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Lies Soc eylyn Poucess B. DOomMt 1-1 _November D1, 2:02-4 _ = lente sl ae —— pee a _besson |3- Letter 5 ; sein aaa Dear Propessar Woods i ae _ Please accept ove thanks fac oe Pe oN. a Sq —the-sntec maid ss for a coe av 1 @ LL Pa Cooler television set- The order | bow BF Cory, m_az-..___reached_us yesterday and 1 was i ae YVne- L. glad_to_get it: | dy + —»" m4. You _haye chosen you Set Tae. & a i Wisely because 4he cook coler te-_| of Ket ~levisian sek is the work op a | he Oe Dumber oe tye finesk mades in! meu . + a , 4 | Ub. 7 ~% ~~ A wi shigpe | in afternoon by truck fram ovr i aw Ke he 3 eo tat it will ge + Yau hn a 4 Ciccylar thot \ists one ae + \ gi 1. = xeesrd fers, Please read +he 4 Cicevlar when yor lave & Chance. Nery truly yoics, Uesis Sackylyn Roscesy B. 1- Novembe, | Lesson Re renseription Lesson 3: lether G Lesson \3: Letter G JM) = vp. Dear Sic: : =a rderi hundreds fe Gb 4. Of patients in amnursing home \ g- OMe a Lf. ae 1 gy 2. And seeving ik is not an easy job. Fry re ob PP 6? ibis. veel challenge té prepare _ Q pe yy @p~ and 49 sere three Meee tizing OD RIE EY | ip ea i" | tNeals 4 dow. Toy must work ha- s Arile; ned_t Keep the Seup bo} ened af a eit ce_cream cold ol the sAladlerisp, —_Le RL vA Thetis the Gb thet Caox ford _ vices. a Pay We greyore the meals in aur : pe, di 95/5 . / plant. Onn _ttelnen. They are then gloxed 6 on end lo ove -4 Wo Ze which het the foad. Th mols oe a“ Lt nay ra Ynen veody 2 be served. We hove Scwing foul ty wuvsung hones since \a50. Acivalor \ishog oll ovr services 7 ts enclosed if yas wasld \ke 40 hove My. Bates aur chef fied plaininsy $916 We _ wil ad_to send kam. To Serange Foy his visit jt coll yy G9 numbec is _S55-F1 4. Nery truly yoiny Llesis, Trekylyn Rucesys 8 Day 4-10 November 3:2, 2-02 es Transcription Actin Lesson \3i Letter 7 Lesson _\3 2 Letter 7 x Ay aa at ys Deac Progessar Cock —y eae eee a She called we _yesterdoy tp tell me_ ead ep Pn me oh Ys thot the job wos mine and thot = ae {could begin work a _July 4. Lom t z fo y 0 Fn Crane was a vito! factor in ys: Dude roe 2 -\ey's selection of me from the wil a)) [ o Co Ly dozens of People whe whe ye oS ing {or the \ob- ea a L 4. Spel ying oe the yb Lassuce an > yoo Professor Cook ther | will de toy _vimost 40 succeed im 4h job T_ gion 49 step in to see NS ond thank you agi, Aor your Kindness. Since rely yous, Llesis ackylyn Rewess B. —Dowt 1-4 — Lesson IH - Letter 5 Novembey 23, 2-02) _Transcripten eee Lesson lH -Letterd ae al ae V bo “Mes. Quinn L Ys _ The fine! copy for ge : we i OL” ras LBA fe Wad oe ie: fet ran Se fi = Gy poz olan aera dy ge s—4 Promoting ove. shardaare products — scone yesterdoy, | was inde ed = 2nd {thents you ut “fou must lnove sent hours omd hows wer king during the weekend to howe fini shed it wen. Loam placing on ard er Jadoy, vith the Baredwa foc. 20 000 copies. We_shoulel ba- =Ne_them ly March \0. They wl) be_moriled@ta our dealers bel cween Merch |S and Apri) lo. Tam enclosing ow cheek for 4330 bo rey foe the wok Yoo did on the circulor. Thank Yoo _agwn for you gpod Service. Beery J Guill 7 Llesis eackyhyn Racers B Domt 2-1 Lesson \H 2 Letyer @ pes fale La “ Ve a. =ting will November 23, 202 Tran eription Lesson \4 : Letter G Mc_Ballwin + Todey | was invited to address a meeting of the Netigns Schoo) Book Editar) on March 30 ond | Quickly accepted. Their meet be eld in Twn Citic Mote]. | hove selected the 4opic “The Study Helbits op Teenage Chidyen” The details o¢ the mecting aye \'sted in the saclesed folder, This mecns thet | wid) Not Ine ble +) share ove week- “ly paduction mecting. Will you be fr March 0 ss ther yoo _covld Fill in for me? \€ you _ave not free we inc nowt 48 cance) ovr etdue Aun mec ting. Gen Swif + on Llesisy Jackylyn Pewess B 6 = ovem be: PG eCe es eee ron sc eh Lesson \4 2 Letter 7 Lesson \4 > Letter 1 i iy 7. Fane LC Year Professor Duna nt ie A 22 nav —, Vv You will rece] thet om june (a Js o ves 22 vps) arked me te guste ued = 1 | duds ee af A+ 90 yesierd side duel) —4u at GO) perk Street. Apter | Nisited your sted OA price op $5,000 if yov p> Le |— W Soe PR es He or ok K- cerld athorize uv» bt begin Op WY [To work tos duly 15 but | hove bo, 2s @ on! mt ved on) omyser tn oy he fit fiat. Opeey. Ae Ly Z A Win place Roe Ay £ C8 Asking th toll ud ig | conact wa x } staiet storied oy \uly 1S_| vl) bewe to _witladran “the prict Lquded oe and incl é nk. Why vst call we ledoy Ba “fessor “Dwight and adhorre we. ed with the \alling Oe Sear s 4: U Yous very tly Llesis, ackylyn Rewess 8B. Dot 1-1 __ November 24 907 n 7 iat Transcription ne Leéson IS + Letter 6 esson \5 Letter 6 Bie [Pe Desie DeirBuing yep ape 2 One tng you com cla th let = >, the iS am fb — "3 nthe pesple o¢ Winfield learn alawt the Va\yoble services dy ood nae af 1G yor sine 3s_maes sve! ~f- 56 ee ws toe them 8 tt glee your ad s Sa G—y—n_the Winfield News wh ri aaa Hf is ogo ue veaches SO peyceht more ves ay 2 ar py = ers 10 thy vegien thon the eS 2 Cees Winfield Post. po i Avy al us a 3 _€- n gover will yeech aos XU O00 A ( an 9 ore _ ves N= 6% Phunk 4 pe gle whore re ee ee x é we lheve Woy > ince Gyr paper BiG ae LL, appeared in |930- bo The Winfie'd News vill assist Ce C a wor in Souilding our _saley. No —_ 6. to Se meter what you cl] or what ye 7 iy padsc4 you ill be able ty reock Ane. \orcest pasdible umber og (WA 4 gaseects when you place. wr gts ~~ Og. 7 ay th our papers Act oor capable ~of we et ve scout, stage help yot pepe & ~ 4 @ well planned Sem pion ber —E ae 2 will gasiuce Sizeable incase In _oue Sales. ‘Ouc votes ore listed an the — enclosed circle Dr Guinn tov will_gind them Quite peasencbole -_ Yous VEY Ty) LUesis, Beck ylyn Gres B. 41- wen’ L Tron cipticn Lesson \5% Letter 7 es é iG YX Dear. Ye Swift ‘ Whet do os think i the y pr =S9ESS_ DS the dvier ogo bi- : D pelt 6 ee i a, =Siness? Most lov iness ecoe Ie or : ( on ee who were queried veplie! tet gare ie a ee fo 2 tere wos Lasting more ve lustale Tait, L 7 oY Ahan A fine credit Lehi. | hin Le yi kh 7 tial You unl Sgree thet tHnty oie waht. (iz xy) ) 1 4, yas You lneue a fayavable cridit x Dee 42 a Latur with yy Dr. Swift lot = rs] a L Th A yoy could jeopardine 1b if we aap ad 0s say Ve eere Wans f om you toy Sone 6 for $90 +o poy Kor the vepsiy wrk yi [ did on yose ca coca} ly [ ey exything thot woold here yove Credit ponting * Sénd vy your check for $20! ' , Aodeny Youry very thy Lie sis Jackylyn Pevecss 8. t Domt 4-4 November 5, 203) Bs Trans Seip ov) Cesssm IS: letter ¥ Lesson |p 2 Letter & =e a Deor De Duraht = 2K @ h % jee \€_ tos hemes an sured ot. ¥—F. £2» 9 ~e F vesterdoy!s pre wok hige toed [a wa PO ne ches wat Catch on fire, Inflation Peep. LY hes veised the value of ol) the Pe /a = w 2 Things vox dun. This means that it would cord more te replace or Ag Oh y- pall anything yor oe Ahir yor INSurcinc el erode. > Giver) mk is vite) for ues +0 loc yore. thet “2 fal ( 2 Yow inSsrence Keep ug vith inflaton — Ga 4 {E wos ave wise you will nove ae ) Yoxe_Vnssfernie_cOverea¢. ye studied Nan wee: Ln. oe by er yelable cepoble unde pendent woke. le yal don't wwe nclegen- 555-8 FC), ee fy nd wake and wold Like +0 p= 2 talk b one coll me _bezare in nan any weekday at SSS- K}6 2 a a a Lill be glad! give ys the / name of one who iy Incerted weer yor hme or Yyoue losdinesy. T Do tho telly if poable Since! Iy ye uu leais, Je ekylyn Rvass B. Dom 2-2 November 2S, yor) ron scription : Cessan Io: letter G Lesson \G ? Letter 6 2 go, he 2 Dear De. “fale » Bien enclosed card voy will recieve @ vc- ae See rWwable aft the Detwit |nswone spk Cae 7 a P= Corpretion Vr iy a yellow uiny) Ly a xt reveling case thet will Keep osc 7 7 Dp) Pa HEY 5 Suits clesn one! Fresh wht you ay YY ale Jyivel. We offer yo thy aft fs Teme fe the cheer fy Hell You ey £ oer cae Lf 6. © finencing plan tet yc think ) 7 toggle yee net | Simple and 1 etfechive, 2 a ee Dey, f= 6 won ecrn in less than 1400 dad Za) oa cA YR Cyclic ill cay first ani last pss ayy Ae wu Ca checks, “et many di not have Le a Lay eg hee fo Show’ for +heir_yeer (Asie) eit any 07h, ee of’ toil: Our plan offers yt pase 7 Guick lout rege ag ‘fo Save Gee Os mneney for the day uy rctire. a ae Toke = minut’ Dr Yale + Le el Bet hs ge_f Gil me eneloed card. When Ne Jeg. Me LP 7% receive (+ ye will Hill yoy what Eee ei eee our glam can do _ fir you and! ser! vow the yrllow vinyl taucliing to cave we ments grec Seeeeilbase es saae —Sinctrly yours, Llesis, Jackylyn Recess B. ape November Ye , 2027 7s Tesi t ite ss - ip ot 1: letter 7 lessen 16% Letter 7 A Ey ie —finkesaee 4s % Ps cec fire finat A ee > ¥ ar hee a dry eech year Le 4 10 yeise marly foe the mer) seruces aed sie Ga. ~—4.___thet_render te fags) fork 's_c- -tiens. Would be withoy 7) a, Lf x jain us ond werk O29 Sect Ap nner in this years dite? an Fach may ager ossig ned AY BOVE? 9 Seclun of Payal Bick. “love ye 7 ection in wheh there ore Sete 0. woul via wy Strect ty Dri] quae - 1] —, \ Te sets, Ax 9 Menener ys would ee oa J Leap Appoint 5 pen or Nemen each _ ae <4 0 Cf wibum novi selict ynaney AA Z Lg or picdge form _¢ hemes eit mein esc Mier they heve visited the aie 50 ay Tony homes they would Jecue the bites) Se aA frome Sd peleclyes thet they fen af Ae lich with os Ald golly oe > Very troby yours, Llesis | Je cky ly, av coy e- Dont 4-1 Novem ber 27307 = Transcription pesson [7° Letter 6 \esssyy a stletter @ : Se Purple + Ps eae a ee better 7 lessen \7 Letter 7 & 0: ay Geme|men + Ea esterday mornin | received Tig Cn COPY OF Your compomy's Per ss=_ 2 Gone G sone! policies peck let. | is wel Ween) (0 rlanned ond