Bio 2

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Signature: .....................................................................School: .................................................

Paper 2
Jul / Aug. 2018
2 hours


Uganda Certificate of Education


Paper 2

2 hours

This paper consists of THREE (3) questions.

Answer ALL questions.
Drawings should be made in the spaces provided.
Use sharp pencils for your drawings.
Coloured pencils or crayons should NOT be used.
No additional sheets of writing paper are to be inserted in this booklet.
Work on additional sheets will not be marked.

For Examiner's Use Only

Question Marks Examiner's Signature and Number

Turn Over
1. You are provided with solutions X, Y and Z . Solutions X and Y contain food
nutrients. You are required to carry out tests on the solutions following the procedure

Label 4 boiling tubes as 1, 2, 3 and 4 and add 10cm3 of distilled water to each .
Wet the visking tubes for easy opening.
Tie one end of each of the four visking tubes securely using the thread provided.

To the first visking tubing, add 2 cm3 of solution X, tie the remaining end securely
and place the tubing in the boiling tube labeled 1.

Add 2cm3 of solution Y to the second visking tubing, tie the remaining end and
place the visking tubing in the boiling tube labeled 2.

In the third visking tube, add 1 cm3 of solution X and 1 cm3 of solution Z , tie the
remaining end and place it in boiling tube labeled 3

To the fourth visking tube, add 1 cm3 of solution Y and 1 cm3 of solution Z , tie the
remaining end and place the boiling tubes in a water bath maintained at (37 oC -
40oC) for 30 minutes.

(a) After 30 minutes, carry out benedict’s tests on the water in each boiling tube.
Record your observations and deductions in table 1. (10 marks)
Table I


(i) To 1 cm3 of water from
the boiling tube 1, add
5 drops of Benedict’s
solution and boil.

(ii) Repeat test (i) using

water in boiling tube 2.

(iii) Repeat test (i) using

water in the boiling
tube 3.
(iv) Repeat test (i) using
water in the boiling
tube 4.

(b) Explain the results of each tests. (08 marks)

(i) Test (i)

(ii) Test (ii)

(iii) Test (iii)

(iv) Test (iv)

(c) From your results, state one property of the active ingredient in solution Z.
Giving a reason for your answer.


2. You are provided with specimens P, Q, R and S which are plant leaves. Examine
them carefully and use them to answer the questions that follow.
(a) Using observable features, state three(3) reasons why all the specimens are
identified as leaves. (03 marks)

(b) Using observable features, state any four(4) differences between specimens R
and S. (04 marks)
Specimen R Specimen S

(c) Describe the characteristic features common to each specimen. (04 marks)
(i) Specimen P

(ii) Specimen Q

(iii) Specimen R
(iv) Specimen S:
(d) Using the characteristic feactures described above, construct a dichotomous
key. (03 marks)

(e) In the space provided, make a well labeled diagram of specimen Q. (06 marks)

3. You are provided with animal specimens A and B. Examine them carefully and use
them to answer the questions that follow:
(a) (i) Using observable features, identify the phylum and class for the
specimens. (02 marks)

Phylum : ............................................................................................
Class : ...........................................................................................
(ii) Using observable features state three(3) reasons for the class identified
above. (03 marks)

(b) (i) Using observable features, describe the mouth parts of specimen A.
(03 marks)

(ii) Using observable features identified above, describe how the head is
adapted for its habitat. (02 marks)


(c) Using observable features of specimen B, explain why it is a successful

(03 marks)
(d) In the space provided, make a well labeled drawing of the dosal view of the
thorax of B. (07 marks)



10 cm3 of 1% starch solution, labeled X

10 cm3 of 1% sucrose solution, labeled Y
5 cm3 of 2% amylase solution labeled Z.

Animal specimens
Specimen A : freshly killed soldier termite
Specimen B : freshly killed house fly

Plant specimens
Specimen P : Cassia leaf
Specimen Q : Hibiscus leaf
Specimen R : Commelina leaf
Specimen S : Pumpkin leaf

 (20 – 25ml) measuring cylinder

 4 boiling tubes
 Labels and thread reagents
 Lenses
 Razor blade
 4 pieces of visking tubings, 10cm long
 Clock
 Thermometer
 Plastic beaker

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