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Investment appraisal techniques for advanced

manufacturing technology (AMT): a literature review

F.T.S. Chan
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
M.H. Chan
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
H. Lau
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
R.W.L. Ip
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Keywords . inconsistent nature of corporate

Investment analysis, Introduction governance;
Advanced manufacturing
technologies, Strategic planning, Owing to the intense global competition in . insufficient level of technological
Justification manufacturing, manufacturers need to confidence;
increase their level of competitiveness in the . unclear financial environment;
Abstract global market. Some manufacturing . behaviour of competitors; and
This paper presents an overview
companies, therefore, are forced to undergo a . unsuitable time to establish the critical
and guidance for manufacturing
companies which are preparing to period of transformation in order to compete performance measures and performance
invest in advanced manufacturing more effectively. Under these circumstances, benchmarks.
technology (AMT). The purpose of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT)
this paper is to explain the Moreover, some manufacturers hold the view
is considered as a means of improving
reasons why the company may that the adoption of AMT involves a high level
encounter problems while competitiveness.
of investment, and its payback period is
adopting AMT, and to look at the The term ``AMT'' refers to computer-aided
many suggestions offered by the usually longer than that traditionally required
technologies in design, manufacturing,
relevant literature for improving by business enterprises. Consequently, the
transportation and testing, etc. In general,
the performance of evaluation in investment may initially result in an increase
AMT investment. According to the AMT can be categorised into two principle
in the cost of manufacturing. Apart from these
four major steps in adopting AMT ways:
(i.e. strategic planning, factors, there is often a lack of sufficient
1 the classical continuum of basic
justification, training and experience with AMT implementation and it
installation, and routinization and
manufacturing processes which extends
is not unusual for organizations that have
implementation), the research from make-to-order manufacturing to
invested in AMT to discover unexpected areas
work here aims to assist continuous manufacturing; and
managers or investors to of application or benefit. According to the
2 the level of integration of the overall
recognize problems at each step, different operating conditions and
manufacturing system (Hill, 1989).
thus offering appropriate ways to technological base of individual companies,
avoid and/or solve those Some industrialists and economists (Stainer quoted improvement rates may have been
problems. It is believed that
improved justification methods
et al., 1996) believe that AMT has great achieved in one company, but cannot be
will encourage more firms to potential to offer manufacturing companies, achieved equally in another. For these
invest in AMT and to realize the with many tangible and intangible benefits. reasons, management may adopt a rather
benefits these investments can Some examples of the benefits which may be conservative policy, and hence refuse to
obtained are reduced labour (Hayes and consider AMTs, even though they could
Jaikumar, 1991), improved product quality potentially benefit the firm.
(Attaran, 1989; Poo, 1990), increased product/ Because of the potentially high
process flexibility (Attaran, 1989; Willis and investments in AMT and the moderate-to-
Sullivan, 1984), enhanced time efficiency high risk involved in adopting these
(Meredith, 1987a) and shortened time-to- technologies, there should be an adequate
market. These benefits are significant but economic analysis and justification method
Submitted June 1998 there are several internal and external to assist companies in selecting the
Revised March 1999 factors inhibiting the success of AMT appropriate technology, most suited to their
Accepted July 1999 investment decisions such as (Stainer et al., operations and business objectives.
1996): Generally, the widespread investment
. lack of readily accessible and acceptable appraisal techniques can be classified into
methods for appraising all the benefits three groups:
Integrated Manufacturing offered by the AMT; 1 strategic evaluation approach;
12/1 [2001] 35±47 2 economic evaluation approach; and
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at 3 analytic evaluation approach.
# MCB University Press
[ISSN 0957-6061]
This is illustrated in Figure 1.
[ 35 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, Figure 1
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip Different justification methodologies
Investment appraisal
techniques for advanced
manufacturing technology
(AMT): a literature review
Integrated Manufacturing
12/1 [2001] 35±47

In the survey of current research and the However, there are still some implicit
applications of existing investment appraisal questions. For instance:
techniques, this paper attempts to provide an . what specific strategic, organizational and
overview and guidance for manufacturing technological issues should be considered
companies which are planning to invest when investing in AMT?
