Road Surface Technology 2020

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ROAD November 2020 ISSUE 6

A N A LY S I N G T H E L AT E S T T E C H N O L O G Y, P R O D U C T S & S E R V I C E S

A special publication from


p17 p25 p32

Surface inspections in South Africa Compaction equipment update Microsurfacing is gaining ground

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There are many ways to test

for microplastics – some
methods better than others
(photo: David Arminas)

vibrations from road surfaces to relay all kinds

As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate of data about the use and health of pavement.
Environmental concerns will become more
measures. Actions that might have been rejected under important. We have an excellent review of the
literature concerning research on microplastic
normal circumstances may be seen as the best choice now. pollution from road surfaces, including road
t could be argued that with the quickly amended or passed to allow for As financing for road construction and

I COVID-19 pandemic we live in

such desperate times - and are
apparently headed into more as
outdoor café and restaurant tables on the
pavement. With winter now arriving in the
northern hemisphere, innovative plastic
improvements takes a hit, alternatives to
milling and repaving thousands of kilometres
of highway will be in demand. Our article on
countries struggle with containing a second bubbles are popping up to protect diners from the advantages of slurry surfacing, especially
wave of infections. Financial resources of the cold. microsurfacing, is extremely timely.
governments worldwide are dwindling as they As people shun public transport in fear of Visual road surface inspections can be
attempt to prop up their economies. They are COVID infection, more bicycles and scooters costly and time-consuming. We see how
pumping billions into sustaining businesses – many of them electric – are cruising the two provincial road authorities in South
hit hard by closures and into health services streets. Walking to work or the shops is Africa have routinely been undertaking
coping with overstretched hospitals. much more common. To facilitate this, entire semi-automated, full-spectrum road surface
However long this pandemic lasts – and traffic lanes are being appropriated for these surveys using a Network Survey Vehicle.
who knows – there will afterwards be a increasingly popular mobility choices. Hundreds of kilometres of surface ratings and
road to recovery, both metaphorically and Ordinary people, not just academics and gradings can be done from the convenience of
physically. consultants, are now questioning urban an office desktop.
If anything good has come out of this design, from housing and retail space, to road As countries struggle to get back on their
pandemic, it is a reinforcement of just how layout and public transportation connectivity. feet post-pandemic, they will be looking to
important transportation is to, not just Where does this leave the road design and the road sector to help them maintain a high-
national economic health, but also the health construction sector? quality road network but on much-reduced
of citizens. This is especially true in urban Within the pages of this year’s Road Surface spending. As shown by our articles this year,
areas where inner city and suburban roads Technology Review, there are many examples we have the experience, insight and research
have been repurposed from strictly vehicular of how innovation is driving our sector, capability to help achieve this. n
use to non-vehicular use. everything from non-destructive pavement
In some cities, complete thoroughfares testing to data collection. For example, one David Arminas, EDITOR
have been closed to vehicles and local bylaws company is testing fibre optics to monitor

Caterpillar explains its semi-
autonomous compaction


A Texas airport is saved from major South African authorities are using a
runway reconstruction Network Survey Vehicle for inspections Data-driven pavement decisions
in the US city of Savannah
There are choices for maintaining Fibre-optic cables collect data to help 32: SLURRY SURFACING
aged bituminous binders maintenance scheduling Alternative surfacing, especially
microsurfacing, gains ground
Sweden’s National Road and Transport A review of the latest equipment 36: WHEEL TRACKERS
Research Institute reviews the research to ensure a perfect road surface A modified tracker from New Zealand


David Arminas Simon Ward, Andy Taylder Andrew Barriball Fulvio Bonfiglietti Route One Publishing Limited,
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© Route One Publishing Ltd 2020 ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 03



Continuous testing using a Rolling Dynamic Deflectometer saved a big Texas
airport from major runway reconstruction, explains Transtec’s Todd Hanke*

avement engineering firm

P Transtec Group was hired by

consulting engineer RS&H
to perform an evaluation of
airfield pavements at Austin-Bergstrom
International Airport (ABIA) in Texas. RS&H
was interested in using Rolling Dynamic
Deflectometer (RDD) testing to enhance the
traditional pavement evaluation and knew
Transtec had extensive experience with
evaluating and interpreting data from the
RDD process.
Primary evaluation included data collected
from runways, taxiways, maintenance
ramps and a section of the general aviation
apron to support the airport’s pavement
management programme (PMP). The data
was used to determine structural capacity,
evaluate support conditions, aid in forensic
analyses and select design and rehabilitation ABOVE: The RDD is a truck-mounted mobile
alternatives. device that was developed at the University of
During the evaluation, concerns regarding Texas at Austin LEFT: Deflections induced by the
the performance of one particular runway dynamic loads are measured with multiple rolling
– 17L/35R – were brought to Transtec’s sensors
attention. The runway was experiencing
distress in the touchdown areas earlier than
the airport authority had anticipated. It was frequency, thus increasing costs and duration.
determined that a more detailed evaluation With many runways, long periods of testing
on the runway pavement was necessary to can impact on general airport operations, so
determine the potential impacts and limits technology that reduces testing time is a cost-
in order to select an appropriate course of saving benefit.
action. To address this time limitation, the RDD
was selected to support HWD testing. The
DEFLECTION TESTING RDD collects deflection measurements
Non-destructive test (NDT) equipment can continuously and while constantly moving.
be used to evaluate pavements by measuring This allows for a higher resolution of the
the pavement response (deflection) to requirements and budget. data – more data points in less time. In turn,
specified loading conditions. The HWD works by dropping a weight on users can easily pinpoint where pavement
The resulting data helps owners understand to a loading plate, thus applying a transient conditions change.
how the pavement is performing, given force on the pavement. Sensors spaced at The RDD is a truck-mounted mobile
current or future loading. For this project, set intervals then measure the pavement device that was developed at the University
two methods were selected to perform response or deflection. The HWD enables of Texas at Austin and performs continuous
deflection testing and assess pavement users to identify differences in pavement deflection testing of pavement systems. As
structural integrity - Heavy Weight response. However, the discrete testing the truck moves along the pavement, the
Deflectometer (HWD) and RDD testing. makes it impossible to define where changes RDD generates and measures large dynamic
The HWD measures pavement deflections occur and it may miss other localised issues forces which are applied to the pavement
at discrete locations, typically every 50- between test locations. To address this, it through loading rollers. The deflections
250 feet (15-76m), depending on project would be necessary to increase the testing induced by the dynamic loads are measured



with multiple rolling sensors. These measured

deflections are indicators of the mechanical
properties of the pavement system.
In addition to general structural analysis,
the continuous collection of RDD data helps
identify differences in deflection response
related to various construction features.
These can be, for example, fills versus cuts,
drainage structures as well as identification
of differences in pavement structural
sections. Identification of these features
is useful for conducting future structural
evaluations, interpretation of results, and
optimising future pavement maintenance and
The RDD is complemented by conducting
HWD testing. The RDD can be used to
identify areas where additional discrete
testing using an HWD is needed. The results
from the discrete HWD testing can then
be used to assess the remaining life and
support conditions for specified loading and
determine pavement classification numbers,

Transtec used the RDD to provide continuous
and detailed deflection data for runway
pavements tested at Austin-Bergstrom
International Airport. The data was then used
to help select specific HWD test locations for
a more detailed analysis. TOP: Figure 1 - The peaks represent the higher deflections along the pavement joints
One of the key reasons for selecting the TOP: Figure 2 - An overlay of data on Runway 17L35R where the deflection was higher than 5 mils
RDD was to reduce the number of test BELOW: Graph showing impacts per foot
locations required by the HWD, while
increasing the amount of data obtained and
providing a much clearer and more detailed
picture of the actual structural condition of
the pavement. This was especially important
in the evaluation of Runway 17L/35R because
the goal was to determine the limits of
possible rehabilitation.
A large volume of RDD data was collected
for each runway, taxiway, the maintenance
ramp and a section of the general aviation
apron. The data was evaluated at a deeper
level on Runway 17L/35R due to the
concerns about localised pavement distress.
The RDD data helped identify differences
in deflection response related to various
construction futures, such as fills and cuts,
drainage structures and differences in
pavement structural sections. Identification
of these features is useful for conducting
future structural evaluations, interpretation with high-resolution aerial imagery, joint Runway 17L/35R is shown in Figure 1.
of results and planning for pavement layout diagrams and other information, The individual peaks represent the higher
maintenance and rehabilitation. provided valuable insights into the pavement deflections along the pavement joints.
The deflection profiles collected were condition and were used to aid in the The process of selecting the HWD test
processed and converted to shapefiles for selection of HWD testing areas. locations included conducting statistical
viewing in ArcGIS Pro. These profiles, along An example of the continuous data along distribution of data points, identifying trends, ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 05


Night testing along Runway 17L35R


• Assess the overall structural response
and service life of a pavement structure
• Differentiate the relative stiffness of
different regions
• Detect cracks, joints and weak regions
differentiating mid-slab deflections from • Assess the performance of cracked or continue to be useful as ABIA develops and
joint deflections and using 3D renderings, jointed regions monitors its PMP. Airports that measure
such as Figure 1, to select critical locations. • Look for trends in pavement deflections on a routine basis, as a part of
During this process, the initial focus was on deterioration across a continuous data set their pavement management system, will
areas showing high deflections. This data • Delineate the regions of the pavement be able to monitor trends in the pavement
was then cross-checked against other outside influenced by joints and cracks performance and condition which will help
information, including previous repair plans identify the rate of deterioration. They will
– to know which panels were previously be able to better predict with a high level of
replaced, the pavement condition survey and The primary focus of the evaluation was to certainty when they will need to intervene
other limited historical information. provide baseline data to be incorporated into on their pavement to rehabilitate and avoid
the airport’s PMP and to help with planning requiring a major, costly reconstruction. Q
OVERLAY OF DATA and budgeting of future maintenance and
The information in Figure 2 provides an rehabilitation activities. The continuous *Todd Hanke joined Transtec Group in 2015.
example of how the data was evaluated in deflection data from the RDD allows for a He holds a BSc in geological engineering
GIS and includes an overlay of pavement- quick comparison of the performance of the and a BSc in geology and geophysics, both
condition data sample units (colour-coded various surfaces measured. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
red to green), mid-panel deflections from Supplemental analysis was conducted As a project manager with Transtec, he is
the RDD (bars), joint locations, and previous on Runway 17L/35R due to the premature the lead airfield pavement designer, having
panel repairs (hatched boxes). The data distress and concerns over the pavement 18 years of extensive experience that also
was filtered to show where the deflections performance. Transtec’s testing and includes evaluation, non-destructive testing
were higher than the baseline average. The analysis of the data collected with the RDD and pavement management. Apart from
continuous data available from the RDD determined that the overall condition of the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport,
showed that additional panels should have runway 17L/35R was good and that there he has worked with Dallas Fort Worth
been replaced that were not originally were no significant deficiencies in the overall International Airport and Phoenix Sky
replaced and that some of the repaired areas pavement structural condition. As a result, Harbor Airport.
may not have been performing adequately. the data showed that the need for complete
To provide an initial verification of rehabilitation was not required.
the structural support of the pavement, However, the findings did verify that there
additional life analysis was conducted using were isolated areas experiencing accelerated
FAARFIELD, an airport pavement design and distress and that those areas would need to
evaluation software developed by the Federal be reconstructed. The continuous nature
Aviation Administration (FAA). The main of the deflection data allowed Transtec to
inputs in the analysis included the airplane pinpoint the areas that were performing the
fleet mix, modulus values for the various worst and find the exact limits of the zones
pavement layers, and the as-built thickness. needing repair. The team eliminated the need
The results of the analysis confirmed that the to reconstruct the entire runway and instead
majority of the pavement was structurally focused on areas showing higher distress,
sound, but there were isolated areas in saving the airport millions of dollars in
which the pavement needed some form of reconstruction costs.
rehabilitation or maintenance. The data gathered by the RDD will Todd Hanke


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The introduction of softening agents to
the asphalt mixtures containing reclaimed
material tends to reduce the viscosity and
softening point. It increases the penetration
An investigation by Iterchimica and the University of of the final binder component to the required
design specification of the bituminous binder
Calabria shows how an asphalt rejuvenator can revitalise and the final asphalt mixture. However, the
permanence of the effect is not guaranteed
the chemical components of an aged bituminous binder* since the modification is limited to physical
and rheological properties. This category
includes flux oils from different origins.
he re-use and recycling of asphalt production. Because of this, reclaimed

T pavements started around 40

years ago in Japan and is now well
established and practised around
asphalt bitumens may not be adequately
reused with standard technology³. It should
also be noted that despite the importance of
Aged-bitumen rejuvenation is the process of
restoring the chemical properties that have
the world. It is commonly acknowledged that recycling agents, there is as yet no consensus been deteriorating since the asphalt was
asphalt materials are 100% re-usable without on their function, associated mechanisms produced to the transportation, construction
any degradation to their performance in any and their classification. and its life-cycle service. Consequently, a
structure or form of road pavement, from However, it has been widely accepted rejuvenator has the capacity to partially
base and sub-base layers to wearing courses. that recycling agents can be classified restore the lost chemical features of the
However, the level of successful recycling into two main categories – softening reclaimed asphalt and the properties of its old
is highly dependent on the correct choice agents (softeners) and rejuvenating bituminous binders as well as recovering the
of the type and quantity of the recycling agents (rejuvenators). Both softeners and physical and rheological features.
agent. Recycling agents not only play a key rejuvenators are being used to recycle In this way, the long-term performance
role in the recycled mixture’s performance reclaimed asphalt into different asphalt of the asphalt mixture containing reclaimed
and mechanical properties but also in the pavement layers. But, as expected, the targets asphalt can be predicted. Generally,
mixture’s durability¹. In fact, one of the main and expected performances are different. rejuvenators contain a high proportion of
obstacles to increasing the level of recycling The issue is how to distinguish between maltenes** with low saturate contents4.
is the uncertainty about the durability and them.
cracking susceptibility of mixtures containing The following discussion addresses the SOFTENERS VS. REJUVENATORS
high amounts of reclaimed asphalt, question according to Iterchimica’s latest According to former definitions, a real
particularly in low-temperature climates². research collaboration with Italy’s University rejuvenating agent should, besides recovering
It should be noted that, during recent of Calabria. The team studied the chemical the physical and rheological properties of
years, more polymer-modified and harder- mechanism of recycling and the physical an aged bituminous binder, be capable of
grade bitumens have been used in asphalt recovery, using different types of products. partially revitalising the chemical properties.




