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1 ________
________ 16. The season Thanksgiving is celebrated in
to _____________
Football 12 pumpkin 15. The people who helped the settlers
Mayflower 10. Pilgrims 11.
belongs is celebrated on ___________
7 cranberries 8 Indians 9. k 14. The month of the year that Thanksgiving
hunting 6 autumn/fall ____________
miniboo 13. Food collected from the earth
3 turkey 4. gravy 5
12. A large festive meal ______________
1 pumpkin pie 2 corn /maize This Thanksgiving Day ______________
11. The most famous is in New York on
Thanksgiving _______________
to work together a pilgrim 10. A big bird traditionally eaten on
able to be eaten persecution celebrated on _____________
9. The day of the week that Thanksgiving is
a person who travels a long way for religious purposes to live off 8. The season the settlers arrived__________
a particular food served during a meal a legend America _________________
7. The ship that brought the pilgrims to North
much argument or debate a feast 6. A small, sour berry _____________
being treated cruelly because of one’s political or religious beliefs edible _________
5. A popular sport on Thanksgiving
a traditional story passed from generation to generation a dish ng 4. Horn of plenty ________________
to be in memory of: to celebrate or mark a special event in history to cooperate 3. What we call the settlers ___________
2. Another name for corn _____________
to survive from a particular source controversy
a huge meal in celebration of something to commemorate ksg 1. A large fruit, often made into a pie _______

R E L A T I V E S T I F S M F Complete with these words
P N R E U K S S N C H A O E A ORIGINS Complete with these words Hard - ill - diseases - colony - built -
Atlantic - freedom - England -storms The pilgrims created a _____________at
X I E F B O B E T I L A A O S -Mayflower - land cramped -voyage - - - Plymouth. Life was _____________at the
O B L Z Y O L T U R K S N T D pilgrims - - settled - passenger colony. At first the pilgrim lived on the
W R Y G I C E T R E T P U K Y In 1620, a group of people decided to leave Mayflower while they _____________ their
T S E V R A H L K N Y F M L S ____________. They crossed the ________ homes on land. It was winter so they were cold
Ocean and _____________ in America. and wet. Soon many of the pilgrims became
Y V A R G I M E E N F T I U N These people were called _____________. _____________. About half of the pilgrims died
S Q U A S H M R Y I W M A R P They decided to make the long journey during the first year of _____________ such as
because they wanted religious ___________ scurvy and pneumonia
F A L L P R A S N D A L O B A Survived - thanks - corn - feast - sap
The pilgrims crossed
R M H T N B A G C F A C E K I the ocean in a ship called the _____________. With the help of Native Americans, the colony
There were 102 _____________ aboard the _____________ the first year. Native
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Americans taught the colonists how to grow
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ship. The ship was _____________ with little
_____________ and how to collect
room to move about. At first the weather was _____________ from maple trees. The
pleasant, but then the ship met colonists who survived the first year had a
_____________ and strong winds. During the three day _____________ to give
_____________, two people died and one child _____________ for their first harvest.
was born. Finally, after 65 days at sea, the
Mayflower sighted __________.

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