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Pneumothorax in Patients With Acute

Respiratory Distress Syndrome:

Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
Kenneth J. Woodside, MD*
Eric vanSonnenberg, MD†
Kenneth S. Chon, MD, ME†
David B. Loran, MD*
Irena M. Tocino, MD‡
Joseph B. Zwischenberger, MD*

The incidence of pneumothorax in patients on

Pneumothorax is a frequent and potentially fatal compli-
cation of mechanical ventilation in patients with acute res-
mechanical ventilation is variable, ranging from 4%
piratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Prompt recognition to 15% [2]. In patients with underlying ARDS, the
and treatment of pneumothoraces is necessary to mini- incidence of pneumothorax is significantly higher
mize morbidity and mortality. The radiologic and clinical and is the most commonly encountered manifesta-
signs of pneumothoraces in ARDS patients may have tion of pressure- (barotrauma) and volume-related
unusual and subtle features. Furthermore, small pneu-
mothoraces in these patients can cause severe hemody-
(volutrauma) lung trauma induced by mechanical
namic or pulmonary compromise. Sparse clinical litera- ventilation. Gammon et al [3] demonstrated an
ture exists on when or how to treat pneumothoraces once overall incidence of pneumothorax of 14% in 139
they develop in patients with ARDS. In this article, the mechanically ventilated patients, whereas a sub-
authors review the pathogenesis, radiologic signs, clinical group of 29 ARDS patients had a 60% incidence of
significance, and treatment of pneumothoraces in ARDS
patients. Treatment options include traditional tube thora-
pneumothorax. Other ARDS studies have reported
costomy, open thoracotomy, and image-guided percuta- a 30% to 87% incidence of pneumothorax, depend-
neous catheters. ing on the severity and duration of ARDS, as well
as the mode of ventilator management [4].
Key words: pneumothorax, adult respiratory distress syndrome, Prompt recognition and treatment of pneumo-
thoracostomy, interventional radiology, radiologic catheters,
thorax in mechanically ventilated patients with
pneumothorax drainage
ARDS is important, as there is a high risk of pro-
gression to tension pneumothorax [5,6]. Much of
the existing clinical literature on barotrauma
In mechanically ventilated patients with acute res-
involves patients who are in the intensive care unit
piratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pneumothorax
(ICU) on mechanical ventilation for a variety of res-
is a frequent and life-threatening complication [1].
piratory diseases, ranging from primary obstructive
lung disease (asthma or chronic obstructive pul-
From the *Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of monary disease) to various secondary lung diseases
Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX; the

Department of Radiology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and such as aspiration pneumonia, necrotizing bacteri-
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, al pneumonia, and ARDS. Recent low-volume and
Boston, MA; and the ‡Department of Radiology, Yale University pressure-limited ventilator management strategies
School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
have been advocated to minimize lung damage
Received Jul 10, 1999, and in revised form Jul 29, 2002.
Accepted for publication Aug 1, 2002. and improve survival [7].
Address correspondence to Dr vanSonnenberg, Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute, Department of Radiology, 44 Binney Street,
Boston, MA 02115, or e-mail:
Woodside KJ, vanSonnenberg E, Chon KS, Loran DB, Tocino IM,
Zwischenberger JB. Pneumothorax in patients with acute respi-
ratory distress syndrome: pathophysiology, detection, and treat- Many potential causes of pneumothorax exist in
ment. J Intensive Care Med 2003;18:9-20. patients on mechanical ventilation. For example,
DOI: 10.1177/0885066602239120 attempts at central line placement or other invasive

