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1. According to the PPST, and Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards, a teacher must be
well-versed in the subject of education. He or she must know and comprehend what to teach, be
able to use a range of evaluation tools to inform and improve the teaching and learning process,
and, most importantly, engage in professional reflection. Based on the video, a great teacher is
willing to be vulnerable in front of their students. Whether eat apples to appear more human and
be trustworthy, or sing to expose oneself to judgment. Instead of being a subject matter
specialist, a great teachers can connect with the students as a learner themselves. They must
spend time listening to the struggles of their students, and take risks and put aside their fear to
help one another. Above all, a great teachers are not with a deep understanding of content, but a
deep understanding of students.

2. No, because some of the competencies mentioned above were personal qualities that a
teacher also ought to possess.

3. A teacher's greatness isn't determined by how well he or she can organize and execute a lesson
plan, supervise a class, and analyze their progress. Some teachers who only possess professional
competencies tend to not understand by the students as they become bored and lose their
interest to listen and learn. It is beneficial to have an understanding of how to engage and
motivate our students to learn. We must have a thorough understanding of our subject that
extends beyond what we are required to teach, as well as the ability to communicate with them
in a way that piques their interest and encourages them to learn a lesson.

4. Professional competencies are required to transfer and embed knowledge in students, whereas
personal traits are required for students to trust the teacher. To be a great teacher, one must
possess both superior personal characteristics as well as superior professional abilities.

5. The teachers that we remember most are the one who help us fall in love with learning. The
one who opens our mind that teachers do not only disseminate knowledge, but as well as touch
the heart of their learners. Has the ability to develop positive relationships, by always willing to
listen and want to also learn with us. Someone who will always got our back, support us and love
us in many ways.


Some of the personal traits I have that appear to have the greatest connection to my students’
academic achievement include having this friendly attitude towards my students, calm in all
situations and patient. I can empathize with my students, and I am adaptive in a variety of
situations. I am also the teacher that students can relate to, and can’t wait to learn with them.
However, in assessing myself, I still need to improve my learning focus because there are times
when I am sloppy and uninterested.

Professional competence in teaching refers to a teacher's ability to plan a lesson, assess a lesson,
and find/create activities that target all modalities, and I believe those professional competencies
are what I am strongly capable of demonstrating. Additionally, I have the knowledge and capacity
to transfer that information to my students, as well as the ability to communicate with them and
slowly and clearly explain subjects. So that my future students may learn to apply the lessons'
concepts to the real world.

I must develop more on how to assess situations, make judgments, and solve difficulties, using
solid reasoning.
The teachers that we remember most are the one who help us fall in love with learning. The one
who opens our mind that teachers do not only disseminate knowledge, but as well as touch the
heart of their learners. Has the ability to develop positive relationships, by always willing to listen
and want to also learn with us. Someone who will always got our back, support us and love us in
many ways.

Write action research1

1. OBSERVE In assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as being a
motivator, and has good classroom management, and professional competency like deep
understanding of the lesson were least/not displayed and as a result, students were/class was not
properly manage. There were many students who came late and students who were noisy at the
back. Furthermore, the students were facing difficulties in understanding the lesson.

2. REFLECT The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in # 1)
may be caused by lack of knowledge and information by the teacher on what competencies and
traits he must carry on.

3. PLAN I would like to address this problem (mentioned in # 2) by conducting an action research
on a tools for improving teacher’s quality and classroom practice.

4. ACT
a) The main objective of my action research is to present helpful techniques on how to
improve teacher’s quality and classroom practice.
b) My specific research questions are (1) What do teachers report as the most difficult
among classroom practices to carry out in the classroom? (2) What are the best tools for
teachers? (3) How does the quality and classroom practice of a teacher affects the
performance of the students?
c) To answer my specific research questions, I will used descriptive method of research.
Utilizing the data gathering procedure through survey questionnaire, observation, and

Reflection 1

The journey of teaching gets more focused and challenging now

as I observed. I must possessed both personal and professional
competencies for me to be qualified as a great teacher. Striving to be a
great teacher, who will leave an impact to my students, is a never-
ending journey and I must never stop making myself knowledgeable
enough and equip to be a great teacher. I have been prepared for this,
and I know I will end up strong and capable on taking the challenges
ahead of my journey.

