Contemporary World Pre-Final Exam

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AMA Computer Learning Center College

Real St. Tacloban City

Pre-Final Examinations in Contemporary World

Test I. Read the statements carefully then choose the letter of the correct answer from
the choices given.

1. The three demographic processes are: (B)

a. Reproduction, marriage, and divorce b. Births, deaths, and marriage

c. Fertility, mortality, and migration.

2. Demography is the systematic and _______ study of human ________. (C)

a. social, characteristics b. scientific, characteristics c. scientific, populations

3. Population structure is defined as: (C)

a. How many people there are in a given place

b. Where people are located and why.

c. How many males and females there are of each age

4. Through mass media, people learn about: (A)

a. Material culture b. Non-material culture c. a & b

1. Social class is based on social factors like: (C)

a. Wealth/income b. education c. all of the above

2. Two ways of innovations are: (C)

a. discover it b. innovate it c. a & b

3. What is the main reason of transition to an information technology? (B)

a. Computers b. Software c. Communication

4. Cross cultural development and exchange of technology is called: (B)

a. Media globalization b. Technological globalization c. globalization

5. Moral development is an important part of: (A)

a. socialization b. industrialization c. modernization

6. Which system socialize our society? (C)

a. Economic b. Political c. Educational

7. Most valuable goods of modern era is: (C)

a. Modernization b. Technology c. Information

8. Nations are governed by: (B)

a. Government b. Political system c. Leaders

9. Values varies across: (C)

a. Time b. People c. Culture

10. A collected data from a subject who respond to questions in a form of questionnaire is
called: (B)

a. Experiment b. Survey c. observation

15. By devoting more resources to keeping illegal immigrants from crossing the U.S.- Mexico
border, the U.S. has caused (B)

a. Wages in Mexico to rise.

b. Immigrants to be exploited by those who offer to help them cross the border.

c. Increased taxes to be collected from legal immigrants in the U.S.

16. Which of the following reasons for people migrating from one country to another is the most
important in today’s world? (B)

a. Better living conditions b. Higher wages c. For a better climate

17. If you were the US president, how would you deal with Mexican migration into the USA? (D)

a. Build a wall to keep migrants out

b. Build prisons to accommodate all the migrants who won’t go home

c. Allow as may people to enter USA from Mexico that feel like it

d. Allow only those Mexicans to migrate who would occupy necessary jobs, where there
are not enough Americans to do them

18. What is the main driver of international migration? (B)

a. Good conditions in home countries b. Poor conditions in home countries c. Good

conditions in receiving countries
19. What do we call a person who has been forced to leave their home, perhaps by war or a
natural disaster (such as drought), and move away without having another home to go to? (C)

a. Immigrant b. Migrant c. Refuge

20. Moving to a new location to find employment is: (B)

a. A social factor b. An economic factor c. An environmental factor

21. Areas which have a high percentage of elderly people may experience: (A)

a. Pressure on health care resources

b. Pressure on schools and playgrounds

c. Higher crime rates

22. People sometimes migrate when they retire. Which is NOT a reason why? (B)

a. A slower pace of life b. Better employment opportunities c. Lower crime rates

23. Which of the following is NOT a form of short-term migration? (C)

a. Sport b. sport c. Retirement

24. What is human migration? (D)

a. cross-migration b. displacement c. mobilization d. migration

25. Colonialism, slavery, war, persecution, natural disasters, large-scale mining, and dam
building are major causes of population _____________. (A)

a. Displacement b. disbursement c. persecution d. growth

Test II. Write down a short opinion or idea to the question posted in column B
corresponding to the terms listed in column A. (3 pts. Each)

The People Why was each group drawn to cities in

Manila and Cebu
1. Waray The culture of people in urban
communities-what they do, their
manners of doing things, the language
they use to describe their thoughts and
2. Bisaya Similar language
3. Muslim The Philippine Muslims was once a
dominant group in the country

