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CAPE UNIT ON} [ORULE | Pé ‘PAPI DODTASHO SAMO Whilst doing an experiment on the stretching of a thin wire (diameter less than 0.5 mm) 18 student is required to measure jis diameter. Describe how the diameter of the wire ‘could be measured accuratcly. 13 marks] Use crometar ScD : ag Ha ea a te pants af dhe duet Ay exark addw'enal paxiure “on dP (ee ale 2 dird ay Value Discuss, using examples, the difference between precision and accuracy in physical }4 marks proxume dhe yvedsi Us valle TD OW Hobby value. Sb, 45 23 More ecuuraty wo wren Nig i 4a Ming Ore feeese, Tha) related tothe power ofthe heater, and the elapsed tine, by the equation P= mf. Toe /O° Sy specific latent heat, 1. may be determined if the other quantities are measured. Table 2 ]]-& “yg Shows the remler of such an experiment ” TABLE? | Power of heater s4t2W ‘Mass of liquid evaporated (9.90.1) x10? ke ‘Time elapsed 300428 Use this data to find the specific latent heat of the liquid, together with its uncertainty, and write thé answer in the form = (x 4.3) 10") kg, using an appropriate number of soa] A ieimets xe=m ME GP +S LS nba f ip Pe hea 4lf 22 +2 40) F = S4x 3d 163xI0® 54 3" Ge V4 ‘ les) 624.2 Alp =BB044. Fr Uposboes mg! tO KOS? : lo D PHYSICS 2018 pe es ————eESE CAPE UNIT Sy TASTH SSL AD June 2007 P2 #1 A student is set the task of determining the density ofthe metal used to make ball bearings (2) To find the diameter of the bearings the student lined of ena ade a row and D = iE Placed a ruler against them as shown in Figure 1 TA cos L——_——_____> Figure 1 22 iQ: 2. S(8- FYE "6 240.25 0°8 ‘The positions on the scale were estimated to be: "e Ge Q20.2+ 02cm L=Q-P @ Write down the value for the distance I. using the same_ formas vide dah ~— 19-2 + oF m Di (1 mark J (i) What valve does this imply for 7 p= 1°72 + OO [Amark } ) -The only balance available tothe student was 2 0 - 500 g insuument whose smallest division is 5 g. Using this balance the student obtained a mass of 30.4 + 0.3 g for one of the ball bearings. SS ‘Suggest how the mass of provision indicated above. plo. die maxo g all jo on the sole nlue,, 304-30: Dak mute wb 1 * The omy = 129223 ‘spheres? ‘one of the ball bearings could have been determined to the ; D PHYSICS 2018 -t-5-5-3-8 us eso ss ¥ CAPE UNIT ONE: MODULE 1 PAST PAPERS. LA ( th C QRWOAST th 2 nN (©) _Find the density of the metal used to make the ball bearings, giving your answer to a So Oh ES SF g3px03% Ja" a rd cease ceased ve seat i © vemcplacls)_ of pajane 1 the eloalro UC, Sq ae the, Ow reared BSwnTl> june 2003 PL#1 _the apparatus shown in Figore 1-22 bbe used to determine the acceleration due 10 £ravity 10 D PHYSICS 2018 ‘CAPE UNIT ONE: MODULE | PAST PAPERS ‘As the electromagnet is turned off, the electric timer starts and the ball drops. When the ball hits the metal plate the timer stops. The ball falls through a distance of 65.0 cm before hitting the metal plate, ab& — erpo= 0:001 pe ‘The tall was dropped four tines andthe ine were ore flown: ol me . =0.0005 ‘Time to fall = O30. 8: 0.383 s; 0.374 s; 0.365 s. (a) Determine the average of these results and write down the value of the time that should be used in calculations. Include an estimate of the uncertaimy in this value. t= 0861 F0-323t M37IYTOBS 5¢0-0005)4 ¢ 4 t=0 3710s + 0:0005 eaubthgt Fd eval te hin dio ty fom iene g=23 _ 2x06S5m_ = jane 74% me (€) _ Distinguish between ‘systematic’ and ‘rand eu Go wipment SY oS Gretel” dit i ae ty The Spgerver (8) How might random errors be reduced in this case? 1 u) By repeating values © 2d By plotting a. gran 2 dinding grodient | (€) Identify ONE source easrucmais ‘error in this: eae w The tmer May Noy hae iy ainulaio Jirltarosy wlih the June 2003 P1 #1 @ (a) Explain the principle which underlies the checking of the balance of equations using Ts ase ) Base wuld ds gilts = Of RHS Bt D PHYSICS 2018 4 CAPEUNTPONE: MODE TONE: MODULE 1 PAST PAPERS CAPE UNTT ONE: MODt (©) State ONE limitation of wsing bane quaties to check te balan o dot nit mducar ud the 270 om come cept Oe dorms & += 2dv @ : (20%) (er(a)= por irlo (8) The peed, v, of ocean waves telat tothe wavelength 2, and the seeleranon du 1 eraviy, ¢. Two relasionships are proposed, v = egh ory = bVgh, where 4 and b a a soe mets mSKM vb - Nor MS's ims > come coped” ere (e) Assuming that your result m (4) is correct. determine the full equation if wn ocean wave : hhas a speed of 16 m #"! and a wavelength of 160 m, o VeUNg_ vebvGn abso NR Wwe 1 6=bAF- 16d pith i 30 404 June 2001 P1 #1. age by the terms “systematic errors’ and ‘random errors"? REMAN. omer due To fauthy ape A yedmnigue, hereae 3h rahd oe aa Nu random Po, ry e ee Sole (2: S depen ch © if Peters i a ihe values ¢ \ob) ale La Ah a Sores aoctiraey she legenege | thre valuby 9 & apadehcal value.» DPHYSICS 2018 CAPE UNIT ONE: MODULE 1 PAST PAPERS ¢ » a ‘A parachutist fats at hi terminal velocity) At the terminal velocity the dag force balances the force due to gravity PY the equation Beth me {donc ¥ ac pi ety ok Av tne iiaaet enc sos rece VEZ > V-Z2mgYPviven na CP oe ogres tps Nae: m Vp-p 4 a= 400 + osm! “VCR CY og G08 Sy 2X POXT-E : i S6x4X13 (©) /Wemjnal velocity (5) ol Diesel 4(: o 05) ‘ 08 4 “i ae ¥ PSL 4 ag |p F. DPHYSICs 2018 ce rh Li a i a E f i Lt a | 5 LW

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