Copyright © 2003
2002 Sage Publications 9
Woodside et al

procedures, such as bronchoscopy, may lead to In animal studies that have separated the effects
direct laceration of the visceral pleura. Necrotizing of pressure and volume, there is considerable evi-
bacterial pneumonias can cause air leaks into the dence to conclude that lung overdistention, rather
pleura, with development of pneumothorax. How- than high airway pressure, is the primary cause of
ever, in ventilated patients, pressure and volume- alveolar and interstitial injury [14,17,18]. High tidal
related alveolar rupture is the most frequent cause volumes cause lung injury even if obtained with
of pneumothorax [8]. Any sudden increase in alve- negative pressure ventilation [18]. Thus, volutrau-
olar pressure may establish a gradient sufficient to ma, rather than barotrauma, is probably a more
disrupt the alveolar walls [9,10]. appropriate label for this type of lung injury [19]. In
Once mechanical ventilation establishes a suffi- patients treated with positive pressure ventilation,
cient pressure gradient and the alveoli rupture, air alveolar overdistention usually occurs during
dissects along the loose connective tissues of the increasing peak airway pressure. However, peak
bronchovascular bundle or the interlobular septa airway pressures can be influenced by other factors
medially toward the pulmonary hilum and periph- that do not affect or reflect alveolar volume [20].
erally toward the visceral pleura, where it accumu- Increased resistance in the ventilatory circuit or
lates in the subpleural connective tissue and forms bronchi or increased chest wall pressure can
subpleural air cysts. Rupture of the subpleural alve- increase peak airway pressure without increasing
oli that cause pneumothorax often is preceded by transalveolar pressure or alveolar volume.
subpleural air cyst formation [11]. Because the Alveolar rupture may be influenced by mechan-
mediastinal pleura is not as thick and resistant as ical ventilation, ventilation method, and underlying
the visceral pleura, air often dissects toward the lung pathology [8]. A wide range of preexisting
hilum. At the hilum, air can enter the mediastinum parenchymal diseases, ranging from primary lung
and form a pneumomediastinum. The mediastinal disease (asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary
pleura subsequently can rupture, allowing air to disease) to a variety of secondary lung diseases
enter the pleural space and a pneumothorax to (including aspiration pneumonia, necrotizing bac-
form. This route is usually responsible for pneu- terial pneumonia, and ARDS), are known to
mothoraces that accompany pulmonary interstitial increase the risk of developing pneumothoraces
emphysema, rather than rupture of the peripheral [1,21]. Pneumothoraces are rare in intubated
subpleural air cysts through the visceral pleura [9]. patients with normal lungs, but are common in
Gammon et al [3] found that mediastinal emphyse- intubated patients with ARDS [8].
ma was the initial manifestation of barotrauma in ARDS is a heterogeneous disease with a mixture
61% of ARDS patients, with subsequent pneumo- of both diseased and relatively normal alveoli [22].
thoraces developing in 42% of these patients with- The dependent lung regions (usually posterior and
in 3 days. In addition, a continuum of fascial planes basal) tend to be collapsed, and the nondependent
connects the soft tissue compartments of the neck, lung regions tend to be relatively open and may
mediastinum, and retroperitoneum. Thus, mediasti- have normal compliances [23]. The ARDS lung is
nal air may decompress into the cervical soft tissue, both stiff from interstitial edema and physiological-
anterior chest wall, or other compartments, result- ly small. During mechanical ventilation, PEEP
ing in subcutaneous emphysema, pneumoretroperi- inflates and recruits some of the collapsed regions,
toneum, or pneumoperitoneum [12]. but also overinflates the more normal nondepen-
Clinical studies of mechanically ventilated dent regions [24]. The lung regions most subject to
patients have identified several risk factors for high-pressure overinflation and alveolar rupture
baro- or volutrauma that are associated with the are the nondependent regions, with resulting air
development of a pneumothorax. These factors tracking to the mediastinum and rupture through
include peak inspiratory pressures greater than 40 the mediastinal parietal pleura [10,25]. Regional
to 50 cm H2O [13], high positive end-expiratory pressure-related overdistention of healthy alveoli,
pressure (PEEP) values [3], high tidal volumes [14], termed baro- or volutrauma, can result in a pattern
and high minute ventilations [3]. Several retrospec- of diffuse alveolar damage that is histologically
tive human studies demonstrated a correlation indistinguishable from other causes of ARDS [26].
between high peak airway pressures and the devel- This volutrauma is a result of a tidal volume that
opment of pneumothoraces [2,15,16]. Human stud- causes hyperexpansion of nonuniform lung dis-
ies have not distinguished the effects of high peak ease. Nonuniform lung disease causes preferential
airway pressure versus lung overdistention, as ventilation of normal alveoli that leads to overdis-
measuring lung volume directly in ventilated tention of normal alveoli, as they accommodate the
patients is difficult [1,14]. majority of the tidal volume.