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Atomic force microscopy – sometimes
called scanning force microscopy – is a
very high-resolution-type of scanning probe
microscopy. Resolution is in the order of
fractions of a nanometre, making it more
Iterchimica’s research, in collaboration with than 1,000 times better than the optical there is a considerable likeness in the images,
the University of Calabria, applied various diffraction limit. pointing to rejuvenation of the aged bitumen,
testing methods to study the chemical impact Unlike the electron microscope, which as seen in column B. However, it should be
of different types of recycling agents on the provides a two-dimensional projection noted that chemical scientists are divided
bitumen’s features. Several recycling agents or a two-dimensional image of a sample, over what they are actually seeing in column
were investigated using a variety of physical the AFM provides a three-dimensional C. Some scientists believe that the bee-
and chemical testing methods. surface profile. Also, in order to be seen, shaped structures are asphaltene and other
According to the results, all the recycling the samples under observation using AFM researchers believe that they are petroleum
agents were capable of recovering the physical need no special treatment, such as metal or waxes. Asphaltenes and waxes are a general
properties to a varying extent. But not all of carbon coatings, which would irreversibly category of solids and cover a wide range of
them were capable of restoring the chemical change or damage the sample. materials.
features, as found by using different chemical AFM, in normal contact mode, generates Asphaltenes, and resins, are large
testing analyses. images by scanning a small cantilever molecules consisting mostly of hydrogen and
Among the testing methods, atomic over the surface of a sample. The sharp carbon, with one to three sulphur, oxygen or
force microscopy (AFM) revealed how a tip on the end of the cantilever contacts nitrogen atoms per molecule. Asphaltenes
rejuvenator acts to restore the chemical the surface, bending the cantilever and tend to form aggregates, called micelles, in
structure and components of an aged changing the amount of laser light reflected hydrocarbon solutions. The basic structure
bituminous binder. Depending on the type into the photodiode. The height of the is composed of rings, mainly aromatics, with
of the measurement, non-contact mode cantilever is then adjusted to restore the three to 10 or more rings per molecule.
or pulsed-force mode, the results can be response signal, resulting in the measured Meanwhile, there are two general types of
presented either by surface topography image cantilever height tracing the surface. petroleum waxes. Waxes composed primarily
or phase image (see box). But there are several modes of AFM, of normal alkanes crystallise in large, flat
In Figure 1, the top images are phase depending on the information required plates – macrocrystalline structures – and
images and the bottom images are surface from the sample. are called paraffin waxes. Waxes composed
topography images. In non-contact mode – sometimes called primarily of cycloalkanes and i-alkanes
Column A in Figure 1 is virgin bitumen tapping mode – the tip of the cantilever crystallise as small needle structures and are
that hasn’t been aged. does not contact the sample’s surface. called microcrystalline waxes.
Column B shows how the chemical features The cantilever is oscillated at its resonant Yet, regardless of what these features
of a virgin bituminous binder were changed frequency (frequency modulation), or just are in the rejuvenated bitumen, the aged
after an ageing process. In this case, the above (amplitude modulation), where bituminous binder plus a real rejuvenator
images are after both short-term and long- the amplitude of oscillation is a few would provide the same image of the virgin
term ageing that were done in a laboratory. nanometres (<10nm), down to a few bituminous binder as reference¹.
The performance of the rejuvenating agents picometres. In addition to AFM, X-ray diffraction
on the aged bituminous binder is shown in Pulsed-force mode adds another (XRD) was another technique used for
column C. In fact, the images in column dimension to AFM by measuring the elastic, investigating the performance of the recycling
C are those of column B but taken after electrostatic and adhesive properties of a agents. XRD is a non-destructive method
a rejuvenator has been added to the aged sample under investigation. Scanning speed often employed to gather information about
bitumen. is comparable to that for the contact mode. the microstructure and crystallite parameters
Comparing column A and column C, of asphalt mixtures and a defined atomic

Figure 1 Figure 2
A B C 80 Virgin bituminous binder
Aged bituminous binder
70 Aged bituminous binder + 2% Rej. Agent
Aged bituminous binder + 6% Rej. Agent
Intensity (a.u.)






10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2 Theta (o)



Photo courtesy of Tarmac

A rejuvenator has the

capacity to partially
restore the lost
chemical features of
the reclaimed asphalt
and the properties of
its old bitumen

arrangement5. The technique is based on the Nowadays, hot mix asphalt recycling is the References
interaction between the incident wave, or most common recycling practice. Hot mix [1] V. Loise et al., A rheological and
X-rays, and the crystal lattice. recycling agents with a high boiling point microscopic study. Proceedings of first
Figure 2 shows how the different can be added either to the hot bituminous Macedonian Road Congress, 2019.
concentration of a rejuvenator impacts on the binder or to reclaimed asphalt materials. [2] S. Ashimova et al., Organic-based recycling
chemical properties of an aged bituminous Iterchimica’s Iterlene ACF 1000 and ACF agents for road-paving applications in cold-
binder. 2000 belong to the rejuvenator category of climate regions. International Journal of
recycling agents. Pavement Engineering, 2020.
VARIETY OF PRODUCTS In addition to cold mix and hot mix [3] European Asphalt Pavement Association-
Thanks to advances in industrial chemistry, recycling agents, there is a third category EAPA Position paper, Recommendations
several types of recycling agents are available that also enables the asphalt production at a for the use of rejuvenators in hot and warm
for recycling asphalt at different temperature moderate level of mixing/laying temperatures asphalt production. Online at: https://eapa.
levels. These can be as cold, warm or hot mix (WMA), providing its workability. For this org/eapa/, 2018.
asphalt. purpose, Iterchimica offers two products: [4] I. Soohyok, et al., Impact of rejuvenators
Cold asphalt recycling agents are composed Iterlow RS and Iterlow V, to be used and performance and engineering properties of
mainly of soft bituminous binders or binder according to the production temperatures. Q asphalt mixtures containing recycled materials.
from any origin as well as various additives Construction and Building Materials, 2014.
including flux oils. They are considered as an *The authors are Shahin Eskandarsefat, a [5] Chemistry LibreTexts, Powder-Xray
alternative solution for bitumen emulsions in senior researcher at Iterchimica, and Loretta diffraction. Online at https://chem.libretexts.
cold asphalt recycling. While these bituminous Venturini, Iterchimica’s scientific and strategic org/, 2020.
emulsions are associated sometimes with development director. [6] S. Eskandarsefat et al., 100% cold recycled
practical difficulties, alternative recycling agents asphalt mixture using a multi-functional
can be used for a variety of paving applications **Maltenes are the n-alkane (pentane or rejuvenator/binder. Proceedings of Road and
including maintenance and rehabilitation work. heptane)-soluble molecular components Environment Conference, 2019.
Iterchimica’s Iterlene ACF 1000 HP has been of asphalt, which is the residue remaining
successfully used also for construction of the after petroleum refiners remove other useful
binder layer of a low-traffic-volume road in derivatives such as gasoline and kerosene from
Spain, providing a new sustainable technology crude oil. Asphaltene compounds are the other
for road-paving applications6. primary component of asphalt. ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 11


Figure 1

Sweden’s VTI recently published an update on the
research literature concerning microplastics from
tyre and road wear; the following is an edited
version of Chapter 6, Sampling Methods

he push towards greener, more real road, or under similar conditions. The equipment was used in the European

T sustainable roads is improving

our knowledge about microplastic
pollution. We know it comes from
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
has a test rig where a tyre is worn against
a drum covered in sandpaper. The drum
Union’s Re-tyre project, the classification of
re-treaded truck tyres. It was also used to
study wear particles from tyres using cyclone
a myriad of sources – from tyres to highway is enclosed in a chamber through which vacuum cleaners to collect dust behind the
paints – and has a wide variety of dispersal purified air flows. Samples are collected from wheels. The collection efficiency was low and
patterns allowing it into the ecosystem. the air, downstream from the contact point the study focused on the inhalable fraction of
Yet research into microplastics specifically between the tyre and the sandpaper-covered the dust (PM10).
focusing on roads remains sparse and often drum. The main focus is on PM10 and As only small amounts of this fraction were
obscure. smaller particles. collected, coarser particles up to 150μm were
This is why Sweden’s National Road and There are at least two types of large-scale also collected for analysis. At present, no
Transport Research Institute – VTI – has test facilities where real road surfacing methods specifically for microplastics from
brought together detailed information about materials are used to study both tyre wear tyre wear have been published.
what research exists. Microplastics from Tyre and road surface wear. The other type of facility used for studies
and Road Wear: a literature review is an In Germany, BASt (Bundesanstalt für of road surface and tyre wear is the Circular
invaluable sampler for highways authorities, Straßenwesen/Federal Highway Research Road Simulator of Sweden’s VTI. It consists
road concessionaires and contractors. Institute) and the Karlsruhe Institute of of a 16m-long circular track that can be
Chapter 6 covers sampling methods. Technology have standing drums with road covered in any road surface material (Figure
Sampling for tyre particles and road wear surfacing on the inside which are equipped 2). The machine rotates around a central
particles differs according to the medium in with an internal wheel rig (Figure 1). The vertical axle on which six-wheel axles are
which the particles exist. A simple method
for sampling materials from tyre tread is to
cut pieces using a knife. Another commonly
used method is to use a file to remove
material, which gives coarse tyre filings rather
than whole pieces. Samples are also often
frozen using liquid nitrogen, after which they
are ground into finer materials to be analysed
for chemical composition.
A common denominator for all these
methods is that they do not reflect actual tyre
wear. They tell nothing about the physical
characteristics of the wear particles, such as
shape or size, but only provide information
about their chemical composition. Naturally,
the metal in knives and files can contaminate
the samples. But as long as the focus of the
analyses is microplastics or other organic
compounds, this is a minor problem.
A more realistic sampling of generated tyre
wear particles requires sampling of wear dust
either from a laboratory environment, where Figure 2
tyres are worn against a road surface from a


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Figure 3

Figure 4

mounted. Four of the axles are powered, in surface. Like most laboratory methods, determined areas are sampled to determine
this case by electric motors. these are designed to study emissions and the amount of material per square metre. In
Different types of personal car tyres can characteristics of PM10. Studies by the Tyre other cases, sampling focuses on collecting
be mounted on the wheel axles. During Industry Project (see box) used cyclone a particular sample volume without any
testing, the wheels are lowered onto the vacuum cleaners with specially designed relation to the size of the sampled area.
track until the desired axle load is reached mouthpieces mounted behind the tyres. For collecting dust from a road surface,
and the wheels then drive the rotation Examples of systems include the Finish VTI uses a proprietary machine called the
of the machine. The speed can be varied Sniffer for measuring behind the left back Wet Dust Sampler (WDS). A prototype was
continuously to up to 70kph. At speeds wheel of a van and the TRAKER which used from 2011 until 2014 when an improved
above 30kph, an eccentric movement can be measures particle concentrations behind both version, the WDSII, was developed. Two
activated causing the wheels to move across front wheels. This type of method has been copies of a slightly modified and further
almost the entire width of the track, rather copied by a number of researchers. However, improved version, the WDSIII, have been
than follow the same line. particles have generally not been collected to built and sold to Finland and Norway.
During tests using the Circular Road determine a source. The WDSIII washes a known area of road
Simulator, the tyres follow a fairly tight A similar measuring vehicle has been using a known amount of pressurised water
circular track. The inner edge of each tyre used in the Republic of Korea to collect after which it is transferred into a sample
travels slightly more slowly over the surface particles for elementary analysis and bottle using air pressure (Figure 4). The
than the outer edge. This results in a small electron microscopy. Bit-only PM10 has collected dust samples can also be analysed
rotational slip of the contact surface which is been collected, which means that a large for physical and chemical characteristics.
why the tyre wear in the simulator is greater proportion of tyre wear has probably been For many years, the focus of the analyses
than in real driving. missed. Other studies suggest that larger was on the amount of dust, size distribution
Since the early 2000s, the simulator has particles make up the main part. Without and proportion of organic materials. It was
also been used for generation and sampling exception, the collection methods used are aimed at evaluating different methods for
of wear particles with a focus on the inhalable designed to collect mainly inhalable particles. decreasing particle concentrations in the road
fraction – PM10. The majority of the studies environment. Since 2017, samples have been
have focused on the wear caused by studded DUST collected to also determine the microplastic
tyres on different types of road surfacing There are multiple studies concerning content of road dust. In Norway, the WDS
materials. Some studies on tyre wear have resistance and wear of road markings. These has also been used in studies of organic
also been carried out, although without are to assess whether they meet physical compounds associated with tyre rubber.
all the wear materials being collected for requirements and to evaluate the wear of new One of the samplers for road surfaces
analysis. markings. However, no studies were found most commonly mentioned in the literature
Particles larger than PM10 have been focusing on road marking wear specifically is based on a vacuum pump which sucks
collected by the simulator using wet vacuum for environmental purposes. Some test air through a deposition chamber, a PM10
cleaners connected to a device behind one facilities designed for other particles could separator and a filter for PM10 with 25 litres
of the tyres (Figure 3). This method may not be used to test the wear of road markings by per minute. Samples are collected over 1m²
be optimal for the collection of samples of tyres. using a hose nozzle.
microplastics from tyre wear. Both the hoses In the field, tyre and road wear samples Another road dust sampler uses a leaf-
between the device, the vacuum cleaner and can be collected in a similar way as for soil blower to blow air onto a section of road
the vacuum cleaner container are made of samples which are then sieved and separated surface. A particle sampler is connected to
plastic which may contaminate samples. from other types of particles. a hood between the blower’s nozzle and the
A number of vehicle-based systems have Studies where the main aim is to analyse road surface. The sampler collects PM10
been developed to sample emissions from road dust simply use a dustpan and brush or on a filter for analysis (Figure 5). Samples
the contact between tyres and the road a basic vacuum cleaner. In some cases, pre- have been collected for elementary analysis