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors

Ex. Differentiated Instruction in teaching Mary Joy Olicia
English for Grade Four Classes
1. Improving Reading Outcomes for the Concepcion F. Babaan
Struggling Pupils in Grade 3 Ruby Through the
Implementation of “Nanay ko Tutor Ko” and
“Turo Mo BABASA Ako” Programs S.Y. 2016-
2. The Reading Difficulties of Grade One Pupils Kamille Kay Q. Tamor
in Macatoc Elementary School, School Year
3. Improving mathematics performance Pede I. Casing
among Grade 11 students through Jigsaw
4. Effectiveness of Remedial Reading to Non- Eufemia Abalos Tomelden
readers in the Intermediate Level at Lomboy
Elementary School
5. Factors Affecting the Reading Jennifer Ramos Umali
Comprehension of Selected ACCS Students of
the University of Makati School Year 2012-

Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in title no.1
research titles? Do the action research (AR)  How to improve the reading level of
titles imply problems to be solved? Yes ____ the twelve (12) grade three pupils in
No ____ the implementation of the programs,
“Nanay Ko Tutor Ko”, and “Turo Mo,
If YES, identify the problems from the title you 2. Identified problem to be solved in title no.2
have given. Answer in the space provided.  The study seek to determine the
reading difficulties of Grade one
3. Identified problem to be solved in title no.3
 To improve the performance of Grade
11 Mathematics students.
4. Identified problem to be solved in title no.4
 The study seek to determine the
effectiveness of Remedial Reading to
5. Identified problem to be solved in title no.5
 What factors may affect the Reading
Comprehension of selected students.

2. What interpretation about action research Title of the Action Research:

can you make out of your answer in Question The Reading Difficulties of Grade One Pupils in
No.1? Macotoc Elementary School, School Year
3. Write the Title and your interpretation of From the title, I think, the study is all about
the study from the title. the causes and reasons of reading difficulties
of non-readers and frustration level readers.
As well as, strategies used and found, to be
successfully teach reading comprehension.
4. What do you think did the author/s do with I think the author/s use the descriptive
the identified problem as presented in their correlational method of research. That
titles? involves description, recording, analysis and
interpretation of conditions that currently
exist. Additionally, the author utilizes method
of data gathering procedure through survey
questionnaire, observation and interview, and
field notes.


I learned that Action Research is a process that allows teachers to study their own classrooms,
schools and educational setting in order to identify changes that may improve teaching and
learning. It also helps answer questions you have about a specific problem. As you reflect on your
own actions, action research helps you take charge of your own personal professional

I realized that action research is indeed significant to me as a future teacher. It enhances

learning and teaching processes while I also improve my teaching abilities. I can use the Action
Research to enrich my classroom experiences, teach new skills, inspire students minds, and get
my students pursue their studies. I’ll be able to uncover strategies that suit and cater all of my

Write action research prompt2

From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
 I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a problematic
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed. The
teacher present a lesson in an online class. However, her students doesn’t seem to
participate because from face-to-face learning to online learning, students are hesitant to
cooperate in the discussion.
What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above. Building a positive connections
between your students is the most important thing for them to participate and cooperate in your
discussion. In order to do that, the teacher must know his/her students. The teacher needs to
have an enjoyable room for students especially in online class. Before he/she will starts the
lesson, he/she must present a motivation that will catch the attention of his/her students. There
should be also an encouragement to uplift their will to learn.

What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the
 As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention like, following
Inductive Teaching Strategy, as will always give examples and motivate students as they
go on with the lesson. Conduct a ‘getting to know’ activity that enables to know the
students very well. The strategy will be focusing on the needs of the students, as well as
classroom management especially in an online platform.
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
 If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be “Strategies in Motivating
Students in an Online Class”.

Work on my artifacts2

I. Title of Action Research:

The Reading Difficulties of Grade One Pupils in Macotoc Elementary School,
School Year 2016-2017

II. Author/s:
Kamille Q. Tamor

III. Abstract:
Teaching reading comprehension to non-readers and frustration level readers today
is different from the past. Teachers need to focus on extensive comprehension instruction
with all students, not just successful readers.
This action research investigated sixty three grade one pupils of the two classes of
grade one. They have undergone reading assessment test to know their level of reading
This action research discusses the causes and reasons of reading difficulties of non-
readers and frustration level readers. It also present multiple strategies that have proved to
be successful in a first grade classroom, as well as strategies used and found to be successful
by other teachers and researchers. As new best practices in reading instruction are developed
and researched, teaching strategies need to evolve as well.
IV. Identify the problem in the study:

1. What is the level of reading comprehension of grade one pupils?

2. Why pupils in grade one were at the non-reader and frustration reader?
3. How pupils in grade one will be helped by the teacher to address difficulty in learning
to read?
4. How pupils in grade one improve their reading comprehension?

