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Creating Healthy Habits

Finding Positivity in a Negative World

By: Carlie Droszcz

Has the consent negativity coming

from the internet been adding unnecessary
stress?Is the overwhelming amount of
knowledge and lack of time management
causing strain on your day to day life? For
many people living through this time of
scientific advancement, it is hard to keep
up with everything going on, while also
focusing on self care and good habits.

Although downloading an app to help solve

this issue may seem ironic, the app“Habit Tracker” may be a simple and accessible solution. This
app offers the solution by allowing you to choose or create any habit, then helping you to track
your process. You can also choose to have the app send you reminders, that you may set
for anytime, to help you to stay on track. Habit Tracker’s
homepage also presents a list of all the habits you have set for
yourself, along with how much of your goal you have

Another little motivational accessory habit tracker

possesses is a tally of how many days in a row you
have completed each goal.

For many people, feeling alone during times of

Covid and being forced to learn to communicate
through the internet, was very difficult. Many felt
forced to battle their struggles alone. Habit Tracker
allows you to invite friends, helping to create
healthy habits with others. In my opinion
this is one of the best apps I have seen for selfcare.

Although there are many amazing things about the

Habit tracker app, there are some downsides. One of my biggest issues with this app
is that there is a limit to how many habits you may add without buying premium.
Another issue that occurred for me when using the app is, for habits such as
how many steps you want to take in a day, or how many calories you have
burned, the app does not always calculate these correctly.
Another issue some may have is, this app might not work for
everybody. Some people may not want to use an app to help
with a technology based issue. For people that feel this way,
keeping a journal of goals, or even making a To-Do list can be
an amazing alternative.

I believe this app can be a huge help to the issue we are

currently facing. Habit Tracker can allow many to get back to
their regular, if not more successful lifestyle. Although there
may be some downsides to the app, it can still help to get your
life back to where you want it to be.

Reference List:
Aubrey, Allison. “Mindfulness Apps Aim to Help People Disconnect from Stress.” NPR, Oct.
Bishop, Bill. “The Big Sort.” YouTube, uploaded by TheVillageSquare, 31 Jan. 2011,
Craft, Kevin. “Kialo Is an Internet Unicorn.” UrbanDaddy, Nov. 2017,
Hauser, Eduardo. “‘The Daily Me’ Is Neither New nor Bad.” The Huffington Post, 2 May 2009,
Kristof, Nicholas. “The Daily Me.” New York Times, 18 Mar. 2009,
Leigh, Simon and Steve Flatt. “App-based Psychological Interventions: Friend or Foe?” BMJ
Journals, vol. 18, issue 4, 2015,
Le Pierres, Margaux. "Digital Junkie-Information Overload." Creative Technology and Design.
Digital Junkie - Information Overload - YouTube

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