PM10 inlet

Figure 5 Figure 6

MODEL 2000




and microscopy but not yet for analysis of physical sampling system should be avoided the particles are more closely associated with
microplastics or organic compounds. to reduce contamination; a sampler may need the only traffic and no other source.
to be adapted away from plastics to achieve Runoff samples may also be collected from
VARIATIONS this. gully pots or specific facilities for runoff
When sampling for road surfaces, variations Unless runoff sampling during real collection. As runoff only takes place during
in both the size and composition of dust precipitation is required, tunnels make a precipitation, it is often difficult to plan and
deposits over the year are likely. Consider good sample area. Samples of runoff water carry out manual sampling. This is why
the use of summer and winter tyres, as can be collected after washing the tunnel automatic samplers – passive and active - are
well as meteorological variations - wind, road surface using flushing equipment. The frequently used.
temperature, rainfall. All these may influence advantage of using a tunnel is that it provides Active samplers come in a wide range of
the accumulation of road dust on the surface, a more controlled environment with minimal designs and can often be programmed to
as well as the emissions of microplastics. impact from the weather, such as wind and collect samples at certain times or set up for
Study over shorter periods (hours, days, rain. There may be fewer particle sources, but flow-proportional sampling. An example of
weeks) may indicate how wind, precipitation this type of sampler is shown in Figure 6.
and sudden changes in traffic volume, This sampler can be used with different types
composition and characteristics affect dust of containers, either for bulk sampling or for
deposits on a road surface. sampling at pre-set intervals.
Variations between different traffic A type of passive sampler is shown in
environments, with different road surfaces, Clip
Figure 7. This particular type is placed in
traffic volume and composition, speeds and gully pots or similar places and fills to a
Wire hanger
so on, would also make for interesting study. pre-defined volume during the rainfall. A
Variations in how dust and microplastics Upper grated cover prevents leaves and large objects from
are distributed across and along a road end-cap obstructing the bottles. Once full, it closes
may show where deposits of microplastics automatically using a floating ball and no
are to be found and how they are affected more water is collected. For this reason, it
by differences in the macro-texture and Debris- is known as a first-flush sampler, but it is
condition of the road. shedding also used to sample during an entire rain
Coarser particles above 10μm can be dome event. However, it is usually made of plastic,
collected using a dustpan and brush, as was meaning that there is a risk of contamination
done in the recent project Tire Abrasion in the Push-out if used for microplastic sampling.
Environment at the Technische Universität hanger Another type of passive sampler uses
Berlin which analysed for microplastics. A buttons a series of filter cloths with gradually
number of studies have used an antistatic Sample decreasing pore size. A further type, a gravity
brush with durra (sorghum bicolor) bristles collection flow sampler, is a type of first-flush sampler
and a steel dustpan to avoid contaminating bottle
which closes automatically once it is full. A
samples with plastic. number of different versions of the gravity
type are available; one is mounted on the
RUNOFF carriageway and another model is combined
Samples of runoff water have been analysed with pipes used to collect runoff water
for different types of pollutants. But it has directly by the roadside.
not been possible to find in the literature a The Swedish road research facility Test
sampler specifically designed for collecting Figure 7 Site E18 (Figure 8) has a structure designed
microplastic samples. Plastic content in the to collect runoff water. It consists of curbs ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 15


Eight sensors for

temperature, water content
and electrical conductivity
Meteorology including
temperature, wind,
percipitation, moist levels,
Traffic radiation, turbulence and
sensors heat flows

sensors on Sensors for electrical conductivity.
different Collection of percolating
depths precipitation and melt water from
road and ditches

Sensors for temperature,

Data-collection relative humidity and vehicle
building acceleration (three levels)

Air quality

Four weather station

Figure 8 masts for evaluation
of sensors


Microplastics from Tyre and Road Wear: a literature review; by Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, Mikael
along a 100m stretch of road where water Johannesson, Mats Gustafsson et al; published by VTI, Sweden’s National Road and Transport
is collected and transported to a drain. Research Institute 2020. Full references to the research are given in the 146-page publication
The outlet of the drain is equipped with a which is available as a free download on the VTI website:
flowmeter. The Swedish government commissioned VTI in 2018 to develop and disseminate what little
knowledge exists about microplastics from road traffic and the road surface. VTI’s report notes
CONCLUSIONS that the vast majority of microplastics from road traffic are tyre wear particles. Particles also come
Standardised methods for sampling are often from other sources such as the wear of road-marking paint and from road re-surfacing which may
not available and there are no standardised contain polymer modified bitumen. Based on the available knowledge and mapping of microplastic
methods for sampling microplastics. The sources in Sweden, it can be assumed that at least half of the Swedish microplastic emissions are
choice of sampling method depends upon tyre wear particles. Other unrelated sources - crashed vehicles, general littering, wear from brake
the medium to be sampled. The subject of pads - are not included in the report.
the analysis determines the sample volume
required, how samples should be prepared
before analysis and which analytical methods
A variety of issues must be taken into
account to ensure the collected samples are The Tyre Industry Project (TIP) started in 2005 and operates under the umbrella of the World
relevant and representative. For example, Business Council for Sustainable Development, a non-governmental organisation based in Geneva,
different densities of microplastics mean that Switzerland. Three tyre companies - Bridgestone (Japan), Goodyear (US) and Michelin (France)
they spread by different dispersal pathways – lead the project on behalf of the TIP members, all global tyre makers. Research involves the
and accumulate in different environments. complete lifecycle of tyres, from production chemicals to use and eventually recycling and disposal.
Some microplastics accumulate in surface Recent work includes the use of nanomaterials to improve product performance and reduce
water and along beaches, while others, environmental impact. Results are available to the public via the WBCSD’s website and published
such as tyre rubber, accumulate in bottom in a number of scientific journals.
sediment. Q



The efficiency of using a network survey
vehicle to capture road condition can be
improved upon by operating an iPAVe, as
recent case studies in South Africa
have shown, notes Simon Tetley*

n order for all of South Africa’s surface is done in accordance with South TOP: Figure 1 - The TMH9 Assessment Form

I road agencies – national,

provincial and municipal –
to maintain their respective
Africa’s Draft TMH9 Visual Assessment
Occasionally the visual assessment is
ABOVE: Figure 2 - Network Survey Vehicle

The vast majority of South Africa’s road

road networks, the collection and analysis augmented with functional data in the form network-level condition data remains
of network-level road condition data of riding quality, using a vehicle equipped dependent on undertaking physical visual
for pavement management is essential. with a linear displacement indicator and assessments. The South African National
It enables the development of effective structural measurements from a falling Roads Agency and most of the provincial
maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for weight deflectometer (FWD) or similar and metropolitan road authorities also
project-level design and implementation (see device. undertake profiling and falling weight
box at end of article). The capture of degree (of a problem’s deflectometer measurements. It should
Indeed, systematic road-condition data severity) and extent (frequency of be noted that falling weight deflectometer
collection has been carried out by South occurrence) of road condition assessment measurements are done on only higher
African road authorities for the past 40 ratings onto a TMH9 assessment form order roads and so are seldom used at the
years. The determination of road pavement has been the norm for more than 30 municipal level where these roads are not
condition – both surface and structural years (Figure 1). Some road agencies have within the authority’s remit.
– based primarily on information from now migrated to completing the form on Two provincial road authorities in South
a physical visual assessment of the road electronic data-capture devices. Africa have routinely been undertaking ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 17


Figure 3a and 3b -The post-rating technique means each assessor can visually rate around 150km of road per day

semi-automated full-spectrum road surface NETWORK SURVEY VEHICLE productive and less fatiguing. Each assessor
surveys of their road network – paved and Unlike the majority of South African road can visually rate around 150km of road per
unpaved - using a Network Survey Vehicle authorities, these provinces use the post- day.
(NSV), as seen in Figure 2. rating technique to evaluate and assess The method does have an element
road conditions. With this method, digital of subjectivity to it but this is much
images and cracking data collected by an reduced in comparison to physical field
NSV are assessed in terms of the TMH9 assessments. Quality assurance is done
manual, as would be the case for a physical through exception/validation algorithms
field assessment. However, the difference incorporated into the data-capture software.
is that the defects are rated in the comfort Meanwhile, quality control is managed
and safety of an office environment by through independent double rating of
experienced visual assessors (Figures 3a and random road sections and panel inspection.
3b). Pavement structural data is provided
This process is obviously much safer by pavement deflection. This is typically
than undertaking physical field surveys, measured using a falling weight
especially during this time of the COVID-19 deflectometer (Figure 4). For network-
pandemic. It is also significantly more level surveys, these deflections are usually
measured at 100m to 200m intervals in the
LEFT: Figure 4 - A road condition survey van outer wheel path of each slow lane.
with a falling weight deflectometer system In summary, the methodology for
inside BELOW: Figure 5 - The iPAVe has been undertaking network-level road condition
monitoring South African roads since 2017 assessments in South Africa can be
described as discrete, non-synchronised
and semi-automated at best. At worst, it is
outdated when compared to global norms.

iPAVe SINCE 2017

In an initiative aiming to provide a more
technically appropriate and objective
method of road-condition data collection,
ARRB Systems Africa has been operating
the intelligent Pavement Assessment
Vehicle – iPAVe - in South Africa since
2017. This is considered to be a significant
advancement in road asset management; the
vehicle collects simultaneously surface and
structural pavement condition data at road
speeds of up to 80kph (see Road Surface
Technology 2019, page 30).


We are global leaders in non-destructive road surveying
equipment, pavement and road asset assessment and data
collection services. Rooted in precision and seamless delivery,
we set the bar for superior industry standards.

We provide not only data, but insight. Our technology is

people-focused. We help our customers to make well-informed
decisions that saves money, time and even lives.

We are ARRB Systems and we provide the most intelligent

pavement management system in the world.

Contact us today for your all-round comprehensive Pavement

Management solutions.

Suite 1, Park 2000, 10 Kyalami Road Tel: +27 31 700 2500, Fax: +27 31 700 2550
Westmead, Durban, 3610, South Africa

ABOVE: Figure 6 - Behavioural state comparison of falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and iPAVe maximum deflection over 36.5km
BELOW: Figure 7 - Condition-rating comparison of falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and iPAVe - maximum deflection over 36.5km

The iPAVe, as shown in Figure 5, integrates six such iPAVe units operating around the slope from which the deflection bowl is
a traffic speed deflectometer developed by world. calculated. The Hawkeye platform measures
Greenwood Engineering with the Automated Greenwood’s traffic speed deflectometer road surface characteristics such as cracking,
Road Rehabilitation Business (ARRB) uses high-precision Doppler lasers to potholes and failures, roughness, rutting,
Systems’ Hawkeye 2000 platform. There are measure the pavement deflection velocity/ texture and geometry, together with spatial



information and digital imaging. uniform sections in terms of structural kilometre 20.25 and kilometre 25.25, was in a
The iPAVe is seen as the future of road condition. The first, between kilometre 1 warning-to-severe distressed condition.
condition assessment. It offers a continuous and kilometre 20.25, and the third, from In addition, the 90th percentile
(down to a 1m processing interval) and kilometre 25.25 to 36.5, were, based on the representative limit for each uniform section
fully integrated and synchronised data benchmarking indices, in sound structural was plotted, as would be done during an
collection option. It generates all the condition. The middle section, between evaluation and design for a Class B road.
information required for network-level
screening at much improved production
rates and at a significantly reduced risk
when compared to traditional discrete