AMT. Furthermore, it also reviews the . how could the strategic, organizational
literature relevant to the management aspect and technological issues be interrelated
of implementing AMT projects, and explores with each other during the
the use of appropriate evaluation implementation of AMT?; and
methodologies from the strategic and . when should specific strategic,
economic points of view. organizational and technological issues be
addressed during the implementation
process (Sun and Riis, 1994)?
Conventional problems in AMT A survey of related literature indicates that
investment most researchers have only focused on the
It is generally agreed that the justification of AMT dealing with the
competitiveness of manufacturing companies relationships between usage of different
will be potentially improved by justification approaches and the adoption of
implementing AMT. However, the AMT. Determining the relationships between
unsatisfactory performance of the justification actions and the performance of a
manufacturing sector in terms of per capita project are usually disregarded (Small and
value added and exports share is also related Chen, 1995). Excessive attention has been
to the low level of investment in AMT paid to technical development, but not
(Wilkes and Samuels, 1991). There are quite a enough to the adjustments needed in the
number of practical cases reporting the organizations to accommodate the
failure of AMT implementation (Bessant, technology.
1990). It has become a well-recognized Apart from these, the use of inappropriate
assumption that strategic and organizational appraisal methods may make a company
issues should be considered at an earlier unwilling to invest in AMT (Stainer et al.,
stage prior to the AMT implementation 1996). Many companies aim to evaluate their
(Bessant, 1990; Gerwin, 1982; Kidd, 1990). chosen technology by quantifying the costs
[ 36 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, and benefits which can be obtained from it. flexibility improvement, although they are
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip Although costs such as hardware, software, extremely important for the growth and
Investment appraisal training, operations, etc. are generally easily
techniques for advanced survival of the firm, they are not readily
manufacturing technology quantifiable, many other benefits, for convertible into cash flow values (Kakati and
(AMT): a literature review instances quality and flexibility, are often Dhar, 1991; Meredith, 1988). Therefore, a
Integrated Manufacturing very difficult to estimate (Amoako-Gyampah meaningful justification should require the
Systems and Maffei, 1989; Wabalickis, 1988).
12/1 [2001] 35±47 identification and assessment of all the
The most popular capital-acquisition variables that determine the success of the
policies, which evaluate the investment in AMT projects.
financial terms, have been found to be The faith in traditional accounting
inappropriate for automation investment procedures in firms has led some researchers
decisions (Attaran, 1989; Meredith and Hill, to advocate the justification of AMT on the
1987; Roth et al., 1991; Swann and O'Keefe, basis of strategic arguments. Hence, many
1990a, 1990b). For instance, it has been companies might adopt a hybrid approach
suggested that conventional cost accounting which consists of both strategic and
cannot accurately value improvements in economic evaluations in justifying the
quality, flexibility, customer service and adoption of AMT.
other synergistic effects of AMT (Dornan, Consequently, researchers do believe that
1987). Some researchers find that AMT adequate investment appraisal
accounting practices reflect external methodologies will encourage more firms to
reporting requirements rather than the invest in AMT. In addition, managers should
reality of the AMT production environment realize how AMT investments can offer
(Curtis, 1987; Kaplan, 1984). tangible and intangible benefits to their
Many of the problems raised by the companies.
introduction of AMT are due to unawareness
of the strategic role of AMT, by all levels of
management. This situation is caused by the
Review of existing methodologies
rigid use of a formal budgetary control
system, and also due to too much emphasis There are four major steps often recognized
on piece-by-piece decision processes that are in adopting AMT. These steps are:
designed to achieve short-term goals (Currie, 1 strategic planning;
1991). Since the benefits are difficult to 2 justification;
quantify in financial terms and the decision 3 training and installation; and
making process requires a long-term 4 implementation of the selected technology
perspective, industry does not invest (Small and Chen, 1995).
sufficiently in AMT (Bromwich and
Hence, this paper will be guided by these
Bhimani, 1991).
stages to overview the relevant literature as a
It is commonly claimed that investment in
source of information for industries, which
AMT may result in strategic benefits.
are planning to invest AMT. The conceptual
However, managers always ignore this
framework of the progress is shown in
advantage as they sometimes consider such
Figure 2. It should be mentioned that there
investments as an operational or functional
will be no sharp borderlines between stages.
decision rather than a strategic one (Toone,
In fact, some of them are partially in parallel.
