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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 January 18, 2022 pm – Peter Roget BD

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCLI] – Brandon’s Jew-Hatred

Because “Only Americans can hurt America” [Dwight D. Eisenhower], it’s necessary to be
wary of how Jew-Hatred plagues the USA, enhanced by the Dems’ tolerance of anti-
Zionists infesting Congress (reflecting how Dems have increasingly been co-opted by
intersectionality). Invoking a soft-target, an armed Pakistani hostage-taker at a Texas
synagogue reportedly planted bombs at undisclosed locations and claimed to be the
brother of incarcerated terrorist “Lady Al-Qaeda.” The usual-suspects haven’t been idle,
conspiracists [Antisemitic Flyers in Santa Monica Attempt to Blame Jews for Anti-vaccine
Movement] and white nationalists [groypers], consistently supported by Michelle Malkin.

Politically, the latter problematic association is sadly perceived to become manifest after
an elected Middletown Township Official resigns after having shared anti-Jewish views,
violent Conspiracy theories, and denial of the results of the 2020 election. Internationally,
illustrative of such baseline antipathy is when the Senior VP of the UK Board of Deputies
of British Jews was asked to resign simply for liking posts by the heroic Pamela Geller.
That’s why self-monitoring is vital, one of the forces/goals animating these memos.

British Muslim Malik Faisal Akram was ID’ed as the Colleyville, Texas Synagogue Jihadi,
prompting the Facebook Muslim Community to mourn his death and his Jew-hating UK
community to hope for Allah to “Bless him with the highest ranks of Paradise”; everyone
else gratefully watched a video showing hostages escaping as he chased them out of the
synagogue before running back in. And yet, Brandon said there was insufficient info “to
know why this terrorist had targeted that synagogue” and the FBI was “continuing to work
to find a motive”; the FBI evolved from disclaiming antisemitism to admitting he’d
targeted the Jewish community. Naturally, Michigan-Dem AG-Nessel suggested he was a
“White Supremacist” and the FBI labeled Trump supporters to be “Terrorists” while
professing inability to explain why a Jihadi would holds hostages in a synagogue.

He had a criminal record, prompting even his family to wonder why he’d gotten a visa,
and UK authorities arrested two teens linked to the Jihadi. Thus, Brandon was complicit
because he has diverted resources to his new “Domestic Terror Unit” (intending to punish
Americans for thought crimes that would justify political intimidation and persecution).
Brandon’s evil motives are revealed by what he does [freed 9/11 hijacker and military
base truck bomb plotter] and doesn’t do [mute about Federal Civil-Rights officials raising
alarm over “Horrifying Statistics” on workplace antisemitism]. Meanwhile, Iran looms….
This is a moment when it’s necessary to violate the customary effort to squish everything
into a one-page memo, for Sid Karp provided lotsa supportive info that merits scrutiny;
his writing style [post-editing] differs from what has animated these memos, so the classic
disclaimer [“his views are his own”] applies [e.g., I don’t own a gun but joined the NRA]:

Shalom! --- Here we go again. A Muslim, Malik Faisal Akram, held a

number of Jews hostage in a Reform synagogue located near Dallas and
Fort Worth named Beth Israel this is the same name of a Conservative
synagogue in Strawberry Mansion where I was a member of their Cub
Scout troop dozens of years ago. All of the synagogues in Strawberry
Mansion and the house where I lived in at Ridge and Susquehanna Aves.
are now Baptist churches.

The outcome of that crisis was that all hostages escaped on their own, and
law enforcement then shot the perp dead. That was a better outcome than
what happened at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA where
eleven (11) Jews were murdered [10/27/2018]. The gunman yelled “All
Jews must die!” before he opened fire. Trump said after the attack, "“If
they had some kind of a protection inside the Temple maybe it could have
been a much more different situation, they didn’t,” he said when asked if
there was any link to U.S. gun laws." Other anti-Shemitic encounters
followed that one almost immediately. Jew-killers like to do their dirty
work on Shabbat, the day of rest. Arm yourself or harm yourself!

One of many yearly charts I compiled for myself and the Holocaust
Awareness Museum on Anti-Shemitism in the United States every year
since 2002. This one is 1995-2017.
The latest, annual FBI Hate Crime Statistics shows that Jews are still the
most hated people in America, and we are less than 2% of the total
American population. It was at 896 the year before, which was (2018), and
the latest (2019), put out at the end of each year, last year being 2021,
shows us it is at 995. The number of attacks on Blacks is much higher, but
most of that is Black-on-Black crime. Jews aren’t running through the
streets, killing each other, or destroying each other's property, nor are they
doing that to others. That is not to say for all you equalizers out there, that
there are not any Jewish criminals dead or alive. I personally knew one
Jewish murderer, Ira Einhorn, a.k.a. "The Unicorn Killer," who was serving
life in prison until he passed away on April 3, 2020. So?