The technology for fully automated
road-condition data acquisition is readily
available in South Africa, although this
is not perhaps fully appreciated by the
roads sector. The capability to undertake
continuous integrated road structure
and surface measurements also presents
the opportunity to use the network data
for project-level pavement design. An MAKE THE DIFFERENCE
investigation has been undertaken to assess
the viability of the process.
In order to simulate a real project, a
36km section of provincial main road was
selected where the pavement structure and
traffic loading was known. Continuous
pavement structural and surfacing data was
collected by the iPAVe in approximately
60 minutes. Meanwhile, a falling weight
deflectometer was used to measure
comparative deflections at 50m intervals –
this taking four days.
Following the data-collection exercise,
the testing locations of the deflectometer
and iPAVe were synchronised, with the
iPAVe data being processed at 50m intervals
to match the individual position of the
falling weight deflections.
The aim of this practical application was
to undertake data analysis of the iPAVe and
FWD results using pavement evaluation
and mechanistic empirical design
principles, as would be done in practice for FAE GROUP is turning the page to its newest chapter.
project-level pavement design. We are celebrating our past but with a clear vision towards the future
The first step was to plot and compare by renewing our logo and corporate image.
the maximum deflection and the respective The new slogan, “Make the Difference” conveys our commitment
cumulative sum for the iPAVe and falling to do our utmost to make a difference in every area
weight deflectometer measurements. This and at every level extending
was done by using the behavioural state from product quality, technology, company procedures,
limits and structural condition rating as and in the workplace.
set out in South African Pavement Design
Method (SAPEM), Chapter 10, Table 43 and
Table 44 respectively. This is illustrated by FAE Group S.p.A.
Figures 6 and 7. Zona Produttiva 18 - 38013 Fondo - Borgo d’Anaunia (TN) - Italy
The cumulative sum of difference Ph. +39.0463.840.000
segmentation for the iPAVe and falling
weight deflectometer measurements
resulted in three clear and correlating ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 21


Figure 8a Figure 8b Figure 8c

ABOVE: Comparison of the 90th percentile FWD and iPAVe deflection bowls for each uniform section

As can be seen, the individual and 90th limited study, it is therefore evident that
percentile maximum deflections and the iPAVe technology can, in fact, be used for PAVEMENT-
CUSUM- (cumulative sum control chart) project-level design as well as in network- MANAGEMENT LEVELS
derived uniform sections for iPAVe and level surveys.
FWD show good correlation. Base layer In addition to the deflection data, Pavement management broadly covers
index (BLI), middle layer index (MLI) integrated rut depth, riding quality and planning, programming, budgeting, analysis,
and lower layer index (LLI) values were automated crack detection and crack type, design and construction of a highway system.
also compared and again showed good identification is also available for analysis. Within this broad term there is network-level
comparative data fits. This gives pavement engineers a holistic management and project-level management.
The 90th percentile deflection bowls for insight into possible failure mechanisms Data collected at the project-level – for
each uniform section are plotted in Figures and additional data with which to identify example, details of a particular section of the
8a, 8b and 8c to illustrate the comparison optimal remedial interventions. larger highway – are often useful, when used
between the iPAVe and FWD measurements. The obvious technical and economic with similar data from other sections, to help
advantages of using equipment, such as decisions that affect the entire road network,
RESULTS iPAVe and multi-speed deflectometers, that is to say, network-level management.
The FWD- and iPAVe-generated deflection will no doubt see this technology replacing However, not all data needed for project-
bowls, together with the pavement profiles current pavement-deflection testing level decision-making is required to support
and traffic data, were used to back calculate methods. This will happen at not only network-level decisions. Generally, network-
representative pavement-layer-stiffness network-screening level but also, as level decisions can be made using less
moduli and for the subsequent forward illustrated by the above study, at project complete data than required for section-
calculation of bearing capacity for each level. Q specific project-level decisions.
uniform section using commercial computer For a fuller discussion of pavement
software developed to analyse FWD *Simon is a transportation engineer and management levels and data collection, see
deflections. The results of the analysis are director of ARRB Systems Africa and manages Pavement Management Levels and Staged
shown in Table 1. the company’s Cape Town office. With over 30 Data Collection; Roger E. Smith, Department
It can be seen from Table 1 that there is years as a consulting engineer, he specialises of Civil Engineering, Texas Transportation
very little difference between the mechanistic in the fields of pavement and materials Institute at Texas A&M University College
empirical analysis results as derived from engineering, road asset management, Station; paper presented at the 4th
iPAVe and FWD measurements, with economic evaluation, forensic investigations International Conference on Managing
this being applicable to both sound and and construction management of road and Pavements (1998).
distressed pavement sections. From this airport infrastructure.

BELOW: Table 1. Comparison of iPAVe- and FWD-derived layer-stiffness moduli and estimated structural capacity
Uniform section Back-calculated stiffness’s (MPa) Capacity (MESA)
Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Upper S-grade Sub-stratum

FWD KM 1 TO KM 20.05 6000 960 70 120 210 8.5

iPAVe KM 1 TO KM 20.05 5900 980 80 120 160 8.6
FWD KM 20.05 TO 25.45 750 160 40 100 120 0.1
iPAVe KM 20.05 TO 25.45 700 140 140 100 90 0.1
FWD KM 25.45 TO 36.50 6900 990 80 100 130 9.1
iPAVe KM 25.45 TO 36.50 6500 980 120 110 150 9.7



DAS technology converts

standard communications
fibre into a linear array of
discrete vibration sensors

By ‘tapping in’ to the vast fibre-optic
cabling infrastructure that exists in
abundance in cities across the globe,

DAS provides greater coverage of city
infrastructure than any other technology.
And there’s no need to carry out extensive

construction work, dig up the streets or
install new fixed-point sensors or cameras.

In February this year Fotech worked with
Good data concerning stresses upon, as well as Spanish infrastructure and engineering
company COMSA on an immersive field
movements over and on a road surface, are essential in trial. The objective was to determine how
DAS could manage traffic at roundabouts
the battle against traffic congestion. Distributed acoustic and whether it could help to change the
sequencing of traffic lights to improve
sensing is one weapon available to city authorities, congestion.
A trial of DAS was set up along 5kms of
explains Stuart Large* road passing through open countryside,
a light industrial area and the Catalonian
town of La Bisbal d’Empordà, near Girona,
mooth traffic flow is crucial for people hot-tapping pipelines, leaks, perimeter which has a population of approximately

S the economy of any city anywhere

in the world. Meanwhile,
reliable traffic tracking and data,
intrusions, moving vehicles, industrial
operations, failing mechanical components,
and so many more, all generate vibrations
11,000. DAS tapped into roadside fibre in a
micro-trench and then into fibre underneath
the roadside pavement in the town. The test
preferably real-time data, is essential for a with distinct acoustic characteristics. DAS aimed to thoroughly test DAS capabilities for
city to effectively plan its transport network technology monitors these vibrations. If a traffic management system and determine
and optimise traffic flow. However, existing supported by the right software it accurately the limits of its sensitivity.
traffic tracking technology is fraught with detects, classifies and reports on the vibration Throughout the day, Fotech and COMSA
shortcomings. events – locating the position of each event to measured regular traffic flows through a
For example, point sensors and cameras within a few metres. combination of DAS and video cameras to
have limited and fixed fields of view. In- Lasers shoot thousands of pulses of cross-validate the findings at specific points
vehicle sensors that track location data lack light down a cable every second. A minor along the route. The trial also measured the
the granular detail for concise traffic-flow proportion of this is reflected back to the movements of pedestrians, cyclists and the
tracking. Floating-point data can give average DAS system and any disturbances will vibrations of an old stone bridge along the
waiting times at a junction, but lacks the be picked up by the sensor. Each kind of route.
expediency to effectively change traffic lights disturbance has its own signature, allowing At night, a 500m stretch of road between
in real time and directly improve vehicle flow. the DAS system to tell an operator in real two roundabouts was closed so that the team
Meanwhile, GPS can be affected by time what happened, exactly where it could run a series of tests. These ranged from
disrupted signal in tunnels or rural areas, happened and when it happened. tracking different methods of braking and
or simply because tracking technology is By equipping the fibre cable laid alongside accelerating, as well as running simulated
available within only a minority of vehicles. a road with DAS technology, it becomes traffic queues. Each of the parameters was
What current traffic-monitoring possible to track vehicle movements, changed one by one in order to understand
technology lacks is real-time transparency determine the size of vehicles using the roads, how much the sensors were able to measure.
and data feeds that can be monitored work out where congestion forms and its While analysis of the data is still ongoing, it
remotely and swiftly acted upon. type, assess the state of the infrastructure and is already clear that DAS can be used to track
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is a also identify unexpected works. the movement of vehicles in both directions
photonic sensing technology. Essentially, it Armed with those insights, local without interruption along the stretch of
upgrades a city’s existing fibre-optic cable authorities can improve journey times an entire road, as well as deliver sufficient
network to contain thousands of vibration through congestion management methods, information for a sophisticated traffic
sensors — akin to placing an army of be alerted to dangerous traffic queues on management system. The test has proved
microphones along a road. slip roads, get information on infrastructure the ability of DAS to determine the size of
DAS technology converts standard usage, where motorists are jumping red lights vehicles and the speed at which they travel, in
communications fibre into a linear array of or trespassing, as well as protecting pipes and addition to identifying points of congestion
discrete vibration sensors. Activities such as cables from harm. and the length and growth rate of queues. ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 23


Fotech is using fibre-optic cables to detect vibrations

from vehicles in order to analyse traffic volume

Fotech is now working to build an

integrated solution that can control traffic
throughout a road network, with the
additional benefit of reducing emissions and
increasing air quality.
In addition to the trial in La Bisbal
d’Empordà, Fotech is taking part in an
ongoing programme in the UK called
SIMULATE - Smart, Infrastructure and
Mobility Urban Laboratory and Test
Environment. The project involves testing alters the economics of smart motorways.
DAS at a four-way junction in the English SMART MOTORWAYS Because it can make use of fibre that is
county of Staffordshire, using the system to already installed, DAS makes it commercially
monitor and detect the types and speed of Smart motorways are most prevalent in viable to extend smart-motorway systems,
incoming traffic in order to dynamically alter the UK but are also found in Australia and not just to more of the motorway network,
the signals to keep traffic flowing as smoothly New Zealand, as well as in Switzerland. but also to the UK’s other major A-class
as possible. Fotech’s DAS system is syncing Sometimes still called managed motorways, roads and B-class secondary but still busy
with the other sensors being deployed to they use active traffic management systems roads, without major disruption. In this way
create an integrated solution. More detail on to increase vehicle capacity while improving DAS could truly enable a network of smart
the results of this trial will be released in the safety for drivers. Techniques can include highways, not just smart motorways.
coming months. variable speed limits and hard-shoulder No single technology will be a panacea for
running during the busiest times daily. overcoming traffic congestion and thereby
LAS VEGAS By implementing these, other benefits boosting the efficiency of traffic management.
There are also numerous other opportunities accrue, such as more reliable journey times, Yet, it is clear that DAS offers city and local
where DAS could offer existing smart-city reduced noise and fewer harmful vehicle authorities a big step forward in doing so for
projects a crucial extra layer of detail. One emissions. transport infrastructure and along their road
project is NTT DATA’s “safe city” work in Las networks, not least because it builds upon the
Vegas, in the US state of Nevada. existing fibre-cabling infrastructure in cities.
One of the project’s prime use cases so (see box). Although these smart motorways Trials such as the one in La Bisbal
far has been wrong-way driver detection in currently account for just 320km - or less d’Empordà show that DAS can make a
downtown one-way roadway segments. By than 9% of the UK’s 3,700km motorway practical difference to alleviate the strain on
gathering before-and-after data it has been network - analysis shows that capacity in transport networks and provide better insight
possible to measure the effectiveness of the busiest of those areas has increased on road congestion. Q
roadway improvements. by up to a third. However, a recent report
A stated future goal of the project is to published by the UK Department for *Stuart Large is product line director and head
explore additional ways to improve traffic Transport raised concerns about the safety of of business development at Fotech Solutions,
management and signal timing. The reality is smart motorways. The document suggested based in the UK with offices in Canada and
that DAS can play a massive role in the real- technology inadequacies are directly the US. Its fibre-enabled asset management
time dynamic management of traffic systems. contributing to road incidents. platforms provide a suite of dynamic and
For example, if someone jumps a red Again, the problem with the technical adaptable solutions for a diverse range of
light at an intersection, DAS would be implementation of smart motorways is the applications.
able to detect this. The system could then reliance on point sensors. Even in a best-
immediately change the traffic lights in real case scenario where you may have loops or
time to hold traffic and pedestrians at other cameras every 400m, you won’t have full
points of the intersection on a longer red light continuous monitoring. Any gaps in coverage
to minimise the risk of an incident caused by are an open invitation for delays and errors
the car jumping the lights. to creep in.
Integrating DAS with NTT Data’s “safe In this scenario DAS could provide full
city” solution would quickly demonstrate continuous monitoring of its entire length,
the impact of various traffic management closing the gaps in the sensor infrastructure.
strategies. It could provide clear evidence on This would increase the efficacy and accuracy
which to base real-time traffic management of identifying incidents as well as boosting
decisions at a citywide level. the speed of response through the real-time
In the UK, some attempts to tackle detection of incidents anywhere along the
congestion have revolved around a strategy motorway.
focused on what are called smart motorways More importantly, DAS fundamentally Stuart Large



