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Admission checklist for burns unit

1) Re-estimate TBSA after wash.

2) Check pulse / perfusion / tense swelling for the limbs.

3) IV line to be inserted for all patients even if no Abx.

4) Admission notes:
• Date of burn.
• Time of burn.
• Type of burn.
• Areas affected.
• ABSI Score.
• Remarks / Medical history.

5) Check patient le if transferred from other hospital, lab results and C/S.

6) Medications:
• Fluids.
• Analgesics.
• Antibiotics (+/-).
• DVT prophylaxis.
• Stress ulcer prophylaxis.
• Anabolics, Trace elements, Vit. B12.
• Inhalational injury medications.
• Eye medications for facial burn.

7) Investigations:
• CBC.
• Sickling.
• RFT.
• LFT.
• Coagulation profile.
• Save serum.
• RBS.
• Ca.
• Mg.
• P.
• G6PD.
• HIV.
• Hepatitis.
• ABG in case of inhalation injury.
• +/- Pregnancy test.

8) Referals:
• Physiotherapy.
• Diet and nutrition.
• Social worker / Psycology.
• Ophthalmology if facial burn.

9) Consent for emergency, life and limb saving procedures.



Adults Paediatrics
Fluids >15% >10%

Inhalational injury Salbutamol nebulization / 4h

Salbutamol nebulization / 4h

Acetylcystain nebulization / 4h
Acetylcystain nebulization / 4h

Heparin nebulization / 4h Heparin nebulization / 4h

Antibiotics - None.
- None.

- To follow Protocol. - To follow Protocol.

Analgesics Morphine

< 45 years 1mg/kg.

< 3 months don’t give.

45-50 years 0.5mg/kg.

> 3 months 0.25mg/kg.

> 50 years don’t give. < 30 Kgs 0.5 mg/kg.

>30 Kgs 0.75 mg/kg.

DVT Prophylaxis Claxane None

Oxandrolone >20% >20%

Trace elements
Vit. B12

Stress Ulcer prophylaxis Omeprazole IV.

Omeprazole IV.

Famotidine oral. Famotidine oral.

Facial Burn Fusidine eye oint.

Fusidine eye oint.

Arti cial tears.

Arti cial tears.

Ophthalmology referral. Ophthalmology referral.


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