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So frankly saying that I have taken several interviews for part-time jobs
but the one that got me remember the most was my first interview which I
had for a scholarship at Hoa Sen University.
I arrived at Hoa Sen fifteen minutes early before the interview. When I
first walked into the interviewing room, I got chilled because it was raining
that morning and the air-condition was like 20 oC. Well, I was sort of
confident and had a great start but it was not until I the three interviewers
start asking lots of tricky question which I didn’t expect. I freak out, I got
tongue-tied, I all lost my concentration, I could feel my hand freezing (I
didn’t really know for sure if it was because of the air-con or because of the
tension in my head). I sat in silence for 3-5 minutes and all three of them
were still looking at me, waiting for my answers – I felt like it was a really
awkward moment. So finally, I gave them some superficial answers in
order to end the interview as soon as possible and I spent days regretting
Anyway, I have learned a lot from that very first interview and I will do
anything I can preparing for an interview just so that I will not fall into that
awkward situation again.
When I was a young boy, I got into some kind of troubles on many
occasions, and today, I would like to talk about one of them.
It happened about 15 years ago when I had just finished my elementary
school. As a curious boy who is not to stick to the guidelines when it had
come to messing with my fathers’ motorbike as, one day, in the absence of
my father, I took the motorbike key and started its engine while it stood on
its stands. Everything was fine this far until I started to jump up and down
on the motorbike seat to mimic the real biker, I lost my control and fell down
on the ground with the motorbike also falling on top of me. I started to panic
because I didn’t want anybody to see me in that state. I also felt hurt on my
body, but that was the least bit of my worry because I was more concerned
at that time about how to offer a “credible” explanation to my parents about
the bruises which I received on my body. And thats all my unlucky moment.
Thanks for listening
It’s always been an unpleasant experience when getting sick, at least for
me personally. Then it'd be even more unpleasant if you got sick right
before an important exam, and it happened to me once.

It happened last year when I was about to take a final exam that I caught
severe flu. It was so serious that I had to cancel and reschedule the test.

I got some symptoms about two days before the exam, but they were so
mild and unnoticeable that I didn't pay much attention and bother to
take any medicine. On the first day, I just felt my throat a bit sore, like
something was blocking it. There was nothing more serious than that for
the next day. Then the night before the exam, I felt fatigued, and around
midnight, I got a fever. I took an aspirin to reduce the fever and tried to get
back to sleep in the hope that everything would be alright in the morning.
But it was not.

When I woke up in the morning, my head was pounding. What was

worse was that my throat was so painful that I couldn't say a word. That
was when I realised I couldn't make it to the exam and had no choice but
to stay home.

After that incident, I became more attentive to health problems and would
take immediate action when I sense anything wrong happens, minor or
Today I’d like to tell you about my grandmother who is a wise person, in my
opinion. My grandmother is in mid-60s. She’s pretty beautiful with a round
face and rosy cheeks. She is pretty young for her age as she has
a balanced diet as well as a regular sleep schedule.

She has a good sense of humor. Whenever I drop by, she usually tells me
some hilarious stories that made me laugh so hard. I enjoy spending time
with her as I feel so relaxed.

There are two main reasons why I think my grandmother is a person of


Her calmness really astonishes me. She remains calm under any

circumstances. There was one time when there was a misunderstanding
between her and her friend, that woman kept cursing my grandmother and
finally crossed the line by slapping my grandmother, but she didn’t get
back. She just tried to calm her friend down, and make peace.

She rarely makes any judgements on others’ thoughts or decisions. If

anyone blabbers about a secret or just talk behind someone else’s
back, she just listens and never make any comments. Those gossips are
totally none of her business; she just minds her own things