Recent years have seen huge gains in performance for asphalt compaction
technology, explains Mike Woof, editor of World Highways

hen road surfaces suffer problems

W such as rutting, ravelling and

moisture damage, these issues
can often be linked to inadequate
compaction during construction. Where
specified mat densities have not been
achieved, early failures can occur and may
require resurfacing before the design life of
the road has been reached.
A number of factors influence the
compaction process, including ambient
temperature, compaction effect (frequency,
amplitude, forces, forward speed) delivered
by each roller and also the interaction
between the individual compaction
machines. Other factors are haulage The latest rollers feature
distance, the asphalt grade and the material intelligent compaction and offer
temperatures at production and delivery high-performance compaction
Intelligent compaction was developed
in the 1980s for use in soil compaction WIRELESS with systems that measure, record and
and further developed in the 1990s for the Using wireless technology means that the display the compaction effort. Different
more complex asphalt compaction. This compaction data can be embedded into manufacturers use different technologies for
technology was originally intended to a model of the entire project as part of a measuring the compaction. However, most
monitor compaction operations and record building information modelling (BIM) of these systems use accelerometers mounted
data in real time, presenting information on process for later use. This compaction on the compactor to monitor the response of
a display for the machine operator. As the information can also be analysed remotely the drums to the compaction effort exerted
technology developed over the years, users in real time to highlight any potential on the asphalt surface. Another, although less
have been able to download the data for later shortcomings and areas that may need common, technology uses lasers mounted on
analysis, first by using removable data cards further remediation or may be likely to the compactor to determine the effect exerted
and in more recent times by using wireless suffer problems before the design life of the by the drum and the density achieved in the
technology. pavement has been reached. asphalt mat.
To deliver intelligent compaction, No direct comparisons have been carried
RIGHT: BOMAG’s prototype autonomous compactors need to be equipped out to determine which system delivers
compactor shows the shape of the more accurate measurement so it has
things to come to be assumed that the results they display
are broadly the same. Some manufacturers
have claimed that the accuracy of their
monitoring systems for determining
compaction density is within 1.5%
of the figure that can be attained
by coring – the analysis of core
It is worth bearing in mind,
though, that because hot asphalt
displays many liquid properties, ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 25


RIGHT: A number of manufacturers now offer

compactors with oscillation, including Ammann,
Bomag, Caterpillar, Dynapac, Hamm, Sakai, Volvo
CE and XCMG BOTTOM: Amman ARX 45-2C
Light Tandem Roller-6

assessing the degree of compaction that has

been achieved is less straightforward than
for the much less complex soil compaction
In addition, an intelligent compaction
system uses GPS (global positioning system)
equipment to correlate location data with the
information gathered about the compaction
Infrared temperature sensors are fitted to
the front and the rear of the roller chassis
components. These log and map the heat
variance around the compactor, cross-
referencing it with information recorded these colder spots before the temperature electromagnetic methods. These can be
on compaction effect and the position drops too low for effective compaction to employed to back up the data recovered
data. The roller operator can monitor the take place. from roller-mounted intelligent compaction
passes and amend compaction patterns as However, even though intelligent equipment. Coring, though, is time-
required. Most of the latest systems feature compaction systems provide efficient density consuming and leaves holes in the road
colour-coding maps that show the real-time measurement on site and correlate this surface, so it is carried out only periodically.
surface temperature, compaction pattern and information with position and temperature
compaction measurement achieved. data, there are some potential shortcomings. NUCLEAR
Within the compaction machine, The compaction forces delivered to the Nuclear density gauges are non-destructive
processing software combines the recorded mat will travel deeper than the layer that and highly accurate but their use on a
information on heat, positioning and is actually being compacted. But the data construction site may be limited due to
compaction effect and displays this to the recorded by the system from the mat will restrictions on radioactive emissions. For this
operator. The screens show the operator what show the response of the whole depth of the reason, electromagnetic equipment may offer
areas of the asphalt surface behind the paver area being compacted. The measurement a more convenient method for comparison
have been compacted so far and to what systems therefore need to be able to take into with data recovered by intelligent compaction
degree. They also show what areas need to be account the fact that they are also recording systems on rollers.
prioritised for compaction due to dropping the response of these lower layers. If they Meanwhile, visualisation of data has
temperatures, allowing the machine operator are asphalt layers, they will already have become much easier for operators in
to schedule the work more efficiently. been compacted. If they are base layers, their recent years. Not only do the displays
The technology also allows the rollers to response will be different. This issue could show the working of all the rollers at the
communicate wirelessly with each other. be a particular problem when paving thin site, the recovered data is used along with
Operators can see on the display in the cab layered wearing courses. information from other steps in the paving
all the passes that have been made by all the With this in mind, there is still process. Every step in this process can be
rollers working on the asphalt mat behind the no substitute for the use of accurate logged comprehensively. This starts with
paver. measurement of mat density such as coring, production of the asphalt at the plant and
nuclear gauge or non-nuclear capacitive the type of mix employed and temperatures
HAULAGE DISTANCE at discharge into the trucks, the logistics
The temperature of the mix, the interaction operation to transport the material to site, the
between the rollers and the haulage distance times required and the material temperatures
from the asphalt plant are all important at delivery onsite.
factors for effective compaction. This is It also includes the paving operation with
because compaction of a conventional hot an evaluation of material segregation, as well
mix has to be carried out in a timely fashion as density behind the screed (if a tamper bar
before the temperature drops below a critical type is used in this latter case) and infra-
point. Below this point, the asphalt binder red scanning to show the heat distribution
will become too stiff to respond to more across the mat. Finally, it includes the
compaction that is intended to further reduce compaction operation combining
air voids within the asphalt. Any attempt to temperature, position and mat density
continue compaction after this point may data recovered from the compaction
crush the aggregate. systems in the roller fleet.
Using this type of intelligent compaction This information is stored at the
system ensures that compaction is carried out site office and can be viewed remotely,
where needed and to the degree required. It analysed and logged into the BIM
prevents over-compaction which can result process for the entire road project. Some
in the aggregate bound in the asphalt being road machinery manufacturers, such as
crushed. Furthermore, it eliminates problems BOMAG or the Wirtgen Group, have their
caused by cooling, as an operator can address own packages for this data management



RIGHT: Hamm’s hydraulic hybrid compactor

is available with oscillation BELOW: The first
powered compactors were deadweight rollers

process. Machine control technology

specialist companies including Leica
Geosystems, Topcon and Trimble also offer
software with this capability.
Looking at future advances in compaction,
BOMAG and Hamm have been trialling
autonomous compaction technology,
although it will be some time before such
technology is on the market. Regulation
covering their use will have to be developed
before such technology can be used on site.

Compacting the road surfacing material system some years ago. But the cost of the
is crucial for ensuring its long-term diesel-electric drive technology was thought
performance. At first deadweight rollers were prohibitive. It was not until more recent
used for this purpose but in the 1930s the times that Hamm unveiled its pre-production
first vibrating rollers were developed. Using hybrid compactor featuring a hydraulic
vibration to compact the road surfacing system. BOMAG followed soon after using a
material boosted working efficiency and similar technology. Now in series production,
productivity considerably, allowing lighter these machines use a hydraulic hybrid system
compaction equipment to reach design to recover energy and store this in a hydraulic
densities more quickly and even using accumulator.
smaller pieces of machinery. The hydraulic hybrid system recirculates
In the 1980s, Hamm started working on stored energy from the accumulator at the
a system for compaction using oscillation point of peak energy demand from the
instead of vibration. Oscillation compaction compactor’s drive system. This peak comes as
was intended to boost working efficiency the aggregates in the surface material. This the compactor’s vibration system starts at the
further, while eliminating some of the cracking of aggregates simply does not occur beginning of a roller pass.
shortcomings of vibration technology. using oscillation as a machine will achieve full Because the machine has the hydraulic
Industry interest in the system was minimal density and then not have any further effect hybrid package, it can operate with a
and for many years Hamm was the only on the surface, even if it continues working. smaller diesel engine than would otherwise
manufacturer to offer oscillation technology, Although Hamm pioneered compaction be required. This provides a significant
although it continued to offer vibration by oscillation, BOMAG also now offers reduction in operating costs, not just because
technology for the majority of its models. a wide range of machines. Other roller of lower fuel consumption, but also from less
But over time, the benefits of compaction manufacturers offering compactors featuring maintenance as it features a simpler exhaust
by oscillation started to become apparent. oscillation-type compaction include after-treatment package. Q
Instead of delivering an impact load in a Ammann, Caterpillar, Dynapac, Sakai, Volvo
vertical direction as with vibration, oscillation CE and XCMG. Ammann
is a kneading action to compact a surface.
While the vertical impact of a vibration HYBRID SYSTEMS BOMAG
system results in energy unused from each With regard to hybrid rollers, it does beg
blow being transmitted through the surface, the question why these were not developed Caterpillar
the kneading action of an oscillation system earlier. The operation of a compactor, with its
means that there is almost no wasted energy. forward and backward motion, lends itself to Dynapac
While compactors featuring vibration the use of energy-recovery systems - perhaps
cause vibrations to travel some distance, this more so than most types of construction Hamm
is not the case for oscillation rollers. As a machinery.
result, one of the first widespread duties for Nor is it that hybrid technology is Leica Geosystems
oscillation compactors was on bridge decks particularly new, having been used
where there was the risk of damage to the successfully in the earthmoving equipment Sakai
structure because of resonances. Similarly, sector for some years. Komatsu has had
these machines could be used in urban areas particular success with its diesel-electric Topcon Positioning
without risk of damaging historic buildings system, a configuration also now used by a
or affecting sensitive computing equipment number of other manufacturers. Caterpillar, Trimble
or electronics. meanwhile, opted to use a hydraulic system
Another benefit is that it is almost for recovering energy for its hybrid crawler Volvo CE
impossible to over-compact a surface. With excavator.
vibrating rollers, too many passes can result BOMAG first exhibited a prototype asphalt XCMG
in over-compaction and breaking up of compactor featuring a diesel- electric hybrid ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 27


By keeping compaction
parameters consistent,
Command can improve
compaction coverage by up
to 60% compared with a
novice operator

Caterpillar sets out the case for using automated compaction systems, such
as its Cat Command for Compaction

at Command for Compaction to commonly used base stations with no site

C is an operator-assisted, semi-
autonomous technology that
automates the compaction process
design files or back-office work necessary. The
operator tells the system where to compact
by physically defining the boundary of an
based on operator inputs. area with the machine, or loads a previously
It controls the speed, direction, steering recorded and saved area from the display.
and vibration system of the vibratory soil The operator then tells the system how to
compactor to promote consistency in compact through three simple inputs:
compaction - one of the most important O the number of passes to make at each

aspects of construction to ensure a good road amplitude setting;

surface. O the ground speed;

The heart of the system is dual real-time O the amount of overlap.

kinematic positioning (RTK) which helps to After verifying that the area is safe and
achieve up to 60% better area coverage (see ABOVE: The operator tells the system how to clear, the operator engages Command and the
box RTK positioning). The system connects compact through three simple inputs system executes compaction. However – and

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Radar sensor mounted to the front bumper. Radar sensor mounted to the rear engine enclosure. Icon on display alerts the operator



RIGHT: Command includes a detection system

that alerts the operator if something is in front or
behind the machine

importantly - the operator can intervene at

any time to control the vibration system or
stop the machine.
Also, for added safety, Command includes
an integrated object detection system that
alerts the operator if something is in front or
behind the machine.
operators run a single machine during the products. However, Command is simple to set
SKILLS GAP day. Quality control in these situations can be up. The intuitive, touchscreen interface with
A major advantage of such systems as Cat maintained at the highest levels. its three simple inputs is all that is needed
Command is that they can eliminate a skills By keeping compaction parameters after the compaction area is defined. Recent
gap. They allow inexperienced operators to consistent, Command can improve jobs are saved in the system and can be
reach a high level of efficiency in both quality compaction coverage by up to 60% compared accessed via the interface.
of workmanship and use of time. with a novice operator. Increased process The jobsite safety aspect of Command
For example, Command performs at a control and precise overlap help promote cannot be overstated. As noted, the system’s
constant speed with the correct number of more consistent and predictable compaction integrated object detection system alerts the
passes at the correct vibration setting and results. This is especially important when operator to objects in the path of the machine.
with the correct amount of overlap, no matter attempting to hit compaction targets more This safety feature is functional whether the
who is in the driver’s seat. frequently. operator is in automatic use or manual use
Command ensures a uniform compaction Users of such systems are commonly found where he is in direct control of the machine.
process even on jobsites where multiple to be concerned over the complexity of the Furthermore, there are several system
interlocks to help promote safe operation by
preventing the machine from entering auto
Command for Compaction is available for mode. If any interlock is triggered while the
use on select Cat vibratory soil compactors machine has already been placed in auto, the
as a dealer-installed kit on both new and system automatically stops the machine and
existing B-Series Cat machines releases it from auto operation. Q

Real-time kinematic, or RTK, positioning
is a satellite navigation technique used
to enhance the precision of position data
derived from satellite-based positioning
systems, called global navigation satellite
systems or GNSS. Examples of GNSS include
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, NavIC and BeiDou.
With reference to GPS in particular, the
MACHINE NEEDS system is commonly referred to as carrier-
New machine Customer-owned machine phase enhancement, or CPGPS. It has
Positioning applications in land survey, hydrographic
survey and in unmanned aerial vehicle
GPS antennas and receivers X O
RTK software keys X O
RTK corrections radio O O
Command display X X
Operator presence system X X
Electro-hydraulic steering system X X
Inertial measurement unit X X
Object detection
Radar sensor package X X
Base station for RTK corrections O O
X = Included in dealer-installed Command Kit
O = Provided by dealer ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 29


