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Job Shadow Workplace S.

ign ature Sheet

Student 8r" d du, Lacs oa I

JobSite: /ro o~ wJ Pty-/To
Date of Job Shadow: I /J 1 / Z. O 2Z.
Department: /J,J I I ,side !l /roI
Type of Work Student Shadowed:
_ .SJ.c0pd /q..~ ,.; f-ed1e tJ f1 J() b (Md c/t<l(foa

· The student was on time:
Comments: 1._ves _No

2. The student was dress appropriately:

Lves _No

· General comments about student behavior: !Jlt II h.L),a. ti~)
Clnd h !J f C}t.rr~sl Yes No

4. I'd be Willing to have another student job shadow:

_Yes _i_No

5. I would like to be considered for:

_ Career Presentations/Career Fairs Mock Interviews
_ Work Experience

Workplace Supervisor's Signature: --'Lt~;.:_.·J.;.c. . ,_,_)_f;_v.~_TT-- - Date: 1, /11 /z O'l'L-


Telephone Number: 7IS- {°S ta - ks:J,,:3

l 1,
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d I Experience Sheet /;/
. . Student's Job_ Sha ,;;i;,g o11r reflection 11bo11t your job s/1111/mv experie11c~-
Tl11s experience sl,eet slroul,t be used 11s a gr"'le 10 gY . , ,rofio Reflections should be 111
. . 1
,n · located i11 your l11ter11s1up or~, ·
You slr ould 111c/11de 1111111bers J-6111 a rel'ectw,1 . . ,11
I t/ris experience may ml'11e11ce
'J'"'" career choices III. the f11t11re.
complete sentences and really reflect row . . ces should also inc/11de II plroto from
. . a h rorm All wr1tte11 experien
You will be writing rejlectw 11 s m paragr P 1 ' • . b , ,tf>
. b sl,ado,~ 1/rard copy wtll not e 11ccep1e 1
your Jo . · ,, \ !tJJ
sru'!ent name:
Yl.V(ivv' J).Vl I flA ,,J.,b/'\
V'_v. I _
Date of job shadow : ~~_.___,__,_~

Name of business: td U5/:12.'k. /Jd-ro l

Department: WI j. k -ft. /Ja.-1-ro I
Business address: S:Oo S:: ldu 1tj S 3 S . /
Ea.,u. C(p.,'r-<.. µ ; St.f1o
Business phone:

Person(s) shadowed: _1..

\_ __J\.\lc;\u.
o. _ r(+-
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I. Describe the job of the person you shadowed.
(' ~ I ' . /2!0 -f {'er.J,o / - ,°l' (('<,y.Jf'i)Cfr V-~(,,~ .
7 1_ \\I\ (f);J.N1 +vrivf~' c_. Q~0• li~o-n 1 \-- " t . · . O\fW!~. L
2. From your perspective (ydur mterests, ab1httes, and goals) 1dent1fy aspects of the Job that were. \)

,1~ 2 0\<1,.:nc,L1.,1,'-Q,1 1 b fl:i') ~ \ 0/YI'~ S.1v Qfl\,OIC·'.Y'Q IV\ l'vJ \f~ (]',n (A\\ YO\,( \~
3. What traming/educatton 1s requtred for this Job and where can you get 1t?
(., jY-<l()t'<I':, f r;l1 (;-LCAduw'"j

bo Co(\.e1>c_ GvtdJ S Vi vv1\V ({fr&_ ~ ) fQ~

4 List any classes at your school which mtg~t teach skills tl{at would be necessary for the JOb you shadowed~ II\".\ d,,
(Include both class name and ski lls.) 6yf'v1 '- GJ1/fl'Vql L, V},J--/\7½' &th} JZ ff(Jj
5. Did the job shadowing experience influence your career choice/goals? How?

I IQ- f LRJl-\l½, f_ v#\Sh~ Pt&vYhl\1°\ 8°h \(J'i'v-1 0 N01C ~

6. Please rate your job shadowing experience (10 being excellent, I being oor)

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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