1994). It is suggested that arguments based on
comparison with competitors, the retention,
Strategic planning
attainment or perception of industry
The strategic planning can be divided into
leadership, and expected future
five phases:
developments in the industry should be
1 objectives identification;
deemed as additional factors for decision-
2 organization infrastructure supporting;
makers to approve AMT projects (Vrakking,
3 management commitment and
1989). Therefore, strategic criteria are
considered to be more important than
4 performance variables assignation; and
financial criteria in the AMT justification
5 technologies identification.
decision making process (Slagmulder and
Bruggeman, 1992b). Objectives identification
To address these concerns, AMT The strategic approach takes a long-term,
investment requires the decision makers to comprehensive view of both business and
take a strategic perspective (Stainer et al., technological issues. A critical step in the
1996). Major strategic benefits such as early adoption of new technologies is the
entry to market, perceived market identification of corporate strategic goals and
leadership, the ability to offer a continuous objectives. According to the various
stream of customised products, and objectives and operating characteristics in
[ 37 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, each company, the decision on selecting a . Will the new AMT encourage the
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip technology will be different. Besides, the production tasks at operations level and
Investment appraisal company should point out the problems
techniques for advanced the manufacturing goals?
manufacturing technology hindering the accomplishment of the goals, . What types of product are going to be
(AMT): a literature review and the contribution of the proposed AMT to produced now and in the future?
Integrated Manufacturing these goals. The objectives of the company . What is the technology strategy in the
Systems can be set from self-questioning. For
12/1 [2001] 35±47 near future?
During the strategic planning stage, it should
. What are the strategic goals of the
also cover the elaboration of product and
manufacturing strategy down to operational
. What problems are faced with the current
or performance variables such as product,
manufacturing system?
volumes, and variants of parts. The
clarification of strategic goals is necessary to
Figure 2 the success of the AMT implementation (Sun
The conceptual framework of the progress and Riis, 1994).
Supportive organization infrastructure
There is a growing consensus that the key to
successful AMT planning and
implementation depends on the choice of a
suitable manufacturing system, and the
attainment of an organizational
infrastructure which will offer maximum
support to the chosen system. In a recent
survey, several AMT implementations have
been reported as failing to achieve their
promised benefits. This is mainly due to
problems within the organizational structure
(Attaran, 1996; Boer et al., 1990; Hayes and
Jaikumar, 1991; Meredith, 1986; Meredith,
1987b; Udoka and Nazemetz, 1990; Zammuto
and O'Connor, 1992). The management level
can clarify some ambiguities through the
following questions (Sun and Riis, 1994):
. Can the current human resources support
the AMT?
. What are the qualifications of the staff
needed for the AMT?
. What is the division of labour?
. What are the responsibilities and the
authority of the operators?
. How could those people replaced by the
AMT be reassigned/redeployed?
. How could the AMT be integrated with the
existing system and other functions?
Furthermore, the firm should also put a great
effort into the organizational and operational
planning activities (Chen, and Small, 1994)
such as:
. announcing the possible impact of AMT to
all staff;
. stressing teamwork and group activities;
. providing pre-installation training for all
project participants;
. forming multi-disciplinary planning and
implementation teams; and
. considering likely impact on customers
and suppliers.
Management commitment and supervision
The commitment of a knowledgeable
management has been found to be crucial for
[ 38 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, the successful implementation of new teams, and they should assist in fostering
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip manufacturing technologies (Meredith, 1986; inter-departmental communication (Falkner
Investment appraisal
techniques for advanced Vrakking, 1989). Top management should and Benhajla, 1990).
manufacturing technology recognize the range of product types that are In order to encourage integration between
(AMT): a literature review likely to be manufactured, and identify the separate functional departments, the concept
Integrated Manufacturing technologies as well as the manufacturing of the multi-functional steering committees
12/1 [2001] 35±47 processes of these product types more could be promoted by the firms (Boer et al.,
effectively and efficiently. 1990). The team should comprise members
Rapid changes in marketing capabilities or from various functional areas (Ferraro et al.,
market conditions will signal a need for 1988). This is because manufacturing
manufacturing strategy changes (Blois, 1986). managers with experience in operations
Top management should be aware not only of often do not have enough understanding of
operational benefits such as flexibility strategic issues. And conversely, top
improvement, but also of marketing and management does not have full
strategic advantages as well. Cash et al. (1988) understanding of operational details. This
and Noori (1990) have reported that there are often results in frustration as operations
two sets of trends which have an impact on engineers are expected to meet unrealistic
market and manufacturing. Market trends demands of top management. Therefore, the
embrace increased new product or process steering committee should create the vision
introductions, such as a short product life of the project for the company, and know how
cycle, fragmented markets and demand to convert that vision into reality. System
uncertainty, etc. Manufacturing trends interfaces, database requirements, types of
include inventory reduction, product and information to be shared and timeliness of
process simplification, quality improvement the information should also be involved
and so on. According to these two sets of (Attaran, 1996).
