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A Festive Oneshot for 5th Edition

Introduction: It's Christmas Eve, and the decorations have come to life! Can the players come
together and save Christmas before the children wake up? This adventure can be adjusted for various
nu mbers of characters.

A 3-hour adventure for 5th level characters

by Marisa Turmaine

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Thank you for downloading my adventure! This is my first
published adventure, so hopefully I have included every- The Spirit casts their transportation spell, and you are trans-
thing needed for you to run it. However, if you have any formed into glitter on the breeze. You fly, faster and faster,
questions about running it, then you can find me on twitter, o'er hill and dale, until you come to a chimney. You whoosh
down, out of the fireplace, and into a richly furnished living
my username there is @mazzmatazz. room. Tasteful decorations adorn the mantelpiece, outside
-Mazz the window, snowflakes sparkle and lights twinkle, and in the
corner of the room is an elegant fir tree, dripping with tinsel
and baubles.
About This Adventure
This adventure is intended for Level 5 characters. I have Allow the characters to briefly fly around the tree, then ask
run it for groups of 4 and 8, and scaling options will be sug- them to make a perception check. This will help them to
gested with each encounter. The creatures are taken from understand the nature of the terrain they are about to en-
the Monster Manual and Volo's Guide To Monsters, and ter.
just re-described to fit the Christmas Theme.
Refer to the following table, as well as the description of
It is set in a Christmas Tree. The characters are Santa's the tree in the next section, to inform the results.
helpers, and have been shrunk down to battle the decora-
tions, which have come to life. Good racial options to fit the PERCEPTION CHECK
theme are gnomes, elves, and of course halflings – don't Result Information
forget to yell “IT'S A CRIT MISS MIRACLE! when a Up to 10 The character just sees the levels of the tree.
halfling character uses the Lucky trait to re-roll that natural 10-14 The character sees the levels of the tree, as well
as the fairy at the top.
1! 15-19 The character sees the levels of the tree, the
fairy at the top and also one of the types of dec-
If you are playing this game in person, and can find them, orations. The decorations are not moving.
why not get some candy to represent the monsters? You 20+ The character sees the levels of the tree and the
decoration on all levels. The decorations are
can hand it out to the players after they have defeated their not moving.

The Tree
The Spirit of Christmas Although the characters are technically shrunk to fit in the
When you are ready to begin the adventure, read this text tree, I have used standard distances for ease. The tree is
out loud to your players. on four levels, each one a smaller, circular platform than
the last. Different denizens inhabit each level. Characters
It's late on Christmas Eve, and everyone at the North Pole is can push monsters off the platforms. If this happens, refer
frantically making last minute preparations. You're busy stuff- to the distance from floor, then have them roll a d6 for each
ing brightly wrapped parcels into sacks, when there is a shim-
mering in the air next to you. The Spirit of Christmas materi- 10ft the creature plummets. At your discretion, you could
alizes and is looking distraught. “I know you are busy, but always roll a dexterity check to see if a creature falls to a
Santa, sorry, I mean, Saint Nick, asked me to help him place lower platform rather than the floor itself.
presents under a few trees. But when I got to this particular
tree, I was attacked! All of the decorations have come to life! TREE LEVELS
Please, I need your help to fix this so I can deliver these gifts Level Diameter Distance Denizens
before the children wake up!” from floor
1st 50 ft. 30 ft. Candy Canes
2nd 40 ft. 50 ft. Toy Soldiers
Allow your players a moment for roleplay if they want to, 3rd 30 ft. 70 ft. Baubleholders
and then when they are ready to assist the Spirit, read this 4th 20 ft. 90 ft. The Fairy

text out loud to them.

In addition to this, the tree has all the usual decorations –
tinsel, baubles, lights.

