Grammar and Vocabulary Workshop

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18/1/22 22:04 Grammar and vocabulary workshop: Revisión del intento

Área personal Mis cursos 7mo D Grammar and vocabulary workshop

Comenzado el martes, 18 de enero de 2022, 21:52
 Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 18 de enero de 2022, 21:58
 Tiempo 6 minutos 32 segundos

Pregunta 1 You must                  your Operative System if you want to have
 Finalizado better features on your PC.
Puntúa como

 0,50 Seleccione una:

a. data
 b. switch

c. collect

d. backup

Pregunta 2 Mary is so           , she passed the exam without studying.


Puntúa como Seleccione una:

a. clever

b. open-minded

c. self-confident

d. shy

Pregunta 3 Carlos                       reading Science Fiction to documentaries

Finalizado since he                   foster his imagination                    know about
Puntúa como worldwide real facts.

Seleccione una:
a. prefer / would prefer / than

b. prefer / would rather / than

c. would rather / prefer / to

d. would prefer / prefer / to

Pregunta 4 Lisa               study online              study face to face since her

Finalizado work schedule is difficult.
Puntúa como
0,50 Seleccione una:
a. would rather to / than

b. would prefer / rather than

c. would prefer to / rather than

d. prefer to / than 1/3
18/1/22 22:04 Grammar and vocabulary workshop: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5 I´d rather                in December             in April since I have too

Finalizado much work in that month.
Puntúa como
0,50 Seleccione una:

a. go / than

 b. going / to

c. to go / rather than

d. go / rather

 Pregunta 6 I´d prefer              a coffee              chocolate, I feel sleepy I need

Finalizado to wake up.
Puntúa como

0,50 Seleccione una:
a. drinking / to

b. to drink / than
 c. to drink / rather than

d. drink / rather than

Pregunta 7 My teacher doesn´t recommend                 everything to the last
Finalizado minute.
Puntúa como
0,50 Seleccione una:
a. to leaving

b. to leave

c. leaving

d. leave

Pregunta 8 My father                                me a car when I turn 18 years old.


Puntúa como Seleccione una:

a. promise to buy

b. promises buying

c. promises to buy

d. promise buying

Pregunta 9 My husband and I don´t fancy                  at the weekend, we

Finalizado have had very tiring work on the weekdays.
Puntúa como
0,50 Seleccione una:
a. to travel

b. travel

c. traveling

d. to traveling 2/3
18/1/22 22:04 Grammar and vocabulary workshop: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10 My sister                  her dress for the play.


Puntúa como Seleccione una:

 a. doesn´t mind to lend

b. don´t mind to lend

 c. doesn´t mind lending

d. don´t mind lending

 Mantente en contacto 

Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo Resumen de conservación de datos

telf.: (05) 257-0368

  3/3

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