trends, stability must be maintained between Furthermore, some researchers (Beatty
marketing and manufacturing strategies. and Gordon, 1990) indicated that a champion
A recent flexibility-uncertainty model is the most important figure in AMT
(Chen et al., 1992) provides an innovative link implementation. The champion plays both
between marketing and manufacturing in the path-finding and problem-solving roles.
new manufacturing environment. The model Without a capable and skilled champion in
demonstrates ways of employing different companies, the implementation would
types of flexibility to cope with the various proceed very slowly, and remain restricted to
forms of environmental uncertainty that can a small corner of the organization, or, more
cause tension between marketing and importantly, would not achieve the
manufacturing. objectives expected at the outset (Beatty,
A survey of related literature reports that 1990). Therefore, the most useful support is to
during the AMT justification process, the officially appoint the champion as the leader
more the number of functional departments of the AMT implementation project, to give
is involved, the more effective it is in him or her enough authority to carry out the
explaining project performance. Functional implementation, and to provide the
departments involved in justification are necessary financial resources. Moreover,
(Small and Chen, 1995): good coordination of all parties provides
. production/operations management; strong support for the champion which is a
. engineering/research and development; critical success factor (Sun and Riis, 1994).
. finance;
Performance variables assignation
. management information system;
Another essential issue is the timing of the
. general administration;
establishment of the performance measures,
. marketing; and
and the performance benchmarks. Some
. personnel.
authors state that the correct time for
All departments concerned can identify their establishing these criteria is during the
expectation from the technology, and seek to planning stage, especially during the
determine the time period within which financial and strategic justification of the
these expectations should be met. technology (Chen and Small, 1994; Gold,
Furthermore, the performance of the AMT 1988). If the performance variables can be
should be gauged by its impact on all established in good time, the plant will be
concerned departments, not only on the better able to monitor progress during and
department where it is installed (Primrose, after installation of the AMT and make
1991). This can best be achieved through the adjustments to project goals and objectives.
use of multi-functional steering committees The performance variables which are
as well as interdisciplinary multi-skilled considered generally can be listed in Table I.
[ 39 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, Technologies identification Table II
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip The advanced manufacturing technologies Classification of technologies
Investment appraisal
techniques for advanced are broadly classified into seven sub-groups.
Stand-alone systems
manufacturing technology The classification scheme adopted here is
(AMT): a literature review 1. Design and engineering technologies
similar to the US Department of Commerce Computer-aided design (CAD)
Integrated Manufacturing
Systems (1989) Survey of Manufacturing Technology. Computer-aided process planning (CAPP)
12/1 [2001] 35±47 The findings of some researchers show that 2. Fabricating/machine and assembly technologies
the technologies are also cross-categorized as NC/CNC or DNC machines
stand-alone systems, intermediate systems, Materials working laser (MWL)
and integrated systems (Meredith and Pick-and-place robots
Suresh, 1986). This classification scheme Other robots
links technologies that have similar benefits Intermediate systems
and costs. The 14 technologies are classified 3. Automated material handling technologies
into three main groups, and seven sub-groups Automatic storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS)
are further divided as shown in Table II Automated material handling systems (AMHS)
(Small and Chen, 1995). 4. Automated inspection and testing systems
Companies must ascertain which Automated inspecting and testing equipment (AITE)
technologies can fulfil their objectives and Integrated systems
identify the selected technologies belonging 5. Flexible manufacturing technologies
to a system (i.e. stand-alone, intermediate or Flexible manufacturing cells/systems (FMC/FMS)
integrated systems), since it will affect the 6. Computer-integrated manufacturing systems
Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
following justification methods chosen.
