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Barometric and Buoyancy Force Homework

Due: September 7, 2021


A scuba diver is underwater at a depth of 45 m. While looking downward, the diver is oblivious while a 6,303 metric
ton boat passes overhead. The boat has a bottom area of 355 m2. What is the additional pressure, in atm, that the
diver feels as the boat passes overhead?

Additional force due to weight of Boat

Additional pressure = Bottom area

(mass of boat) x (gravity)

= area

1000 kg
(6,303 metric ton x ) x (9.81 m/s2 )
= 1 metric ton
355 m

= 174175.8592 N/m2

1 atm = 101325 Pa

1 Pa = 1 N/m2

174175.8592 N/m2 1 atm

Additional pressure = 1
x 101325 N/m2
= 1.718982 atm

Additional pressure = 1.719 atm (wrong)

It is 0
Buoyancy cancels out the additional pressure, so no additional pressure is felt by the diver
2) A scuba diver is underwater at a depth of 40.0 m. While looking downward, the diver is oblivious while a 19,200
metric ton boat passes overhead. The boat has a bottom area of 735 m2. How deep does the bottom of the boat sink
into the water, in meters? (Assume its cross-sectional area is not a function of the height of the boat). Let's hope the
scuba diver is ok! Assume 1000 kg/m3 for the density of water.

19,200 metric ton 1000 kg

Boat: 19,200 metric ton → 1
x metric ton
= 19,200,000 kg

mg = buoyant force → (mass) (gravity) = (volume) (densitywater) (gravity)

(19,200,000 kg) (9.81 m/s2) = (volume) (1000 kg/m3) (9.81 m/s2)
Volume = 19,200,000 [kg] / 1000 [kg/m3]
Volume = 19,200 m3

Volume of water displaced = 19,200 m3

The height of boat below water is 735 m2

(height of boat below the water) (height of the boat sink) = (volume of water displacement)
735 [m2] x (height of the boat sink) = 19,200 [m3]
Boat sink = 26.12 [m]

3) A container open to the atmosphere holds a mixture of oil and water, where the specific gravity of the oil is 0.78. The
oil layer has a thickness of 1.1 m, and the water underneath has a thickness of 1.32 m. What is the gauge pressure at
the bottom of this container, in kPa? (Assume 1000 kg/m3 for the density of water).

Specific Gravity = ρobject / ρwater

Pabsolute = Patm + ρgh|oil + ρgh|water

Pabs = 101325 + (780 [kg/m3] x 9.81 [m/s2] x 1.1 [m]) + (1000 [kg/m3] x 9.81 [m/s2] x 1.32 [m])
Pabs = 122691.18 Pa

Pgauge = Pabs – Patm

Pgauge = 122691.18 Pa – 101325 Pa
Pgauge = 21366.18 Pa
Pgauge = (21366.18 Pa) x (1 kPa/1000 Pa)
Gauge pressure = 21.344 kPa

A reservoir gate is hinged at a fixed point at its center, and can freely rotate about this point (as illustrated above in
green, with its hinge as the black dot). If it is desired to keep this gate closed, where (if anywhere) should a sufficiently
heavy, fixed-in-space stop-block be added to prevent the gate from opening? (The block is not attached to the gate, it
is part of the reservoir structure)

a) Reservoirs do not need gates so the question is invalid

Add a weight to the top-left of the gate to keep it closed

c) No block needs to be added, gate will stay closed

Add a weight to the top-right of the gate to keep it closed
5) Our scuba diver, still at a depth of 40.0 m, finds a 13.5 cm diameter cannon ball. They pick it up and then release it
from a stationary point (its initial velocity is zero). At that time, what is the instantaneous acceleration of the cannon
ball in the downward direction, in m/s2? (Enter a positive number as your answer!) Take the specific gravity of the
cannon ball to be 6.3 and the density of water to be 1000 kg/m3.

Diameter of cannon ball, d = 13.5 [cm] → diameter = 0.135 [m] or radius = 0.0675 [m]
Specific gravity ball is s = 6.3

Vball = Volume = (4/3)πr3 = (π/6)d3

Vball = (π/6)d3 = (π/6)(0.135 [m])3
Vball = 0.001288 [m3]

s = density ball / density water

s = ρ / ρw
6.3 = ρ / 1000 [kg/m3]
ρ = 6.3 x 1000 [kg/m3]
ρball = 6300 [kg/m3]

m = ρV → mass = (density)(volume)
m = 6300 [kg/m3] • 0.001288 [m3]
mball = 8.11597 [kg]

mg – buoyancy force = ma → Equation 1

buoyancy force = (ρwater) (Vball) (g)

mg – (ρwater) (Vball) (g) = ma → Equation 1 (rewritten)

upward buoyant force on ball = (ρwater)(Vball)(g)

down gravitational force = mg
let downward acceleration = a

(ρwater )(Vball )(g)

mg – (ρwater) (Vball) (g) = ma → a = g – mball

(8.11597 [kg]) (9.81 [m/s2]) – (1000 [kg/m3]) (0.001288 [m3]) (9.81 [m/s2]) = 8.1159 [kg] • a
a = 8.253 [m/s2]
Instantaneous acceleration = 8.253 [m/s2]
6) A cube of wood is stationary at the interface between fluid A and fluid B, where SGA = 0.61 < SGwood = 0.79 <
SGB = 0.9. If the cube is oriented such that one of its faces is pointing directly upward, what percentage of its volume
is in the fluid A phase?

If the cube is oriented such that one of its faces is pointing directly upward is let…

Volume of body = V
Volume of inside B = X
Volume of inside A = V – X

SGwood • V = SGA • (V – X) + SGB • (X)

790 • V = 610 (V – X) + 900X
790V = 610V – 610X + 900X
180V = 290X
X = 180V/290
X = 0.6207V

Volume of inside A = V – X
Volume of inside A = 1 – 0.6207V
Volume of inside A = 0.3793 V

Percentage of its volume is in the fluid A phase = 37.93%

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