Management of The Small Flock of Chickens: R. Scott Beyer Poultry Specialist Animal Sciences and Industry

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A small, “backyard” flock of chickens can provide your

family with a source of high-qualit y food, possibly some

added income and can serve as an excellent learning
experience for children. Remember, a flock of chickens can
restrict family activities because it must be fed, watered and

cared for daily.

Most farms and many Island Red, or first-generation

of the Small suburban residences have

facilities suitable for a flock of
chickens. Before you start
crosses for meat and eggs.
These types lay brown eggs.
Eggshell color does not affect

Flock of raising chickens, particularly

in suburban areas, investigate
food value, but it influences
market price. Usually, brown

local ordinances because shell eggs sell for more than
some areas have restrictions white shell eggs.
on keeping poultry. Noise, Birds grown for meat —
R. Scott Beyer dust, feathers, odors or flies broilers, roasters and capons
Poultry Specialist from your flock can quickly — are usually crosses be-
Animal Sciences and Industry cool neighborhood friend- tween a white Cornish male
ships. Good management and and a white-feathered female,
a visit with your neighbors to such as a meat-type white
explain your project will go a Plymouth Rock. Broilers are
long way toward alleviating usually grown 7 to 8 weeks to
problems. Promising to share reach a weight of 31⁄2 to 41⁄2
fresh eggs and fryers might
pounds. Roasters are 8- to 12-
also help. week-old chickens that weigh
Getting Started 5 pounds or more; capons are
castrated male chickens
Stock is not available at all
grown to 6 to 7 months old
times, so begin planning at
and weighing 7 pounds or
least six months before you
more. Meat-type pullets do
want chickens.
not make good egg layers
Type of Enterprise because they lay fewer eggs
First, select the type of and require more feed than
enterprise that will produce egg or dual-purpose types. A
what your family desires fast-growing strain cross of
considering your facilities, Cornish-type broilers is
time and local conditions. The recommended if you want to
following information will produce quality poultry meat.
help you decide. Exhibition-type chickens
such as bantams and exotic
Source of Stock breeds are recommended for
Start with vigorous, healthy pets or show. These birds
stock that has been developed have been bred for beauty
for high productiv- ity. If egg and form rather than egg or
production is your objective, meat production. Contact the
lightweight, egg- type breeds Department of Animal
such as White Leghorn strains, Sciences and Industry at
weighing 31⁄2 to 4 pounds at K-State for sources of exhibi-
maturity, are recommended tion-type poultry because
for white eggs. Purchase breeders are limited.
medium-weight, dual- One way to start a flock
Kansas State University Agricultural purpose strains of white or is to purchase day-old chicks.
Experiment Station and Cooperative barred Plymouth Rocks, New Young chicks require a lot of
Hampshire, Rhode care and supplementary heat
Extension Service
Table 1.
1 1
Time Span
Type of Chicken Primary Product(s) Growing Production
Egg Eggs 18–22 wk. 12–15 mo. to 2 years
Dual Purpose Eggs and meat 20–24 wk. 12–15 mo. to 2 years
Meat Meat 8–24 wk. —
Exhibition (including Beauty, pets 20–24 wk. 8–12 mo. to 2 years
Bantams) and showmanship