V. Identify the action taken in the study:

This study involved sixty three (63) grade one pupils of Macotoc Elementary School. The
respondents attended kindergarten during the previous school year and had undergone the Early
Childhood Education Curriculum Program (ECECP). This action research used the descriptive
correlational method of research. Descriptive research involves description, recoding, analysis,
and interpretation of conditions that currently exist. The action research utilized triangulation
method as a data gathering procedure through survey questionnaire, observation, interviews and
field notes.

Participate and assist4

The problems I identified are:

1. Poverty- some students are struggling in financial support especially that there is a
pandemic that causes many people to lose their jobs.
2. Online- not all students have the necessary things needed for online class.
3. Modules- now that we are facing the new normal of education, modules are required for
students to measure their learning progress. But not all of the students can handle this
4. Behavior- proper discipline can’t be found in module or online approach, as a result,
students nowadays are difficult to handle.
5. Resources- lack of financial resources can result in lower academic performance and


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one solution
to the problem? YES. Explain. Difficulty in comprehension can have different ways and methods
that can use to sharpen understanding. Teachers may conduct a reading exercises every day,
wherein students are required to read whether a passages, quotes, or short stories and let them
answer some questions after reading it. The teachers may also let them solve a puzzle or math


 Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem? Unable to use different techniques and strategies
in teaching.
 Can you find a solution to solve her problem? YES. Give your two suggestions.
a. Show students a video that explain how a certain animals are
b. Provide them a video clip that shows what animals are vertebrates/invertebrates.
 What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? By using different strategies in learning that
will engage the students to understand and learn, like letting them watch a video clips or
show a pictures.
How? By giving them the sample of references they can search for them to watch the
difference of each.
Are they matched with the problem? Yes, the given solutions are applicable to the

 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
a. Family background
b. Basic needs
 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
Balancing the treatment to all of the students and letting them know that you will be by
their sides always to guide and push towards their success in life.


Identifying problematic situations and finding solutions to these problems help me become a
better teacher because by means of this, I truly understand the needs of my students. I can have
a good classroom environment and promote positive outcomes, both in the performance of my
students and their attitude.
Write action research prompts4

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?
Students who are struggling to their studies because of lack of resources at home, or can’t afford
to buy. As a result, they tend to have low grades.

What changes do you want to achieve?
I want to be there hope and hand to help them achieve a better learning outcomes. I will put
books, learning materials such as posters, charts, magazines that they can use freely to have a

What strategies will you use to improve the situation?
I will provide free worksheets that they may use to write their answers and also reviewers that
they may read at home.

What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?
Struggles of Students Studies with the Lack of Resources.

Participate and assist5

1. Bulletin Board Display: I will always check the topic and if possible suggest a title for the specific
content. I will be the one to gather all the necessary information to feature on the bulletin board.
2. Small Group Discussion: I will divide the class into small groups and let them perform the task
given by my mentor. I will also facilitate in performing their assigned task.
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. Google meet or zoom): We can use now
different methods on getting the attendance of the students like Google form; Google form is one
of the best ways to track student’s attendance during virtual classes. You can create an
attendance sheet and distribute it in the class. The class will self-report the attendance sheet with


Learning Environment 1:
 What have you noticed of the board display in the class bulletin board? What message or
theme does it convey? The message conveyed in the bulletin board were the activities of
NSTP students.
 What makes it attractive to the learners? The ability of it to easily read, the attractive
designs and match colors.
 Does it help in the learning process? YES. How? Because students be motivated and be
more creative to think of different activities to be conducted in the NSTP program.