The US city found major savings in time and money using an artificial
intelligence-based system for pavement condition management, explains
Benjamin Schmidt, president and co-founder of RoadBotics

ondition assessments are an followed by manual assessments of the roads

C essential precursor to pavement

rehabilitation and planning.
However, there are many
RATING 1. No or minor surface distress using the PCI Index scale*. The collected data
was transferred from the interns’ paper notes
into a database.
approaches as to how these assessments can RATING 2. Minor surface damage, no critical issues
be completed. UNRELIABLE
From manual inspections to the use of A full network assessment was incredibly
laser vans, each option has its benefits and RATING 3. Appearance of pervasive distresses resource-intensive, taking three years and
drawbacks in terms of time saved and costs around US$130,000 to complete. Due
as well as the quality and breadth of data. to the short training time and multiple
When evaluating pavement assessment RATING 4. Significant damage or emerging individual assessors, the data was subjective,
options, municipalities and contractors must critical failures inconsistent and sometimes inaccurate.
also consider centreline mileage, budget and The city authority was making city-wide
manpower. RATING 5. Major surface damage and/or pavement planning decisions based on
For years, the US city of Savannah, in critical fatigue issues outdated and unreliable data.
the eastern state of Georgia, used a team of Heath Lloyd, Savannah’s chief
interns to complete a manual inspection of Figure 1 - RoadBotics Pavement Condition Ratings infrastructure and development officer, and
the road network. Frustrated by the long, Joe Shearouse, assistant to the city manager,
costly and subjective process, city officials sought an alternative to the inefficient
adopted RoadBotics’ artificial intelligence- corridor, infrastructure is the backbone of process. After learning about RoadBotics’
based automated pavement assessment. the city. With such significant commercial automated pavement assessments, Lloyd
RoadBotics’ technology gave Savannah clear, and industrial demands on roads, proper secured city council funding to test the
objective and actionable data which it used to assessment and maintenance is paramount. technology on half of the network. Satisfied
develop a sustainable pavement management However, the city’s previous assessment with the results, they agreed to move
plan. approach of the network did not provide forward with RoadBotics to complete the full
Savannah, on the northern coast of the level of accuracy that the city authority assessment.
Georgia, is the fourth largest port in the wanted. Each summer, the city would recruit RoadBotics’ system collects data, analyses
US. It is also the largest terminal container and train a team of interns to complete it and then displays it through a mapping
facility in North America, processing 33.4 pavement assessments for one-third of software platform. The actual assessment
million tonnes of cargo annually. Located the 730-mile (1,175km) road network. begins with data collection through one
between the I-95 and I-16 interstate highway The process involved one week of training of today’s most ubiquitous devices - the

ABOVE LEFT: Figure 2 - City of Savannah on RoadWay RIGHT: Figure 3 - Road Segment Ratings in Downtown Savannah



BELOW LEFT: Figure 4 - Road Report Analysis RIGHT: Figure 5 - Point Level Data

smartphone. The smartphone is mounted into segments. Figure 3 illustrates the road obviously, but then we want to stop roads that
in the windscreen of a vehicle and collects segment ratings in downtown Savannah. may be assessed at a 3 from getting worse. We
video footage of the road as a user drives the Green points and segments equate to good don’t want them to get to a 4.”
network. road conditions and red equates to poor Additionally, the city found tremendous
The footage is fed through a vision-based conditions or pavement failure. value in using the data to determine the
machine-learning model; an application When developing pavement management rate of deterioration for each roadway, notes
of artificial intelligence where the model plans or addressing a concern in the Shearouse. “If you continue to get annual
is trained to analyse specific patterns and community, the team in Savannah first or bi-annual scans, you can predict the
present the data in a picture. RoadBotics’ looks at the overall system before analysing rate of deterioration and more accurately
model specifically identifies road distresses neighbourhood-specific or point level keep roads in good condition to extend the
and assigns condition ratings on a 1-5 imagery. The Road Report Analysis, shown in infrastructure investment.”
scale, as shown in Figure 1. In addition, Figure 4, is a vital tool for understanding the The second goal of the sustainable plan
RoadBotics’ technology can locate every overall condition of the network. Point level is to prioritise infrastructure spending to
pothole and surface distress within the road pavement condition rating data is aggregated make the investment stretch further. Recently
network to form the overall network score, road the city used the data to secure the funding
RoadBotics’ software automatically divides classification score and the percentage of required for road improvements. The Special
road network footage into image-based data roads at each rating. Purpose Local Option Sales Tax – SPLOST
points at 3m intervals. The model analyses With an overall network score of 2.36, – finances capital projects and requires
each image, building up from pixels to the Savannah’s network is in “good” condition, a majority vote by county residents. By
entire image in order to identify pavement as noted by the RoadBotics’ rating. Over 60% leveraging RoadBotics’ assessment data, the
distresses. For Savannah’s road network, of roads are rated a q1 or 233 - exhibiting city received voter approval and was given
RoadBotics’ AI analysed almost 400,000 road no or minor surface distressing. Conversely, $26 million to fund the plan.
images. however, nearly 40% of the roads are in Of the SPLOST funding, 80% was
After the analysis is complete, data points need of rehabilitation to prevent further allocated for repairs to roads rated 3, 4 and 5,
and their images are plotted on a colour- deterioration. reserving the remaining 20% for unforeseen
coded GIS-enabled map called RoadWay. To better understand why a road is rated a expenditures. Because the strategic focus is
Users can view, assess and analyse road 3, 4 or 5, Lloyd and his team view and assess sustainability, Lloyd is allocating the majority
conditions at an office desk or in the field. the point level data. Point level data, as shown of funds to preventative maintenance to
in Figure 5, is a powerful diagnostic tool. By extend the life of existing pavement instead
OBJECTIVE SOLUTION understanding the prevalence and severity of focusing on repaving the worst roads.
Compared to Savannah’s previous method of pavement distresses, they can determine Therefore, they allotted around 20% for
of pavement assessments, the adoption of the rehabilitative method best suited for repaving 5-rated roads and 60% to repairing
RoadBotics’ technology resulted in significant prolonging the life of the road. 3- and 4-rated roads.
resource savings for the city. The entire Savannah is only in the early stages of
process - from two data collection rounds The granularity of point level data, in using RoadBotics’ road assessment data. The
to the final delivery of the whole network - combination with segment, road and overall city plans to use this and future assessment
took six months and cost $50,000. This was ratings, provided Lloyd and Shearouse data to develop prediction models to more
a fraction of the time and money spent on with the necessary information to develop accurately determine the rate of pavement
previous assessments. a data-driven and sustainable pavement deterioration and forecast the use of scarce
Upon delivery, Lloyd and Shearouse gained management strategy. resources.
full access to Savannah’s assessment map on “As a government, budgets get tight and we
RoadWay, shown in Figure 2. Key features of SUSTAINABLE have to really prioritise where our resources
the pavement assessment are colour-coding, For Lloyd and Shearouse, the purpose go,” Lloyd explains. “Tools like RoadBotics
point level images and ratings and the Road of adopting RoadBotics’ automated road allow us to make data-driven decisions.” Q
Report Analysis. For the first time, they had assessment was to use the data to develop a
an objective, up-to-date and holistic view of sustainable pavement plan for Savannah. One *The Pavement Condition Index (PCI), a
the city’s road conditions. goal of Lloyd’s plan is developing a strategy numerical index between 0 and 100, is used to
The RoadWay system is, according to to address not only the worst roads but, more indicate the general condition of a pavement
Lloyd, a “simple, yet all-inclusive tool” for importantly, prevent the roads with pervasive section. It was originally developed by the
assessing the condition of Savannah’s roads. distressing from deteriorating further. US Army Corps of Engineers but was later
The colour-coding on the map, which “So, what we’re looking at is certainly a standardised by the ASTM – American Society
correlates to the condition rating assigned mix of roads from 3, 4 and 5,” explains Lloyd. for Testing and Materials - for both roads and
to point level imagery, is then extrapolated “We want to get some of the worst roads airport pavements. ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 31

Figure 1a Figure 1b

This paper - an international cooperation - focuses on the definition, description and
application method for bituminous slurry surfacings, including microsurfacings*

itumen emulsions play a key role aim of improving fundamental knowledge aesthetics.

B in the development of sustainable

and durable pavements. The
bitumen/water emulsification
of CBE materials and suggesting worldwide
harmonisation of existing standards and
practices. The activities of the Task Group 2
Three main types of emulsion‐based
surface treatment can be distinguished:
spray‐applied seal, surface dressing (or chip
process reduces the binder viscosity, allowing focus on non‐structural applications of CBE seal) and BSS. In spray‐applied seals only
production of paving mixtures at ambient technologies and specifically on bituminous bitumen emulsion is applied on the road
temperature and, in most cases, even without slurry surfacings (BSS). A thorough literature surface in order to seal cracks, to reduce
aggregate drying and heating. Cold bitumen review was initiated to collect worldwide ravelling and to repair weathered surfaces.
emulsion (CBE) mixtures allow important theoretical knowledge and field experiences Chip seals (Figure 1a) are characterised by
energy savings and reduction of emissions, on BSS. at least one layer of bitumen emulsion and
effectively helping to reduce the impact The objective of this paper is to summarise one layer of chippings (single‐size aggregate
of the road construction industry, while the first results of this review and propose fraction). These are applied in sequence,
maintaining high standards of performance harmonised definitions and descriptions for without mixing, over the road surface to
and safety of the infrastructure. BSS. Typical applications of BSS are reviewed restore its surface evenness, to seal cracks,
CBE technologies are used for both non‐ and two examples are presented to illustrate to reduce ravelling and to improve skid
structural (cold surface treatments such current practices. resistance. BSS (Figure 1b) are mixtures
as chip seals or slurry seals) and structural of aggregates, binder and additives which
(cold bituminous mixtures, cold recycled BACKGROUND are applied on the road surface to improve
bituminous mixtures, grave emulsion) Surface treatment is a broad term embracing traffic lane visibility, to seal cracks, to fill
paving applications. However, the lack of several superficial application methods of minor depressions and to provide high skid
fundamental knowledge on how to merge the bituminous binder or engineered additive resistance.
mechanical behaviour of CBE mixtures and with or without aggregate. Surface treatments Currently, selection of constituent
the in-service evidence of their long‐term are used to extend the pavement’s life materials, mix design, application and
performance seems to hinder the broad and thus, generally, are part of the road quality control procedures for BSS are based
use of CBE technologies which are often maintenance process. They are applied on mainly on experience‐related empirical or
associated with higher technical risks with the aged and distressed pavement surface to practical rules. The comparisons of practical
respect to traditional hot‐mix or warm‐mix restore its structural integrity, evenness, skid knowledge adopted in different countries and
technologies. resistance and impermeability. the gradual understanding of the mechanical
In this context, the RILEM Technical The most common binder used in surface properties should enable the combination of
Committee 280‐CBE Task Group 2 (TG2) treatments is bitumen emulsion, which scientific and field-based approaches for a
“Multiphase characterisation of cold bitumen may be modified with polymers. Recently, more effective and diffuse application.
emulsion materials” was formed with the bitumen‐extended epoxy resins, epoxy resin Table 1 shows the list of the collected
or translucent synthetic binder have been public documents such as standards,
*This article was originally published in RILEM Technical used with satisfactory results in terms of best practices and specifications. The
Letters, November 2019; see box at end of article. setting and adhesion to most surfaces and use of an incomplete standards list and


