MECH 123 - Mechanics of Deformable Bodies: Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D. Professor

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MECH 123 – Mechanics of

Deformable Bodies



Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

Simple Stress

 Three fundamental areas of engineering mechanics:

 - statics
 - dynamics
 - strength of materials

 Statics and dynamics are devoted primarily to the study

of the external effects of forces on rigid bodies
 - the change in shape or deformation can be neglected

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Strength of materials deals with the relations between
externally applied loads and their internal effects on
 - bodies are no longer assumed to be rigid
 - the deformations, although small are of major interest

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

Differences between rigid-body mechanics
and strength of materials (deformable bodies)

P  For the bar in the figure, it is a

simple problem in statics to
determine the force required to
W support W.
 We take summation of moment
about the pin to solve for P
 The assumption here is that the
bar is both rigid and strong
enough to support the load

 In strength of materials, the solution extends further. We

investigate the bar itself to be sure that it will neither break nor
be so flexible that it bends without supporting the load
Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.
Analysis of Internal Forces
In statics, we determine the
resultant of the applied
forces to determine
whether the body remains
at rest

In strength of materials,
additional investigation of
the internal distribution of
the forces is made by
passing and exploratory
section a-a
through the body and
exposing the internal forces
acting on the exploratory
section that are necessary
to maintain equilibrium

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

The internal forces reduce to
a force and a couple that
are resolved into
components that are normal
and tangent to the section

The origin of the reference

axes is always taken at the
centroid which is the key
reference point of the

Note: If the x axis is normal to the section, the section is known as

the x surface or x face. The first subscript denotes the face on
which the component acts; the second subscript indicates the
direction of the particular component

Pxy is the force on the x face acting in the y direction

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.
Effect of the applied loads
on the member:

Pxx Axial force. This component

measures the pulling/pushing
action perpendicular to the
A pull represents a tensile force
that tends to elongate the
member, whereas a push is a
compressive force that tends to
shorten it. It is often denoted by P.

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

Effect of the applied loads on
the member:

Pxy Pxz Shear forces. These are

components of the total
resistance to sliding the portion
to one side of the exploratory
section past the other.

The resultant shear force is

usually designated by V, and its
components by Vy and Vz to
identify their directions

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

Effect of the applied loads on
the member:

Mxx Torque. This component

measures the resistance to
twisting the member and is
commonly given the symbol T

Mxy, Mxz Bending Moments.

These components measure the
resistance to bending the
member about the y or z axes
and are often denoted merely by
My or Mz
Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.
Simple Stress

 Stress – unit strength of a material.

 S = P/A

 Where:
 S is the stress or force per unit area; N/m2
 stress is sometimes denoted by the Greek lowercase letter
 P is the force or applied load; N
 A is the cross-sectional area; m2

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Note:
 1 Pa = N/m2
 1 MPa = MN/m2
 1 MPa = N/mm2

 Simple Stress – the stress is constant or uniform

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Example: which of the two
bars is stronger, the area of
bar 1 is 10 mm2 and the area
of bar 2 is 1000 mm2 bar
 We need to determine the
strength per unit area of each

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 S1 = 500N/ 10 mm2
 = 50 N/ mm2

 S2 = 5000N/1000 mm2
 = = 5 N/ mm2
 Thus bar 1 is 10 times stronger
that bar 2

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Examples:

 A composite bar consists of an aluminum section rigidly

fastened between a bronze section and a steel section as
shown in the figure. Axial loads are applied at the
positions indicated. Determine the stress in each section.

