EDITED Phuong Anh Homework 08112021

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Bài tập về nhà ngày 08/11/2021

Hung Yen, November 7, 2021

Hi Annie,
Long time no see. How is everything? I do hope that everything
goes well/smoothly with you and your beloved family. By the way, I
would like to invite you to join my birthday party, which will be this
Saturday, December 4th. You know I will turn 18 soon. Therefore, I am
mature enough to vote, to have a driving license as well as to date
with a boyfriend. This is cool, is it?
My coming birthday party will be organized/ thrown at my house
at 7:00 p.m. The party will be quite simple as I am a simple girl.
Therefore, I will hold a party of sweets with fruit and drink warm cacao
in this cold weather. This sounds reasonable. Please bring a jacket
because it may be cold when you leave for home.
I really hope you can join the party. If you can make it, please be
there before 7.00.
I am really looking forward to seeing you in person.
Take care,
Phuong Anh

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