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Session 2 - Trends in Design, Manufacturing & Testing

IIT Bombay
Factors influencing core performance in transformers
Authors: B. Sai Ram, A. P. S. Baghel, & S. V. Kulkarni, IIT Bombay
Question to authors
How loss pattern (in RD & TD) among CGO / Hi-B / DR grades
Reply by the authors:
Irrespective of the grade, the crystal
structure of these Grain-oriented Fe-Si
alloys is the same. The directional
dependence of hysteresis loss (E) of
these alloys will be governed by the
following equation
E    E0  E1 cos(2 )  E2 cos(4 )
And E varies with direction as shown in
the figure
TRAFOTECH 2018 –Tenth International 1
Conference on Transformers
IIT Bombay
 From the figure, one can infer that the value of the loss is
minimum for the directions parallel and anti-parallel to the
easy axis (RD) and the loss along the transverse direction (TD)
is high compared to the loss along the RD and less compared
the loss in the hard direction (~54o). This pattern of the loss
variation is same for any grade of material because anisotropic
properties depend on the crystallographic structure.
 For different grades of materials the values of losses along RD
and TD will change because of refinement in their domains,
decrease in pinning sites, etc. For example, losses in case of
HGO grades are less compared to CGO grades along RD,
because the dispersion of easy axes of crystallites of CGO
materials is ~7o, whereas for HGO materials it is ~3o. For the
same reason, since the penalty for deviating away from the
easy axis increases with angle, the ratio of the losses in TD
and RD is less for CGO grades as compared to HGO grades.
TRAFOTECH 2018 –Tenth International 2
Conference on Transformers

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