7. Logistic related systems
Just-in-time (JIT)
Table I
Material requirements planning (MRP)
Performance variables
Manufacturing resources planning (MRPII)
Performance variables Basis for evaluation of the performance variables
Performance Time needed for a major design change in an existing product For stand-alone systems where the purpose is
Compatibility with existing machine the straightforward replacement of old
Machine breakdown equipment, even if some economic benefits
Utilization not usually considered are obtained, the
The average number of tasks per operator standard economic justification approaches
Production lot sizes can be used. However, for the linked systems,
Operator output rates flexibility, risk and non-economic benefits
Work morale are expected, more analytical procedures are
Human integration needed. In such cases, subjective estimates of
probability distributions are obtainable and
Cost Product cost
can be included in the analysis. Lastly, with
Maintenance cost
systems approaching full integration, clear
Labor cost
competitive advantages and major
Material cost
increments towards the firm's business
Plant revenues from manufacturing operations
objectives are usually being obtained. In such
Flexbility Changeover times cases, strategic approaches are needed to
Variety of part-types or products manufactured take these benefits into consideration,
Design change accommodation although tactical and economic benefits may
Capacity growth arise as well. Each of the justification
Routing and scheduling flexibility categories spans a number of approaches. In
Market responsiveness the following sections, we will describe these
Quality Scrape value approaches and discuss their pros and cons.
Product conformance and consistency Justification methodologies
As mentioned before, evaluation techniques
Delivery Time scheduling can be partitioned into three groups, i.e.
Delivery time strategic, economic and analytic
Lead time from receipt of order to delivery justifications.
Customer services Strategic justification approaches
Inventory/work in progress Strategic approaches tend to be less technical
than the economic and analytic methods, but
Innovativeness Research and development they are frequently used in combination with
Introduce product variation them. The advantage of the strategic
[ 40 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, approaches is their direct tie to the goals of Swamidass (1987) pointed out that planning
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip the firm. A disadvantage is the possibility of for manufacturing technology requires the
Investment appraisal assessment of the deterioration of technology
techniques for advanced overlooking the economic and tactical impact
manufacturing technology of the project, myopically focusing entirely over time. In this connection, an
(AMT): a literature review on the strategic impact. However, if a ``organization technology index'' (i.e. a
Integrated Manufacturing strategic approach is used, the economic and measure of the capability of the technology
Systems being used by the firm) will be calculated and
12/1 [2001] 35±47 analytic implications should also be checked,
simply for a clear understanding of the compared with the index for the state-of-the-
impact of the project (Meredith and Suresh, art firm in the industry. When the firm's
index deviates from the industry's index by a
pre-specified value (labeled the
There are several commonly used strategic
``modernization point''), a signal indicating
the need for technological improvement will
. Technical importance. This approach is
be triggered.
based on the concept of technical
Recent studies show that the
importance which means the project is a
manufacturing strategic map (Krinsky and
prerequisite for a crucial follow-on
Miltenburg, 1991) can be used to simplify the
activity. It may have negligible returns, or strategic analysis. It is a set of plans and
even disadvantages, but later, more policies from which manufacturing industry
desirable work cannot be attempted seeks to provide six types of manufacturing
without implementing this activity first. output (i.e. cost, performance, quality,
It is common for activities such as these to delivery, flexibility, and innovation) at target
be grouped with the desired follow-on levels, to the rest of an organization. Thus,
project in a ``package'' that is approved en appropriate plans and policies are designed
masse by the approval board. for some or all decision areas (i.e. production
. Business objectives. Through the business capacity, facilities, process technology,
objectives justification approach, a firm supplier relations, planning and control,
can check whether the project achieves measurement, work force, quality and
the firm's business objectives or not. structure policies) within manufacturing. It
. Competitive advantage. In the competitive shows precisely what the manufacturing
advantage justification approach an function will provide (specific outputs at
opportunity may exist for the firm to gain specific levels) to the rest of the organization
a significant advantage over its and indicates how the manufacturing
competitors by implementing this project. functions provide such outputs.
