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Morning after elections 

Thank you all for coming. I know it had been a rough evening for us and it really was not
what we expected from this parliamentary election. The results truly came as a shock
but this is democracy. People get what they voted for. So for us, as promoters of
democracy, it is only natural that from time to time there is a change of power. It might
feel like the end of us. But it is not. Now, it is the next day, and we need to pick up the
pieces and start again. There is not much else that we could do because it is either that
or completely giving up.
We could go on about the reasons why we lost, what happened, what went wrong. As a
party we are highly dependent on the diaspora, it is our main electorate. But the covid
realities really did not work in our favour. Harsh country by country restrictions led to a
low voter turnout abroad. We also could go on about the opponent that has no place in
politics with his background. But ask yourself, was this the best we can do? Yes, we did
put in a lot of effort, all of us. I am proud and I am grateful for the work you had done so
far and for the sacrifices you had to make along the way. But we cannot blame external
factors for our loss, at least not entirely. We have to own up to the result, admit our
shortcomings and learn. This is the only way we can move forward. If any of you think
that you did the best you could, then leave.
Because I believe that we can be better. I believe that we can learn from this. I believe
that we can come back stronger. I believe in us. In fact, I know we will be better, we will
learn from this, we will come back stronger. It might not seem like it now, but we have to
have some faith in ourselves. Look around, look at the people sitting beside you, we are
a team. I know that if we stick together and united throughout the hard times and we do
well as a party, this is a barometer for how well we can do when the times are good for
I think now is the time to look back on why we started this campaign. Why we have
confidence in the work we are doing. We should trust in our purpose. Our purpose-to
improve the lives of our people. We have the best in mind now we just need to figure out
a way to convey it to the people, the voters. We have the skills, the strength, the scope
we just needed a bit more effort. So let’s take this setback as an opportunity to evaluate
our actions and not see it as a complete defeat. We lost a battle, not the war. So we still
can try again and fight together as a team or of course give up as individuals. The option
to leave is still there.
I trust that I can speak for all of us here, since no one left, when I say: I am convinced
that we are the best party because we are fighting for the best interests of our citizens.
So let’s take a few days off, regroup and come back with full force to win the war.
Context: a small group of people- your colleagues of the same party; you are one of the leaders;
the results of the elections are way worse than expected; speech should be motivating.

Rhetorical figures:
It might feel like the end of us- Hyperbole
Pick up the pieces- Metaphor
Ask yourself, was this the best we can do?- Hypophora
I believe…I believe…I believe- Anaphora
In fact- Metanoia
We will be…we will learn…we will come back…- Parallelism
…our purpose. Our purpose…- Anadiplosis
(s)kills, (s)trenght, (s)cope- Alliteration
Fight together as a team…give up as individuals- Antithesis
The opponent that has no place in politics with his background- Ad hominem
If any of you think that you did the best you could, then leave. – Ad baculum
We are the best party because we are fighting for the best interests of our citizens -Petito principii

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