Table 1. List of the considered documents
Country National/ Best practice/ Construction Specification
International Guideline
Australia ‐ Austroads [19] Austroads [19]
Brazil DNIT [10] Instituto Pavimentar [18] ‐
Canada, USA ASTM [8] ISSA [13,14], AZAGC [15] ‐
China ‐ ‐ JTG [24]
different methods or parameters for the Czech Republic CEN [7], ýSN [11] ‐ Ministerstvo Dopravy [24]
characterisation of the constituent materials France CEN [7] CEREMA [5] ‐
or products have been the main difficulties
Italy CEN [7] SITEB [12] CIRS [20], ANAS [21],
in the analysis and comparison of the Autostrade per l’Italia [22]
requirements and procedures among the
Portugal CEN [7] ‐ Estradas de Portugal [23]
participating countries.
Spain CEN [7] ATEB, [16,17] ‐
DEFINITION Switzerland CEN [7], VSS [9] ‐ ‐
The general definition of slurry surfacing
is not univocally shared worldwide. Often,
Table 2. Typical dosage ranges for BSS components
slurry surfacings are simply described by
road agencies or technical associations, giving Material Typical values Recommendation
a list of constituent materials. Bitumen [% by aggregate weight] 6 ‐ 16 The finer the aggregate size, the higher
In the guidelines AP‐T26 from Austroads the bitumen dosage
(an advisory body consisting of Australian Filler [% by aggregate weight] 0‐3 Depending on bituminous emulsion
and New Zealand transport agencies), the properties, mechanical behaviour and
term “slurry” is used to indicate “stable climate
suspension of aggregate and filler in a less Mixture application rate [kg/m2] 4 ‐ 30 The finer the aggregate size, the lower
dense, liquid bituminous emulsion”. In its the application rate
fresh state, the liquid consistence makes
BSS self‐levelling. Taking this remark as a Figure 2
starting point and analysing the terminology pavements. In Brazil and Czech Republic,
used, slurry surfacings represent a family of slurry seals are now limited to use by small
mixtures which generally share consistency towns on low-volume roads and for fast,
(slurry) and applications (surfacing) with no temporary maintenance.
specific indication on the binder or aggregate
to be used. DESCRIPTION
A slurry surfacing can be defined as a BSS is a bituminous mixture consisting
mixture that is characterised by a slurry state, of a well‐graded aggregate blend, water,
meaning free-flowing with a definite volume bituminous emulsion (which may be
but no fixed shape, having higher density modified) and filler (which may include
and consistence than a liquid. After laying, it Portland cement, hydrated lime, limestone
evolves into a solid state during curing that dust, fly ash or a combination of these).
takes generally from half an hour to 12 hours. Specific additives and fibres may also be
This evolutive behaviour distinguishes slurry included to improve affinity with aggregates,
surfacing from other surface treatments such consistency or setting time. Because different
as spray‐applied seals and surface dressing. expertise and application methods exist
As the name implies, the use of bitumen around the world, the constituent materials of
emulsion as a binder identifies BSS. and for wearing course applications requiring BSS can be proportioned considering a wide
Among BSS products, slurry seals and good surface texture”. A slurry seal, instead, range of dosages (Table 2).
microsurfacings can be distinguished and is defined as a “thin layer of bituminous BSS is proportioned, mixed and uniformly
selected for specific performance and uses slurry surfacing, usually without a polymer laid in‐place at ambient temperature over
based on their maximum aggregate size and modifier”. a properly prepared surface. It is applied as
the bituminous binder type. Considering the technology development a homogeneous mat, adheres firmly to the
As stated by the Arizona Chapter, over time, slurry seal can be identified as pavement and has a skid‐resistant texture
Associated General Contractors, “although the first generation of BSS, aimed to seal old throughout its service life (Figure 2). BSS
microsurfacing and slurry seals are generally pavement surfaces. Microsurfacing can be may consist of one or two layers, each usually
similar, microsurfacing is designed to facilitate considered as the second generation of BSS, with the thickness of the largest aggregate
a quicker return to traffic, heavier application following on from the development of more size in the gradation.
rate, rut filling and support higher traffic advanced construction equipment and the As stated before, some differences arise
volume”. Accordingly, the International improvement of binder performance. when comparing the descriptions of slurry
Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) asserts Microsurfacing is characterised by higher seals and microsurfacings from different
that “microsurfacing is a quick‐traffic system performance, faster setting and curing countries, even if their general design
that allows traffic to return shortly after time. Therefore, it allows more durable is globally consistent. Microsurfacing
placement”. applications, heavier traffic volume and is commonly considered different from
The Austroads guidelines AP‐T26 defines quicker opening of the road to traffic. This is slurry seal for the use of polymer‐modified
microsurfacing as a “bituminous slurry probably the reason why, in many countries emulsion and superior aggregate quality.
surfacing, usually containing polymer, which such as Italy, Brazil and Czech Republic, Moreover, the nominal maximum size
is capable of being spread in variably thick the use of slurry seals has been replaced by for microsurfacing is often larger than
layers for rut filling and correction courses, microsurfacing, especially on heavily used that in slurry seal. It is worth noting that ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 33


Table 3. Difference between slurry seal and microsurfacing from Brazilian experiences
Slurry seal Microsurfacing
Smooth‐textured aggregate can be used Crushed and high‐quality aggregate must be
used. Generally larger in size
Slow-setting bituminous emulsion Modified (elastomeric) bituminous emulsion
with controlled setting
Climatic conditions have a paramount impact Chemical process, along with climatic
on curing evolution conditions, controls curing evolution
the European Norm EN 12273 makes a
Mainly used for sealing and rejuvenating road Mainly used for improving skid resistance and
distinction between microsurfacing and pavements subjected to low or medium traffic levelling road pavements subjected to any
slurry seal only on the basis of aggregate volume traffic level
size (“slurry surfacing made with larger size
Service life of about 3‐5 years Service life of about 5‐8 years
aggregates is often known as microsurfacing
and when made with smaller aggregates is Closing time to traffic of about 4 hours Closing time to traffic of about 1 hour
sometimes called slurry seal”). Could require a tack coat Good adhesion to existing pavement
According to ISSA guidelines slurry seal Average cost: 0.90 €/m2 Average cost: 2.00 €/m2
and microsurfacing share two aggregate
bands, type II (Dmax = 4.75mm) and type III
(Dmax = 6.7mm), whereas type I (Dmax = ‐ to restore or to improve skid resistance of preventive maintenance – it helps reduce the
2.36mm) is used only for slurry seal (where aged pavement; risk of coarse aggregate being plucked out of
Dmax is maximum particle size). ‐ to restore weathered surfaces, giving new the surface to be hit by airplane propellers
The Portuguese specifications adopt slurry life to oxidized and ravelled pavements; or ingested into jet engines. Moreover,
seal and microsurfacing with the same ‐ to fill surface voids and microcracking; Austroads reports that slurry seal can be
aggregate band when applied in a single - to improve the aesthetics of a pavement applied as an alternative to sprayed sealing,
layer (Dmax = 5.6mm). On the other hand, by providing a distinctive colour to the for example, within urban areas where traffic
when they are applied in a double layer, they road surface, a more uniform appearance noise from a sprayed seal would not be
share only the aggregate band for the first to a patched road as well as to aid in acceptable.
layer (Dmax = 2mm). For the second layer, contrasting road marking and lending a Meanwhile, microsurfacing offers a wider
microsurfacing requires larger aggregates homogeneous surface appearance to help range of possible applications. In some cases,
(Dmax = 8mm) than slurry seal (Dmax = drivers select a lane or route. it is considered an alternative to traditional
5.6mm). Table 3 summarises the differences hot or warm bituminous mixtures. For
between slurry seal and microsurfacing based Slurry seal also has the following additional instance, in Italy, microsurfacing applications
on the Brazilian experience. specific uses (Table 4): over new pavement have been carried out
‐ to provide temporary cover at low cost; to provide a cost‐effective and time-saving
CURRENT PRACTICE ‐ to provide smooth surfaces for pedestrian alternative to a traditional wearing course.
BSS is used to maintain and extend the areas, car parking lots, school yards and Similarly, in Australia, microsurfacing can be
service life of existing bituminous pavements bicycle tracks. used where a non‐structural wearing course
through resistance to abrasion by traffic and is required, where the increase of the average
providing a waterproof cover over an old Whereas, microsurfacing is specifically pavement surface level must be minimised or
pavement surface. Moreover, according to the chosen: where a dense-graded bituminous surface is
French technical guidelines, BSS can also be ‐ to provide shape correction and desirable at low cost.
used in new construction when traffic levels reprofiling rutted wheel paths;
are less than 300 vehicles/day. ‐ to achieve longer durability and faster APPLICATION EXAMPLES
Table 4 summarises the main applications traffic opening. Because of its vast territories and long
of slurry seal and microsurfacing in different hauling distances, Brazil has a strong
countries. As can be observed, they are Slurry seals are mainly used in urban areas or tradition in the use of BSS and a consistent
normally adopted: in low‐volume roads. However, in Australia number of companies own machineries for
‐ to prevent surface water from penetrating and France, they are used also in airfields slurries. The advantages of microsurfacing
underlying pavements; to restore skid resistance and to serve as have made it prevail over slurry seals in most

Table 4. Main functions of slurry seal (SS) and microsurfacing (MS) in different countries

USA & Portugal Switzerland Spain Czech Australia United Italy & France
Canada Republic Kingdom Brazil
SS and MS main use on pavements


Improve skid resistance SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS MS MS
Prevent ravelling SS+MS ‐ ‐ ‐ SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS ‐ ‐
Fill superficial voids and cracking SS+MS ‐ ‐ ‐ SS+MS SS+MS SS+MS ‐ MS
Improve aesthetics SS+MS MS ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ SS+MS MS SS+MS
Temporary cover at low cost SS ‐ ‐ ‐ SS ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Provide smooth surfaces * ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ SS SS ‐ ‐ ‐
Shape correction and reprofiling MS ‐ MS ‐ MS MS MS MS ‐
Durability and fast traffic opening MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS ‐
* for pedestrian areas, car parking lots, school yards and bicycle tracks



Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

of the country. Nowadays, BSS are normally features (Figure 6). ambient temperature. They may consist of
applied on rural roads, which are controlled In Canada, microsurfacing is used mostly one or more layers - usually in a thickness
by the government, up to highways and on low- to medium-traffic roads, but has of the largest aggregate size in the gradation
motorways. Microsurfacing is also used on been used on some heavily used highways - that must adhere firmly to the underlying
high-traffic highways. with good results. For example, in the eastern pavement.
In Brazil, microsurfacing is used mainly province of Quebec, between 2007 and 2009, BSS are used generally to prevent surface
when no major structural damages are several sections on heavy-traffic highways - water from penetrating the underlying
visible on the pavement, while minor defects Highway 10, 30 and 70 - were microsurfaced pavement, to restore or improve skid
are detected such as ravelling and scuffing. with success. The use of BSS is not limited resistance, to plug superficial voids and
In this case, microsurfacing is applied to to highways; it was also used on runways microcracking, to provide a distinctive
enhance the texture, hence to improve the and aprons at an airport in the neighbouring colour to the road surface. Slurry seal is also
road safety and correct surface defects. On province of Ontario in 2007. Microsurfacings employed to provide temporary cover at
major highways, microsurfacing is used on a have been used since the early 1990s and they low cost and smooth surfaces for pedestrian
homogeneous-sections basis to refurbish the last normally between four to eight years. areas, parking lots, school yards and bicycle
pavement surface and increase overall road The use of BBS in Canada is an accepted tracks. Microsurfacing is also employed to
safety. In general, according to the Brazilian pavement maintenance technique that provide shape correction, to reprofile rutted
experience, microsurfacings are considered extends pavement service life at lower cost wheel paths and to obtain a faster traffic
cost‐effective and advantageous in terms of than conventional rehabilitation techniques opening. Q
road-works duration and traffic disruptions. such as milling and paving.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 show two examples The authors are Andrea Grilli (Università
of microsurfacing application. The first is on CONCLUSIONS della Repubblica di San Marino, San Marino),
a low-volume road, the VRS‐804 in southern After a critical analysis of terminology Andrea Graziani (Università Politecnica delle
Brazil, carrying 975 vehicles daily, of which and use of BSS in 10 countries, this paper Marche, Ancona, Italy), Alan Carter (École de
12% are trucks and buses. The second is proposes a more comprehensive and Technologie Supérieure, Monteral, Canada),
on a high-traffic highway connecting the harmonised definition and description of this Cesare Sangiorgi and Sergio Copetti Callai
industrial park to the capital city of Rio family of products. (Università di Bologna, Italy) and Luciano
Grande do Sul, the BR‐290, and carrying BSS can be defined as paving mixtures Pivoto Specht (Universidade Federal de Santa
14,000 vehicles per day, of which 19% are produced using bitumen emulsion and Maria, Brazil
trucks and buses. characterised by a “slurry” state. After laying,
In Italy, microsurfacing has gained more they evolve into a solid state during a curing
and more attention in recent years, especially process that takes generally from half an hour
due to the lack of funds for traditional road to twelve hours. Among BSS, microsurfacing RILEM TECHNICAL LETTERS
maintenance and for restoring a pavement’s and slurry seal can be distinguished.
evenness and skid resistance. In some cases, Microsurfacing has higher performance than The article is an edited version of an article
it is seen as an aesthetic solution. Yet the slurry seal and allows quicker traffic opening, that was originally published online 19
number of companies that have experience heavier traffic volume and thicker application November, 2019 as a RILEM Technical
of this technology remains limited. Also, the layers. Letter. It was published with open access
predominant use of magmatic rocks, along BSS are composed of bitumen emulsion, and licensed under a Creative Commons
with the lack of consistent specifications, well‐graded aggregate blend (including Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Full
makes it difficult to be accepted on a regular filler), water and additives (Portland cement, references are given in the original article.
basis. hydrated lime, fly ash or other). Specific - A. Grilli et al. “Slurry surfacing: a review
But some attempts have been made to additives and fibres also may be included. of definitions, descriptions and current
improve the understanding of microsurfacing Microsurfacing is distinguished from practices”, RILEM Technical Letters, 2019, vol.
and make this technology more widely slurry seal by the use of polymer‐modified 4, 103-109. DOI:
used, not simply as a maintenance solution. emulsion and higher quality aggregate. rilemtechlett.2019.91
Researchers at the University of Bologna Additionally, the nominal maximum size for
have suggested the incorporation of recycled microsurfacing is often larger than that for For correspondence about this paper,
crumb rubber and the use of gap-graded slurry seal. BSS are proportioned, mixed and please contact Andrea Graziani at
curves for the aggregate in order to provide uniformly laid in‐place as a homogeneous Tel: +39 071 2204507
a pavement with skid resistance and acoustic mat over a properly prepared surface at ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 35


A New Zealand university team has devised a modified wheel tracker for laboratory
testing that, it says, captures all three stages of permanent deformation from
rutting – an improvement on more widely used conventional wheel trackers*

onventional wheel trackers, now in Performance Models Management - The flow number has two significant