The advantage may not belong to one of Economic justification approaches
the strategic business objectives of the Economic justification calculations will
firm but it is very important for the commonly be made in combination with
company to press on. The opportunity strategic considerations, but analytic
may have arisen from a unique set of evaluations are rarely included. This is
circumstances or may be an outgrowth of because analytic approaches always require
a slight competitive advantage the firm a lot of time and trouble.
already holds. This situation occurs Some newly industrialized countries have
frequently in all areas of technology. A a relatively low labour cost but highly
firm may hold a crucial patent that allows motivated workforce and generous supply of
it to build on an existing base for a raw material, so it often makes economic
significant advantage over its justification of projects difficult (Zhao and
Co, 1997). There exist a number of formulae
and approaches that companies use for the
. Research and development. Treating a
economic justification of equipment. They
project as an R&D investment admits that
are concerned with simple economic
it may fail but it holds sufficient strategic
functions such as payback (PB), return on
promise to justify the investment. The
investment (ROI), internal rate of return
point is that one of many such projects
(IRR), net present value (NPV), and so on,
will eventually come through and provide used in situations where they are assuming
returns to the firm to reimburse all the no uncertainty (Fotsch, 1984; Rosenthal, 1984;
failures. Without risk, nothing is gained. Schall et al., 1978). Table III provides some of
The R&D approach can be evaluated the literature sources for the different
through the pilot project, setting up one techniques.
group technology line, or one One school of thought is that return on
manufacturing cell to observe how well it investment (ROI) and payback calculations
works, what it costs, its problems, and its cannot identify potential AMT
benefits (Meredith and Suresh, 1986). improvements, since these techniques only
[ 41 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, assess financial feasibility of the technology Apart from these, some authors mention the
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip (Attaran, 1996). Many researchers (Kakati possible source of error in investment
Investment appraisal and Dhar, 1991; Kaplan, 1984; Park and Son, appraisal procedures to which the investors
techniques for advanced
manufacturing technology 1988; Primrose, 1991) consider the use of should pay more attention (Cole, 1987),
(AMT): a literature review discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques to be such as:
Integrated Manufacturing critical for AMT investment. However, . employing unreasonably high discount
Systems rates;
12/1 [2001] 35±47 recent studies (Baldwin, 1991; Cole, 1987)
show that DCF is inherently biased against . failure to identify all the costs of new
technological capital investment; investment;
furthermore, some skeptics believe that the . neglecting crucial benefits from new
widespread use of these methods has led to a investment;
decline in the level of capital investment. In . employing short payback periods;
addition, DCF techniques have some . adjusting inappropriately for risk;
drawbacks such as conceptual weakness, . comparing investments with irrational
inability to evaluate strategic investments continuation of status quo alternatives;
with future growth opportunities, and and
especially biased against long term projects . putting stress on incremental rather than
(Krinsky and Miltenburg, 1991). Although global opportunities.
these techniques are not inherently flawed,
It should be highly recommended that if the
the main problem is that the investors do not
previously cited possible hazards can be
recognise the value of a wide range of
avoided, discounted cash flow analysis is a
competitive commitments.
powerful and valid tool where benefits can be
When an organization invests in a new
properly quantified.
product or process that decreases the value of
On the other hand, some scholars suggest
existing products, it is said to be
that all projects can be appraised through a
cannibalising its business. This kind of single evaluation approach which uses
cannibalisation can be overcome by the sensitivity analysis to compensate for the
capital budgeting systems. Through the risk associated with evaluating the
calculation of NPV or IRR, the investment intangible benefits (Primrose, 1991; Smith,
which may decrease the organisation's value 1983). Sensitivity analysis encourages
can be avoided (Stainer et al., 1996). However, identification of variables that might be
there are still some loopholes when disregarded in the assessment of uncertainty.
employing the capital budgeting systems. For The key variables that are likely to affect the
example: result of investment would probably include
. they support decisions that are sensible such elements as unit variable costs, fixed
when viewed in isolation; cost, market share, market size, and unit
. they do not always indicate the best action price achievable. These would be adjusted in
within an inter-related set of decisions; turn, and the overall effect on NPV or IRR
and would be calculated.
. they are inherently incremental so that To alleviate the problems inherent in using
long-run survival cannot adopt. purely financial or purely strategic appraisal
approaches, recent studies have promoted
Table III hybrid financial and strategic appraisal
Part of literature sources for reference approaches (Boaden and Dale, 1990).
