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ILP IELTS Foundation Course

Writing – Speaking Lesson 1

Writing: Advantage – Disadvantage Essay & Body Paragraph in Balanced Format
Speaking: IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Study & Home
▪ Time: 60 minutes
▪ Sequence: Listening (40’) – Reading (60’) – Writing (60’)
IELTS Writing Test
▪ Task 1+2
• Time: 15-20 minutes
IELTS WRITING TASK 1 • Target: Describing charts/graphs/diagrams
• Word limit: min 150 words






• Time: 35-40 minutes

• Word limit: min 250 words
• Argumentative Essay
• Social Issues
ILP Foundation Course: Writing
1. Write a paragraph in IELTS Writing Task 2 in two standard formats
2. Brainstorm ideas about common topics in IELTS Writing Task 2
3. Recognize types of graphs and format of IELTS Writing Task 1
4. Identify details in IELTS Writing Task 1 and make a clear outline
5. Enhance vocabulary levels to B1-B2 (CEFR)
6. Writing score: (Task 1 + Task 2 x 2) : 3 => Làm tròn xuống

Advantage & Disadvantage Essay

Write a paragraph in balanced format with of FIVE sentences
What is one thing in common among these topics?
Mobile phones are very popular. Many countries are importing
What are some advantages and foods from foreign areas. Do the
disadvantages of this advantages of this trend outweigh
technological device? the disadvantages?
A. Writing:

▪ What is advantage – disadvantage essay?

▪ How to write a body paragraph in an advantage – disadvantage
▪ Revision: Word order in a sentence & sentence types in English

Topic: Playing sports is a popular activity

all over the world. Do its advantages
outweigh its disadvantages?
Question: Why do people play sports?
People play sports in order to ……..

Keep ___________

Get in _____________

Burn _____________

Lose ___________

Build ___________
Question: How often do you play sports? EVERYDAY

= On a daily S-S-B-I-A

ÞOn a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis

= Every day/week/month/year
What is your body build?

Underweight: gầy
Normal: bình thường
Overweight: thừa cân
Obese: béo phí
Why do old people play sports?

Cải thiện sức khoẻ toàn diện?

=> Enhance the overall well-being

Loại bỏ bệnh tim mạch?

=> Mitigate cardiovascular diseases
Topic: Playing sports is a popular activity all over the world. Do its
advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the missing words you can find in the box

basis well-being benefits Another

fit shape mitigate obese
There are numerous (1)_________
benefits of playing sports. The first advantage
is to keep (2)______.
fit When engaging in sports activities, an (3)________
person can lose weight and get in (4)________
shape by burning their calories
regularly. (5)________
Another merit of doing regular exercise is enhancing the
overall (6)_________.
well-being If an ordinary person plays sports on a daily
basis this can help him/her (8)__________
mitigate cardiovascular diseases
and support the blood circulation.
Function of each sentence in a paragraph of Balanced Format

1 2 3 4 5
Topic Sentence Claim 1 Supporting 1 Claim 2 Supporting 2
To signal the main idea of Present reason/benefit/ Support Claim 1 by giving Present reason/benefit/ Support Claim 2 by giving
the paragraph disadvantage/etc. 1 explanation, example, disadvantage/etc. 1 explanation, example,
(There are several (The first benefit is A) evidence or result. (Another benefit is B) evidence or result.
reasons/benefits/etc. of X) (For example,…….) (For example,…….)

Exercise 2: What is the Vietnamese equivalents of the words in bold
1. Mom is very strict, she does not let me go home late after 8PM.
2. There is always an instruction note when you unbox a new product, which shows you how to
use it.
3. Running is a common warm-up activity to increase the heart rate.
4. The tuition fee at RMIT is exorbitant, around 300,0000,000 Vietnam dong per year. I cannot
5. I cannot buy that Chanel bag, it’s so expensive. It’s gonna drain my finance.
6. Going out without a face mask now can pose many risks to you, such as the infection of the
7. You should be aware of the danger of the Covid-19.
8. One drawback of staying up late is tiredness.
9. The travelling expense from Hanoi to Sai Gon by airplane is around 2,000,000 Vietnam dong.
10. If we cannot control the Covid-19 pandemic, the end of the world could be inevitable as all
of us die.
Exercise 3: Rearrange the following sentences to form the second
paragraph of this essay

Order Sentences

Therefore, people need to strictly follow their coach’s instructions for warm-up activities.
This is because players have to pay for clothing, club fees, coaching costs and equipment, which all drain
5 their finances over time.

However, playing sports always poses certain risks that players need to be aware of.
Another drawback of professional sports training lies in its expenses.
First of all, injuries are inevitable if they are reckless in the training session.
1. May I have your full name, please?
2. What is your hobby?
3. What do you often do in your free time?
4. Can you describe yourself in THREE words?


