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REPORTS coherence allows us to break detailed balance

Extracting Work from a Single between emission and absorption as in the case
of LWI (Fig. 1, D and E). The connection with

Heat Bath via Vanishing Maxwell’s demon is clear. In (8) we trade in

quantum information (negentropy) to get useful

Quantum Coherence
work as we increase overall entropy. With
phaseonium fuel, we get a kind of “sorting
action” in which hot atoms emit photons, but
Marlan O. Scully,1,2 M. Suhail Zubairy,1,3 Girish S. Agarwal,1,4 cold atoms absorb less than they ordinarily
Herbert Walther2 would. Phaseonium fuel uses quantum coher-
ence and interference to achieve single bath
We present here a quantum Carnot engine in which the atoms in the heat bath operation in the spirit of Maxwell’s demon.
are given a small bit of quantum coherence. The induced quantum coherence Here, we do not claim to have a “perpetual
becomes vanishingly small in the high-temperature limit at which we operate mobile of the second kind.” We do claim to
and the heat bath is essentially thermal. However, the phase ␾, associated with be able to extract work from a single heat
the atomic coherence, provides a new control parameter that can be varied to bath. It takes energy, e.g., from an external
increase the temperature of the radiation field and to extract work from a single source of microwaves, to prepare the coher-

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heat bath. The deep physics behind the second law of thermodynamics is not ence, but we may view this energy as part of
violated; nevertheless, the quantum Carnot engine has certain features that are the refining process yielding “superoctane”
not possible in a classical engine. quantum fuel. Surely the “price at the pump”
of phaseonium is higher than regular fuel, but
Carnot showed that every heat engine has the Carnot QHE (Fig. 1A), Th, Tc, and ␾ (the once the tank is full, a little quantum coher-
same maximum efficiency, determined only atomic phase) are control parameters, and the ence allows our QHE to extract energy from
by the temperatures of the high-temperature efficiency of converting heat to work is given the high-temperature heat bath more effi-
energy source at Th and the low-temperature by ␩␾ (Fig. 1C). Thus, by the proper choice of ciently, to run faster, or to do both.
entropy sink at Tc (1). Specifically, the Car- ␾, work is obtained even when Th ⫽ Tc, i.e., Alternatively, we could incorporate the mi-
not efficiency for converting heat into work is even when there is only one thermal bath. crowave generator (which produces the coher-
given by ␩ ⫽ 1 ⫺ Tc/Th. It follows that no There is an interesting connection between ence) into the photo-Carnot engine as a kind of
work can be extracted from a single heat bath this result and the demon suggested by Maxwell “quantum supercharger.” This approach comes
when Tc ⫽ Th. (4) and recently demonstrated in an elegant closer to our recent conclusions on the quantum
Here, we propose and analyze a new kind of experiment by Linke et al. (5). This demon afterburner (8). In (8), we proposed and ana-
quantum Carnot engine powered by a special could sort hot atoms from cold and, therefore, lyzed a toy laser–Otto cycle engine hybrid in
quantum heat bath, which allows us to extract could obtain work from a single heat bath. At which we used laser physics to improve engine
work from a single thermal reservoir. In this first, this would seem to violate the second law, efficiency. Here, we use insights gleaned from
heat engine, radiation pressure drives the piston. and there was much discussion and confusion LWI studies to improve the operating character-
Thus the radiation is the working fluid (analo- on the subject for the next half-century. Then istics of the photo-Carnot quantum heat engine.
gous to steam), which is heated by a beam of Szilard (6) made the important contribution of The overall operating efficiency of the quantum
hot atoms (analogous to coal) (Fig. 1). devising a “single-atom heat engine” that ex- supercharger photo-Carnot engine will be ana-
The temperature of the radiation “work- tracted work from one bath by using (classical) lyzed in detail elsewhere (9).
ing fluid” is determined by hot bath atoms, information about the atom. He thought, incor- Various interesting aspects of phaseonium
which are resonant with the field, and by rectly, that it was the acquisition of information fuel are also discussed elsewhere (10–12).
flow through the cavity. When powered by (about the atom’s position) that costs energy and For example, the phase coherence comes at a
the regular (two-level) thermal atoms (Fig. saves the second law. It was left to Bennett and cost. However, it can be (and often is) very
1B), the engine efficiency is given by the Landauer (4) to show that it was not the act of long lived. Thus, it is possible that the atomic
Carnot limit. However, when the heat bath measurement but rather the process of preparing coherence could be produced during a period
consists of hot (three-level) atoms that have the system to make the measurement that was of “low power demand,” stored, and used
a small amount of coherence between the thermodynamically costly. From their point of later as desired.
two nearly degenerate lower levels, things view, exorcising the demon was a problem Consider another interesting example of
are very different. solved by (classical) information theory. phaseonium fuel. Suppose we want to in-
It has been noted that such an ensemble of In a recent paper (7), we used a Stern- crease the power output of a classical Carnot
atoms constitutes a new state of matter, appro- Gerlach apparatus to sort hot spins from cold engine. That would be easily obtained with a
priately called “phaseonium” (2), that makes ones, thus acting as a sort of quantum Max- hotter fuel and an increase in Th. But what if
possible, for example, lasing without inversion well’s demon. To achieve cyclic operation, we the walls of the heat bath melt down for
(LWI) (3). We show here how the use of quan- prepared the atomic center of mass in a well- temperature higher than Th? And suppose Tc
tum coherence fundamentally alters quantum defined state and used this source of (quantum) is as low as reasonably possible? Then, we
heat engine (QHE) operation. In the photon negentropy to extract work from a single bath. would be stuck. However, with phaseonium
Moreover, it was shown that the cost of prepar- fuel the heat bath may be held at Tc while the
Department of Physics and Institute for Quantum ing the center of mass wave packet was enough working ( photon) fluid is hotter than Th,
Studies, Texas A&M University, TX 77843, USA. 2Max- to “preserve” the second law. allowing us to coax a little more power from
Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, D-85748 Garching,
Germany. 3Department of Electronics, Quaid-i-Azam
Here, we get work from a single bath by the quantum engine.
University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 4Physical Research using quantum coherence instead of quantum The practicality and utility of the photo-
Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009, India. negentropy. This is possible because quantum Carnot engine are not the problem here. But