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Terrence's First Riddle
Fairy Lights (Optional buff) Read the following text aloud to your players as Terrence
A character basking in the glow from the twinkling fairy lights poses his first riddle to the characters.
automatically gains advantage on all attacks, checks and sav-
ing throws, as the Christmas cheer fills them.
Two mothers and two daughters went out for Christmas din-
If the characters do not do this of their own volition, you can ner. Each person ate exactly one meal, yet only three meals
always have them make a Perception check to notice were eaten in total. How is this possible?
the glow, or a Dex save to find themselves standing under the
The answer to this riddle is that there is are three genera-
tions of the same family – a grandmother, a mother and a
Level 1 daughter – the middle woman is both a mother and a
As the characters land on the tree, read the following text daughter.
out loud to them.
Level 2
You find your form consolidating itself on the lowest tier. Once the characters reach the next level, read the following
Glitter drifts lazily from your limbs as you shake them out,
text out loud to them.
ridding yourself of the disorientation of the spell. As you peer
across this level, pine scent filling your lungs, you see candy
canes flying toward you! Again, on this level, you see baubles hanging from the
branches around you, and the glow of the lights illuminating
the shiny paint of toy soldiers, who are... marching toward
Animated Candy Canes you?
There is one candy cane per character, and they are un-
able to be reasoned with. They are simply animated to de- The Toy Soldiers use the Knight stat block (Monster Man-
fend the tree and oust all usurpers. The canes use the Fly- ual, page 347), but are made of wood so can be set on fire,
ing Sword stat block (Monster Manual, page 20). Their which will deal 1d6 damage per round to them on their
damage is changed from slashing to bludgeoning as they turn. Again, they have been animated to defend the tree.
bop the characters on the head. Shards of peppermint fly They are very officious and will not let anyone pass, but
off as the canes are damaged, lending a minty smell to the with exceptional roleplay or a successful DC20 deception
air. check, the characters might be able to convince the sol-
diers to let them pass.
After combat, the platform is empty, and the players need
to scale the tree. Have the character with the highest pas-
There is one soldier for every two players (rounded
sive perception notice a strand of tinsel hanging from the
down, so five players will face two soldiers, but six players
level above. However, should a character touch the tinsel,
will face three), If pushed off the tree, the soldiers will try
their hand is stuck, and the tinsel blinks at them!
to climb back up if the fall does not kill them, using move
as their action on top of their movement to climb 30ft per
Terrence the Tinsel round.
Terrence is a Mimic (Monster Manual, page 220), but has
no desire to fight. He is soft spoken and gentle, and says he
The players must now ascend to the next level. They can
will help the characters, if they answer a riddle he poses.
choose to make their own way up, or Terrence can offer his
There is no penalty to answering his riddles incorrectly, he
services if they met him on the lower level.
is just being playful, and will lift characters up to the next
level of the tree. He must rest between each level though,
meaning characters cannot bypass any levels by asking Ter-
Terrence's Second Riddle
Read the following text aloud to your players as Terrence
rence to lift them straight to the top of the tree. He gently
poses his second riddle to the characters.
wraps his pseudopods around the players to bear them up-
wards, slithering like a snake in his tinsel form.
If it takes five elves five minutes to make five dolls, then how
long does it take one hundred elves to make one hundred