10 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 18(1); 2003

Pneumothorax in ARDS

Subpleural and intrapulmonary air cysts occur in hypoxemia. Thus, even in diseased lung, ventilation/
ARDS patients [4]. Although some authors have perfusion match and arterial oxygenation can be
reported rupture of these air cysts as a cause of improved, independent of the reduced level of ven-
pneumothorax [27], many suggest that such air tilation required to excrete CO2 during hypercapnia.
cysts are markers of barotrauma, with pneumo- Amato et al [33] compared “protective ventila-
thoraces occurring more commonly from air track- tion” at 6 mL/kg tidal volume with “conventional
ing along the bronchi to the mediastinum [13]. ventilation” at 12 mL/kg tidal volume in patients
Hence, whether the pneumothoraces seen in ARDS with ARDS. Protective ventilation allowed 66% of
arise from overinflation of more normal lung regions patients to be weaned from ventilators, compared
or from pathologic processes such as cyst rupture to 29% with conventional ventilation. Furthermore,
in collapsed dependent regions of the lung has not clinical barotrauma was 7% versus 42%, respective-
been established conclusively [4]. Pneumothoraces ly, and hospital mortality was 38% versus 71%,
in ARDS also appear to be related to structural lung respectively. Brower et al [38] recently published a
changes that occur over a few weeks. Gattinoni et randomized trial that compared 2 ventilatory strate-
al [4] found that late ARDS (> 2 weeks of mechan- gies and their impact on mortality in ARDS. Like
ical ventilation) patients had an increased inci- other recent trials [33,34], this study demonstrated
dence of pneumothoraces when compared to early that a mean plateau pressure of < 35 cm H2O is
ARDS (less than 1 week of mechanical ventilation) associated with a very low incidence of barotrau-
patients (87% vs 30%), an increased number of bul- ma. The impact of protective ventilation on patient
lae, and decreased lung compliance. outcome needs additional clarification. Although
some studies report an improved outcome [33],
several randomized controlled studies did not
Mechanical Ventilation Strategies demonstrate significant beneficial effects [34,38,39].
to Manage ARDS The recent “NIH/NHLBI ARDS Network on
Ventilator Management of ALI and ARDS” low-tidal
Patients treated with volume-cycled or controlled volume study, a multicenter randomized controlled
mechanical ventilation have a higher incidence of trial comparing 6 versus 12 mL/kg tidal volume,
barotrauma compared to patients treated with was terminated after 861 patients, as the outcome
pressure-limited or intermittent mandatory ventila- of patients in the low-tidal volume group was
tion (IMV) [8,28-31]. Gattinoni et al [23] also improved by approximately 25% [7]. The trial com-
observed that ARDS is a heterogeneous injury, with pared traditional ventilation treatment that used an
areas of relatively normal lung interspersed with initial tidal volume of 12 mL/kg of predicted body
areas of alveolar and interstitial edema. Exposure weight and an airway plateau pressure of 50 cm of
of relatively normal alveoli with near-normal com- H2O or less, with ventilation with lower tidal vol-
pliance characteristics to high distending pressures umes; the latter initial tidal volume was set at 6
results in a larger delivered volume per lung unit, mL/kg of predicted body weight and plateau pres-
marked overdistension, and the possible increased sure was less than 30 cm of H2O. The trial was
risk of further lung injury [8,23,28-31]. This scenario stopped because mortality was reduced in the
occurs regardless of which mode of ventilation group treated with lower tidal volume compared to
generates the high inspiratory pressure. the group treated with traditional tidal volume
A ventilator management strategy aimed directly (31.0% vs 39.8%, P = .007), and the number of days
at reducing airway pressures during ARDS to avoid without ventilator use during the first 28 days after
exacerbating volutrauma and the resulting endoge- randomization was greater in the former group
nous inflammation is the use of low-pressure, low- (112 ± 11 days vs 10 ± 1, P = .007). Likewise, the
volume ventilation [32-35]. The American College American Thoracic Society International Consensus
of Chest Physicians Consensus Conference recom- Conference on ventilator-associated lung injury in
mended that under conditions of lung overdisten- ARDS confirmed that ventilator-induced lung injury
tion, airway pressures should be limited to reduce is an important determinant of mortality in patients
tidal volumes, while accepting the increase in arte- with ARDS [7,40].
rial PCO2 levels [36]. Allowing blood PCO2 levels to These studies and others have prompted the
rise, with or without control of arterial blood pH, is development of new ventilator techniques and
termed “permissive hypercapnia” [37]. Lower tidal modes, including pressure-controlled and inverse
volumes of 5 to 8 mL/kg are used to prevent exces- ratio ventilation [41], high-frequency jet ventilation
sive alveolar distention [32], whereas low levels of [42], permissive hypercapnia [43], and more
PEEP and supplemental oxygen can improve advanced techniques that involve complete car-

