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Lesson Plan

Theme of the lesson: Our body

Unit:5 Unit 5 Heath and body

Teacher’s name: Rakhmetzhanova A.B
Date: 17.12.2021
Grade:2 A,В,Г Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Our body
Learning objectives(s) that this 2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to
lesson is contributing to: describe objects, activities and classroom routines;
2.R1 read and spell out words for others;

Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:

- use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe
objects, activities and classroom routines;
- read and spell out words for others;

Criteria: Used a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe
objects, activities and classroom routines;
read and spell out words for others;
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of the Organization moment: At the organization
lesson https://www.y
GREETING - Good afternoon teacher. moment T tries to
Warming-up award active
Hello, boys and girls! How - We’re fine, thank you. What
Ss.«The praise» watch?
3 min. about you?
are you? method is used to v=0TeDEf8ew
What day is it today? evaluate Ss with Yc
Ss do their daily warm-up called phrases like:
WARMING UP «I know five words» using the “Good job!
T starts warm-up called «I ball. Well done! You are
know five words» and during this right!”
warm-up slightly checks – up if Ss
still remember vocabulary from
previous module.
Pre-learning Teacher demonstrates body Ss answer to T questions about Descriptor: https://www.y
«Brainstorming» -remember simple
parts on interactive board. pictures on the interactive board.
method words
Team work Teacher shows each of the watch?
- know vocabulary
5 min. v=Rt0DVZ-
body parts and asks pupils if -know how to use
have got/has got sFc8
they know what is shown on
the picture.
Hair – шаш Ss listen and repeat new words after
Eyes - көз teacher and writes new words in their
Ears - құлақ
Nose -мұрын
Mouth –ауыз
Teacher asks pupils to write
down new words.
Teachers turns on the «Teddy Ss listen to the «Teddy Bear Song!»
and read the lyrics from their book. https://www.y
Bear song!» on interactive (Smiles 2,Module 5,page 60 ex-2)
board. watch?
Middle of the «Match the pictures with definitions» Practice the pronunciation. Descriptor: Slide 1
lesson method is used to open up the theme of Match the words with suitable picture reads the
] the lesson. T asks to Ss look at If they don’t know given words they definition and
definitions and pictures from can say it in kazakh
whiteboard matches the
Team work. body parts with
10 min. T gives task to match the words with right pictures.
the picture.

-And now, we are going to listen Ss read, watch and listen story Answer to the https://www.y
and read story about body parts! from page 61 and answer to question
Look at the text on page 61 and teacher`s question using Have correctly and watch?
read it. got/has got. understand v=0TeDEf8ew
everything that Yc
Ss read text on page 61 and
Speaking task is happening in
watch the story on interactive the story.
Teacher asks them to describe
how Lilly described her
ballerina to Nanny and How
Liam described his soldier to
Nanny and describe what
happened to Charlie`s Teddy
Individual work T gives exercise 1,p60 Complete.Then Ss complete new words, colour and Descriptor: Whiteboard
6 min. draw, colour and say. say new words. -work with new Pupil’s book
Gives 3-5 minutes to finish. words
Aim: work and practice new vocabulary Each Ss checks his neighbors work
Differentiation:«Verbal support» evaluate them.
method is used to help Ss use new Total: 1point
words in the sentences.
At the end T shows right answers on the
interactive board.
Team work Prediction game Descriptor: PPT
8 min. Class is divided into two Ss look at the other team and -can use active
groups plays the game. vocabulary
Ss play the game What is this? -understand
general idea.
#1 team shows the body part and
the #2 team tell how is this
called in English and vice-verse.
Aim: improve speaking
To develop Ss speaking skills and
use new vocabulary
Differentiation:«Verbal support»
method is used to help Ss use new
words in the sentences.
Work in pairs. Work with dictionary. Ss look at the new key words. Descriptor: Whiteboard
10 min T presents adjectives that helps to Write them down -know new words PPT
describe body parts on the board. Practice pronunciation. -can ask and
Speaking task Show them on the board gives clear Make a dialogue as in the answer the
explanation. example. questions
Aim: enlarge vocabulary Change the pair and continue with -can make a
knowledge new dialogue. dialogue
Ss use new vocabulary and practice
it with group mates.
Differentiation:«Change the pair»
game is used to develop their
speaking skills.
End of the lesson. T sums up today`s lesson by asking Ss use their phones to show their
Ss about new words and asks if knowledge according to the
Reflection they will be useful in describing lesson
«Our body» .
T Aim: To know how many Ss got
the theme.

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