she he valve le 3 ae ain e ow peagle. WW shesld odd bh Cn, their ef fcicney. ae qt 9 LE hate My gorpose in writing you Pst te [Po yy Ahaigh is tp learn the name of hg tte personne desig the Lo x ea —moekied | think it nicely ge eae gs designed ond | would like +a ee Cap ice the designer tn help vs Ze r ¢. ¥ pregect an _impsrtant lyachure 2 ) we will send to the stockheldes — ation cdvrin Comngeiny early nex Ucar. ri Covld Goo’ tell me Name _o! we designer onl Where we con reach bem or ey? Sincere ly our’ yr, Llesis, Serckyiyn Revcess B- Dorr 14-2 _Nasern her Leas pis teens a Tronsevintion 2 bcS.2 L: beter eo$0n_ {7 Let Oe ON PT ear Dr. Yale “Thonks for yove short note — ane gz aout ovr ger Sonne! policies bake a Bn = GZ Act. om gled you vere pleosed areas Ste ne NT cece (fis hin Fe This book le} wos the work ef [* ee of Donid White © gerstre! friend — fe of mine. Yor can reeach him od 2 2 3 wa his wsiness address ot (15 3 West Strect in Dolos. Devi design rie + - Af Qomplets ond Sits lor ae E Z 6 = _y- for vy for 5 years. He Tikes as [9g Bho detailed work and he always spn’ PU Bdge args aEHE Wein msney_prices for his designs. His work is imesyinetive came independ al le Whet is wore he be lieves i meshing ca eine attic is of gre + Impgton} in cin type 06 baviness.. “fos cx_ery tr) ye Lesis Jnckylyn Pouce ss B. DomT- 1- Lesson 18: Letter F Bea good Listener ( gi VV, vu eC toe, Ys L eg <8 thy 30, LT yp : foe oa Speed of Talking ond Listening | 2k y wy chee r bd Kn me pS ae y fark ADL Serr at Lh LC EL November 2, 2021 ‘Transen ption Lesson 18! Letter 7? Be a qodd Listener Recently a Study of the activeness of © person in busine ss revealed that @ normal werkieg today WOS spend as full wass ? J percent wrihng, Ie percent reading, 30 percent talking, and HS percent [iskning. One mpactoet fact emerges Fram this sticly - liskni acexpies more orks othi thet mot of vs listen with only % percent effi ciency. hours then ony else. fet research indicate lf you ore +0 weceed in business yes “mnust have god listening habits There ore to types oF listening actile and passive. When we listen possvel ve absorb ony a portien oF person's word. We csnget ‘a Prewe_ listing when we cho with friends te lK with o relq- -tive on the telephone. }y these Cases it does hot matter the next dey if We cb not remember ony - thing that hes been ssid. Active listening though necessetotes mental action by the lstener 9 order f? remember what. 1s bes said. Joo must be able deal When you Gn get by with pase or Llesis rckylyn fovcess B. November 39, v2! \istenin a when you must be nective listeney, ee: _Sgeed of Talking and Listenin et The querage persen tslks adew as words a minute bet & lis terre Shear” Specch at the rte : “ae es “ef alee (306 words G minvte, ee acrrus : ae is cosy for the mind fo wonder while if ast tee receive details, ~ uring the leat tn decndes eters hea been ginny the he fo_speeding. vere 2 Dees SKI in_fistening 8 thee tnSing to_be jus: impoctont ory reed ine, Sa sr taken _10 mary _scheo/s today which should help learners listen more — cfF. ee Ore even & om ber companies where vohicble _shtrt courses are besa

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