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diopulmonary support such as extracorporeal only with the clinical triad of increased arterial oxy-
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) [44] and extracor- gen tension, decreased peripheral perfusion as evi-
poreal carbon dioxide removal with low-frequency denced by lower arterial pulse pressures and lower
positive-pressure ventilation [45-47]. mixed venous oxygen saturations, and decreased
ECMO flow with progressive hemodynamic deteri-
oration [59]. Because tension pneumothorax in
Presentation of Pneumothoraces in ARDS these patients can be rapidly fatal [60], immediate
intervention and high clinical suspicion are
Approximately 30% of pneumothoraces that occur required.
in critically ill ICU patients are missed either clini- ARDS patients have a mortality rate between
cally or on portable chest radiograph at initial pre- 16% and 91% [61]. In comparison, the development
sentation. The classic physical signs of a pneumo- of a pneumothorax in a critically ill patient is asso-
thorax, such as diminished breath sounds, decreased ciated with mortality rates between 66% and 77%
chest wall excursion, and increased percussive res- [4,6]. This overlap in mortality has resulted in some
onance, can be difficult to detect in an ARDS authors reporting increased mortality [4] and some
patient. The background noise of the ICU and the authors reporting no change in mortality [61] in
ventilator may mask some of these clinical signs of ARDS patients with a concurrent pneumothorax.
pneumothorax. Radiologically, the underlying lung Although the independent effect on mortality of a
disease and the often compromised position of the pneumothorax in an ARDS patient may be nearly
patient lead to atypical locations and appearances impossible to address as an isolated variable,
of pneumothoraces [48,49]. One third to one half of untreated pneumothoraces in this patient popula-
these pneumothoraces that are undiagnosed tion have a high risk of progression to tension and
progress to tension pneumothoraces [50]. Clinically should be drained promptly [49].
subtle pneumothoraces in mechanically ventilated
patients may present on chest radiograph or by an
unexplained deterioration in pulmonary function. Radiologic Presentation of
Worsening oxygenation, an increased peak inspira- Pneumothoraces in ARDS
tory airway pressure, or a fall in lung compliance
may signal the development of a pneumothorax In intubated and critically ill patients, chest radi-
that has affected pulmonary function but has not ographs frequently can be obtained only in the
yet become hemodynamically significant. Elevated supine or semirecumbent position [48,52]. Thus,
or altered tracings of pulmonary artery pressures the more familiar radiographic signs of pneumo-
may be early indicators of pneumothoraces [51]. thoraces seen in erect films, such as visualization of
Tension pneumothorax can be rapidly fatal and a thin, white visceral pleural line with no peripher-
does not always have radiographic signs [52]. Most al lung markings and a radiolucent space juxta-
commonly, the patient with tension pneumothorax posed to the chest wall, may be absent [52]. The
has a dramatic clinical presentation, with agitation, majority of pneumothoraces in supine ICU and
respiratory distress, hypotension, tachycardia, and ARDS patients occur in anteromedial (paracardiac)
hypoxia [5]. Changes in pulmonary mechanics, such and subpulmonic locations (Figs 1, 2) [48]. In the
as increased airway resistance, decreased pulmonary supine position, the anteromedial pleura is the least
compliance, or auto-PEEPing, may occur [31]. Also, dependent site, and air in this location often is the
ARDS patients may be hypoxic prior to pneumo- earliest and most subtle radiographic sign of pneu-
thorax development; thus, hypoxia itself is not con- mothorax. As the volume of air increases, radi-
sidered a pathognomonic manifestation [53]. Any ographic evidence of the pneumothorax is found in
acute clinical deterioration in a ventilated patient the subpulmonic space and, eventually, in the
should prompt consideration of pneumothorax [5]. remainder of the pleural space [62]. In a study of
Pneumothoraces in neonates who require 112 pneumothoraces in 88 supine ICU patients,
mechanical ventilation can have significant effects including 9 ARDS patients, the location and fre-
on mortality [54,55]. Because 5% to 22% of quencies of the pneumothoraces were as follows:
neonates with respiratory distress syndrome have 38% anteromedial, 26% subpulmonic, 22% apico-
air leaks, a high clinical suspicion must be main- lateral, 11% posteromedial, 2% inferior pulmonary
tained [56,57]. Advanced management techniques ligament, and 2% within pleural fissures [48]. In
such as inhaled nitric oxide or high-frequency several studies of ARDS patients, pneumothoraces
oscillatory ventilation have similar air leak rates most commonly occurred in anteromedial or sub-
[58]. Neonates who require ECMO often present pulmonic locations [63,64].