because phaseonium is different from freon and cavity volume, ⍀ ⫽ S␲c/L is the frequency preparing the coherence so that ␾ ⫽ ␲, the
steam, a new, variable ␾ is now available. for a cavity of length L where S is an integer, radiation temperature is T␲ ⫽ Th(1 ⫹ n̄ε).
There is a useful connection to be made and n៮ is the average number of thermal pho- Hence, for large enough n៮ the temperature
with the work of Ramsey (13), who showed tons in the mode (21). difference T␲ ⫺ Th can be applicable even for
that Kelvin-Planck statement of the second Thus the rate of change of average photon very small ε.
law had to be extended when negative tem- number, n៮ ␾, generated by phased three-level To substantiate the preceding heuristic
peratures were included for quantum me- ( phaseonium) atoms, is analysis and to determine ε, etc., we pro-
chanical spin 1/2 systems. We too find that ceeded to sketch the density matrix and
nថ ␾ ⫽ ␣[2P a (n៮ ␾ ⫹ 1) ⫺ 共 P b ⫹ P c )(1⫹εcos␾)៮n ␾]
quantum coherence allows us to extend Car- thermodynamic analysis. As shown in (10–
not’s famous result and obtain work from a (2) 12), Eq. 4 can be derived from an extension
single reservoir. of the quantum theory of a laser without
The quantum heat engine concept was orig- where ␣ is a simple rate factor, ε, is propor- inversion
inally introduced in connection with the maser tional to the magnitude of atomic coherence nថ ␾ ⫽ ␣关2␳ aa 共 n៮ ␾ ⫹ 1兲 ⫺ 共␳ bb ⫹ ␳ cc ⫹ ␳ bc
(14) and was extended in many interesting later in the lower atomic levels b and c, and Pa, Pb,
works (15). Recent studies on the quantum and Pc are the thermal Boltzmann factors for ⫹ ␳ cb 兲n̄ ␾ 兴 (5)
Carnot cycle are given in (16, 17), especially the levels a, b, and c, respectively. where the elements of the density matrix are