during the early weeks. be obtained from a commer- of supplementary heat. Oil,
Straight-run chicks (chicks cial egg producer. Yearling gas or electric brooder stoves
that have not been separated hens normally are removed are satisfactory. Heat lamps
according to sex) cost less from the flock after 12 to 15 work well for small flocks.
than other ages and types. months of lay. The purchase Older birds may be kept in
They normally contain half price of older birds will be any building that keeps them
pullets and half cockerels. higher than for day-old dry, protected from extreme
Straight-run chicks are chicks. Yearling hens sell for temperatures, provides good
suitable heavy meat-type less than ready-to-lay pullets, ventilation and permits easy
flocks because males and but their productivity, egg care of the flock. Allow the
females will grow rapidly. quality and level of health are amount of floor area shown
Sexed chicks are segre- lower. in Table 2.
gated by sex at the hatchery. Consult your local K-State Use of an enclosed run,
Egg-type sexed pullet chicks Research and Extension yard or range area provides
cost more than twice as much agent, local hatchery or feed space, exercise, sunshine and
as straight-run chicks but are supplier for sources of good fresh air for growing birds.
recommended for egg pro- stock. Buy your stock from Chickens should be confined
duction — egg-type cockerels the nearest source that has the at all times to reduce labor,
are unsuitable for meat type of birds you want. Make predator losses and nui-
production because of their sure the birds have been sances. Be sure the yard does
small body size. Purchase 21⁄2 tested and are free of not accumulate water during
straight-run chicks or 11⁄4 pullorum and typhoid wet periods and that manure
sexed pullet chicks for each diseases. is easy to remove. Composted
pullet you want to keep in the manure is excellent for use on
laying flock. In a broiler flock, Facilities flower beds and gardens.
a 4 percent death loss is Housing Equipment
considered high. Well-designed, well- Select equipment that is
constructed housing make it safe, convenient to use,
If you prefer to start with
easier to care for the birds and economical and easy to clean.
older birds, ready-to-lay egg-
more enjoyable for the Used equipment may be
type, dual-purpose pullets or
caretaker. You may be able to available locally at a reduced
yearling hens usually are
remodel or use an existing price from producers who
available. Ready-to-lay
structure. Chicks from day- have discontinued their units.
pullets may be ordered from a
old to 8 or 10 weeks of age, Supply a minimum of two, 1-
hatchery, feed stores or local
regardless of type, require a gallon waterers per 100 chicks
farm operation six months in
draft-free house with a source or place smaller containers so
advance. Yearling hens may every bird has an opportunity
to drink. For laying hens,
Table 2. allow a minimum of 1 to 11⁄2
Age Floor area per bird (sq. ft.) inches of waterer space per
0–6 wk. 1
⁄2 hen. Allow feeding space per
100 birds as shown in Table 3.
7–10 wk. 1
Adequate nesting space is
11–20 wk. 11⁄2–2 essential to reduce broken
21 wk. and older 2+ and dirty eggs. For individual
nests, allow one nest for every Table 3.
four to six hens. When using
compartment-type nests, Type of feeder Age Amount
2 ...
... 2
allow 20 square feet of nesting New egg flats 1 – 3 days 5
area per 100 hens. Place nests Starter troughs 4 days – 6 weeks 16 linear feet*
so they are convenient for Hanging feeders 7 – 20 weeks 3 linear feet
gathering eggs. Hens prefer
Hanging feeders 21 weeks and older 4 linear feet
dark and well-ventilated

nests. *A trough feeder 2 feet long provides 4 feet of feeding space.

If roosts are used, they duction). Allow one 60-watt at 12 weeks of age by roasters,
should be 2 to 3 feet above the lightbulb per 200 square feet and at 15 weeks by capons.
floor along the back of the of floor area. Automatic About two weeks before
pen, away from drafts. Space timers to control lights are pullets start to lay, gradually
roosts 10 to 12 inches apart. inexpensive and easy to replace growing mash with a
The front and top of the install. 16 to 18 percent protein all-
roosts can be covered with
Feeding Practices mash laying ration, or a 20 to
heavy wire to keep chickens Poultry feed should 22 percent laying mash and
out of droppings. Do not provide nutrients in proper limited grain. Pullets usually
provide roosts for meat-type balance. Incomplete or start to lay at 18 to 24 weeks;
birds because this practice unbalanced rations reduce dual-purpose and exhibition-
encourages development of performance and may result types later than egg-type.
breast blisters. in nutritional diseases. Regardless of age, keep feed
Cover the floor with Purchase commercial and water available at all
absorbent litter for chickens formula feed from a local times.
to scratch in. Litter absorbs supplier. Tell your supplier
moisture and serves as an the age and type of birds you Management Practices
insulating material in cold plan to feed. Follow the Brooding
weather. For chicks, place a manufacturer ’s instructions The ideal time to brood
3- to 4-inch layer of new litter for usage. For medicated feed, chicks is during the spring
on the brooder house floor; follow the manufacturer ’s months as the days become
for hens apply a 6- to 8-inch directions on the bag label warmer. Prepare by complet-
layer. Remove droppings and or tag. ing this checklist.
damp litter to prevent odors, House and equipment in
disease and breast blisters in For the first four to six
weeks, feed a 20 percent good condition ( )
meat-type birds. Build up
protein starting mash to egg, House and equipment
litter by adding new litter to
dual-purpose and exhibition- cleaned and disinfected ( )
the top of the old as needed.
types or 24 percent broiler Fresh litter down ( )
Select a material that is clean,
starter to meat-type chicks. At
mold-free and dry, such as Equipment (brooder,
six to eight weeks, replace the
shavings, sawdust, chopped feeders, waterers
starting mash with an all-
straw or ground corn cobs. and brooder guard)
mash growing ration or
Small lights (7.5 to 15 in place ( )
growing mash and scratch
watts) under the hover will grain for birds destined for Brooder stove operating
attract young chicks or poults the laying pen. Buy a finisher properly (lamps for
to heat. (Discontinue after ration for broilers. Give smaller flocks) ( )
two weeks.) Proper artificial roasters and capons the same Feed and water in place ( )
light during fall and winter kind of feed as broilers during
will stimulate and maintain Set the brooder tempera-
the first six weeks. After ture at 90 to 95˚F for day-old
egg production. Provide a switching to finishing mash,
minimum of 14 hours of light chicks and reduce by 5˚F
supply limited amounts of weekly until 70˚F is reached.
per day for the laying flock. cracked corn or sorghum
Never decrease daylength The temperature should be
grain to roasters and capons. maintained at or above 65˚F.
unless you want the birds to Gradually increase grain until
molt (lose feathers and equal amounts of mash and Place chicks under hover as
temporarily cease egg pro- grain are being consumed — soon as they arrive. Check the