12 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 18(1); 2003

Pneumothorax in ARDS



Fig 1. Large right anterobasilar pneumothorax in a trauma

E patient complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS). Surgical chest tubes were unsuccessful; pneumothorax
was relieved by computed tomography-guided (CT-guided)
percutaneous catheter. (A) Chest radiograph demonstrates
large right basilar and medial left pneumothorax (open
arrow) in a patient with ARDS. Arrows on the right denote 2
surgical chest tubes in the right pleural space that were not
successful in relieving the pneumothorax. Closed arrows
point to the left surgical chest tubes as well. (B) CT scan:
open arrows point to the large right basilar pneumothorax.
The large arrowhead on the right points to a surgical chest
tube. Small arrows on the left denote left-sided pneumothorax.
The curved arrow on the left denotes another surgical chest
tube. Two smaller arrowheads on the right point to a 22-
gauge guide needle for percutaneous CT-guided needle
catheter placement. (C) CT-guided insertion site for 12 Fr
radiologic catheter. The small arrowhead points to the nee-
dle, whereas the 2 larger arrowheads note the catheter. (D)
The radiologic pigtail catheter is noted by the arrowhead.
The pneumothorax has been almost totally evacuated. (E)
The pigtail catheter is at the right base (arrowheads), with
resolution of the pneumothorax. The 4 surgical chest tubes
are still in place.

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 18(1); 2003 13

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Fig 2. Focal pneumothorax in a patient with postpneumonic acute respiratory distress syndrome treated by guided
catheter drainage. (A) Tracheostomy and nasogastric tubes are in place. A chest X-ray demonstrates lateral pneumothorax.
(B) A laterally and superiorly placed 7 Fr radiologic pigtail catheter has evacuated the pneumothorax. The catheter was
removed 4 days later.

An anteromedial pneumothorax can be recog- cause some segments of the lung to collapse,
nized by the abnormally sharp delineation of the whereas other segments appear normal or overin-
mediastinal structures, such as the great vessels or flated [64,67,68]. Hence, the presence of lung mark-
heart, and by the lucency of the pneumothorax ings beyond the pleural line does not exclude
[65]. If the anteromedial pneumothorax is large, the pneumothoraces in ARDS patients. In ARDS, a
affected hemithorax may be hyperlucent compared pneumothorax can remain localized and loculated
to the opposite side. The most common radi- from pleural adhesions or noncompliant lung
ographic manifestation of subpulmonic pneumo- parenchyma that cannot collapse enough for air to
thoraces is hyperlucency of the basilar lung or of the open the pleural space adequately for radiologic
upper quadrant of the abdomen [66]. Other signs detection [63].
include the following: a deep costophrenic sulcus The classic radiographic description of tension
outlined by a lucency that extends deep into the pneumothorax includes near total lung collapse
costophrenic sulcus known as the deep sulcus sign, with pleural air surrounding its edges, contralateral
a sharp diaphragmatic outline despite lower lung shift of the heart and mediastinum, and inversion
parenchymal disease, visualization of both anterior of the hemidiaphragm. This triad seldom occurs in
and posterior diaphragmatic sulci secondary to ARDS patients with clinically evident tension pneu-
depression of the anterior aspect of the hemidi- mothoraces. In tension pneumothorax, the degree
aphragm that gives rise to the double diaphragm of collapse in the ipsilateral lung depends on its
sign, and visualization of the inferior vena cava or stiffness and compressibility, and the mediastinal
an unusually distinct cardiac apex [65,66]. shift depends on the ability of the contralateral lung
On a supine radiograph, visualization of an api- to decrease in volume. If the contralateral lung is
colateral pneumothorax requires larger collections severely diseased and allows little mediastinal shift,
of pleural air, and frequently is noted by the cardiac contour change alone will result. If the
appearance of pleural air in the anteromedial or lungs are sufficiently stiff or the tension is suffi-
subpulmonic location [52]. In ARDS patients with ciently great, contour change or depression of the
parenchymal and pleural disease, an apicolateral diaphragm will result. There is often little volume
pneumothorax may be an isolated loculated collec- loss of the ipsilateral lung [49].
tion that does not result in the classic collapse of Loculated pneumothoraces may occur in the
the lung (Fig 2). Pleural lines may be obscured by presence of functioning ipsilateral chest tubes and
adjacent parenchymal disease. Pleural adhesions cause clinical tension pneumothorax that may lead
and differences in compliance in ARDS lungs may to hemodynamic instability and death. These pneu-