冉 冊
the analysis of a photo-Carnot QHE driven by a Solving for n̄␾ in steady state we find given by
multi-mode radiation field (18). kT h
The stimulus for our work came from two n៮ ⌽ ⬵ n៮ (1⫺n៮ εcos␾) ⬵
(1 ⫺ n̄εcos␾) (3) ␳ aa 0 0
innovations in quantum optics: the micromaser
␳ bb ␳ bc ⫽

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(microlaser) (19) and lasing without inversion where n៮ ⫽ [(Pb ⫹ Pc)/2Pa ⫺ 1]⫺1 is the
(3). In micromasers and microlasers, the radia- average photon number in the absence of 0 ␳ cb ␳ cc
tion cavity lifetime is so long that a modest atomic coherence. When ⍀ ⬎⬎ ␻ (Fig. 1C),
beam of excited atoms can sustain laser oscil- n៮ ⫽ (exp(ប⍀/kTh) ⫺ 1)⫺1. Here, k is the
Pa 0 0

冢 冣
lation. In LWI, the atoms have a nearly degen- Boltzmann constant.
erate pair of levels making up the ground state The radiation field generated by phase- 0 P b ⫹⌬ ␳ bc
(Fig. 1C). When the lower level pair is coher- coherent atoms is still a thermal field. That is,
ently prepared, a small excited state population n៮ ␾ and all higher order moments are charac- 0 ␳ cb P c ⫺⌬
can yield lasing (without inversion). Here, the terized by a single temperature T␾ (10, 11).
“engine” is a microlaser cavity in which one Thus, we write n៮ ␾ ⫽ kT␾/ប⍀, which taken
mirror is a piston driven by the radiation pres- together with Eq. 3 yields In Eqs. 5 and 6, the off-diagonal element ␳bc
sure (20) given by T␾ ⫽ T h(1⫺n៮ εcos␾) (4) describes, or perhaps better defines, the co-
herence between b and c. This coherence is
PV ⫽ ប⍀ n៮ (1) This is our main result. If we adjust the model-dependent, and the case of micro-
relative phase between b and c by, for exam- wave-induced coherence is discussed. The
where P is the radiation pressure, V is the ple, varying the phase of a microwave field concomitant changes in Pb and Pc, denoted
by ⌬ in Eq. 6, are negligible.
Comparing Eqs. 5 and 6, we see that ε ⫽
2ⱍ␳bcⱍ/(Pb ⫹ Pc) because ␳bc ⫹ ␳cb ⫽
2ⱍ␳bcⱍcos␾. In the high-temperature limit, Pb
⬃ Pc ⬃ 1/3, which gives ε ⫽ 3ⱍ␳bcⱍ.
The preceding basics provide a foundation
for treating the single-mode “photon” QHE.
Here, we focus on a Carnot cycle operation
consisting of four steps (Fig. 2): (i) isother-
mal expansion from 1 to 2 at a higher tem-
perature determined by the thermally excited
atoms, (ii) shutting off of the atomic beam