Aluminum Steel
Bronze A = 1.8 in2
A = 1.2 in2 A = 1.6 in2
9000 lb 2000 lb
4000 lb 7000 lb

1.3 ft 1.7 ft
1.6 ft

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

Solve for the values of P
∑Fx = 0
4000 lb Pbr
Pbr- 4000 = 0
Pbr= 4000 lbs tension
9000 lb
4000 lb Pal ∑Fx = 0
-Pal- 4000 + 9000 = 0
Pal= 5000 lbs compression

9000 lb 2000 lb
4000 lb

∑Fx = 0
-Pst- 4000 + 9000 + 2000= 0
Pst= 7000 lbs compression

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Solve for the stresses

 Sbr= 4000 lb/1.2 in2

 Sbr= 3330 psi
 Sal= 5000 lb/1.8 in2
 Sal= 2780 psi
 Sst= 7000 lb/1.6 in2
 Sst= 4380 psi

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Determine the largest weight W that can be supported
by the two wires shown in the figure. The stress in either
wire is not to exceed 30 ksi. The cross-sectional areas of
wires AB and AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5 in2 respectively.


30 A 50

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 Solve for the values of PAB and PAC
 Using S= P/A; P = SA
 PAB = 30 ksi (.4 in2)
 PAB = 12 kips
 PAC = 30ksi (.5 in2)
Analyze the concurrent
 PAC = 15 kips
force system:
∑Fy = 0
PAB PAC PABsin 30 + PAcsin 50 – W = 0
12sin 30 + 15sin 50 – W = 0

W=17.49 kips

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

 A homogenous 800 kg bar AB is supported at either end
by a cable as shown in the figure. Calculate the smallest
area of each cable if the stress is not to exceed 90 MPa
in bronze and 120 MPa in steel.

Bronze Steel
L = 4m L = 3m

L = 10m B

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

Analyze by taking moment
 Solution: at A or B to solve for the
 Solve for Pbr and Pst force:
∑MA = 0 +
-Pst(10)+ 800 (5)= 0
Pst = 400 kg

Pbr Pst
L = 10m B

800 kg
Analyze by taking moment at
A or B to solve for the force:
∑MB = 0 +
Pbr(10)- 800 (5)= 0
Pbr = 400 kg
Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.
 Solve for the areas using
 S = P/A ; A = P/S
 Abr= 400kg (9.81N/1kg)/90 N/ mm2
 Abr= 43.6 mm2
 Ast= 400kg (9.81N/1kg)/120 N/ mm2
 Ast= 32.7 mm2

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.


 Find the force acting in all members of the truss shown in the figure.

 If the stress in tension is 90 MPa and the stress in compression is 120 MPa. Solve for the cross
sectional area of each member.

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

Solve for the reactions at A and D
-Av (3) - 50 (1) + 80 (.75) = 0
-Av (3)= -80(0.75) + 50 (1)
Av =3.33 kN

-AH + 80 = 0
AH=80 kN
-RD(3) + 50(2)+80(0.75) = 0
- RD(3) = - 50(2)- 80(0.75)
RD=53.33 kN

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

Choose Joint A

At joint A

FAB(3/5) – 3.33 = 0
FAB(3/5) =3.33
FAB=5.55 kN tension

FAE+FAB(4/5)-80 = 0
FAE+ (5.55) (4/5)-80 = 0
FAE=75.56 kN tension

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

After determining the forces at a joint, mark the original truss diagram
with appropriate arrows at each end of the members.

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

At joint B
FBC – FAB (4/5) = 0
FBC= FAB (4/5)
FBC= (5.56)(4/5)
FBC=4.45 kN tension

FBE-3/5FAB = 0
FBE=3.34 kN compression

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

At joint E
3/5FCE- FAE = 0
FCE=5.57 kN Tension

FFE+4/5FCE-FAE = 0
FFE+4/5(5.57)- 75.56 = 0
FFE=71.11 kN tension

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

At joint F
FCF=50 kN tension

FDF=71.11 kN tension

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

At joint C
-4/5FCD-4/5FCE-FBC+80 = 0
FCD=88.87 kN compression

3/5FCD-3/5FCE-FCF = 0
3/5(88.87)-3/5(5.57)-50 = 0

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

At joint D
∑FH = 0
4/5FCD-FDF = 0
45(88.87)-71.11 = 0

RD-3/5FCD = 0

Engr. Nelia V. Aman, Ed.D.

 After solving for the values of the forces solve for the
area of each member using the formula:
 A = P/S

Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.



Engr. Nelia Verzosa - Aman, Ed.D.

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