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 Education

 to sit an exam To take an exam

 to fall behind with their Improve more slowly than

studies their classmate

 To drop out To leave a school before your

course has finished

 Have a good grasp of Understand something

something completely

 Take a year out Take a gap year

 Have a(n) important/ vital/ Be of importance

essential role to play in

 Engage face-to-face with Have a conversation directly


 To broaden your horizon/ To enrich one’s knowledge

experience/ knowledge
 To pursue higher Go to university or college

 Continuous assessment Give students mark through

homework or project, rather
than exam

 To pass the test with Pass the test with excellent

flying colors results

 To be admitted to top-tier To be allowed to go to high-

schools ranking schools

 Vocational courses Classes that teach skills

necessary for a job

 Take advantage of Make use of/ benefit from

 Distance learning An education system which

educational program allows learners to study from

 Employment

 To acquire/ obtain to gain experience/ knowledge/

(experience/ knowledge/ skills

 to master a skill to learn to acquire a skill

 to build/ cement a strong to form a good relationship with
relationship with somebody somebody
 to enhance their resume to make their CVs different and
stand out

 to put knowledge gained to use the knowledge learned in

into practice real situation

 to meet basic human needs to pay for necessary things to


 to move up/ climb career to grow in their career

 to progress rapidly in their

 to earn/ make a living to make money to support
yourself or family

 improve job performance/ to boost your job productivity

job efficiency

 career ambitions Desires to be successful

 to achieve work-life To separate your work and your

balance personal time

 Technology

 Technological Discovery in technology

breakthrough/ advances in
 Cutting-edge/ leading-edge/ Modern
 Labor-saving devices/ Machines that reduce the amount
appliances of work

 Become obsolete/ outdated No longer used

 Video conferencing See people in different locations

using the internet

 Computer-literate Able to use computer well

 to see remarkable/ dramatic experience movement to an

progress in something improved state

 to have/gain a(n) (instant) have opportunity to use the

access to the Internet Internet

 keep their eyes glued to look at screens for a very long

screens time

 discourage real interaction less face-to-face communication

with other people

 apply sth to sth to use sth or make sth work in a

particular situation

 become over-reliant depend too much on sth

 revolutionize working life/ completely change the way

communication people work/ communicate

 social networks/ social apps and websites that allows

networking sites users to share content
 e-commerce buy or sell products using the

 to go viral to become very popular on the

 driverless vehicles/ cars without human's control
autonomous cars

 artificial man-made

 Environment

 to be on the brink of animals or plants that have

extinction almost disappeared
to be on the edge of
 to discharge toxic to dispose of poisonous
chemical waste waste
 to deplete natural to reduce the amount of
resources natural resources

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