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The answer to this riddle is five minutes – each doll takes There isn't actually an answer to this. It is designed to en-
one elf five minutes to make. Again, there is no penalty for courage your players to come up with a creative answer. If
answering incorrectly, Terrence finds the mistake amusing. your players are stuck, Terrence will giggle and coyly admit
there is no answer and he is just messing about with the
Level 3 characters. If your players do come up with a good answer,
As they reach the third level, read the following text out consider granting them inspiration.
loud to your players.
Level 4 – The Tree Top
As you step onto this level of the tree, you see a large bauble Upon reaching the top of the tree, read the following text
hanging in front of you. There is a jingling of bells as sudden- out loud to your players.
ly, tinsel tentacles begin to unfurl, and the bauble turns, re-
garding you with one large eye. “Gary. Gary! Those soldiers
are rubbish! Look who's gotten past them. Gary! Are you lis- As Terrence deposits you at the top of the tree, a haughty fig-
tening?” Another bauble unfurls its tinsel tentacles and sighs ure strides forward, shimmering dust trailing behind her.
heavily. “I hate my life,” Gary complains. “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? I SAID I DID NOT
WISH TO BE DISTURBED!” she yells. The fairy kicks Ter-
rence, knocking him off the platform, pushes her wild mane
Gary and Frank, the Baubleholders out of her eyes, and angrily flaps her gossamer wings, rising
Gary and Frank are not interested in fighting. They are Be- up into the air, brandishing her wand.
holders (Monster Manual, page 28) who have been kid-
napped from the Underdark and transformed into bauble The Fairy is a Warlock of the Great Old One ( Volo's Guide
versions of themselves. Their bodies are baubles, and their To Monsters, page 220) with the modification of a flying
eyestalks are tinsel with bells on the ends instead of eyes, speed of 30 feet. She is unhappy because her tree has been
rendering their Eye Rays ability unusable. cut down to be used as decoration, so is intent on destroy-
ing Christmas for the children in the house. Any attempts
Frank is much more talkative and frantic, whereas Gary is to parley with her will be concluded with an eldritch blast,
gloomy. They just want to go back to chasing myconids as she is beyond all reason.
through caves, but are tied to the branches. They explain
that there is a power crazed fey at the top of the tree, and Running The Fairy and scaling her difficulty
they are meant to be lookouts, but they have no loyalty to Depending on how many players you have, you may need to
make the Fairy more or less difficult. The Warlock mentioned
her. Gary is especially sad because the other day, the fey is ideal for four players.
got glitter in his eye and it “really hurt”. They ask to be cut
down, but can't be persuaded to assist in the final fight, and For more players, you could consider adding minions (other
will fly back to the Underdark at the soonest opportunity. animated decorations with 1hp each), legendary actions or
other lair actions. I used the Whispering Aura as a lair action,
affecting everyone on the platform and not just those in
This encounter is not intended to end in combat. It is a fun range of the fairy.
roleplay interlude before the final battle. The Baublehold-
ers may remind the characters to heal if necessary, and You could also replace the Warlock with other stat blocks. For
8 players, I have used the Archdruid statblock (Volo's Guide
then call Terrence to bear the party to the top of the tree To Monsters, page 210).
when they are ready. Terrence is a little slow to arrive, and
explains he has been dreaming of spending Christmas un- For fewer players, the Warlock of the Archfey (Volo's Guide To
der the tree as a gift. Monsters, page 219) could be a good choice.

Terrence's Final Riddle Concluding the Adventure

Read the following text aloud to your players as Terrence
Once The Fairy has been defeated, read the following text
poses his third and final riddle to the characters.
aloud to your players.

You get shrunk down to the size of a candy ca- oh wait, that's
already happened. Well, then. Imagine you are thrown into a There is a shimmering in the air, and a figure coalesces near
blender. You have one minute before the blades begin to you all. The Spirit of Christmas is overjoyed. “You've saved
turn. What do you do? Christmas! But quick, we must go, before the children wake

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Allow the players to finish any roleplaying they want to be-
fore the Spirit casts her final spell. Read this text aloud to
conclude the adventure.

The spell takes hold again, and as you drift across the room
toward the fireplace, you see the children of the house skitter
through the door and launch themselves at the mound of
gifts which is now nestling under the tree. A peal of giggles
reaches you as you enter the fireplace, and as you glance
back, you could swear a snaking tendril of ribbon on a gift
just tickled one of the children.

This concludes my first adventure, Christmas Fey! I hope

you enjoy playing through this tale.

You can watch me running this adventure for four amazing

people – TK, Lysa, Moth and Noel – over at

Thank you for downloading, and have fun!


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