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Mantilla, Joshua P.

BEE – II October 8, 2021

Unit 2: Let’s Do this!

1. Mark the following statements as true or false:

False (a) Langue changes, but parole doesn‘t.
True (b) The relation between signifier and signified is arbitrary
False (c) Diachronic studies do not take the historical evolution of language into account.

2. Why is it necessary to distinguish between langue and parole? Why does Saussure say
that langue is the legislative part of language and parole is the executive part?
It is important to note the difference between the two concept which is parole and langue
since the knowledge to use these two is essential in an effective conversation. The people
involved in a communication must acknowledge that they are using the same langue or
convention so that it is assured that they are in the same page of conversation. This is why it is
called legislative because it rules over the usage of their words and thoughts. Now that they
know that they are talking the same topic, the only thing left is to deliver it correctly in a way
that both participants understand what they hear. It is meaningless even if they both know what
they are talking about but misunderstands each other anyways because of their performance
during the act. Hence, this is called the executive part since it must execute what the legislatives
or langue planned to do.

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