system much
like this one. It will protect your home against everything from the obvious break-ins, to fires,
floods, and below-freezing temperatures. These systems provide constant monitoring whether
you are at home or away, and can save you a lot of heartbreak and headaches along the way
as well. Having peace of mind that you and the proper authorities will be alerted in the event of
an emergency is immeasurable.
Practical: Survival supplies such as non-perishable food items, batteries, and

 Disaster emergency kits are simply a collection of the important items an individual or
family needs during the event of an emergency or disaster. These kits should be kept in a
couple places around the house, and perhaps even a place of work. They should contain at
least one gallon of water per person, three-day supplies of nonperishable food, clothing, a
battery-powered radio, flashlight, extra batteries, basic tools, maps, and even necessary
medications. This will allow you, and/or the members of your family, to not rely solely on aid
relief. It will also provide you with the ability to stay put, as opposed to venturing out into a
potentially dangerous environment.
Tactical: An emergency plan for the evacuation and reunification of family members
 The American Red Cross recommends developing a preparedness plan, unique to you
and your family, that both prepares and informs in the event of a disaster or an emergency. It is
also recommended to choose two separate meeting places outside of the home. One should be
immediately outside of your house for sudden disasters, such as a fire. The other meeting place
should be outside of your neighborhood to cover the chance of there being a mandatory
evacuation. This also brings up the point that an evacuation plan should be put in place,
practiced, and executed efficiently by family members at least once a year.
Sentimental: Protecting family keepsakes

 All of the categories mentioned above take into account the functionality and
preservation of you and your family after a disaster strikes. It’s also worth mention though, that
aside from straight survival, comfort and solace can be important as well. It’s not a bad idea to
also find a safe place for any emotional mementos worth protecting. Family photographs, for
example, can be kept safe by creating a digital copy.
Emergencies and disasters happen throughout the United States on a daily basis. There are
mudslides and wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, tornadoes in the Great Plains, and hurricanes
in the South. In fact, every single year, our country spends billions and billions of dollars
recovering from the losses incurred by these catastrophic events. Because of this, it is our
responsibility to be as prepared as we possibly can.

Whether it’s a sudden disaster like break-ins and fires, or natural disasters like floods and
tornados, they can happen to us all at any time. Make sure your family has a plan, is safe and
secure, and ready for anything during National Preparedness Month. Taking a few easy steps
can have lasting impacts on your family’s health, security, and happiness.

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