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What are the three types of tremors?

Describing Tremors
Resting tremor: A tremor which is present at rest.
Action tremor: A tremor which appears when a body part is being moved.
Intention tremor: An intention tremor also occurs with movement but worsens when
you get close to a target.
Kinetic tremor: A tremor which occurs during voluntary movement.
Item lainnya...•18 Jan 2020

Overview of the Types of Tremors - Verywell Health ›

Telusuri: What are the three types of tremors?
Are tremors normal?
Sometimes, tremors are considered normal. When you're under a lot of stress or
experiencing anxiety or fear, tremors may occur. Once the feeling subsides, the
tremor usually stops. Tremors are also often part of medical disorders that affect
the brain, nervous system, or muscles.

Tremor: Types, Causes, and Diagnosis - Healthline ›

health › tremor
Telusuri: Are tremors normal?
How long do tremors last?
Tremors may begin 5-10 hours after the last drink. That's why some who regularly
drink large amounts of alcohol wake up with the shakes and need a drink to “feel
steady.” Tremors typically peak 24 to 78 hours after the last drink, but may last
for several weeks or longer.

Understanding Alcohol Withdrawal Shakes & How to Stop Them

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