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Pneumothorax in ARDS


Fig 3. Pneumomediastinum in a patient with severe acute

respiratory distress syndrome. (A) Chest X-ray demon-
strates large lucencies accentuating the cardiomediastinal
silhouette (arrowheads). The superior arrows point later-
ally to surgical chest tubes in the pleural space. (B)
Supine computed tomography (CT) scan denotes the
pneumomediastinum collections bilaterally (arrowheads).
Note the severe parenchymal lung abnormalities. (C)
Chest X-ray demonstrates the bilateral CT-guided radio-
logic catheters (arrowheads) that have relieved the pneu-
momediastinum. There is a 10-Fr catheter on the left and
an 18-Fr catheter on the right.

mothoraces present with subtle shift of the medi- chest tube malpositioning into the interlobar fissure
astinum or flattening of the cardiac contour, along or the posterior hemithorax visualized on chest
with subtle flattening of the hemidiaphragm on radiograph as horizontal chest tube placement. A
radiographs [49]. Mediastinal shift may be limited to horizontally positioned chest tube on chest radi-
anterior structures, such as the anterior junction ograph has a high positive predictive value (86%)
line, or posterior ones, such as the azygoe- for pneumothorax recurrence in ARDS patients.
sophageal recess, whereas the remainder of the Computed tomography (CT) scans can reveal
mediastinum remains unchanged [52]. Perhaps the pneumothoraces not readily apparent on plain
most specific sign of tension pneumothorax is the chest films. Tagliabue et al [63] reported a series of
flattening of the heart border and other vascular 74 ARDS patients who underwent CT scans. Of
structures, including the superior and inferior vena these scans, 66% yielded information that was not
cava [49,52]. available on chest radiographs. These scans detect-
Heffner et al [69] found that 16 of 47 pneumo- ed ineffective positioning of thoracostomy tubes
thoraces (34%) in ventilated patients recurred that were attempting to drain loculated pneumo-
despite ipsilateral chest tubes. Recurrent pneu- thoraces in 13 of 20 patients. Although one study
mothoraces occurred more commonly in patients has reported no adverse effects from transportation
with ARDS (14 of 21 pneumothoraces) than in of ARDS or ICU patients to the CT scanner [63], there
patients without ARDS (2 of 26 pneumothoraces). is still a significant risk of moving a hemodynami-
Pneumothorax recurrence appears to be related to cally compromised patient or a patient with poor

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oxygenation distant to immediate ICU care [53]. readily available large-bore angiocatheter is prefer-
However, the potential diagnostic yield may war- entially inserted in the second intercostal space at
rant this risk. Studies to correlate risk, treatment the midclavicular line. A rush of pleural air under
effects, and impact on outcomes are necessary to pressure confirms the diagnosis and location. After
address the issue of routine or frequent CT scans decompression, the catheter is left in until a tube
for ICU patients. The reality of portable CT scan- thoracostomy has been placed [70].
ners now offers a new option for these patients.