IELTS Speaking Part 1

▪ Format: Interview
▪ Questions: personal (about the candidate)
▪ Familiar topics: hobby, family, routine, etc.
▪ Time limit: 5-7 minutes
▪ Three must-practice sets of questions to break
the ice:
1. Study/work
2. Home & Accommodation
3. Hometown
Question 1: Are you a student or are you working now?
=> Each student give it a try!

A: I’m a student. => No, this answer is too CURT, the examiner wants more information

B. I’m a student at Foreign Trade University.=> Better but can you share more about your school/study?

C. I’m currently a student at

=> Good, I love it but do you want to SHOW OFF some thematic vocabulary?
FTU and I study Accounting.

D. I’m currently an undergraduate

at FTU and I major in Accounting, => Perfect, very natural and
professional at the same time!
which is a really interesting yet
tricky course.
Question 2: Why did you choose your school? => Each student give it a try!

A: Because it’s famous. => Okay, but how famous is it?

B: Because it’s famous.

=> Okay, better somehow, but do you
There are a lot of wanna know how a native speaker
excellent students and would say?

everyone wants to
study there.
How does this answer impress you?
C: Basically, I suppose because it’s
1. Filler words/connectors: Basically I suppose => native-like
prestigious. My school is a talent 2. Natural + thematic vocabulary: prestigious, a talent pool
pool, for which thousands of 3. Complex grammar: relative clause + inversion
4. A sense of self: I’m proud to be part of it!
students apply every year. I’m
proud to be part of it somehow!

1. Don’t be too curt, always go into details lah!

2. Be honest, natural and straightforward!
3. Practice using filler words: Well, you know, honestly, etc.
4. Expand your answer by giving:
- Examples (I love Vietnamese food like Pho, Bun Cha, kinda!
- Explanation (I love reading because it gives me wisdom)
- Comparison (I prefer home-cooked food cuz it’s more healthy
than fast food, you know, all the ingredients are fresh)
- Nothing if it’s every thing you could say (I don’t play any
instrument because, I don’t know, I just don’t have a knack for
it! )
Part 1: Study SOME SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!!

▪ What subject is your favorite?

▪ What do you like most about your school?
▪ Is there anything you want to change about
your school?
▪ Do you want to study abroad in the future?

Students take turns to answer, feel free to share with the class, we are getting to know each other better!
Question 1: What subject is your favorite?

▪ X is my all time favorite

▪ I’m really passionate about learning X
▪ It’s fascinating because……
▪ The subject is very thought-provoking cuz…
▪ I find it very eye-opening as…..
▪ Nerve-racking as it may seem, I love it cuz….
YOUR ANSWER WITH Now, let’s record your answer RIGHT AWAY and send it to
our group chat! Don’t be shy, give it a try, go go girls!
Question 2: What do you like most about your school?

- Teachers: qualified, helpful, friendly,

- Friends: creative, hospitable, excellent, lovely
to hang out with
- Learning environment: motivating,
competitive, creative
- Facilities: state-of-the-art (what with A,B and
C), outdated
- School ranking: Top-leading in Vietnam,

Homework: Make a vocabulary list of new words in this slide and record your answer for this question lah!
Question 3: What do you want to change about your school?

1. Choose a negative aspect - Facilities: outdated, obsolete, poor

2. Describe how bad it is
- Teachers: underqualified, harsh, too strict
3. Suggest some changes
- Peers: competitive, unfriendly, unhelpful
- Others: distance (a far cry from my
house), noisy (near a market), too
compact (should be expanded)
- Nothing, I’m totally fine with everything!

Homework: Make a vocabulary list of new words in this slide and record your answer for this question lah!
Lines of the week: Learning vocab through movies

1. Jot them down

2. Apply them right in your IELTS speaking!
What would you say when you
mean “Gu tôi” in English?
To be one’s type (v): là gu của ai

1. What is your favorite kind of music?

2. What kind of food do you like?
3. Is there any fashion brand that you
often wear?
What does Otis mean by saying “chillaxed”?

= Relaxed, chill out

What do you often do when you are tired?

How would you say “Đáng
giá, bõ công, đáng đồng tiền
bát gạo” in English?

To be worth it

Have you ever tried so hard

to do something and how did
you feel then?
Quote of the day ILP are thankful for your
trust in us!
We won’t let you down!

What do you
feel thankful
for right now?
To be thankful to sb for sth (v): cảm ơn ai về điều gì
Homework: Home and Accommodation

A. Record your answers for:

1. Where do you live?
2. What do you like about your house?
3. Do you plan to change your living area?
4. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
B. Record your answers for questions 1& 2
(Topic Study)
C. Do extra vocabulary exercises

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