Justification techniques Literature sources
Analytic justification approaches
Payback (PB) (Fotsch, 1984; Huang and Sakurai 1990; Suresh and The analytic techniques are largely
Meredith, 1985; Swamidass and Waller, 1991) quantitative but more complex than the
Return on investment (ROI) (Fotsch, 1984; Huang and Sakurai 1990; Suresh and economic techniques. When intangible
Meredith, 1985; Swamidass and Waller, 1991) benefits are taken into consideration, the
analytic investment appraisal techniques for
Cost-benefit analysis (Suresh and Meredith, 1985; Swamidass and Waller, investment are required. It is because they
1991) can collect more information and frequently
Net present value (NPV) (Kakati and Dhar, 1991; Kaplan, 1984; Park and Son, consider uncertainty and multiple measures
1988; Primrose, 1991; Slagmulder and Bruggeman, and effects. The superiority is that they are
1992a; Suresh and Meredith, 1985; Swamidass and more realistic, taking more factors and
Waller, 1991) subjective judgements into account, and
hence better reflect reality as understood by
Internal rate of return (IRR) (Kakati and Dhar, 1991; Kaplan, 1984; Park and Son, knowledgeable managers (Meredith and
1988; Primrose, 1991; Slagmulder and Bruggeman, Suresh, 1986). Even though a computer can be
1992a; Suresh and Meredith, 1985; Swamidass and used for the complex analysis, it is still time
Waller, 1991) consuming to collect data for analysis.
[ 42 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, Several commonly used approaches are summary of intangible performance criteria.
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip described below. The charts themselves make no attempt to
Investment appraisal The analytic hierarchy process (Sullivan,
techniques for advanced rank importance, so subjective judgement is
manufacturing technology 1986) structures a complex decision into a needed to determine the relative importance
(AMT): a literature review hierarchy of elements. The attributes are of the criteria presented in the graphical
Integrated Manufacturing compared pairwise, relative to the company display. Hence, profile charts are very useful
Systems objectives. The pairwise comparisons are
12/1 [2001] 35±47 in the decisions where only a simple visual
based on judgements about the relative indication of the desirable criteria is desired.
differences among comparable elements. The Generally, there are a number of
relative weights are then set by the programming models which are based on the
eigenvector method and combined to derive a
equation given for the weighted factor
single overall rating for each decision
scoring model. Integer programming is used;
0-1 variable to represent each project. The
The advantages of using hierarchies are
project is selected when the set of project
. they can describe how changes in priority total weighted scores is maximized, subject to
at upper levels affect the priority of resource constraints such as capital and
elements in lower levels; facilities (Meredith and Mantel, 1985). Goal
. they also provide a great detail of programming is used to show the different
information on the structure and activity factors as goals to be attained, subject to
of a system in the lower levels and give an resource constraints. Again, weights are
overview of the actors and their purposes used on the goal deviations to give
in the upper levels; and importance to each of the factors (Ignizio,
. natural systems assembled hierarchically, 1976). Linear programming technique is used
i.e. through modular construction and to assist decision makers to allocate limited
final assembly of modules, decision resources, such as company money, to the
making evolves much more efficiently investing technologies while considering
than those assembled as a whole (Saaty, their interdependence (Kuei et al., 1994).
1990). The risk analysis approach is to simulate
Nevertheless, they also have some flaws the projects under consideration to
which are: determine the variables of interest, such as
. the absence of a theoretical framework to benefits, costs, yields, and capacity etc., and
model decision problems into a hierarchy; to describe the outcomes statistically or
. the pairwise comparisons are based on graphically. In general, cumulative
subjective judgements; distribution functions are always used to
. the estimated relative weights are set by determine each variable of interest. In risk
the eigenvector method; and analysis, there are two broad approaches.
. without formal treatment of risk (Zahedi First, the probability of a particular outcome
and Fatemeh, 1986). is defined by a reasonably familiar concept,
The linear additive model (Sullivan, 1986) can such as gambling. The probabilities of a
be applied to justify long-term and short-term series of outcomes are established which
manufacturing investment alternatives. seem straightforward. Second, a specific
Each alternative is ranked by combining the outcome is defined as value to the decision
information from independent criteria. The maker by the concept of utility. A survey of
score for each alternative is the summation recent literature highlights that there are
of the rating assigned to each decision factor two prime risks having a profound impact on
multiplied by the weight of that factor decision making behaviour (Sitkin and
relative to a weight of one for the most Pablo, 1992). They are:
significant decision factor. The alternative 1 the probability of variance in the cash
with the highest score will eventually be flows which are initiated by the project;
preferred. It seems to be easy for the decision and
makers to use because it has produced a rank 2 the probability of variance in the time
ordering which appears to correspond closely taken before such cash flows occur, and in
to their actual ultimate choices (Morris, the case of the development of some new
1977). Since the alternatives considered are technologies, whether they would be
not really independent in reality, the model feasible, acceptable and suitable.
may have some difficulties in
implementation (Soni et al., 1990). The use of risk analysis, therefore, provides
Profile charts and symbolic scorecards management with extended risk-adjusted
(Sullivan, 1986) offer a visual aid for the capabilities for assessing the feasibility of the
analyst to choose between alternatives with a project.