Fig. 1. (A) Photo-Carnot engine in which radiation pressure from a thermally excited single-mode field
drives a piston. Atoms flow through the engine and keep the field at a constant temperature Trad for the
isothermal 1 3 2 portion of the Carnot cycle (Fig. 2). Upon exiting the engine, the bath atoms are cooler
than when they entered and are reheated by interactions with the hohlraum at Th and “stored” in
preparation for the next cycle. The combination of reheating and storing is depicted in (A) as the heat
reservoir. A cold reservoir at Tc provides the entropy sink. (B) Two-level atoms in a regular thermal
distribution, determined by temperature Th, heat the driving radiation to Trad ⫽ Th such that the regular
operating efficiency is given by ␩. (C) When the field is heated, however, by a phaseonium in which the
ground state doublet has a small amount of coherence and the populations of levels a, b, and c, are
thermally distributed, the field temperature is Trad ⬎ Th, and the operating efficiency is given by ␩␾,
where ␲ can be read off from Eq. 7. (D) A free electron propagates coherently from holes b and c with
amplitudes B and C to point a on screen. The probability of the electron landing at point a shows the
characteristic pattern of interference between (partially) coherent waves. (E) A bound atomic electron Fig. 2. Temperature-entropy diagram for Car-
is excited by the radiation field from a coherent superposition of levels b and c with amplitudes B and not cycle engine. In the present QHE, Qin is
C to level a. The probability of exciting the electron to level a displays the same kind of interference provided by the hot atoms. When Th ⫽ Tc, the
behavior as in the case of free electrons; i.e., as we change the relative phase between levels b and c, photo-Carnot engine can still produce useful
by, for example, changing the phase of the microwave field which prepares the coherence, the work if the coherent three-level heat bath at-
probability of exciting the atom varies sinusoidally, as indicated in Eq. 4. oms (Fig. 1C) are “phased” such that ␾ ⫽ ␲. SCIENCE VOL 299 7 FEBRUARY 2003 863

and subsequent adiabatic expansion from 2 to rent interest (22). In the particular form of cy continuously changes during the passage of atoms
3, (iii) establishment of thermal contact with nonequilibrium considered here, quantum co- through the cavity: the atoms may go out of reso-
nance. To preserve resonance, we needed to contin-
the entropy sink to effect isothermal com- herence, the phase ␾ is found to be a demon- uously change the level spacing of the atoms. This
pression from 3 to 4 at temperature Tc, and esque control parameter that allows work to can be accomplished in several ways, but for the
(iv) breaking of thermal contact and contin- be extracted from a single bath. The total present purposes we will simply take such atomic
fine tuning as a given. Further discussion will be given
uance of adiabatic compression from 4 to 1. system entropy is constantly increasing, and elsewhere.
We define the efficiency of the photo- the physics behind the second law is not 22. See, for example, the conference proceedings on the
Carnot engine as ␩ ⫽ (Qin ⫺ Qout)/Qin ⫽ violated. However, quantum coherence does subject referred to in (10, 11) and references therein.
23. O. Kocharovskaya, Phys. Rep. 219, 175 (1992).
(Th S12 ⫹ TcS43)/ThS12. In the high-temper- allow certain features of engine operation 24. E. Arimondo, Prog. Opt. 35, 257 (1996).
ature (kT ⬎⬎ ប⍀) and small expansion beyond the classical limit. 25. S. Harris, Phys. Today 50, 36 (1997).
(⌬⍀ ⫽ ⍀1 ⫺ ⍀2 ⬍⬍ ⍀) limits, S12 ⫽ S43 ⫽ 26. M. Scully, S.-Y. Zhu, A. Gavrielides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62,
k⌬⍀/⍀. 2813 (1989).
References and Notes
1. For an in-depth treatment, see K. Annamalai and I. 27. H. S. Leff, A. F. Rex, Eds., Maxwell’s Demon (Adam
Engine efficiency, when fueled by regular Hilger, Bristol, 1990).
Puri, Advanced Thermodynamic Engineering (CRC
thermal atoms, is then given by ␩ ⫽ 1 ⫹ Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001). 28. H. C. von Baeyer, Warmth Disperses and Time Passes
(Tc S34/ThS12 ) ⫽ 1 ⫺ Tc/Th. However, 2. M. O. Scully, M. S. Zubairy, Quantum Optics (Cam- (Random House, New York, 1999).
when the radiation working fluid is heated bridge Press, London, 1997). 29. C. Bennett, Sci. Am. 257, 108 (1987).