Learning Environment 2:
 If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most
likely the learning space of the students? Google Meet is most likely the learning space of
the students.
 Can you describe? It is a type of software application that allows dozen of people like
students, businessman, and other organization to join the same virtual meeting in their
most convenient time.
 How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive to learning? I can
make my environment conducive to learning of my students by fist letting my students
decide where they will be comfortable in learning –whether modules or online. I will
provide different options and give them opportunity to learn in a convenient and easy


Explain your choice: Why? I would choose Learning Environment 1 which is the face-to-face set-
up, because there’s no match the learnings you can get in an actual discussion than delivered
online or in modules. It has the tendency for the students to be lazy or boring, as a result, they
may not do the required activities and get low grades. Face-to-face learning may become easier
to observe each other and disseminate learnings effortless.


Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

a. Teachers can expand the learning options of the students.
b. The absence of face-to-face instruction affects not just the students, but also the
c. The situations cited above are very relevant to know.

Write action research prompts5

What probable problem may result from the two situation of the learning environment?
The result problem from the two situation is that, how teacher can ensure the learnings
of his/her students through this two learning environment.

What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?
I should always taking notes their progress, as well as where they find hard to understand
in the lesson. I must also require them to finish and pass all of the said activities, and for me to be
able to do that, I need to inform them that they are also need to reflect on themselves. Know
their priorities first.

How should I do it?
I must prepare a pre-test and post-test to determine the learnings of my students gain
from the lesson. Always check and read their answers in the activities. Provide options on what
learnings they want and consider their choices and respect it.

Work on my artifacts5

In education, there are choices that must be made in order for the student to be
successful. A suitable learning environment is a vital tool for a learner to achieve. Parents,
teachers, staff, and others related to the school and educational environment help to create
these environments in the minds of students starting at a young age. A favorable and conducive
learning environment is critical for student development since it promotes academic
performance. The process of creating a positive learning environment will begin in the classroom.
Teachers should establish a safer and more favorable learning atmosphere in the classroom.
Inside the classroom, a pleasant interaction should be developed and aided in boosting the
students' social and emotional well-being.

Reinforcing positive behaviors in the classroom by strengthening and motivating positive

and productive learning is another way to create a conducive learning environment. I believe that
building a positive environment entails more than just providing a bright and welcoming
environment; it also entails developing an emotionally stable, loving, and constructed one in
which kids and teachers are respected. I believe that building relationships with kids is an
important component of creating a positive learning environment, and that a teacher should do it
as soon as possible.

 If you choose to compare with Model B-Nelson, O. 2014, here are the components.
Title and Author of the Action Research: The Reading Difficulties of Grade One Pupils in
Macotoc Elementary School, School Year 2016-2017 by Kamille Q. Tamor

Key Components Entry from your Sample AR


This study aims

to make an
action plan for
the poor
reading difficulties
of grade one
pupils in Macatoc
Elementary School.
Specifically it
seeks to answer
the following
1. What is the
level of reading
comprehension of
grade one
2. Why pupils in
grade one were
at the non-reader
frustration level?
3. How pupils in
grade one will be
helped by the
teacher to
address difficulty in
learning to read?
4. How pupils in
grade one improve
their reading
This study aims
to make an
action plan for
the poor
reading difficulties
of grade one
pupils in Macatoc
Elementary School.
Specifically it
seeks to answer
the following
1. What is the
level of reading
comprehension of
grade one
2. Why pupils in
grade one were
at the non-reader
frustration level?
3. How pupils in
grade one will be
helped by the
teacher to
address difficulty in
learning to read?
4. How pupils in
grade one improve
their reading
This study aims
to make an
action plan for
the poor
reading difficulties
of grade one
pupils in Macatoc
Elementary School.
Specifically it
seeks to answer
the following
1. What is the
level of reading
comprehension of
grade one
2. Why pupils in
grade one were
at the non-reader
frustration level?
3. How pupils in
grade one will be
helped by the
teacher to
address difficulty in
learning to read?
4. How pupils in
grade one improve
their reading
This study aims to make an action plan for the poor reading
difficulties of grade one pupils in Macatoc Elementary School.
Teaching reading comprehension to non-readers and frustration
level readers today is different from the past. Teachers need to
focus on extensive comprehension instruction with all students,
not just successful readers.
This action research investigated sixty three grade one pupils of
the two classes of grade one. They have undergone reading
assessment test to know their level of reading performance.
This action research discusses the causes and reasons of reading
REFLECT difficulties of non-readers and frustration level readers. It also
presents multiple strategies that have proved to be successful in a
first grade classroom, as well as strategies used and found to be
successful by other teachers and researchers. As new best
practices in reading instruction are developed and researched,
teaching strategies need to evolve as well.
This study involved sixty three (63) grade one pupils of Macatoc
Elementary School. The respondents attended kindergarten class
during the previous school year and had undergone the Early
Childhood Education Curriculum Program (ECECP).
This action research used the descriptive correlational method of
PLAN Descriptive research involves description, recoding, analysis and
interpretation of conditions that currently exist. The main aims are
to describe the nature of a condition as it exists at the time of the
study and to explore the causes of the particular situation.
This action research utilized triangulation method as a data
gathering procedure through survey questionnaire, observation,
interview and field notes.
A self-prepared questionnaire with four major parts will serve as
the data gathering instrument in this action research. Part I will
deal with the profile of the respondents. Part II will deal on items
that will measure the level of reading performance of the
respondents. Part III will deal with the difficulties the pupil
ACT respondents have in learning how to read. Part IV will deal on
items that exhibits the reasons why the pupil respondents were on
non-reader and frustration level. The researcher personally
administered the questionnaire to ensure that all items will be
answered and 100% percent retrieval will be attained. The
interview, observation and field notes was also personally done by
the researcher.

