MDCPS Superintendent Search: Jacob Oliva's Application

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JACOB OLIVA ee Jonvory 10, 2022 Dear Miami Dade County Public School Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express my interest in becoming the Superintendent of Schools for the Miami Dade County Public School system. | believe my unique experiences and qualities make me the ideal candidate to carry out the Board's vision as Superintendent of Schools - a candidate who will continue the great work thar has led to the distinction of @ high performing school district. Iris not ony important to maintain this great distinction, but to ensure that Dade County Schools continues to push innovation and opportunities for students that have led to historical graduation rates and the elimination of low performing schools countywide, My past experience as a Florida superintendent coupled with enlersive sole experience supporing oll Florida superintendents and school boards, will low for & smooth transition. While serving os a Flagler County Schools superintendent, overall student performance and graduation rates increased for students including some of our most vulnerable which included English Language learners students with disobilties, and students hom a lower socio-economic stalys, For example, in the 2014-2015 school year, the district's total possible points earned in Florida’s accountability system was. 421, compared to the 2017-2018 school year when the distic's total possible points eamed was 648 This is @ 35 percent increase. In addiion, the distic’s graduation rate increased by 3 percent, Moreover, in collaboration with the board, | developed and implemented a strategic plan thet included a distict re-o1gonization including g major focus on human capiial management, district operations, school safety, iid euccestly weraaied deetkoacieked bolrice bps pareait Hoving been in public education for over twenty years, I have had the opporunity fo teach some of our most fragile learners in special education and serve in many different leadership capaciies at he school, district, and state levels, While these experiences and the skill | have learned will meet the minimum qualifications outlined forthe job, | feel itis important for this Board fo know that Miami is my home, | was born and raised in Perrine and Richmond Heighls and | am a proud produc! of the Miami Dade Public School system. Having an opportunly 1a have my family relocate to my hometown will help give my children the some outstanding experiences that | had. My fviends and family sill reside in Miami and | slay current on the evenis laking place in “the 305." lis here where the foundation was laid for my passion for education and public service. Jamo poliically sawy educator and businessman with a proven record of accomplishment in leading successful skategic iniatves that inciease sluden! achievement. Ilis © core se! of values thal have guided me lo success in my many years in education ~ believing in servant leadership where one listens, making elhical decisions, building consensus, and developing ¢ collegial work environment tha! includes oll siakeholdess. | believe | have the skills to dently the needs of the cistric! and expedienily implement the policies and initiatives of the Board Please accept this letter and resume in the search for your nex! Superintendent of Schools. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Jacob Oliva ACOB OLIVA SUMMARY Proven transformational leader commited to student growth, achisvement, safety cond well-being, Demonstrated bility to model lifelong learning, mainiain open ommuricaton, od encourage a collaborative emacnmenifor al stoke helders. Strong commitment to «leadership sile that is visble, compassionote, and whose core values focus round building relationships wih and among staf studenis, parents, and community, EDUCATION University of North Florida Doctoral Candidate (ABD) Novo Southeastern University MS, Educational Leadership Flagler College BA, Elemeriaty Educotion ond Exceptional Children TRAINING & CERTIFICATION Training Future Chiefs (Cohort 6), Chiels for Change Florida Association of Distr! School Superintendents leadetshio Florida Education Class [Cohort 2} Florida Certifications Educational leadership Schoo! Principal Elementary Education Exceptional Student Education HE | 081-001 gnc com CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Senior Chancellor forthe Floride Deporiment of Education, overseeing the Division of Public Schools, Office of Sale School, Division of rly eomning Office of Independent Education ond Parental Choice, and the Office of Assessment ond Accountabily, which serve nearly 2 milion students and over 4,000 schools. Served as Superintendent of Florida's Flagler County Schools after over a decode leading whine dat osc techer, principal and osssan superiniendent Average 50 Keynole speeches a year lo groups including elected representatives, school board associations, and community leaders covering topics relatad to Education Iniitives, State of the State, and legisiotion KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Developed Florida's B.E.S.T. Slandards {As Senior Chancellor, led the team that eliminoted common core siate stondards by adopting ond creaiing Florida's BES. (Boachmarks for Excellent Student thinking Standords} for English Language Arts and Mathematics. Curently implementing transition timeline, which includes professional development, curiculum adopiion ond implementation tnd ihe proposals for creation of new FA.S.T (Florida Assessment of Student Thinking] assessments 7 Exponentially Increased Student Learning ‘As School Superinienden, led initiives that increased student learning by expanding PK holntry pre-ndorgorer programsio every istic elementary school, Became the fist disc in Fosida io implement a distictwide 1:1 computer initiative for every