The latest FBI 2019 Hate Crime Statistics (FBI: UCR) - Keeping score on-line
since the year 1995. Offenses: Offense Type by Bias Motivation, 2019

Religion: (Total) --------------------------------- 1,650 (for 2019)

Anti-Jewish ---------------------------------- 995 (#1 since 1995)
Anti-Catholic ------------------------------------------------ 66
Anti-Protestant --------------------------------------------- 24
Anti-Islamic (Muslim) ------------------------------------- 219
Anti-Other Religion ---------------------------------------- 108
Anti-Multiple Religions, Group -------------------------- 24
Anti-Mormon ------------------------------------------------ 14
Anti-Jehovah's Witness ------------------------------------ 7
Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other) ----- 47
Anti-Other Christian --------------------------------------- 60
Anti-Buddhist ------------------------------------------------ 5
Anti-Hindu ---------------------------------------------------- 7
Anti-Sikh ---------------------------------------------------- 50
Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc. --------------------- 6

Jews don’t complain enough. Blacks [or African-Americans, or People of

Color, or whatever name with which they want to self-identify] complain
almost every day, and yet most of the homicides in Philly last year (2021)
were committed by Blacks on other Blacks or on whites and their
property. White Liberals (to the Left or not), especially ones who will not
fight back, or have -$$$$$- for bodyguards where they live, and look down
on the rest of us, are the problem, and always have been. Rich American
corporations supported Nazis in WW2, and they now support Red China!

Capitalism, Communism, and all the rest is all the same damned thing to
those on the bottom of the ladder. Sang the late jazz-blues singer, Billie
Holiday? "Some have plenty, and some have not!"
The Blaze [1/1/2022] reports [After a record-setting 2021, 14 people have
already been shot in Philadelphia in 2022], "Philadelphia had a bad year
for homicides in 2021 — the worst in the city's history, in fact, by a pretty
significant margin. Philadelphia residents endured 562 murders in 2021,
shattering the previous record of 500, set in 1990...."

And anti-Jewish attacks on persons and properties back in 2019 was 995.
And the beat goes on!!!

Hitler was a Liberal Catholic, and when he took power in Germany, he

instituted "gun-control." Read Mein Kampf and discover what else he
advocated. America is presently a lawless society.

I had planned to devote a future memo to updating worriment about Philly’s crime-wave,
noting Democrat-Run Philadelphia Set Homicide Record in 2021 and that the Crime Wave
continues, as there were 90+ carjackings in Philly during the first fortnight of 2022; yet,
setting the tone for street-crime AND HOW “LAW ENFORCEMENT” HANDLES IT was the
fact that a PA Dem Commissioner was arrested for raping a 15-Year-Old Boy, after which
he was released on bail. Everyone knows this is what Soros plotted to achieve nationally.

What should be done about it was NOT what occurred in Pittsburgh [and, sadly, in Philly],
when City Council barred minor traffic stops, while activists urged it to pump brakes
[Pittsburgh City Council has passed a law to bar police from pulling drivers over for minor
offenses like a lapsed inspection, obstructed window view, or a broken tail light. But
during a public comment period prior to the Tuesday vote, some police accountability
advocates urged a delay]. Although some of his predictions have been off-target recently,
Dick Morris provided a Newsmax commentary that could provide guidance, recalling how
Rudy invoked “broken windows” to dissipate major crime by prosecuting minor crime.

Apparently, in Europe, there’s a blanket of urban surveillance that is used

to detect traffic aberrations; this seems to resemble the red-light cameras
that have cost me $100 on a few occasions along Roosevelt Boulevard
(plus, as I painfully learned, including its cross-streets). Morris said that the
type of observations that no longer would prompt a traffic-stop would be
noted, the license-plate would be copied, and the owner would be visited.

What’s unfortunately forgotten is that “police” are “police officers”; that’s why they must,
as professionals, be exempt from being subject to litigation filed against individuals. Yet,
Dems who wish to undermined Law & Order have tried/failed to alter this paradigm,
trying to create personal reticence when attempting to do-the-job optimally. This is a
form of the Ferguson-Obama Syndrome that has been a force contributing to the spate
of resignations impacting BOTH police departments AND the public since 2014. Again,
exclaiming “Blue Lives Matter” [noting their having been murdered regularly] is wise.

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