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Unit 1 : Happiness

Word Definition
1. socialize when you socialize, you spend time with other people for fun
2. poverty a country with a lot of poverty has a lot of people who don’t have money
3. access if you have access to something, you can use it
4. freedom if you have complete freedom, you can do anything you want to do
5. provides if a government provides jobs to people, it gives jobs to people
6. standard of living if you have a high standard of living, you have very comfortable and wealthy
7. financial if you discuss your financial situation, you are talking about money
8. secure if you are secure, you feel safe and not worried about anything
9. basic necessities if you have the basic necessities, you have a home and enough food to eat
confident if you are confident about something, you are sure about it
square mile a square mile = 2.59 square kilometers
littering is leaving garbage or trash lying around outside
graffiti is words or pictures that are written or drawn on walls or other public places
14 if you top something up, you add to it to make it full
top up
15 if the government gives someone a tax break, it lowers the amount of tax they
tax break
. have to pay
strict if you are strict, you don’t allow people to behave badly
17 if you are flushing something, you are cleaning or emptying it with a fast flow
. of water
unemployed if you are unemployed, you do not have a job
look after if you look after people, you take care of them and make sure they are well
public if you make something public, you provide it to everyone
researcher someone who studies something and tries to discover facts about it
long-term happening over a long time
community the place where you live
hobby an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time
volunteer do something without being paid
26 grateful thankful
mood the way you feel at a particular time
well-being health and happiness
support help
factor one of the things that causes a situation
self-esteem your self-esteem is how you feel about yourself
32 a salary is the money that someone receives each month or year from their
. employer

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