Halal Certification For Milk and Milk Product

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Halal Certification for Milk and

Milk Products (1)

By: Dr. Norodin A. Kuit (2)

(1)- Presentation at the 17th National Dairy Congress 2014 in General Santos City
(2) -DA-National Halal Program Focal Person, dr.kuit@ yahoo.com 09263431462
Jordan Road, Tabuk,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Outline Presentation
A. Why Halal?
B. Halal Certification for Milk and Milk Products
C. Haram Critical Control Point in Milk Halal
D. Updates on Philippine Halal Food Industry
E. The World Halal Movements Updates
Literally means lawful, permissible
according to Islamic Law

Haram- the opposite

A. Why Halal? A-L-L-A-H
For Muslims: Strictly speaking
-It is an absolute religious obligation or wajib to
advocate and practice.
- Any haram(illegal) thing has serious religious
implications for devout muslims.
Because in Islam:
“ any quantity of non-halal(haram) things that enters
body of a muslim may invalidates worship for 40 days”
- In short: “ There can be no Islam if there is no halal”
• For Non-Muslims:
- It is a big business opportunity
- Can be consumed by all religious denominations

- 70 % of halal producers of Malaysia are non-
- 80-90 % of halal producers of Thailand are non-
B.)Halal Certifications for Milk
and Milk Products
Main Basis of Halal Certification for Milk-
Islamic Injunctions:
1) Qur’an: Surah Baqarah( the cow):verse 168:
“Oh ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good;
and do not follow the footsteps of satan for he is to you
an avowed enemy.”
2) Qur’an: Surah Tawbah(repentance) verse 9:
“….. And Allah loves those who are pure and clean….”

3)Hadith(ahadith plural)- Saying of the Holy Prophet saw.

Sunan Abu Dawood Book 27, Nos. 3776:

“The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) prohibited

eating the meat , and drinking milk of animal that fed on
filth(najs) “ (such animal is called jallalah or impure
Activity Components for Halal

2.Audit Proper
3.Post Audit
Application Pre-Audit

Submission of Supporting
Application received by
Halal Certifier

Compliance Audit Audit Proper

Payment of Fees

Issuance of Certificate Post-audit
Surveillance Audit
1. Pre- Audit
- Contact the Halal Certification Provider(selected).
- Submission of required documents:
A. Local market:
1-filled up application form,
2.business permit,
3.profile of the establishment,
5. sketch plan,
6. complete lists of ingredients /Raw materials used.
7.(others as required by HCB).

B. International Market: in addition to the above are HACCP,

GMP, ISO ( others as required by Halal Certifying Body)
Sources of Raw Materials-Milk
-Preferably Halal compliance Dairy Farms.
Features: are
1. Dairy Animals Feeding with their natural diet- No
animal protein especially Blood and its derivatives
(Halal Certified Bone and Meat Meals are available in
the international market).
2. No – Mingling of Non-Halal animals( e.g. swine)
- Dogs only if needed because in Islam dog is
allowed only for Hunting and Guarding livestock from
rustler or stray predators. But must be kept chained
or in cages.(Hadith)
2. Audit Proper
1) Interviews , validation and checking the
Establishment ‘s
- Business Documents.(CSR-must be in place).
- Complete lists /sources of ingredients used.
2) Actual Inspection of Plants or Farms.
- Premises- Worker’s Lockers, Comfort room,
Safety of Workers.
- Equipment used lighting fixtures etc.
- Ingredients Used.
- Others
3. Post-Audit
Conformance and Maintenance Activities

1) Halal Assurance Plan must put in place

2) Appointment of Halal Assurance
Officer(Practicing Muslim)
3) Schedule and Un-schedule or surprise
inspection of Halal Certifiers.
4) Renewal of Halal Certificate after re-
auditing(yearly or bi-annual)
C. Haram Critical Control Point
-Cheese - Rennet from Halal Slaughtered
Animals to become halal.

-Lard - use in powdered milk (haram) 20%

(reported practice).

- Animal fats- must be from halal animals.

oleo oil, which is derived from de-stearated
beef fat(Slaughtered according to Islamic
D. Updates on Philippine Halal Food Industry
The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos(NCMF)

• It is a law RA 9997 , abolished Office on Muslim Affairs

• Main mandates on Halal to
1)develop Halal Industry with partnership of Govt line
Agencies such as DA,DTI,DOH,DoT and DOST.

