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Nottingham Trent University

School of Art and Design

Ethical Clearance Checklist for individual student projects

To be completed by the student for an individual project that involves the collection of primary data this includes images, drawings,
photographs, questionnaires and interviews. Please complete this document following the guidance in the School of Art and Design Ethical
Guidelines and Framework for Research and Practice Undertaken by Students.

Section A: About the research

Name: Connor Madigan

Programme of Study: TV Production Technology
Module Title and Reference Number: VEPT30029: Tech Investigation (TV) 202122

Name of module leader/supervisor responsible for the management of the project Danielle Hoggard
Duration of project 7th September 2021 - 8th May 2022
Project title How have modern motion capture technologies
aided (audience?) immersion in dystopian
productions? (Movies and games)

Section B: Training and experience

Have you had previous experience of or been trained in the methods employed to collect data, and/or discussed with your yes no
Have you been informed, given guidance, had issues outlined in relation to research ethics and consideration in relation to yes no
your project?

Section C: Methodology/Practice/Procedures

Does your proposed study involve procedures which are likely to cause physical, psychological, social or emotional distress to yes No
participants or yourself?
Does your proposed study involve the use of hazardous materials, other than those currently covered by the School Health yes no
and Safety procedures?

Section D: Ethical checklist

Does your project involve observing/questioning/the use of people in any way?

Yes Please complete the remainder of the form
No Go straight to Compliance with ethical principles and Declaration
Does your study involve vulnerable participants as described in the Student Ethical Toolkit? yes no n/a
Does your study involve observation and/or recording of identifiable participants without their knowledge? yes no n/a
Will participants give informed consent freely and be fully informed of the study and of the use of any data collected? yes no n/a
Will participants be informed of their right to withdraw from the study? yes no n/a
Will all information on participants be treated as confidential and not identifiable unless agreed otherwise in advance yes no n/a
and subject to legal requirements?
Will any recordings of participants be securely kept and not released for use by third parties? yes no n/a
Will storage data comply with the Data Protection Act 1998? yes no n/a

If you have selected an answer shaded in grey, you must submit a full application to the Subject REC or modify the project. A full submission
to the Subject PREC comprises of: this form, a project proposal, an additional statement of up to 500 words outlining the ethical issues raised
by the project and the proposed approach to deal with these.

Compliance with Ethical Principles

If you have completed the checklist to the best of your knowledge without selecting an answer shaded in grey, the research is deemed to
conform with the ethical checkpoints and you do not need to seek formal approval from the Subject PREC.
Please sign the declaration below, and lodge the completed checklist with your supervisor.

I have read the Ethical Guidelines and Framework for Research and Practice Undertaken by Students. I confirm that the above named
investigation complies with published codes of conduct, ethical principles and guidelines of professional bodies associated with the research

Form reviewed October 2011, final copy 14.10.11

Name of student: …………………Connor Madigan…………………………………………………………… Signature of student
…………………………………………………………Connor Madigan…………………….

Signature of supervisor/module leader ……………………………………………..…………………………..………. Date ………………………………………………………………..

Form reviewed October 2011, final copy 14.10.11

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