Tube Thoracostomy
The traditional treatment for pneumothorax in
Pneumothorax and some cases of pneumoperi- mechanically ventilated patients has been tube tho-
cardium are life threatening and require prompt racostomy [70]. Chest tubes range in size from 6 to
treatment [61]. All other forms of extra-alveolar air, 40 Fr. Smaller chest tubes (6 to 24 Fr) are often
such as intraparenchymal air cysts (parenchymal used in the pediatric population, although they are
cysts, bullae, pneumatoceles, or subpleural cysts), also used for simple pneumothoraces in adults.
pulmonary interstitial emphysema, subcutaneous Larger chest tubes are used for fluid drainage, as in
emphysema, and pneumomediastinum, rarely direct- patients with pleural effusions or empyemas. The
ly cause hemodynamic compromise. However, largest tubes (36 to 40 Fr) typically are used for
these conditions are indicators of overdistension hemothoraces or empyemas. The most common
and possible impending pneumothorax [51], as insertion site is the sixth intercostal space at the
extra-alveolar air in the pulmonary parenchyma anterior axillary line, which avoids the pectoralis
[27] or mediastinum [3] may track along the fascial major and latissimus dorsi muscles, as well as the
planes into the pleural space and lead to a hemo- breast tissue. In these locations, the tubes may be
dynamically significant pneumothorax [51]. easy to insert, as there is a relatively small amount
Virtually all authors agree that mechanically ven- of subcutaneous fat. However, nonstandard place-
tilated patients with a pneumothorax require tube ment locations may be required if the lung is exten-
thoracostomy placement, because of the high risk sively adhered to the pleura. Blind surgical chest
of tension pneumothorax [70]. In critically ill tube thoracostomy may traverse normal lung and
patients with minimal pulmonary reserve, even a cause further injury or may miss the loculated
small pneumothorax can have adverse cardiopul- pneumothorax [64]. Furthermore, these patients are
monary effects [71]. Positive pressure ventilation poor candidates for video-assisted thoracostomy
can exacerbate air leaks and prevent pleural heal- for thoracostomy tube placement, since the need
ing, potentially causing a rapid increase in the size for single-lung ventilation and general anesthesia
and severity of existing pneumothoraces. Some makes operative intervention more risky [72].
have suggested prophylactic chest tube placement For the procedure, a sterile field is prepared and
in mechanically ventilated patients for pneumome- local anesthesia is injected. A 2-cm incision is made
diastinum or subpleural air cysts in anticipation of over the sixth rib. Using a hemostat, blunt dissec-
possible pneumothorax development [13]. Many tion directly over the rib to the pleura is performed
patients with nonpleural extra-alveolar air do not and the parietal pleura is punctured by 1 cm only,
develop pneumothoraces [3], so most authors pre- with extreme care taken not to puncture the lung.
fer careful monitoring and preparation for emer- A finger is inserted and swept in a gentle circular
gent decompression [51]. Furthermore, pneumo- motion along the inside of the chest wall to check
thorax may occur or worsen despite the presence for adherent lung or entry into the parenchyma. The
of an ipsilateral chest tube [49]. chest tube is inserted and guided anteriorly and
apically, although posterior placement can be used
to drain associated pleural effusion. Because ARDS
Emergent Needle Decompression patients often have pleural loculations, care must
be taken to avoid further lung damage. The chest
Tension pneumothorax is a medical emergency. If tube is sutured in place and anchored by tape, then
the diagnosis is made on a clinical basis, treatment connected to a 3-chambered drainage device [70].
is initiated without delaying for radiographic Alternate placement techniques have been used.
confirmation. Any tension pneumothorax should Bedside chest tube placement with a trocar has
have immediate large-bore needle decompression. been performed in the past, but there is a signifi-
Although any hollow-bore device may be used, a cant risk of damage to the lungs, bronchi, or great