[ 43 ]
F.T.S. Chan, M.H. Chan, Training and installation
H. Lau and R.W.L. Ip During this stage, the company should
Conclusion and recommendations
Investment appraisal
techniques for advanced consider several aspects which have impacts A common belief is that the implementation
manufacturing technology on the overall performance: of advanced manufacturing technologies
(AMT): a literature review . to select a suitable site for installation; involve large initial investments. If these
Integrated Manufacturing . to test and install the equipment piece by investments can be fully justified, it will lead
12/1 [2001] 35±47 piece before they were integrated; some companies to be willing to invest.
. to select and train the operators and Moreover, some of the benefits, such as
maintenance staff; and tangible and intangible, are difficult to
. to take into consideration human quantify in financial terms and require long-
resource allocation. term considerations. Our review of literature
indicates that achievement of the desired
A survey of literature indicates that
benefits from advanced manufacturing
management must realize the critical
technologies requires systematic and
nature of proper training and education, as
integrated planning rather than the adoption
experience has shown that between 25 per
of new systems. Generally, AMT adoption
cent and 40 per cent of the total cost of a
can be divided into four major stages:
project will be spent on education and 1 strategic planning;
training (Mize, 1987). Furthermore, the 2 justification;
company should conduct a complete skill 3 training and installation; and
assessment of the workforce. For example, 4 implementation.
it should determine what skills are needed
and what changes have to take place. The article presented here is followed by
Besides, it should ensure that the human these four major steps to offer a systematic
element is prepared for the new equipment guidance for decision makers via the
utilization, before any equipment is relevant literature. It also points out what
installed. Support is needed at all stages for factors should be considered and what
those who are being trained on new conventional problems the company will
equipment (Attaran, 1996). Recent encounter.
As revealed by the literature survey, some
researches claim that training and
technology evaluations are based on the
involvement of managers, accountants and
weighted averages of expert or decision
technologists at all levels can minimize the
maker judgements. All of these judgement
uncertainties and enhance the
must be measured in numerical and exact
effectiveness of AMT investment (Zhao and
values. We do believe that there is a need to
Co, 1997).
consider both subjective and objective
factors during the selection of technologies.
Subjective factors are commonly evaluated
Implementation by the experienced decision makers or
After the equipment haa been installed, a
experts. It is most appropriate and
reasonable period of time is needed for the convenient for them to express their opinions
managers and workers to gain sufficient on the comparative importance of various
organizational and technical experiences for factors in linguistic variable scales, i.e. very
the normal and continuous operation of the high, high, medium, low and very low, since
AMT. the decision makers or experts feel
There may be some strategic changes that comfortable in giving relative weighting in
arise from environmental alternations, such linguistics (Prabhu and Vizaykumar, 1996). It
as technology, economy, customers and will be better and meaningful to convert
competition, after the installation of AMT. these linguistic variables into fuzzy numbers
Unpredictable and inevitable uncertainties to evaluate the technologies by using fuzzy
always occur both in technology and multi-criteria methods. For these reasons,
organization. For instance, Meredith (1987) further development will be needed to study
reported a case where the AMT implemented its advantages, limitations and accuracy
forced the top management to reconsider compared with the conventional evaluation
their strategy. Therefore, all departments are methodologies.
able to monitor the whole implementation As evidenced by the literature review, it
progress via the inter-departmental teams as shows that most companies are only using
mentioned before. Whenever any one (i.e. strategic, economic or analytic
environmental change occurs, the top alone) or hybrid evaluation approaches (i.e.
management can respond quickly and make strategic and economic or economic and
necessary adjustments to project goals and analytic) to decide AMT investment. And
objectives. thus, integrated approaches (i.e. strategic,
[ 44 ]
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