The concept of this action research helps to seek an action plan that may help teachers in
teaching how to enhance the poor readers. It will be utilized in my practice by implementing the
gathered different strategies and techniques on how I can help my students be able to read


As a future teacher, is conducting an Action research worth doing? YES

Why? Because Action research fosters development of skills pertaining to critical thinking,
problem solving, collaboration, and ethical decision making , it is indeed worth conducting for me
as a future teacher. Teachers are required to adopt teaching practices that are beneficial to their
students. Through action research, I am allowed to make decisions for the good of my students.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher? Conducting research in the classroom is
extremely beneficial to the growth of teaching and learning. Without disrupting class time,
anything from effective evaluation to behavior management can be the subject of in-depth
research. Teachers can use action research to reflect on what they want to improve, learn about
what others are doing in the field, and experiment with practice in a safe environment.

Write action research prompts3

Remembering my classroom observation in FS 1, I noticed that there are many questions that I
raised in my mind. These include:
a. Why students at the back are noisy?
b. Why some students are not listening to the teacher?
c. What may be the punishment for late comers or don’t have a preparation.
Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to solve the
problem or answer the questions, like:
a. Teachers must be attentive for students at the back.
b. Teachers should exert more effort in making their learning materials catchy, as well as the
discussion should be entertaining.
c. Teachers must be very clear on their rules and expectations.

Now that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem b (why some students
are not listening to the teacher) because throughout my experiences in the field of teaching, it
is necessary for the teacher to be creative in many ways. I must keep in my mind the techniques
on how to deliver my lesson interesting and informative.

My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching Internship.

Participate and assist6

In a face-to-face classroom, students and teachers are physically present. I can participate
in a face-to-face learning environment by preparing the activities and providing the instructions of
the given tasks conducting by the students. And I can assist the students by facilitating them and
evaluating their learnings.

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

Having a green board and used chalk to write. Uses whiteboard, and marker.
Using visual aids to report. Implementing technology in teaching-learning
Crowded room. Limited students only.
Students are inside the room to learn. Accommodating the students through online
and modular approach.

What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
As pandemic affected the education, it brought many changes in the learning
environment now. We are now incorporating technology in the classroom and it provides
effective learning environment. The set-up of classroom now in the new normal education is
limited for students to practice safety and ensure learning of everyone.

From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
I can do the set-up of my classroom. I must focus on the things that my students can learn
from and promote development.


Yes, I believe that if the classroom is conducive, it reduces distractions inside the
classroom, and kids will learn how to evaluate and engage on the information they have received.

Write action research prompts6

What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?
Engaging students to learn.

Can I translate this problem into a question? How to engage students in learning?
How would I solve the problem? I will think of a possible solutions like implementing
different strategies and techniques on how to catch the attention of my learners.

Will it improve my teaching? YES. How? It will improves my teaching because I can
implement activities and learning materials that may improve their willingness to learn, as well as
enhance my flexibility and creative skills.

What will you do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it?
The best way I can do is to create different activities and learning materials that may boost their
interest to learn. Additionally, encourage them to participate in our lesson, by sharing their ideas
and give positive feedbacks.

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