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How To Sell Yourself

Hiring Manager’s Advice

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
The Behind-the-Scenes Success Story

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
I am going to show you how to say
it to impress the hiring manager.

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
UFC Fight
Would you buy the ticket?

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
G.R.A.I.L. Framework





Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Growth & Transformation
Before: I worked for xxx, as a product manager (job title) in 2017 (time), I was
responsible for xxx, my client was (a big scope) xxx, however, xxx went wrong

After: in 6 month (time), I was promoted, problem was solved, customers are

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
● Why this is an important things to
● What will happen if the problem do
not get addressed?
● What will happen without YOU?

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Reason: Why is it an important issue?
● Important project in school?
● How did you show this is important?
● Difficulty?
● How does it impact customers?
● 1-2 sentence

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Reason: What will happen if it’s not addressed?
● Project delay?
● Customer satisfaction?
● Lost of revenue?
● 1 sentence

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Reason: You
● What special about you in this example?
● What happens without you?

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Action: What Did You Do?
● Step 1, 2, 3
● Who is involved?
● 2 Sentences per step
● 1 summary
● 1 supporting point

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What’s The Impact?
Three Types of Impact

1. Stakeholder improvement: more $

2. Customer satisfaction: award, no. of customers
3. Organizational improvement: efficiency
4. 1 sentence

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What’s The Impact?
1. Find number
a. 20 more customers
b. 100% satisfaction
c. Product launched
d. Enter new market
e. $ Revenue

2. Award
3. Promotion
4. Executive Presentation: present to senior leadership and teach other
teams 14
Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
1 sentence

Applicable to general audience

Even better: applicable to the


Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Typical Mistakes
● Wasn’t answering the questions directly
● Went into dirty details
● Didn’t pause and think hard
● Didn’t answer questions as if you are a
leader, but workbee
● Spent all 3 actions talking about tech
details, but communication and

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me A Time When You Had A Conflict With
● Disagreement
● Flexible, collect fact on your side
● Understand the other person’s point
● Provide what he needs based on his
point of view
● Communicated through 1:1 or xxx
● Result:alignment
Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me A Time When Things Didn’t Go As Planned
● Example: low daily active user
● Actions:
○ Data
○ Customer
○ Redesign
○ What I learned : high-level learning

● Key: only one sentence describing the

failure, emphasize on how you recovered
from it, what you have learned.
Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me A Time When You Repositioned A Product
Example: not making sales


● data-drive analysis
● Proposal
● Socialize idea

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What If I Don’t Have Enough Stories
Conflict with engineers, designers, bosses...

Project 1
Failure stories

Project 2
Launched a product, prioritization, ambiguity

Project 3
Stakeholder management, leadership

Project 4
Customer empathy

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
PM Behavioral Interview
Hiring Manager’s Advice

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.

I am going to show you how to
match your experience for product
manager interviews

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Before You Start...
1. Research The Company
2. What are the top three
responsibilities you will be doing
3. What are the top three capabilities
they are looking for

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Research The Company
1. Product offering
a. What do they sell, what problem do they solve

2. What’s their value/company mission

a. E.g. FB bring the world closer

3. What’s their latest news?

a. Future plan, market entry? New customer

4. What are they proud of?

5. What’s their funding situation (

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Why This Company
Rely on your research

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What Makes You Qualified For This Job?
1. Product experience

2. Technical skills

3. Soft skills

4. Some personality

2 sentences per statement.

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Concise Framework
3 Bullet points

2 Sentences Per bullet point

1 Summary

1 Supporting point

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me An Example Of Taking A Product From
Concept To Execution

● Competitors
● Alternative solution
● Customer interview

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me An Example Of Taking A Product From
Concept To Execution
Define Problem To Solve

● What challenges they are facing

● What’s your proposal?

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me An Example Of Taking A Product From
Concept To Execution
Design MVP

● MVP 1

● MVP 2

● What have you learned from MVP and

turn to next version of product


Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me An Example Of Taking A Product From
Concept To Execution
Product launch

● Business model

● Pricing

● Sales & Marketing

● Customer care

● Product life cycle

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Tell Me An Example Of Taking A Product From
Concept To Execution

Opened the new mark

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Launch Framework
1. Summarize the three phases quickly
a. There are three phases in product launch, ideation, MPV, and launch. I will
walk you through each phase
2. Dive into 3 sentence description for each phases
a. Ideation:why(pain point), who(customers), others solutions
b. MVP: how to evolve and idea, build with engineers, and test with customers
c. Launch: work with sales and marketing, how many people have used it? How
much money have you made? What’s the impact?
3. Refer to module 3 in details

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Framework For Personality and Job Focused
1. Come up with 3 bullet points
2. Put the summary of each bullet point as the first sentence
3. Do a personal story/rational as the second sentence
4. Two sentences per bullet point
5. If it’s trap questions, such as what’s your weakness, then give 1 bullet

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What Sets You Apart From Other Candidates
1. Tech+ Business
2. Experience in launching impressive product
3. Deep customer insight
4. Worked on product design
5. Lead an engineering team

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Why Do You Want To Be A Product Manager?
1. Problems are you excited to solve
2. Unique thing about the responsibility of the job
3. Customer empathy
4. Leadership opportunity
5. Your personality

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What Do You Like Most and Least About Product
● 3 reasons for liking the most: two sentences per reason
● 1 reason for liking the least: focusing on how you recovered from it
● Never say thing that’s against the nature of PM, such as “not liking
conflicts”, “not liking documentation”, “not liking working with engineers”

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What’s Your Strength and Weakness
Concise Framework

3 Strengths

1 Weakness

Over- strength = weakness

How did you improve your weakness and turn it

into a strength

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Why Do You Want To Work In E-commerce Industry?

Something Unique about the industry

For example,


See impact to consumers right away

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Why Do You Want To Work For FB?
Talk about the value of the company

The problem they are trying to solve

Transformation they are proud of

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
What Do You See Yourself In The Next 2/5/10
Master of XXX in 2 years

Leader of XX in 5-10 years

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
How Do You Handle Pressure?
See. Example

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Questions For Employers
1. First round interview question:

What’s the top 3 qualifications you are looking for in the candidate

2. Second and third round questions:

● What’s the company’s culture?
● What do you like and not like about the company?
● What do you not like about the company?
● What’s the biggest challenge the company is facing?
● What’s the two year plan of the company?
Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Answer all the questions to PM Interview Question Database

Find a mock interview partner in the slack channel

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Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.
Dr Nancy Li

Copyright 2021 Dr. Nancy Li International LLC. All rights reserved.

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