C use by all test standards, perform

the test under fully confined
conditions. The test is conducted
introduced the flow number as one of three
simple performance tests (SPT) related to the
rutting resistance of HMA (hot mix asphalt)
characteristics. First, the permanent
deformation rate undergoes an increase at an
accelerated rate right after this point. Second,
by placing asphalt slabs or cylindrical cores in mixtures. The other two tests are dynamic it occurs under a constant volume which
fully confined steel or polyethylene moulds. modulus and flow time. The SPT accounts signifies shear-based deformation.
The boundary conditions created by the fixed for shear deformation by measuring the flow One major shortcoming of the SPT tests
sides of the steel or polyethylene mould limit number or flow time under the repeated and/ is that they are quite complicated for daily
or prevent the asphalt specimen from lateral or static creep tests, respectively, which would quality control and quality assurance (QC/
(shear) deformation. occur at the start of the “tertiary phase”. QA) testing. They also require complex
In addition, this fully confined condition The permanent deformation curve can instrumentation and equipment. In addition,
creates a very different boundary condition be divided into three major zones: primary, the uniaxial loading used in the simple
from those under actual field conditions. secondary and tertiary. In the primary zone, performance test is not anywhere close to
Furthermore, it creates very complex and permanent deformation accumulates at actual traffic loading. Thus, the wheel tracker
variable stress conditions within the asphalt a decreasing rate. In the secondary zone, test setup and its loading pattern were used
specimen. permanent deformation accumulates at a as an alternative test to better simulate traffic
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new constant rate and, finally, it increases rapidly wheel loading.
test setup for the wheel tracker test. In the at the start of the tertiary zone. The inflection Several types of loaded wheel trackers
new test setup both vertical and horizontal point between the secondary and tertiary were developed and used in testing rutting
permanent deformations are measured zones on the deformation versus number of resistance. These include the Georgia
with the number of loading cycles. In the cycles curve is termed as the flow number Loaded-Wheel Tester, Asphalt Pavement
modified wheel tracker, the confining stresses in the dynamic creep test or flow time in the Analyser, Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device
can be controlled which allows for shear static creep test. and the LCPC (French) Wheel Tracker. These
deformations to happen and, therefore, all The flow number N is an empirical way devices use similar principles with minor
three permanent deformation phases can of characterising the rutting potential of hot differences in the specimen dimensions and
be captured. This new test method is under mix asphalt. It is the number of load cycles whether or not cylindrical or rectangular
development as a new ASTM (American at which tertiary flow begins. The higher the slabs are used, the applied load value and
Society for Testing and Materials) standard. flow number N, the more resistant to rutting whether the load is applied via steel wheel,
Permanent deformation behaviour [from is the asphalt mix. solid or pneumatic rubber tyre.
rutting] can be divided principally into three The US Federal Highway Administration
mechanisms; one-dimensional densification conducted full-scale testing using the
which is also called primary phase, creep *This article is an edited version Accelerated Linear Facility at the Turner-
deformation which is also commonly called of the paper ‘Conventional Fairbank Highway Research Center in
secondary phase and lateral flow or plastic versus modified wheel trackers’ McLean, Virginia, to evaluate and assess
movement which is also termed as tertiary by Mofreh Saleh which was the accuracy of several rutting devices.
flow phase. presented at the Australian Specimens with the same material used in the
The plastic deformation or tertiary flow flexible pavement association’s 12 pavements tested by Accelerated Linear
is the major type of permanent deformation 18th international conference Facility were prepared and tested in the
causing high severity rutting due to in Sydney in August 2019. Full French Pavement Rutting Tester, the Georgia
inadequate shear strength of the asphalt references are available upon Loaded-Wheel Tester, the Hamburg Wheel
mixes. request. Associate professor Tracking Device and the Superpave Shear
In the US, the National Cooperative Saleh is director of studies in transportation within the Tester - a servo-hydraulic device. The lab
Highway Research Programme (NCHRP) civil and natural resource engineering department at the results for each rutting test device were then
Project 9-19 - Superpave Support and University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. compared to the full-scale results provided by



Figure 1: Fully confined specimens in the conventional wheel tracker

Confining stress exerted by the mould edges

Wheel tracking
Wheel tracking

Square/rectangular mould Cylindrical mould

the Accelerated Linear Facility. height equal to that of the specimen to fill Figure 3 shows the reactive force measured
Comparisons of results showed that no the air space gaps between the specimen during the confined testset up as recorded
device was clearly better than any other, and the sides of the mounting tray to ensure by the temperature-compensated load cell
not even the Superpave Shear Tester. It was full confinement of the test specimen. This attached to the moveable side plate of the
also concluded that all devices were able to fixed, rigid boundary for such relatively small modified mould design. It is obvious from
separate good from bad mixtures when these specimens - 305mm x 305mm for a slab or Figure 3 that the lateral reactive forces are
mixtures were made with the same aggregate 150mm diameter for a cylindrical specimen - increasing with the increase of loading cycles.
and different binders - ranging from a very will prevent relatively strong specimens from At the start of the loading cycles, the
soft PG 58 to a very stiff PG 78. lateral flow. Most likely only very poor mixes reactive confining force is zero, indicating
might flow over the mould. unconfined condition. As the number of
LIMITATIONS cycles increase, the reactive force increases
However, when mixtures with two different REACTIVE FORCES indicating different confinement condition.
aggregate gradations - nominal maximum To measure reactive forces exerted on the This provides strong evidence that the state
aggregate of 19mm and 37.5mm - were asphalt concrete slab specimen during the of stresses during the conventional wheel
tested, no device was able to distinguish the conventional wheel tracker test, a major tracker test is variable which renders the test
mixtures that performed well from those redesign of the test apparatus was conducted less useful - and fundamentally incorrect.
that did not, even though the testing at at New Zealand’s University of Canterbury. The increase in confining stresses due to
Virginia’s Accelerated Linear Facility showed The mould assembly was redesigned to allow unrealistic boundary conditions will provide
significant differences in performance. This lateral forces to be measured in the confined false increase in shear strength and, therefore,
clearly indicates the limitation of current test setup as shown in Figure 2. false increase in the permanent deformation
conventional wheel trackers.
The common issue between all current Figure 2: Measurement of reactive force
loaded wheel trackers is that specimens exerted by the edge of the mould
are tested fully confined inside the test
mould. This creates very different boundary
conditions from those in the actual field. In
addition, the fully confined conditions create
very complex and variable stresses within the
specimen during the test.
Figure 1 shows the boundary conditions
around the asphalt specimen in the
conventional wheel tracker test setup. As the
asphalt specimen is fully confined by the steel
or polyethylene mould at all sides, reactive
pressure will build up at the boundary as the
specimen tries to flow laterally during loading.
The current test standard methods such
as AG:PT/T231, AASHTO T324 and EN
12697-22 recommend using plaster to a ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 37




Reactive force in (N)


AC14 with 60/70 binder
resistance of the asphalt mixes. This false 50oC
increase in shear strength will hinder 40
the conventional wheel tracker test from
capturing the true permanent deformation 20
behaviour of the asphalt mixes.
Therefore, running the wheel tracker
test under the current conventional setup 0
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
would merely measure rutting caused by
densification, for example, compaction, as Number of cycles
a result of air void change (explained more ABOVE: Figure 3: Reactive force exerted by the edge of the mould versus number of loading cycles
fully in the following sections). This explains BELOW: Figure 4: Semi-unconfined test setup
the reason why the majority of the asphalt
Conventional wheel tracker versus modified wheel tracker
mixes tested in the conventional wheel
tracker only show the primary phase and
small portion of the secondary phase.
This was confirmed by researchers Azari
and Houseni* in their investigation into the LVDT – Recording
vertical deformation
precision of the Hamburg wheel track test
in which the authors conducted the wheel
tracker test on several lab and field mixtures.
They concluded that, apart from two outlier
results, all mixtures did not exhibit inflection
point, which means absence of a tertiary
phase. DTI – Recording
In addition, the authors attributed the horizontal
inflection point, or tertiary failure of the two deformation
outliers, to the loosening of the bolts holding
specimens in test trays which was reported
by the laboratories in which the wheel tracker
test was conducted. In fact, the loosening of
the bolts provided space for lateral flow of
the two specimens and eased the confining The asphalt slab designated AC10_C setup. The test was conducted at 60°C for
stresses compared to other specimens that was tested at 60°C fully confined using the the AC10_C asphalt mix slabs. As is clear
were fully confined and, therefore, the tertiary conventional wheel tracker test. The asphalt from Figure 5, the permanent deformation
failure was mobilised in these two specimens. slab designated AC10_U was tested using curve shows only the primary phase and
the modified wheel tracker test setup with small portion of the secondary phase of the
CONVENTIONAL VS. MODIFIED two sides of the slab unconfined as shown in permanent deformation curve after 20,000
To understand the differences between Figure 4. loading cycles. The absence of the inflection
the conventional wheel tracker test and In the modified wheel tracker test point and therefore tertiary flow phase is due
the modified wheel tracker, two identical setup, both permanent vertical and to the boundary condition issue created by
replicate AC10 slabs with dimensions 305mm horizontal deformations were recorded. the rigid sides of the steel mould.
x 305mm x 50mm were made with bitumen In this configuration of the modified test Figure 6 shows the relationship between
of PG64-16 performance grade. The two setup, the slab was restrained at two sides the measured vertical and horizontal
replicate slabs were compacted using roller perpendicular to the travel direction of permanent deformations and the applied load
compactor to 6% (±0.5%) air voids. The the wheel. Meanwhile, the slab was free to cycles using the modified wheel tracker test
air void content was determined according move laterally, parallel to the wheel motion. setup. Figure 6 also portrays clearly the three
to ASTM D3203 and ASTM D2726 to With this modified test setup, the artificial permanent deformation zones - primary,
ensure the accuracy of the air void content restraints imposed by the steel mould were secondary and tertiary - for both the vertical
measurements. Table 1 shows the volumetric removed and the specimen was able to and horizontal permanent deformations after
parameters for each of the two replicate slabs. exhibit a more realistic behaviour. only 2,000 cycles.
Figure 5 shows the relationship It is obvious that the unrealistic boundary
*Azari, H. and Mohseni, A.; Precision of Hamburg Wheel between the measured vertical permanent conditions in the conventional wheel tracker
Track Test (AASHTO T 324). Transportation Research deformations and the applied load cycles test caused by the steel mould edges create
Board Annual Meeting,TRB, Washington, DC, 2015. using the conventional wheel tracker test high confining stresses. Such stresses will

TABLE 1: Volumetric properties of AC10 asphalt mix slabs

Specimen Dry mass (g) SSD (g) submerged (g) Gmb (ASTM D3203) Gmb (ASTM D2726) Gmm %VTM
AC10_C 10243.5 10307.5 5857 2.202311 2.301651 2.452 6.131668
AC10_U 10498.5 10567 6001 2.257135 2.299277 2.452 6.228496



Permanent vertical deformation (mm)


falsely increase the shear strength of the 3

asphalt mix and immobilise the tertiary flow
of the asphalt mix. 2
The fundamental problem with the current
setup of the conventional wheel trackers is 1
the variable confining stresses, as explained
in Figure 3. These stresses keep increasing 0
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
proportionally with the number of loading
cycles to ensure the test is fundamentally Number of loading cycles
incorrect. ABOVE: Figire 5: Conventional wheel tracker test for AC10_C at 60°C
BELOW: Figure 6: Modified wheel tracker test for AC10_U at 60°C
Since the confining stresses have considerable
effect on the shear strength and, therefore, 16 16
the permanent deformation behaviour of

Horizontal permanent deformation (mm)

Vertical permanent deformation
Vertical permanent deformation (mm)

the asphalt mixes at high temperature, the 14 14

modified wheel tracker is designed to have Horizontal permanent deformation
full control on the confining stresses. 12 12
Figure 7 shows an example of one AC10_C
configuration mould assembly design for the 10 10
modified wheel tracker. In this configuration,
confining stresses can be applied via 8 8
pneumatic rams at one side of the slab and
the applied pressure remains constant during 6 6
the entire duration of the wheel tracker test.
This configuration is capable of applying a 4 4
range of confining stresses from 0-50kPa.
The University of Canterbury Pavement 2 2
Laboratory is also developing another
configuration capable of applying confining 0 0
stresses on two perpendicular sides of the 0 5,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
asphalt specimen. However, the configuration Number of loading cycles
shown in Figure 7 is adequate for testing
and ranking asphalt mixes for permanent Moveable plate attached
deformation behaviour. to pneumatic rams
The method for the modified wheel tracker
is under development as a new ASTM
Fixed plate
The current conventional wheel tracker
tests for asphalt specimens are conducted
fully confined, in either steel rectangular or Applied pressure =
reactive pressure
square moulds or in cylindrical polyethylene
moulds. Due to the relatively small size of
the tested specimen, the effect of boundary
condition on the shear strength and,
therefore, on the resulting permanent
deformation behaviour is quite significant. Figure 7: Modified mould
As discussed in this paper, the rigid edges assembly to allow confining
Fixed plate
of the mould in the conventional wheel pressure to be applied on two
trackers create variable states of stress during opposite sides of asphalt specimens
the test. As the number of cycles increase
the reactive confining stresses also increase,
thus providing false increase in the shear With the modified wheel tracker, the numbers based on vertical and horizontal
strength and the permanent deformation confining stresses can be fully controlled permanent deformations can be measured
resistance. In addition, in the conventional during the test, capturing the three and quantified for asphalt mixes. Both
wheel tracker test due to the unrealistic permanent deformation zones - primary, Nh (flow number based on horizonal
boundary condition, only the primary phase secondary and tertiary. The horizontal and deformation ) and Nv (flow number based
and small portion of the secondary phase vertical permanent deformation versus the on vertical deformation) are well correlated
of the permanent deformation curve can be number of loading cycles perfectly fit the and can provide valuable information on
captured. Francken model [for data analysis]. Flow permanent deformation of asphalt mixes. n ROAD SURFACE TECHNOLOGY 2020 39

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