student i hove access to their own device in K-12 ond received the recognition of being named an Apple Disinguished School District, and Developed and implemented a Classroom to Career Flogship Program that increased participation in students toking more rigorous coursework which led tothe district being recognized on the Gaston Caperton Opportrity Honor Fell which is an award given to school disrics for increasing access jo traditionally undestepresented populations by increasing enrollment in more rigorous academic opportunities such as Advanced Placemert classes. JACOB OLIVA PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE fmol 2 Flagler pan Coos Florida Department of Education (FDOE} 2017 ~ Present High School The FDOE serves nscrly 3 million students across 4,200 schools & 28 colleges, — 14 technical schools ard supports 200,000+ instructional staff and 340,000 2007 - 2009 prncpol Wedsworth fulktime sialf throughout the state Elementary Schoo! Senior Chancellor ‘Appointed by the Commissioner of Education in 2017. Currently overseeing the Division of Public Schools, Office of Safe Schools, Division of Eotly Leorring, Office of Independent Education end Farental Choice, and the Office of Assessment and Accountobilly 2006 - 2007 Assiston! Principal - Flagler Palm Coost High Schoo! 2005 - 2006 Dean of Students, Belle Terre Pimary responsbilties encompass implementing the priovites of the Slate a Elementary Schoo! 1d of Education ond the Commissioner of Education relating to Prek- 12 public schools, This includes: 2000 - 2005 Teacher, Wadsworth Elementary Schoo 7 Developing and implementing legislative policies, Stole Boord rules, budget, ond sirategic plan priosties, Presenting policy updates to the Floride legislature and educational stakeholders, 7 Serving as the Commissioner's designee on several boards and commissions, 7 Ensuring compliance wit stale statule and rule in Florida's school discts, Supporting siatewide teaching and learning, 7 Promoting student achievement and the closing of student achievement gaps, 7 Providing stotewide leadership and communication as he chiel liaison between the Floride Department of Education and Florido School Dist Improving Educational Standards and Student Achievement led the initiative 1o create and implement the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T) Siondards in Mathematics cond English Longuage Arts. Led the initiate to create ond implement student perfomance stondards in Holocoust Education, Chics and Government ‘Character Education and Substance Abuse Prevention, Supported Flarida fo improving 1o #2 inthe nation for successlul Advanced Placement (AP) performance patticipaton, ‘while maintaining #s #1 designation in pass vale Supported teaching and learning initiatives that maintain Florida's nationol ranking for K-12 achievement by Quality Counts report by Education Week Supported leaching and learning ntiatives that led fo an incieose in overall student graduation rate reaching jus over 90% inthe 20-21 school year up from 82.3% in 2016-17, Supported school districts wih maintaining safe learning environments while navigating the COVID-9 pandemic. Tis supgot led to 94% of siudenis returning 10 schaol statewide lo participate in in-person assessmenis In 2020. Actively working with districts fo minimize leaming loss promote shident acceleration, BEE | <0001:001 egnoicon | ACOB OLIVA BOARD & WORK EXPERIENCE CONTINUED COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Flagler County Public Schools, 2000 - 2017 Haro Stoneman Doug The tet serves over 12,000 sues eros 15 schoo nd enelos exer (Commision Dasggneatcd Superintendent 2013 - 2017 7 Collaborated with the Boord and stakeholders to develop and implement Florida High School Athletic Association , Board Member dishict vision ond shategic plon, Developed flagship programs in collaboration with local career source ‘and industy leaders thal expanded college and career readiness in every school by alening progtams to eet ndvsty needs ond lead to credentials of value, Expanded learning opportunites by creating pathways for al tudenis storing in VPK have oppomuniy to panicipcie in Dual Enrollment, Acceleration Courses (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate), ‘and industry Certifications, 7 Implemented and developed the District Strategic Fromework ond aligned vwith the District Human Copital Management Systems fo feorganize and streamline the disict to be more ficient, and @ Increased disic! student achievement by 227 overall points, graduation tofes by 3%, ond district fund balance by over 3% Florida International Baccalaureate of Schools , FLIBS) Member & Agency Representative Florida Children and Youth Cabinet Member & Agency Representative Tosk Force on Closing the Student Achievement Gop Assistant Superintendent 2012 - 2013 for Boys ak ted T id Leadership Project for rel i Implemented Tunaround Leadership Project for reforming lowes Chair potforming schools, 7 Elevated district overall student achievement from 22nd in the slate to 11th Previously served Boord of 7 Served on the Disrict Accreditation Team and faciliaied the process Directors: 7 Acted os Chief Negotiting Offices forthe distil with the Flagler County Educatots Assocotion and Flagler Educational Suppor Personnel Florida Association for Association District School Superintendents Supervised Curriculum and insiveion, Human Resources, Sudent Services, ’ (FADSS) Technology, and Exceptional Student Education Departments, Z Developed and implemented 0 1:1 student to computer ratio program, Northeast Florida Education 7 Acted os liaison to community and civic organizations, medio, and local Consortium (NEFEC] CReanek 9 7 7 Developed systems approoch to organizational stueture, 7 Updated Dishict 5-year strategic plan, ond 7 Presented at regional conferences. HE 00601001 @gmaikcom

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