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Pneumothorax in ARDS

vessels, and the technique is now regarded as dan- lung disease [64]. In 2 recent studies of image-
gerous. Placement of small-bore percutaneous guided catheter drainage of loculated pneumo-
catheters using the trocar or the Seldinger tech- thoraces in ventilated patients, the mean duration of
nique is becoming more popular for simple pneu- drainage was 11 and 12 days [64,68]significantly
mothoraces [73,74]. Because ARDS patients often longer than the 1 to 3 days usually required when
have effusions and loculations, blind placement of image-guided catheters are used to treat pneumo-
thoracostomy tubes or percutaneous catheters in thoraces occurring in patients who are not on
this patient population is more difficult. mechanical ventilation [70].
Typically, the chest tube is left to suction (−10 to The choice of image guidance is mainly deter-
−20 cm H2O) until the air leak resolves. The chest mined by the location of the loculated pneumoth-
tube is then placed to water seal for a brief period orax. Although easily accessible pneumothoraces
(6 to 24 hours), and a repeat chest radiograph is may be drained under fluoroscopy, most abnor-
obtained. If the lung remains fully expanded, the mally positioned air collections require CT guid-
chest tube is removed. A postremoval chest radi- ance [64,74,82]. For nonloculated pneumothoraces,
ograph is obtained, again to assess lung expansion the anterior approach through the second inter-
[75]. Recent clinical data in postoperative pul- costal space at the midclavicular line is used. The
monary resection patients suggest that the negative lateral approach through the third through eighth
intrathoracic pressure caused by continuous suc- intercostal space in the midaxillary line for women
tion, often set at −20 cm H2O, can promote, rather may be used to avoid traversing breast tissue [83].
than stop, air leak. Lower suction (eg, −10 cm H2O) The anterior approach theoretically allows for eas-
and early water seal placement may shorten air ier positioning of the catheter tip in the lung apex,
leak time [76,77]. where nonloculated pneumothoraces collect when
the patient is upright. However, in patients with
ARDS and adhesions leading to loculated pneu-
Image-Guided Chest Catheters mothoraces, flexibility in determining the insertion
site of these catheters is essential. If CT guidance is
Recently, the concept of an image-guided small used, the entry site is localized using a grid system.
catheter has evolved from its first description in The patient may need to be scanned in an oblique,
1970 to become an effective therapeutic option for decubitus, or even prone position to access the
both iatrogenic and spontaneous pneumothoraces optimal entry site [79].
[64]. These catheters are small bore, usually ranging The catheter can be placed under CT guidance
from 7 to 10 Fr, with multiple sideholes [78], and are using the standard tandem trocar technique [83].
placed percutaneously by the trocar or the Seldinger After sterile preparation of the selected entry site,
technique. It is possible to place larger catheters, from local anesthesia is achieved over the superior mar-
20 to 30 Fr, or to upsize smaller catheters under gin of the rib. A localizing needle is inserted into
image-guidance to treat pneumothoraces, although the pneumothorax, and its position is confirmed by
this is usually unnecessary [79]. Until recently, the aspiration of air and repeat CT scanning. For
majority of reports on pneumothorax drainage with catheters larger than 12 Fr, a tract through the sub-
these catheters have been for treating pneumo- cutaneous tissues should be made with serial dila-
thoraces complicating transthoracic needle biopsies tors or a hemostat to facilitate catheter passage over
and other percutaneous transthoracic procedures in the superior aspect of the rib. The catheter mount-
patients who were not on mechanical ventilation. ed on the trocar is advanced toward the pleural
Nonetheless, empyemas and hemothorax have space, parallel to the localizing needle. Once
been treated by image-guided catheters, sometimes intrapleural position is confirmed by aspiration of
aided by catalytic agents [68,80-82]. air or repeated imaging, the catheter is deployed
Loculated pneumothoraces often are located in and positioned [84]. After insertion, management of
areas difficult to access by the traditional tube tho- the image-guided catheter is similar to that of the
racostomy [64]. In such cases, recent studies have surgical chest tube. If the catheter kinks or mal-
shown that image-guided catheters are effective in functions, it can be manipulated under fluoroscopy
draining these loculated pneumothoraces and obvi- with guidewires, or the catheter can be replaced by
ating the need for surgical chest tubes or operative the exchange technique [83].
interventions (Fig 1) [53,68,83]. Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum (Fig 3),
In general, drainage of loculated pneumothoraces intraparenchyml cystic collections, or a combina-
in ventilated patients with underlying lung disease tion may be treated by percutaneous radiologic
requires longer duration than in patients without maneuvers. These procedures can be lifesaving.

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 18(1); 2003 17

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Operative Intervention Conclusion

Surgical treatment of pneumothoraces in ARDS Prompt recognition and treatment of pneumo-
patients is performed less often than in general tho- thorax in patients with ARDS is necessary to mini-
racic surgery patients [72]. Although primary spon- mize morbidity and mortality. Pneumothorax
taneous pneumothorax usually resolves in 2 to 4 detection requires a thorough familiarity with the
days of drainage, pneumothoraces in patients with clinical signs and radiologic findings that can be
underlying lung disease often last substantially subtle or unusual. Patients on positive-pressure
longer [85,86]. Because chest tube drainage time ventilation with pneumothoraces require rapid
can be extended for pneumothoraces in ARDS drainage, as there is a high risk of progression to
patients and the underlying lung disease may be tension. Traditional treatment has been with tube
self-limited, adequate time for resolution must be thoracostomy. Recent data suggest that there may
allowed [70]. Although data are limited, reports be a role for smaller, image-guided catheters for
examining the percutaneous drainage of pneu- draining loculated pneumothoraces located in sites
mothoraces in patients on positive-pressure venti- difficult to access with traditional chest tube place-
lation and with ARDS [64,68] demonstrate a mean ment. Although there may be a prevailing notion
of 11 to 14 days of drainage time. In addition, these that these critically ill patients are poor operative
patients are often critically ill and unsuitable for candidates, surgical thoracotomy should be consid-
surgery [72]. ered when appropriate indications arise.
Air leak etiology has some influence on the
need for operative intervention. Although an alve-
olar air leak may be allowed to seal on its own [87], Acknowledgment
a high-output air leak from a bronchopleural fistu-
la is likely to require operative intervention, The authors thank Alexandra Friedman for assis-
through either traditional thoracotomy or a video- tance with the manuscript.
assisted thoracoscopic approach. Although there
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