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Class: X Scient 3


Pay attention to the announcement enclosed, then complete the draft based on it. For each
point of draft please write not more then 3 words for having the point of view.

1. Genre of text : (Chosen: Descriptive/ Narrative/ Announcement/ Recount)

2. Opening : - greeting

- Adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic situation

-Global inc's decision on changes to the annual shareholders' meeting

which will be fully online

3. Content/Body
a. Time : July 27th, 2020
b. Place: Zoom platforms
c. Written From (who) : John Smith, CEO

Bahasa Inggris Wajib X Semester Genap, By HN SMAN 24 Bandung.

d. Written For (who) : Mr Johnson
e. Topic : The 23rd annual shareholder meeting
f. Purpose/Goal :announce that the 23rd annual shareholder meeting will be held
g. Messages : i look forward to welcoming you to the meeting on Monday July 27th
h. Conclusion : change of meeting schedule to fully online
i. Table of Announcement:

Elements of Announcement Details

Paragraph 1 (Main Idea): example 1. greeting
Opening 2. Adaptation to the COVID-19
pandemic situation

3. Global inc's decision on changes to

the annual shareholders' meeting
which will be fully online
Paragraph 2 (Main Idea): 1. The 23rd annual meeting will be
held online
2. Meeting time will be on Monday 27
July 2020
3. Meeting is held via zoom
4. as an opportunity to express oneself
and play an active role in making big
Paragraph 3 (Main Idea): can find the agenda and the text
of the resolutions to be submitted for
your approval.
Paragraph 4 (Main Idea): 1. greetings
2. Thankyou
3. Name of the writer
4. message or wish

Task 2

1. What is the function of opening in an announcement?

The opening section contains the title and purpose of the announcement or an
outline of the information to be conveyed in the announcement.
2. What elements is in an opening?
greeting,purpose,information outline and title.
3. What is the function of body/content in the announcement?
o give a complete information to the reader or listener
4. What element is in a body/content in it?

Bahasa Inggris Wajib X Semester Genap, By HN SMAN 24 Bandung.

information,place,time,important things
5. What is the function of closing in the announcement?

To close the announcement, which contains information about the contact person or
writer who can be contacted to be shared if the reader needs further information

6. What element is in closing?

greeting,closing,contact person,thank you.

Bahasa Inggris Wajib X Semester Genap, By HN SMAN 24 Bandung.

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