chicks frequently. Their needed. from the heat

behavior will indicate if they Gradually source and
are comfortable; crowding move the remove it
indicates more heat is needed, brooder after one
3 ... panting means less heat is guard away week. Birds 3
may pile and smother if they Health Egg Handling
are crowded or frightened.
It is much easier to prevent A well-managed laying
Cannibalism disease than to cure it. Here flock will produce high-
Chickens are natural are some keys for prevention. quality eggs for your family
cannibals. Toe, feather or or for market. Gather eggs
• Purchase disease-free
body picking may occur even from nests twice daily, and
in well-managed flocks. clean and cool them. Eggs
Remove injured chicks and • Keep them in a roomy,
should be stored near 45˚F.
paint wounds with a stop- clean, well-ventilated
house. Chickens seldom Kansas has regulations
pick preparation. Return
stay healthy in a damp governing the sale of eggs;
chicks to flock when healed.
house. however, producers selling
Debeaking with an electric
eggs from their own produc-
debeaker will prevent pick- • Watch for symptoms such
tion at their door are exempt.
ing. Debeaking may be done as coughing, sneezing,
Contact the Meat and Poultry
at any age and does not watery eyes, labored
Inspection Division, Kansas
damage the birds, although breathing and sudden
day-old debeaking at the Department of Agriculture,
drop in production and
hatchery is recommended 109 W. 9th St., Topeka, 66612,
feed consumption.
for meat-type birds. See the if you have questions about
• When disease is sus- egg marketing regulations.
K-State publication MF-2336, pected, get a reliable
Cannibalism in the Small For more information on
diagnosis and start selling eggs from home, see
Poultry Flock, for more infor- treatment.
mation. K-State publication MF-2307,
• Kill very sick birds and Packing Eggs on the Farm for
burn or bury deeply to Direct Sales.
A capon is a male chicken
prevent spread of disease. For more detailed informa-
that has been surgically
castrated. Caponizing causes • Bird- and rat-proof house. tion on managing chickens,
birds to fatten and produce • Clean feeders and water- see the following list of
more tender meat. Cockerels ers regularly. Thoroughly publications available at your
are usually caponized when clean and disinfect house local K-State Research and
3 to 5 weeks old. Separate and equipment between Extension office or at K-State's
capons from other chickens flocks. Department of Animal
after the operation. Some Sciences and Industry:
• Plan to keep one age of
consumers say capons have a bird in a flock at one time. MF-2310, Resource Guide for
unique texture and taste. Owners of Small Poultry Flocks
• Use necessary measures
to control fly population. NCR-186, Capon Production
• Check birds periodically MF-2336, Cannibalism in the
for lice, mites and worms. Small Poultry Flock
• Remove and properly MF-2308, Molting and Other
compost manure for use Causes of Feather Loss in Small
as a fertilizer. Poultry Flocks
MF-2307, Packing Eggs on the
Farm for Direct Sales
Poultry Handbook

Publications from Kansas State University are available on the World Wide Web at:
Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, credit Scott Beyer,
Management of the Small Flock of Chickens, Kansas State University, May 1999.

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension

MF-2390 May 1999
It is the policy of Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service that all persons shall have equal
opportunity and access to its educational programs, services, activities, and materials without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or
disability. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity organization. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June
30, 1914, as amended. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture
Cooperating, Marc A. Johnson, Director.
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