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Mantilla, Joshua P.

BEE – II October 8, 2021

Unit 3: Let’s do this!

Let ‘s look at some examples of types of utterance. The following are utterances: "Your cat
kept me up all night"; a sonnet by Shakespeare; Saussure ‘s Course in General Linguistics;
Beethoven ‘s Fifth Symphony; my suit and tie; Alexander Pope ‘s garden in Twickenham.
As such there is in each case a specific system that underlies and to an extent governs the
types of utterance that can be made. What is the specific mechanism that allows systems to
operate in these ways?

From how I understand utterance works in which it contains meaningful events that has
been made possible and governed to an extent by a pre-existing system of signs, the mechanism
that allows this to happen is the works of langue that makes signifier giving signified to life. The
utterances mentioned in the questions are made up of different signifiers that makes us think of
specific concept, in which langue composes structures of words and sentences to be able for
signified and signifiers to work together. Therefore, the mechanism of langue oversees the entire
framework of these utterances and it allows systems to operate in these ways.

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