3. Reviews of LWI are to be found in (23–25). The 30. S. Lloyd, Phys. Rev. A 39, 5378 (1989).
by phase-coherent atoms, Th 3 T␾ and the 31. , Phys. Rev. A 56, 3374 (1997).
present scheme is closest to the lasing without in-
Carnot efficiency is given by version model of (26). 32. T. Freedmann et al., Phys. Rev. E 61, 4774 (2000).
4. For example (27, 28). 33. R. Kosloff, E. Geva, J. Gordon, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 8093
Tc (2000).
␩␾ ⫽ ␩ ⫺ 3n̄ⱍ␳ bc ⱍcos␾ (7) 5. H. Linke et al., Science 286, 2314 (1999).

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Th 6. Two classic papers on information erasure and relat- 34. S. Haroche, D. Kleppner, Phys. Today 42 (no. 1), 24
ed subjects are (29, 30). (1989).
where ε ⫽ 3ⱍ␳bcⱍ ⬍⬍ 1. Hence, ␩␾ ⬎ ␩ when,
7. M. Scully, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 220601 (2001). 35. P. R. Berman, Ed., Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
for example, ␾ ⫽ ␲. 8. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 050602 (2002). (Academic Press, Boston, 1994), p. 57.
9. S. Lloyd, M. Scully, in preparation. 36. P. Filipowicz, J. Javanainen, P. Meystre, J. Opt. Soc.
We see from Eq. 7 that when Th ⫽ Tc and 10. M. Scully, in Quantum Limits to the Second Law, D. Am. B 3, 906 (1986).
␩␾ ⫽ 3n៮ ⱍ␳bcⱍ, the photon engine produces Sheehan, Ed. (AIP Press, New York, 2002), pp. 83–91. 37. K. An, J. J. Childs, R. R. Desari, M. S. Feld, Phys. Rev.
work from a single heat bath. The net work 11. M. S. Zubairy, in Quantum Limits to the Second Law, Lett. 73, 3375 (1994).
D. Sheehan, Ed. (AIP Press, New York, 2002), pp. 38. M.O.S. wishes to thank N. Ramsey for many stimu-
produced, when Th ⫽ Tc, is 92–97. lating and helpful discussions. This paper is an out-
n៮ ␪ ␮ ប␻ ⌬⍀ ⌬⍀ 12. Y. Rostovstev, Z. Sariyianni, M. Scully, in preparation. growth of QHE discussions with D. Kleppner, F. Nar-
Wnet ⫽ ␩␾T c S 12 ⬇ kT c ⫽ n៮ ␪ ␮ ប␻ 13. N. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 103, 20 (1956). ducci, T. Opatrny, and N. Ramsey at the TAMU-ONR
kT ⍀ ⍀ 14. H. Skovil, E. Schultz-Dubois, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 262 2001 workshop. Useful conversations on the subject
(8) (1959). of radiation thermodynamics with G. Baym, P. Mar-
15. See, for example (31–33) and references therein. tin, P. Meystre, and W. Phillips are gratefully acknowl-
where the “Rabi flopping” angle ␪␮ is the 16. C. Bender, D. Brody, and B. Keister, Proc. R. Soc. edged, as are helpful discussions on the present
(small) tipping angle defined below. London A 458, 1519 (2002). manuscript with K. Annamalai, K. Chapin, R. Curl, D.
17. T. Opatrny, M. Scully, Fortschr. Phys. 50, 657 (2002). Depatie, B.-G. Englert, E. Fry, R. Hulet, C. Joachain, K.
The atomic coherence can be generated, 18. M. H. Lee, Am. J. Phys. 69, 874 (2001). Kapale, V. Kocharovsky, S. Lloyd, A. Muthukrishnan, T.
for example, by passage of the atoms through 19. D. Meschede, H. Walther, G. Muller, Phys. Rev. Lett. Opatrny, M. Pilloff, Y. Rostovtsev, Z. Sariyianni, and
a microwave field (12), which may be ap- 54, 551 (1985). For discussion of cavity QED, see (34, G. Sussmann. We thank R. Haden, the Texas Engi-
35). For the quantum theory of a micromaser, see neering Experiment Station, the Office of Naval Re-