That’s all I want to say


I love going places, I have visited lots of destinations in Viet Nam and
around the world but the trip that got me remember the most is when me
and my friends went for a mountain climbing at Ba Den Mountain which is
located at Da Nang.
We started our journey very early to avoid the heat of the sun. We arrived
at the mountain foot at about 6 a.m. and started climbing, it took us more
than 3 hour to get to the top. We stopped here and there along the way up
to take a breath and dehydrate. While climbing to the middle of the
mountain, I felt dizzy and had a head ache then I lost my balance so I
missed a step. I fell off and my knee was scratch, my group didn’t bring any
first aid kit at all. Fortunately, there was a crew passing by, they gave me a
bandage to wrap my wound. If they weren’t there, I might got in some
serious infection and would be at risk. I try my best to climb up the
mountain afterwards.
Although it was a painful trip but the scenary at the top of the mountain was
worth it. And it was quite an exotic experience I’ve ever had.
Speaking of environmental issues in my city, I should own up to the fact that air
pollution is the most lethal one. Air pollution is caused from the emissions from
vehicle, industries, and so on. This air you are breathing may be harm to your
health and those who are most vulnerable to problems of air pollution are the
elderly and children. Pollution has affected pulmonary problems, and dealt
damage to the human’s immune system. That’s why I believe it is highly
imperative for governments to take steps reducing this problem.

To restrict air pollution, the government must make many strict laws. We have
to relies that air pollution must be prevented for our own benefits and for a
healthy life. More specific, we need to plant more trees and make the
environment greener to prevent problems related to the air. That's all the things
about air pollution in my city!

Getting fit and trim is everyone’s concern and I am no exception. I do a

variety of activities to stay healthy like football, jogging, gym, . . . but
recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I only be able to do some
exercises at home such as skipping, push up, pull up bar and lifting

Exercising is a simple and sporty choice because anyone at any age can
do it. It is more demanding than it appears as it involves all parts of my
body, exercising has not only increased my strength, my endurance but
also improved my mental health and my personality as well.

With only two months of exercising, I can tell that my body is energized
after every morning exercises and therefore I feel motivated, joyful and
less depressed in a hole day. This also leads to increase in
confidence, I am now proud of my body and my way of living. One last
thing, I think that exercising on a daily basis really develop my self-
discipline which is one the keystone habits in order to be successful.

I know that exercising will keep me stay away from all the medicine bills
and live a better life in the future. So of course, I don’t see myself
stopping this activity any time soon.
I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to have been taught and
guided by some excellent teachers throughout my academic life. Among
them, I'd like to talk about Mr. Trung, who has been an extraordinary
teacher, a really good mentor and who has a great influence on my studies.

I met Mr. Trung for the first time when I was in eighth grade. He was
our math teacher. Initially, we thought that he would be a tough teacher and
we would have to be very polite in front of him. We got this impression
mostly because of his serious face and tidy dress-up. But soon we found
that he was a very friendly person and we did not have to be "very polite"
with him. He never made things complicated and tried over and over again
to explain something to us. He had a unique way of teaching and could
explain complex topics very easily. Thus everything we learned from him
was interesting and that's why we remember most of the theories and
techniques of math he taught us.

I'd say he has a great influence on my education because he helped

me build a strong foundation in mathematics. Before I learned math from
Mr Trung, my impression on math was not good and I considered
mathematics to be a complex and uninteresting subject. But his teaching
and influences changed my way of thinking about math and later on, math
became my one the most favorite subjects for which I admire him greatly. 

I have been to japan once and since I watched anime, I notice that the
Japanese have a very unique way of greeting or I should say bowing. This
particular way of bowing is called “OJIGI”
There are three primary types of bowing: informal, formal and very formal.
Informal bows are usually made to a 15 degree angle: perhaps just tilting
the head forward, which is used to greetings friends and show intimacy .
More formal bows describe a 30 degree angle and are deeper, they would
do this kind of bow with an elder, a superior or a clients, . . . The most
formal bows or apologetic bows tend to be deeper and longer than all the
other kinds of bow. The back is bent for about 45 degrees, the bow lasts for
more than three seconds, and the head is lowered.
Shaking hands is not popular among the Japanese, but exceptions can be
made for foreigners. Bows can also be combined with handshakes or done
before or after handshakes.
SET 10
I’d like to talk about a team project that I took part in when l was in grade
12. There were five of us on the team, and our challenge was to invent a
model of a machine which can protect the environment and we decide to
create a machine that could collect rubbish in the ocean. The first thing, we
started is to have a work assignment. We divided group to two teams one
collect information and prepare for presentation and one for making our
eco machine. In the process, although we have lots of arguments but after
all we were pleased with ourselves and complete the task. In the day of the
presentation, our group went really well and have a smooth coordination,
we also received lots of flowery compliments. I felt a real sense of
accomplishment when we delivered our presentation and show our eco
machine, and I think all of us were proud of what we had done. That’s all
about my team project in grade 12. Thank you for listening.

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