Ollieuid Ko At4: Mefvic Units

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Modude 6

Prinuples o Measuremerd Analusis

Mefvic Units
baae.d_m mulhbles of 10
etoblished in rance 1 111is
S1 1n ernahonal Suafem Vaits
lfet me SIunite) ado phedin 1i60
nits o leng Hh St unt: m mefre (m)
Urits o volume Apace eceuied by Aamble maller
in called yolume.
uf volin derieel from unis e
SLit vsl une Im.
ere conyenien St wnit- itre
1OumXI06tm x 10cm 2 l000C = |L
lm = h0e L 1000ml=L
Iml = lcm
Vol. 13 usually mcanured ot 2OC
(room Temp)
UitsMa kiloqrom kg)
ovioinally delined maA
oLlieuidKo at4
lq= la of 4c o water
weiqht s a force eneanures he pul
mas by 9xavify.
eghl Ca on
change u i thlocahon.
Ma> e Aure
hy of mater
astronaut in orbit is weigntle
bu noT masled.

hauhs to do uwbrk o produLe heaf

SIunit Soule (J)
oher unitL calorie (cal)
lcalotie - heat a t raises the
Temp. o lg o pure
13= 0-2310 cal
lal= 4:184 J

cmperal ure meaaure o et hous hot Lold an

hun 22 opjecs ae dierer temp
are in contad heaf moves rom he
objed ad he higher temp ho he
objed_a louen Tenp
almDsIall_SubstanLes expand wi
nrease in Temp. and vice-venAa
e k epT wofer
Kelvin scale 2*31SK cezing p
3 3 ISk- boili ng t
Ok = -2*31S° C absolufe 0

Density e ma
Nol. m3
iHhium 0'S 39/m?
waer 19/cm
Aluminium 2-7
Lead 0:88 m
densihy2 Corn oil< Waler Klorn Syrup
Aemp denaih
Vaniationa Experiment cahued oul wit a
objechie to establisk the
mathemraial velahons w he exhenimeda vaniabl
Validahon expeimonfs lb validate speific
y ohunis.
Pedagcgical cpenimenfs- To demonatrode
Aomething nat'
alreasly knöon

Explorahon expenimes To explor e an ideal

possible heoru
und amenlal methods o measuremenls

Dired comani s on_ wi ej ther primayDeSTdary

2unkspwn quanh ty mcasureand)
is diredy
Dmbaned againsI a aTanaandlL
Indiyect companisoo via calibraded AyAera
Ueb a tyams duuung deNICe
0oit ot o aneanalogausar
hen process eand peAem s
Qu put as known unchon o inp
7vnsdunce |lorm of enexgy into ano fheror

(lailiahonbased en phaicalele
Noniahon_ reistanc
opa fance
Piezo-eledric elle
Magnto- srichve dle
Elashc ele
Mall fle
insTvunantahen link beliuaen phyial, hemial andL
biological phinominan n d
ercephon bu humans
simulates sienh fic knowledge in juncion
oheoy and expeumundal prochce.
Applicahon ol Jnstrunends

Biologu iospired
Nighf VSion gagqles
Inspired Lrom ish alled loosejau
eh td
l60s jasi þroduces Yed igh
long waveleng Ha
dmosF infrured
2hay have aApl. membrane
lauer am ey e ho delerha
onexs don t Aee had liqht hey ladk
he necwsary visuol pignends
LR Sensor
rom Beefle
tavihy o He fechnital sensor losed
Gn 0Ae Side by a indous and on the
ohe sicde by a i a membranhe
IRradiahoni obsorbed poduLes a change
In presAurevolumce, due, to dhange
oAtate o luid
h e _ddleion_dme membrane nn be
fead by_a capai defecfor ora
tunnelin displacemnt tvarsducen.
Elcpha nos e (ish £ledra-locahion
Elcphan nose ish (te anafon emub pdersii
we edutric ield ia obsence o Aght
d e k elefra o cahon syáTem o
Ahe fisk
h on cleclrie organ in he fail_
eleroreceptoYs an drin
uing His ish can locafe exadty
whene the objek b
api abplicahon
making Aensor docalize fange
distance senbor
bionic dectraocahon aersov ar
Cormay diaqnosies

Staies ics
defini hon suene o collechon pruentahon,
anayais and eaAmable interprdakon
i s a riqaro Acienitia mehad or gaining inaigh
a int dala

DaTa lasand igures dlered wida puar pose

CeTroal terdeny decriphve atummary o a data.
rellect Lenie dala distribuhen.
Ari hmahc ma

numbeh oltaineo by dividung he sum

clemts oasel by numbervalnes
inhe e
Sum oobser vahens
number oobser vauhdrs

Median middle value _a dethoel whik avianged

in acending arder descendina orden
dafaaef kas eNen no oalues then
we fake median o the middle 2 vaues
e hawe AReued dishribuhion the
heT meabure ofinding cen m
Tendins in he median.
Mode Mosr freguenfy 0tcuring value
un a calegsical dato mode ka ihe best
cheice to lind cenfral.fendeency
Meabure o DisfersiooO
Staishical dispersion means exTend o whick
anumeualdala liRely b vay
glbou on avg Valun e
Hdto undtrsfand distribuhen e daf
Showhou similan a sd oacores_are o each 0)
h e similan he core> are lower Hhe
ond vece-
hee are 3 man mcoures c dpAion
Ranqe 2)SIR 3 Vaniance

Ronge derence
00 belween He lara esfAcore k
Hae Amallcst aCoYe
ed whe you have ovdinal dafa or
yeu anefrtnting t peaple wi itHe
no knowledge ofAtahshea
2Rondu wed and is lairly inensihve
2)STR Semi -irergLLanhi le Range

5pew cenhile -(25 Percenti le)

sed wit skeuwtd at data as ita
inensiive to the exreme ALoYes
3 Voruance Ovg o hc Aquane deviahions.

SFeb= Subst rad mcan /rom
each AtoYe
alled deviate
deviahon Score
Tells how lan
m 1he avoAcore
meaure o disper si@n
SqLani ng makes all deviafe bLoY 4ve).

he lavgeyhe vonuae , the moYe he

ALAY eS deviale, CA Ovg 0way YOm he
Meanand v1ce- vensa

Stamd ard Deviahon Vaniance

VANante Aampe

N -

S Sawmple vanlance
X = S COYe
_ Samble mean

CoeLiuen c vaniante
also krown as Yelahve standand deviahon
CVS tand ard deviahon
uahle Deviahen
3-G) Produe o %of dilerence w
uenand loweay guonhles)
Coeltcied o Quashle deviakon
(C )
Seu meaawhe o Aymmdvy AS distyibuhonoScore

ve sku

nov ma (o)


s<O V sked
20 Fe
Summdy icalnormal
KuY Osis AMa or mally distribIded
KurtoSis= 3
meso kur ho
lE spread Haan nATmal distribuhon)
ur osis >e3
lepto kuy he
mDYepread han oymal R
kur bSiS 3
leSi e plaiy kur tic
= ECx-
s>3 leplakuy he

3 Platykur hc

S 3 Mesokuv he_

Vani ante) sskew and s (tA:Eurtosis

destri be phabe a cdistYibuhen.

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