2) And to Accredit Halal Certifying Bodies. So, any Halal

Certifying Bodies operating without NCMF-Accreditation
are Illegal(haram) according to this law.
The Dept. of Agriculture

• Developed its Halal Development Plan

Framework 2014-2017 with corresponding
financial supports.
• Designated Regional Halal Focal Person in 16
regions of the country and different attached
and line agencies.
4 Major Halal Projects of the Dept. of Agriculture in the Pipeline:

1. Halal Poultry Dressing Plant

Triple A(Export) Tarlac, Region III
in Luzon Island(Php120 m) MOA signed

2. University of Southern Mindanao

Halal Food Development Training Center
Kabacan, North Cotabato, Mindanao(Php17m)

3. 1st Halal Slaughterhouse in the Philippines

located in Cotabato City(Php 20 m–released)

4.Halal Goat Production under the

Stimulus Fund(TISP) in the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao( 5,940 hds Php 23m)
“ on going implementation.”
The Science and Technology Dept.
There are two (2) Government-Run
Halal Testing Laboratories

Cotabato City

Dept. of Science & Tech.-12

Halal Testing Lab.
Cotabato City
Two Halal Food Ordinances in
1)Davao City Halal Food Ordinance
July 28,2010

2) Cotabato City Halal Food

Ordinance- Feb. 2012
Arabian Gulf Program for Development Fund enters
Philippines: AGFUND..“ Halal Compliant Financing”

- Acessible for Small and Medium Enterprises Muslim and

- Partnership with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce.
E. The World Halal Movement Updates
World Halal Certified Meat Market
-US$ 2.95 Bil. As of May 2012

-Pakistan export total of US$153.4 Mil./annum

(the only muslim country)
Pakistan 5%
Others 3%
Australia 9%

Thailand 10%
Brazil 54%

India 11%

Belgium 8%

World Halal Market US 2.3 Trillion foods and non-foods

Halal Tourism(Beach)

Countries with strong Halal Tourism are Thailand, Malaysia,Turkey and Indonesia then
Come Japan, France and UK.---
to catch up the Arab Travelers spending $140 billion yearly on leisure travel.

Features of Halal Hotel and Beach: Shariah or Halal Compliant

 Women-only pools, spa and elevator in Halal Hotel.
 Women Wearing Burquini.
 Strictly No-smoking at the Hotel and Beaches
 Prayer Rooms and AZAN(calling for prayer) 5 x day in Loud Sound.
 No-Alcoholic Beverages
The term burkini ( not bikini) was used by Lebanese Australian
designer Aheda Zanetti for a swimming suit she introduced for
Muslim women in 2006.
In Thailand
- Exporting $10 B Halal products

- The Govt. alloted 40 Billion

Baht to develop Patani Province
as the center for Halal Food

-By 2020 all food processed

products(no pork) are halal
“Halal is good for the Thai Muslims,
Good for Thai people and therefore
Good for Thailand”
Ex-PM Thaksin Sinawatra
Halal in Taiwan-
Yunlin Yuanchang Poultry Farms,
HACCP,ISO and Halal Certified
“ The ASEAN Integration 2015
- One single market and production base -
Four on-going Projects in the ASEAN
(generated 20,000 jobs for Filipino)
-Php 680 B or $30 bil.-

1) The 4,400 km Trans-Borneo railways.

2) The Trans-Borneo Bus Services to transport cross border
buses and coaches(RoRo).
“ Brookes Point ,Palawan- Kudat, Sabah start this sem.”
3)The ASEAN Halal Park-envisioned to be the
“Halal Hub of the World” (1,000 Halal-certified
manufacturing centers –Brunei).
4) Darussalam Air project-budget fares to people of the
BIMP-EAGA region, especially travelers going on pilgrimages.
Muslim Minority

Muslim Majority in the ASEAN

40% of 540 million population
Main Concerns of the ASEAN Working Group on Halal
- Each member state must ready for the 2015 ASEAN Economic
- Harmonization of Halal Standards on economic aspect of
- Halal Website for each ASEAN Member States(AMS)
President Benigno S. Aquino III is already determined to support any efforts
for the promotion of exportable Halal commodities, in particular agri-fishery
products.(Brunei visit 2011).
Facebook: Halal Industries and Consumers Org. of the Phil.

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