proximated by a coherent state ⱍ␣␮典 that has a (36). For the first demonstration of the microlaser, search, the DARPA-QuIST program, and the Welch
mean photon number N␮ ⫽ ⱍ␣␮ⱍ2. If the see (37). Foundation for supporting this research.
resonant atom-field coupling frequency is g␮, 20. M. Kim, F. Narducci, M. O. Scully, M. S. Zubairy, in
Spectroscopy of Systems with Spatially Confined 1 October 2002; accepted 16 December 2002
and the interaction time is ␶␮, then ␳bc ⬇ ␪␮
Structures, B. Di Bartolo, Ed. (Kluwer, Netherlands Published online 2 January 2003;
exp(i␾ )ប␻/3kT, where ␪␮ ⫽ g␮␶␮ⱍ␣␮ⱍ and 2002). 10.1126/science.1078955
we have taken the high-temperature limit 21. A complication arises as the cavity resonant frequen- Include this information when citing this paper.
␳cc ⫺ ␳bb ⬇ ប␻/3kT. We may then write
3n៮ ⱍ␳bcⱍ ⫽ n៮ ␪␮ប␻/kT. Hence if we take rea-
sonable values; ␪␮ ⬇ 0.1, ␻/⍀ ⬇ 0.1, and n៮
⬇ 103, we find ⱍ␳bcⱍ ⬇ 3 ⫻ 10⫺6. Hence, for Au20: A Tetrahedral Cluster
ⱍ␳bcⱍ of order 10⫺5, efficiencies ␩␾ are of a
few percent (10, 11) even though Th ⫽ Tc.
Jun Li,1 Xi Li,1,2 Hua-Jin Zhai,1,2 Lai-Sheng Wang1,2*
Heating effects governed by ⌬ are unim-
portant in determining the temperature of the Photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that a 20-atom gold cluster has an ex-
field. The atomic density matrix after micro- tremely large energy gap, which is even greater than that of C60, and an electron
wave preparation is given by Eq. 6, where affinity comparable with that of C60. This observation suggests that the Au20
⌬ ⬃ ␪␮ 2
ប␻/kT is higher order in ␪␮. Further- cluster should be highly stable and chemically inert. Using relativistic density
more, the effects of ⌬ cancel out as can be functional calculations, we found that Au20 possesses a tetrahedral structure,
seen in Eq. 5 and if ␳bb is replaced with Pb ⫹ which is a fragment of the face-centered cubic lattice of bulk gold with a small
⌬ and ␳cc is replaced with Pc ⫺ ⌬. Hence, the structural relaxation. Au20 is thus a unique molecule with atomic packing
physics is contained in ␳bc. similar to that of bulk gold but with very different properties.
We can estimate the microwave energy,
W␮, necessary to produce coherence between Small clusters often have different physical and stability relative to other reagents and to other
b and c, given the preceding microscopic chemical properties than their bulk counter- clusters of the same material. A closed electron
model of our QHE (10, 11). The important parts. Materials assembled from finite-sized configuration with a large energy gap between
point is that we find W␮ ⬇ 5Wnet, i.e., W␮ ⬎ clusters have been intensively sought ever since the highest occupied molecular orbital
Wnet in the present QHE. the discovery of C60 (1). One of the criteria for (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular
The quantum thermodynamics of systems a cluster to be used as a potential building block orbital (LUMO) is a prerequisite for the chem-
slightly out of equilibrium is an area of cur- for cluster-assembled materials is its chemical ical stability of a cluster. Besides its high sym-


Extracting Work from a Single Heat Bath via Vanishing Quantum Coherence
Marlan O. Scully, M. Suhail Zubairy, Girish S. Agarwal, and Herbert Walther

Science, 299 (5608), • DOI: 10.1126/science.1078955

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