Introduct Tion: Me Installa Grasso GL Echanical Shaf Ation Procedu Series Compre FT Seal Ure For Essors

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Me echanical Shafft Seal

ation Proceduure for
Grasso GL Series Compre essors

This proceedure is designned to provide guidance for replacing
r the mechanical
m shaaft seal on GL series compreessors. In som me
cases the replacement
r seeal will differ from
f the OEMM seal originallyy supplied. Thhe difference merely
m represeents an
improvem ment in the seal design.
Required d Tools
In additionn to ordinary hand
h tools, the following item
ms are requiredd for removal ofo the factory seal:
1. Two threaded jackiing bolts (M100x50-Models 180GL1 – 565GGL; M12x80-M Models 675GL L-1435GL) inccluded in shaftft
seal replacement
r kiit.
2. Two M12x1.5 Pulll Rods, approxximately 10” loong (Models 675GL 6 – 1435G GL only), Hexx Wrench, Croowbar, Seal hook
1. Isollate the compreessor unit fromm the system. Purge the unitt and remove thhe coupling guuard.
2. Remmove the comp pressor hub annd center membber per the insstructions in thhe Installation and
a Operating Manual.
3. Remmove the coupling guard ringg from the com mpressor.
Disassem mbly
1. Remmove the sock ket head screwss from the seall cover/housinng.
2. Usiing the approppriate jacking bolts,
b screw intto the tapped holes
h of the seaal housing covver until they bottom
b out.
Remmove the seal housing coverr. The stationaary seal ring will
w come out with
w the seal hoousing cover.

Jacking boltts

3. Rem
move the statio
onary ring from
m the seal houusing cover.

4. Pulll the mechaniccal shaft seal off

o by hand.
5. Forr the 675GL –1 1435GL comppressors use the two pull rods, in conjunction with pry baars, to remove the seal glandd.

Seal Glland Removal

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P/N: 037-0000116-000
Revisiion: B
Effective: 10/08
Note th
hree oil feed po
orts located at th
he top-center off the seal gland. When replaceed, these must reemain at the topp(see #1 below)
6. Rem
move the lip seeal from the seeal gland (Moddels 675GL annd 800GL onlly)
Assemblyy (for 180GL – 565GL and 1025GL-21100GL Skip to Sttep 3)
Seall Seat Lip Seal

Fitting Cone O-Rings

O Note: jackingg bolts are alsoo included
L Seal

Shaft Seal

Shaaft Seal Replacement Kit

1. Insttall the new lipp seal in the seeal gland.
2. To install the seall gland, oil the outside of thee installation coone. Push the cone onto the shaft until it sttops. Push thee
seall gland over th
he installation cone
c until it sttops and removve the cone.
3. Insttall the mechan nical shaft seall. Lubricate thhe carbon seal face and shaft with clean reffrigeration gradde oil. Push thhe
seall onto the shaft
ft so that the doowel pin hole on o the seal ringg is inserted innto the dowel pin
p located in the
t shaft.

Alignnment hole

Alignment Piin

4. Installl a new O-ring

g on the stationnary ring and insert
i into the seal housing cover.
c Lubricaate the stationaary ring seal faace
with clean refrigeraation oil.

5. Replaace the seal ho

ousing cover O-ring
O and instaall the seal houusing cover. Torque
T the soccket head screw
ws progressiveely
usingg a cross diago
onal pattern as per the table below.
del 180G
GL (P) 2330GL (R) – 14435GL (XD) 1770GL (XE) – 2110G
Coveer Torque (ft--lb) 6
60 1400 295

6. Presssurize the comp

mpressor to 40 psig
p with refriggerant from thhe system and check
c for leaks. Also, checkk the shaft to seee it
is free to rotate.
7. Installl the coupling
g guard ring onnto the seal houusing cover.
8. Installl the compressor hub and ceenter member per the instrucctions in the Innstallation and Operation Maanual.
9. Installl the coupling
g guard.
10. Resstart the comprressor and cheeck for leaks.
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P/N: 037-0000116-000
Revisiion: B
Effective: 10/08

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