The Problems What was done in response to each

4. Lack of safe and efficient Transportation systems were designed to
transportation move large numbers of people. Street cars
were introduced in San Francisco in 1873
and electric subways in Boston in 1897.
5. Unsafe drinking water Public waterworks were built. Filtration
was introduced in the 1870's. Chlorination
was introduced in 1908.
6. Lack of Sanitation Many cities developed sewer lines and
created sanitation departments
7. Crime/Drugs Many urban communities are now
besieged by illegal drugs. Fears of gang
violence and muggings keep frightened
residents at home. Even at home, citizens
feel insecure, for drug-related break-ins
and burglaries threaten. Open dealing on
the street stirs the community's fears for its
children. The police sometimes seem
overwhelmed. Occasionally they are
outgunned. More often, they are simply
overmatched by the resilience of the drug
commerce. Furthermore, their potential
impact is neutralized by the incapacity of
the courts and penal system to mete out
deserved punishments.
8. Pollution These steps include: reducing toxic emissions
from industrial sources; reducing emissions
from vehicles and engines through new
stringent emission standards and cleaner
burning gasoline; and addressing indoor air
pollution though voluntary programs.
Test III. Explain using own words and phrases the questions below (5 pts. Each)

A. Given what we know about population growth, what do you think of China’s
policy that limits the number of children a family can have? Do you agree with it?
Why or why not? What other ways might a country of over 1.3 billion people
manage its population?
 Ans: China used to have a one-child policy until 2009 when the couple
were allowed to have only two children. This policy is in my support as the
restrictions regarding the number of children a family should have are
steered towards improving the quality of life. This is due to the fact that it
is less strenuous to provide to two children. Other policies that can be
used to regulate population growth include:
o Immigration policies- some countries encourage emigration to
reduce their population and others restrict the number of people
moving into them and becoming citizens.
o Increasing the status of women in a case of employing and
educating them. This will give them more choices in life apart from
family and children.
o Reduce fertility to a level required so as to bring about social-
economic development.

B. Describe the effect of immigration or emigration on your life or in a community

you have seen. What are the positive effects? What are the negative effects?
 Ans: Some effects of immigration has on an individual would the hardship
of adopting, adopting to a new house, new friends, new foods, new jobs
and new environment. Some positive would be wanting to have a better
life and better future to your family and also having a better job and high
salary. The negative effect is they can encounter discrimination.

C. Differentiate postindustrial to an industrial city? Give an example to each type of

 Ans: As adjectives the difference between industrial and postindustrial. is
that industrial is of or relating to industry, notably manufacturing while
postindustrial is describing the economy of a nation in which
manufacturing industry becomes less important and the service and
information industries become more important. Example of industrial city
Scranton, Pennsylvania, and the mill towns of New England. Example of
postindustrial city large areas of office blocks and buildings for local
government administration.
D. What is the biggest difference between immigration and in-migration?
 Ans: Immigration is when someone comes into a country and Emigration
is when someone is leaving the country.

Test IV. Matching type: Provide the correct meaning of the terms posted on the
left column to its meaning on the right column

mortality rate: A measure of the number of people who

climate change: Long-term shifts in temperature and
climate due to human activity
Postmodern city: A city defined by its orientation to circuits
of global consumption, the fragmentation
of previously homogeneous cultures, and
the emergence of multiple centres or
demography: The study of population
environmental The degree to which a human activity can
sustainability: be sustained without damaging or

undermining basic ecological support

fertility rate: A measure noting the actual number of
children born
global city: A unique development based on the new
role of cities in the circuits of global

information and global capital circulation

and accumulation
industrial city: A city in which the major business and
employment activities revolve around

metropolis: The area that includes a city and its
suburbs and exurbs
migration: The movement of people into and out of
an area
Malthusian Theory which asserts that population is controlled through
positive checks (war,
Theory: famine, disease) and preventive checks (measures to reduce

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