Running Head: Case Study 1

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Running head: CASE STUDY 1

Conflict confrontation





There have being a lot of sexually harassment among coworkers in an organization, as a

result laws were set. It is illegal for an employer to discriminate an individual when it comes to

hiring, firing, promotion, because of their sex. But according to the reported case the employer

carried out an unwelcoming sex with an employee. Although the employee was offended she

could not reveal it to her husband due to fear of that he will get provoked leading to him

confronting the boss in which this could end up losing her job of which she is forced to be silent

on it until the elder core worker helps her to curb this overwhelming scenario. So in such a case

the manager might get demoted due to this misconduct or pay her damages he has done to her,

but the best way to confront the issue as a human resource manager is what matters.

The manager is known to be so violent. His temper can outburst if we decide to confront

him and question his action and this could lead to rivalry with both Helen and Tammy. Since

Tammy is already afraid to lose her job that’s why she’s keeping it a secret and wants it solved

so calmly without creating a lot of drama. As a resource manager it’s my role to negotiate the

issue through and see that all parties come to consensus.

One of the ways to solve the conflict is by making the coworker and the employee to

meet up and solve the issue amicable in an open source discussions or workshops. I will also

investigate whether the assault was a quid pro quo;


This is when the employee agreed to have an affair in order to get something in return

from the employer such as a promotion then it turned up to be up surd even to the other co-

workers the likes of Helen or it was unwelcoming sexual advances that the manager purposely

interfered with employee’s working environment making it hostile . It may also have being

physical or verbal sexual harassment or both. So in this case I will interrogate the employee and

hear from her then do the same to the coworker to find out where the truth lies (Wallensteen

2015). Moreover I will find out from colleges, whether they might have seen the harassment

being conducted or any signs of misconduct of their manager, or it might be the normality of

Ellen even with the previous workers. Also I will check on the camera footage to find out if the

action was really performed. Also I will investigate the timing of the assault whether the

coworker was in the right place at the wrong time (singer 2018).

It’s still logic that she contributed to this crisis by her mode of contact and dressing

drawing the manager’s reciprocation to her. Documented evidence should be provided by

Tammy such as specific information, in addition to date and time of the harassment. She should

also say how frequent the conduct was conducted and whether others joined in the pertained

sexual harassment. She should also decide whether she would tell her husband about the sexual

harassment. And also weather there has being intimidation with her being silent. It should also be

known how severe the conduct was.

I will tell ask the manager to apologize to Tammy and remind him of his work ethics and

the laws of the organization,


In case he would not want to comply and apologize, I will request him to resign or I will

take affirmative action against him by reporting him to his superior or I will ask Tammy to go

and sue him for assault in the court of law. He should swear not to repeat the same to her or any

other coworker and no intimidation should be upon her, Should there be any case again he loses

his job or face judicial confrontations . Tammy should also be willing to forgive him or decide to

file a complaint in court because at this time it would be aware even to the husband and know the

issue is being sorted ( Rapoport 2012).

Pride can lead to the conflict being unsolved due to both parties being unwilling to

admit to their mistakes. I will involve other measures such as involving another person to help in

solving it but if it’s still stands unresolved I will take the matter to court that is if Tammy still

wants to but still scared to stand before a judge. Then I will provide the evidence to the court and

it should decide on the matter. After the verdict in the court Tammy should decide whether to

continue working there or quit her job if it is too hostile for her or her hours at work should be

reduced, or interaction between colleges reduced. If Tammy is satisfied with the provision

provided by the court then the conflict is resolved (Fisher 2012).



Fisher, R. J. (2012). The social psychology of intergroup and international conflict resolution.

Springer Science & Business Media.

Rapoport, A. (Ed.). (2012). Game theory as a theory of conflict resolution (Vol. 2). Springer

Science & Business Media.

Singer, L. (2018). Settling disputes: Conflict resolution in business, families, and the legal

system. Routledge.

Wallensteen, P. (2015). Understanding conflict resolution. Sage.


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